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Created September 8, 2021 10:19
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import math
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import collections
from matplotlib import colors as mcolors
# F: 3x3 fundamental matrix maps points in image I1 to epipolar lines in image I2
# F = (K2^T)^-1 * E * K1^-1
# E = R [t]_x
# R: 3x3 relative rotation matrix between cameras
# t: 3x1 relative translation between cameras
# [t]_x = [0, -t(3), t(2); t(3), 0, -t(1); -t(2), t(1), 0]; cross-product matrix
def plot_epipolar(pixels1, pixels2, P1, P2, K1, K2, I1, I2):
# pixels1: nx2 matrix of pixels in image 1 to plot epipolar lines for
# pixels2: nx2 matrix of corresponding pixels in image 2 (can leave empty)
# P1: 3x4 transformation matrix [R1|t1] of camera 1 (x_world = R1 * x_camera1 + t1)
# P2: 3x4 transformation matrix [R2|t2] of camera 2 (x_world = R2 * x_camera2 + t2)
# K1: 3x3 intrinsic matrix [fx, 0, px; 0, fy, py; 0, 0, 1] of camera 1
# K2: 3x3 intrinsic matrix [fx, 0, px; 0, fy, py; 0, 0, 1] of camera 2
# I1: HxWx3 image captured by camera 1
# I2: HxWx3 image captured by camera 2
num_points = pixels1.shape[0]
F = fundamental_matrix(P1, P2, K1, K2)
pix_h = np.concatenate([pixels1, np.ones((num_points, 1))], 1)
epiLines = pix_h @ F.T
pts = lineToBorderPoints(epiLines, I2.shape)
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2)
fig.suptitle('Epipolar lines')
colors = get_n_colors(num_points)
axs[0].scatter(pixels1[:, 0], pixels1[:, 1], c = colors)
lines = np.stack([pts[:, :2], pts[:, 2:]], axis=1)
collection=collections.LineCollection(lines, colors=colors)
def fundamental_matrix(P1, P2, K1, K2):
R1 = P1[:, 0:3]
R2 = P2[:, 0:3]
t1 = P1[:, 3]
t2 = P2[:, 3]
# Convert to relative rotation and translation:
R = R2.T @ R1
t = R1.T @ (t2 - t1)
# Compute fundamental matrix:
tx = [[0, -t[2], t[1]],
[t[2], 0, -t[0]],
[-t[1], t[0], 0]]
tx = np.array(tx)
Y = np.linalg.solve(K2.T, R) @ tx
F = np.linalg.solve(K1.T, Y.T).T
return F
def lineToBorderPoints(lines, imageSize):
nPts = lines.shape[0]
pts = -np.ones((nPts, 4))
firstRow = 0.5
firstCol = 0.5
# The border of the image is defined as
# row = -0.5
# row = imageSize(1) - 0.5
# col = -0.5
# col = imageSize(2) - 0.5
lastRow = firstRow + imageSize[0]
lastCol = firstCol + imageSize[1]
eps = np.finfo(np.float32).eps
# Loop through all lines and compute the intersection points of the lines
# and the image border.
for iLine in range(nPts):
a = lines[iLine, 1]
b = lines[iLine, 0]
c = lines[iLine, 2]
endPoints = np.zeros((4))
iPoint = 0
# Check for the intersections with the left and right image borders
# unless the line is vertical.
if abs(a) > eps:
# Compute and check the intersection of the line and the left image
# border.
row = - (b * firstCol + c) / a
if row>=firstRow and row<=lastRow:
endPoints[iPoint:iPoint+2] = np.array([row, firstCol])
iPoint = iPoint + 2
# Compute and check the intersection of the line and the right image
# border.
row = - (b * lastCol + c) / a
if row>=firstRow and row<=lastRow:
endPoints[iPoint:iPoint+2] = np.array([row, lastCol])
iPoint = iPoint + 2
# Check for the intersections with the top and bottom image borders
# unless the line is horizontal.
if abs(b) > eps:
# If we have not found two intersection points, compute and check the
# intersection of the line and the top image border.
if iPoint < 3:
col = - (a * firstRow + c) / b
if col>=firstCol and col<=lastCol:
endPoints[iPoint:iPoint+2] = np.array([firstRow, col])
iPoint = iPoint + 2
# If we have not found two intersection points, compute and check the
# intersection of the line and the bottom image border.
if iPoint < 3:
col = - (a * lastRow + c) / b
if col>=firstCol and col<=lastCol:
endPoints[iPoint:iPoint+2] = np.array([lastRow, col])
iPoint = iPoint + 2
# If the line does not intersect with the image border, set the
# intersection to -1;
for i in range(iPoint, 4):
endPoints[i] = -1
pts[iLine, :] = endPoints[[1,0,3,2]]
return pts
def get_n_colors(n):
colors = [mcolors.to_rgba(c)
for c in plt.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'].by_key()['color']]
colors = colors * math.ceil(n / len(colors))
return colors[:n]
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