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Created August 9, 2014 21:55
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Prepare JSON for space calendar
import urllib.request
import re
import json
#The source is HTML 3.2. Every modern parser I tried choked on it. So, we'll use regexes to extract what we want. The
#source HTML appears to be generated by a simple algorithm and has a very regular structure. I am aware of the
#implications of using regexes on HTML, but I think it's safe given the known constraints on our input.
months = {"Jan":0,"Feb":1,"Mar":2,"Apr":3,"May":4,"Jun":5,"Jul":6,"Aug":7,"Sep":8,"Oct":9,"Nov":10,"Dec":11}
ul_regex = r"<h2>\w+ \d{4}<\/h2>\s*<ul>.*?<\/ul>"
items = []
with urllib.request.urlopen("") as f:
lines ="utf-8").replace("\n", "")
for ul in re.findall(ul_regex, lines)[1:]: #the first <ul> is a table of contents, so start from index 1
lis = ul.split("<li> ")
date = lis[0] #"<h2>August 2014</h2> <ul>"
date = re.sub(r"<.*?>", "", date).strip() #strip tags and whitespace
year = date.split(" ")[1] #we only need the year
lis[-1] = lis[-1].replace("</ul>", "") #remove the closing tag from the last one
for li in lis[1:]: #the first <li> has the date and opening tag, so start from index 1
li = re.sub(r"\s\s+", " ", li).strip() #collapse extra whitespace left over from the indentation in the HTML source
(date, text) = li.split(" -", 1); #split the date from the item text
#Some of the items have a little image at the front. Remove it and the following [...] text
if text[0:8] == "<img src":
text = re.sub("<img .*?]", "", text);
#the date could be "mmm dd", "mmm dd-dd", or "mmm dd-mmm dd"
m = re.match("(?:([A-Za-z]{3}) (\d\d)|([A-Za-z]{3}) (\d\d)-(\d\d)|([A-Za-z]{3}) (\d\d)-([A-Za-z]{3}) (\d\d))$", date)
if m == None:
continue; #Some of the items have no date. We'll just leave them out of the result.
#m.span()[1] will always be 6, 9, or 13, corresponding to the three possible date formats
x = m.span()[1]
if x == 6:
date1 = "%s %s %s" % (year, months[],
date2 = None
elif x == 9:
date1 = "%s %s %s" % (year, months[],
date2 = "%s %s %s" % (year, months[],
elif x == 13:
date1 = "%s %s %s" % (year, months[],
date2 = "%s %s %s" % (year, months[],
continue #can't happen, but skip this item
items.append({"date1":date1, "date2":date2, "text":text})
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