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Created July 6, 2009 21:16
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Save elecnix/141683 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Publish PostgreSQL metrics to Ganglia
if [ "$database" == "" ] ; then
echo "Usage: $0 <database>" > /dev/stderr
exit 1
if [ ! -r /home/darwin/check_postgres/ ] ; then
exit 1
function publish() {
echo -n "$action: "
value=`/home/darwin/check_postgres/ --db $database --host localhost --action $action --output simple` || return
echo "$value"
if [ "units" != "" ] ; then
units="--units $units"
# Type is either string|int8|uint8|int16|uint16|int32|uint32|float|double
gmetric --name "postgres_$action" --value $value --type $type $units --dmax=240
#publish autovac_freeze # Checks how close databases are to autovacuum_freeze_max_age.
publish backends float connections # Number of connections, compared to max_connections.
publish bloat float bytes # Check for table and index bloat.
#publish checkpoint # Checks how long since the last checkpoint
#publish custom_query # Run a custom query.
publish database_size float bytes # Report if a database is too big.
#publish dbstats # Returns stats from pg_stat_database: Cacti output only
#publish disk_space # Checks space of local disks Postgres is using.
#publish fsm_pages uint16 pages # Checks percentage of pages used in free space map. (obsolete in 8.4?)
#publish fsm_relations uint16 relations # Checks percentage of relations used in free space map. (obsolete in 8.4?)
publish index_size float bytes # Checks the size of indexes only.
#publish last_analyze # Check the maximum time in seconds since any one table has been analyzed.
#publish last_autoanalyze # Check the maximum time in seconds since any one table has been autoanalyzed.
#publish last_autovacuum # Check the maximum time in seconds since any one table has been autovacuumed.
#publish last_vacuum # Check the maximum time in seconds since any one table has been vacuumed.
#publish listener # Checks for specific listeners.
publish locks float locks # Checks the number of locks.
#publish logfile # Checks that the logfile is being written to correctly.
#publish query_runtime # Check how long a specific query takes to run.
publish query_time float seconds # Checks the maximum running time of current queries.
publish relation_size float bytes # Checks the size of tables and indexes.
#publish replicate_row # Verify a simple update gets replicated to another server.
#publish sequence # Checks remaining calls left in sequences.
#publish settings_checksum # Check that no settings have changed since the last check.
publish table_size float bytes # Checks the size of tables only.
publish timesync float seconds # Compare database time to local system time.
publish txn_idle float transactions # Checks the maximum "idle in transaction" time.
publish txn_time float seconds # Checks the maximum open transaction time.
publish txn_wraparound float txn # See how close databases are getting to transaction ID wraparound.
#publish version # Check for proper Postgres version.
publish wal_files float files # Check the number of WAL files in the pg_xlog directory
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