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Created September 19, 2021 20:17
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  • Save elect86/9826361962a39752a230aa0414c3a786 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save elect86/9826361962a39752a230aa0414c3a786 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
/usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64/bin/java -javaagent:/snap/intellij-idea-ultimate/319/lib/idea_rt.jar=37751:/snap/intellij-idea-ultimate/319/bin -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -classpath /home/elect/.local/share/JetBrains/IntelliJIdea2021.2/Kotlin/kotlinc/lib/kotlin-compiler.jar:/home/elect/.local/share/JetBrains/IntelliJIdea2021.2/Kotlin/kotlinc/lib/kotlin-reflect.jar:/home/elect/.local/share/JetBrains/IntelliJIdea2021.2/Kotlin/kotlinc/lib/kotlin-stdlib.jar:/home/elect/.local/share/JetBrains/IntelliJIdea2021.2/Kotlin/kotlinc/lib/kotlin-script-runtime.jar org.jetbrains.kotlin.cli.jvm.K2JVMCompiler -cp /home/elect/IdeaProjects/Kts2Native/build/classes/kotlin/main:/home/elect/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.jetbrains.kotlin/kotlin-script-runtime/1.5.0-M2/72194fa4971ea7b8999ee99295d35cda83f704fb/kotlin-script-runtime-1.5.0-M2.jar:/home/elect/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.ow2.asm/asm-tree/9.1/c333f2a855069cb8eb17a40a3eb8b1b67755d0eb/asm-tree-9.1.jar:/home/elect/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.ow2.asm/asm/9.1/a99500cf6eea30535eeac6be73899d048f8d12a8/asm-9.1.jar:/home/elect/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.jetbrains.kotlin/kotlin-stdlib/1.5.0-M2/575e1b43819635280e68bd3d3e8441603e97bbc3/kotlin-stdlib-1.5.0-M2.jar:/home/elect/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.jetbrains/annotations/13.0/919f0dfe192fb4e063e7dacadee7f8bb9a2672a9/annotations-13.0.jar:/home/elect/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.jetbrains.kotlin/kotlin-stdlib-common/1.5.0-M2/5e6ad08bde4c95d93ca6b366ca5e3a0bb49c70bc/kotlin-stdlib-common-1.5.0-M2.jar -kotlin-home /home/elect/.local/share/JetBrains/IntelliJIdea2021.2/Kotlin/kotlinc -script /home/elect/IdeaProjects/Kts2Native/src/main/kotlin/script2native.kts s.main.kts
error: pre-release classes were found in dependencies. Remove them from the classpath, recompile with a release compiler or use '-Xskip-prerelease-check' to suppress errors
error: class 'kotlin.Unit' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler (script2native.kts:7:1)
error: class '' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler (script2native.kts:7:1)
error: class 'kotlin.Unit' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler (script2native.kts:9:1)
error: class '' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler (script2native.kts:9:1)
error: class 'kotlin.text.StringsKt__StringsJVMKt' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler (script2native.kts:11:26)
error: class 'kotlin.collections.ArraysKt___ArraysKt' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler (script2native.kts:17:32)
error: class 'kotlin.collections.ArraysKt___ArraysKt' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler (script2native.kts:18:28)
error: class 'kotlin.text.StringsKt__StringsJVMKt' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler (script2native.kts:18:45)
error: class 'kotlin.collections.CollectionsKt___CollectionsKt' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler (script2native.kts:18:64)
error: class 'kotlin.Unit' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler (script2native.kts:24:1)
error: class '' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler (script2native.kts:24:1)
error: class 'kotlin.Unit' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler (script2native.kts:25:1)
error: class 'kotlin.Unit' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler (script2native.kts:26:1)
error: class '' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler (script2native.kts:26:1)
error: class 'kotlin.text.StringsKt__StringsJVMKt' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler (script2native.kts:28:30)
error: class 'kotlin.text.StringsKt__StringsJVMKt' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler (script2native.kts:28:50)
error: class 'kotlin.text.StringsKt__StringsJVMKt' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler (script2native.kts:28:63)
error: class 'kotlin.collections.MapsKt__MapsKt' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler (script2native.kts:31:26)
error: class 'kotlin.Pair' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler (script2native.kts:32:24)
error: class 'kotlin.TuplesKt' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler (script2native.kts:32:24)
error: class 'kotlin.Pair' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler (script2native.kts:33:18)
error: class 'kotlin.TuplesKt' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler (script2native.kts:33:18)
error: class 'kotlin.Pair' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler (script2native.kts:34:18)
error: class 'kotlin.TuplesKt' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler (script2native.kts:34:18)
error: class 'kotlin.Unit' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler (script2native.kts:39:1)
error: class 'kotlin.StandardKt__StandardKt' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler (script2native.kts:39:1)
error: class '' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler (script2native.kts:39:49)
error: class 'kotlin.collections.CollectionsKt__IteratorsJVMKt' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler (script2native.kts:40:19)
error: class 'kotlin.Unit' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler (script2native.kts:40:30)
error: class 'kotlin.collections.CollectionsKt__IteratorsKt' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler (script2native.kts:40:30)
error: class 'kotlin.Unit' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler (script2native.kts:42:13)
error: class 'kotlin.Unit' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler (script2native.kts:43:17)
error: class '' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler (script2native.kts:43:17)
error: class '' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler (script2native.kts:44:70)
error: class 'kotlin.Unit' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler (script2native.kts:46:29)
error: class 'kotlin.collections.CollectionsKt___CollectionsKt' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler (script2native.kts:49:22)
error: class 'kotlin.StandardKt__StandardKt' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler (script2native.kts:50:22)
error: class 'kotlin.Unit' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler (script2native.kts:51:38)
error: class 'kotlin.Unit' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler (script2native.kts:52:25)
error: class 'kotlin.Unit' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler (script2native.kts:53:25)
error: class 'kotlin.Unit' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler (script2native.kts:54:25)
error: class 'kotlin.Unit' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler (script2native.kts:55:25)
error: class 'kotlin.Unit' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler (script2native.kts:56:25)
error: class 'kotlin.Unit' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler (script2native.kts:57:25)
error: class 'kotlin.Unit' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler (script2native.kts:63:27)
error: class 'kotlin.Unit' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler (script2native.kts:64:17)
error: class 'kotlin.Unit' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler (script2native.kts:65:17)
error: class 'kotlin.Unit' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler (script2native.kts:66:17)
error: class 'kotlin.Unit' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler (script2native.kts:67:17)
error: class '' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler (script2native.kts:67:17)
error: class 'kotlin.Unit' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler (script2native.kts:69:17)
error: class 'kotlin.Unit' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler (script2native.kts:70:17)
error: class '' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler (script2native.kts:70:46)
error: class 'kotlin.Unit' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler (script2native.kts:71:17)
error: class 'kotlin.Unit' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler (script2native.kts:76:5)
error: class 'kotlin.Unit' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler (script2native.kts:77:5)
error: class 'kotlin.collections.MapsKt___MapsKt' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler (script2native.kts:77:31)
error: class 'kotlin.collections.CollectionsKt___CollectionsKt' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler (script2native.kts:77:64)
error: class 'kotlin.text.StringsKt__StringsJVMKt' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler (script2native.kts:77:93)
error: class 'kotlin.text.Charsets' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler (script2native.kts:77:105)
error: class 'kotlin.Unit' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler (script2native.kts:78:5)
error: class 'kotlin.Unit' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler (script2native.kts:80:5)
error: class 'kotlin.Unit' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler (script2native.kts:81:5)
error: class '' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler (script2native.kts:81:5)
error: class 'kotlin.Suppress' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler (script2native.kts:84:2)
error: class 'kotlin.Unit' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler (script2native.kts:85:1)
error: class 'kotlin.collections.ArraysKt___ArraysKt' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler (script2native.kts:85:10)
error: class 'kotlin.Unit' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler (script2native.kts:86:5)
error: class '' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler (script2native.kts:86:5)
error: class 'kotlin.Unit' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler (script2native.kts:87:5)
error: class 'kotlin.StandardKt__StandardKt' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler (script2native.kts:87:5)
error: class 'kotlin.text.StringsKt__StringsJVMKt' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler (script2native.kts:87:57)
error: class 'kotlin.text.StringsKt__StringsKt' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler (script2native.kts:87:71)
error: class 'kotlin.Unit' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler (script2native.kts:88:9)
error: class '' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler (script2native.kts:88:9)
error: class 'kotlin.collections.CollectionsKt__CollectionsKt' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler (script2native.kts:88:19)
error: class 'kotlin.collections.CollectionsKt___CollectionsKt' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler (script2native.kts:93:30)
error: class 'kotlin.Unit' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler (script2native.kts:96:5)
error: class '' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler (script2native.kts:96:5)
error: class 'kotlin.Unit' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler (script2native.kts:97:5)
error: class 'kotlin.Unit' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler (script2native.kts:102:5)
error: class '' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler (script2native.kts:102:5)
error: class 'kotlin.Unit' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler (script2native.kts:103:5)
error: class '' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler (script2native.kts:107:48)
error: class '' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler (script2native.kts:107:57)
error: class 'kotlin.Unit' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler (script2native.kts:110:9)
error: class '' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler (script2native.kts:110:9)
script2native.kts:7:1: error: class 'kotlin.Unit' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler
println("Script to native")
script2native.kts:7:1: error: class '' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler
println("Script to native")
script2native.kts:9:1: error: class 'kotlin.Unit' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler
println("Script: $fileName")
script2native.kts:9:1: error: class '' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler
println("Script: $fileName")
script2native.kts:11:26: error: class 'kotlin.text.StringsKt__StringsJVMKt' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler
val shortName = fileName.replace(".kts", "")
script2native.kts:17:32: error: class 'kotlin.collections.ArraysKt___ArraysKt' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler
else if (lib.listFiles()!!.isEmpty()) null
script2native.kts:18:28: error: class 'kotlin.collections.ArraysKt___ArraysKt' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler
else lib.listFiles()!!.filter {".jar") }.joinToString(";") { it.absolutePath }
script2native.kts:18:45: error: class 'kotlin.text.StringsKt__StringsJVMKt' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler
else lib.listFiles()!!.filter {".jar") }.joinToString(";") { it.absolutePath }
script2native.kts:18:64: error: class 'kotlin.collections.CollectionsKt___CollectionsKt' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler
else lib.listFiles()!!.filter {".jar") }.joinToString(";") { it.absolutePath }
script2native.kts:24:1: error: class 'kotlin.Unit' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler
script2native.kts:24:1: error: class '' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler
script2native.kts:25:1: error: class 'kotlin.Unit' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler
exec("kotlinc.bat", fileName, "-include-runtime", *fullCP, "-d", "$shortName.jar")
script2native.kts:26:1: error: class 'kotlin.Unit' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler
println("Finished Compile to jar")
script2native.kts:26:1: error: class '' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler
println("Finished Compile to jar")
script2native.kts:28:30: error: class 'kotlin.text.StringsKt__StringsJVMKt' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler
val mainClassName = fileName.replace(".kts", "").capitalize().replace(" ", "_")
script2native.kts:28:50: error: class 'kotlin.text.StringsKt__StringsJVMKt' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler
val mainClassName = fileName.replace(".kts", "").capitalize().replace(" ", "_")
script2native.kts:28:63: error: class 'kotlin.text.StringsKt__StringsJVMKt' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler
val mainClassName = fileName.replace(".kts", "").capitalize().replace(" ", "_")
script2native.kts:31:26: error: class 'kotlin.collections.MapsKt__MapsKt' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler
val manifestAttributes = mapOf(
script2native.kts:32:24: error: class 'kotlin.Pair' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler
"Manifest-Version" to "1.0",
script2native.kts:32:24: error: class 'kotlin.TuplesKt' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler
"Manifest-Version" to "1.0",
script2native.kts:33:18: error: class 'kotlin.Pair' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler
"Created-By" to "JetBrains Kotlin",
script2native.kts:33:18: error: class 'kotlin.TuplesKt' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler
"Created-By" to "JetBrains Kotlin",
script2native.kts:34:18: error: class 'kotlin.Pair' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler
"Main-Class" to mainClassName
script2native.kts:34:18: error: class 'kotlin.TuplesKt' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler
"Main-Class" to mainClassName
script2native.kts:39:1: error: class 'kotlin.Unit' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler
with(ZipOutputStream(File("$shortName-all.jar").outputStream())) {
script2native.kts:39:1: error: class 'kotlin.StandardKt__StandardKt' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler
with(ZipOutputStream(File("$shortName-all.jar").outputStream())) {
script2native.kts:39:49: error: class '' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler
with(ZipOutputStream(File("$shortName-all.jar").outputStream())) {
script2native.kts:40:19: error: class 'kotlin.collections.CollectionsKt__IteratorsJVMKt' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler
zip.entries().iterator().forEach {
script2native.kts:40:30: error: class 'kotlin.Unit' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler
zip.entries().iterator().forEach {
script2native.kts:40:30: error: class 'kotlin.collections.CollectionsKt__IteratorsKt' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler
zip.entries().iterator().forEach {
script2native.kts:42:13: error: class 'kotlin.Unit' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler
if ( == "$mainClassName.class") {
script2native.kts:43:17: error: class 'kotlin.Unit' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler
println("Editing Main Class")
script2native.kts:43:17: error: class '' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler
println("Editing Main Class")
script2native.kts:44:70: error: class '' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler
val classReader = ClassReader(zip.getInputStream(it).readBytes())
script2native.kts:46:29: error: class 'kotlin.Unit' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler
classReader.accept(classNode, ClassReader.EXPAND_FRAMES)
script2native.kts:49:22: error: class 'kotlin.collections.CollectionsKt___CollectionsKt' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler
.find { m -> == "main" && m.desc == "([Ljava/lang/String;)V" }!!
script2native.kts:50:22: error: class 'kotlin.StandardKt__StandardKt' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler
.apply {
script2native.kts:51:38: error: class 'kotlin.Unit' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler
script2native.kts:52:25: error: class 'kotlin.Unit' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler
visitTypeInsn(NEW, mainClassName)
script2native.kts:53:25: error: class 'kotlin.Unit' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler
script2native.kts:54:25: error: class 'kotlin.Unit' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler
visitIntInsn(ALOAD, 0)
script2native.kts:55:25: error: class 'kotlin.Unit' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler
visitMethodInsn(INVOKESPECIAL, mainClassName, "<init>", "([Ljava/lang/String;)V", false)
script2native.kts:56:25: error: class 'kotlin.Unit' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler
script2native.kts:57:25: error: class 'kotlin.Unit' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler
script2native.kts:63:27: error: class 'kotlin.Unit' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler
script2native.kts:64:17: error: class 'kotlin.Unit' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler
script2native.kts:65:17: error: class 'kotlin.Unit' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler
script2native.kts:66:17: error: class 'kotlin.Unit' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler
script2native.kts:67:17: error: class 'kotlin.Unit' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler
println("Finished editing Main Class")
script2native.kts:67:17: error: class '' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler
println("Finished editing Main Class")
script2native.kts:69:17: error: class 'kotlin.Unit' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler
script2native.kts:70:17: error: class 'kotlin.Unit' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler
script2native.kts:70:46: error: class '' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler
script2native.kts:71:17: error: class 'kotlin.Unit' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler
script2native.kts:76:5: error: class 'kotlin.Unit' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler
script2native.kts:77:5: error: class 'kotlin.Unit' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler
write(( { "${it.key}: ${it.value}" }.joinToString("\r\n") + "\n").toByteArray(Charsets.UTF_8))
script2native.kts:77:31: error: class 'kotlin.collections.MapsKt___MapsKt' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler
write(( { "${it.key}: ${it.value}" }.joinToString("\r\n") + "\n").toByteArray(Charsets.UTF_8))
script2native.kts:77:64: error: class 'kotlin.collections.CollectionsKt___CollectionsKt' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler
write(( { "${it.key}: ${it.value}" }.joinToString("\r\n") + "\n").toByteArray(Charsets.UTF_8))
script2native.kts:77:93: error: class 'kotlin.text.StringsKt__StringsJVMKt' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler
write(( { "${it.key}: ${it.value}" }.joinToString("\r\n") + "\n").toByteArray(Charsets.UTF_8))
script2native.kts:77:105: error: class 'kotlin.text.Charsets' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler
write(( { "${it.key}: ${it.value}" }.joinToString("\r\n") + "\n").toByteArray(Charsets.UTF_8))
script2native.kts:78:5: error: class 'kotlin.Unit' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler
script2native.kts:80:5: error: class 'kotlin.Unit' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler
script2native.kts:81:5: error: class 'kotlin.Unit' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler
println("Full jar finished")
script2native.kts:81:5: error: class '' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler
println("Full jar finished")
script2native.kts:84:2: error: class 'kotlin.Suppress' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler
script2native.kts:85:1: error: class 'kotlin.Unit' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler
if (args.contains("sep")) {
script2native.kts:85:10: error: class 'kotlin.collections.ArraysKt___ArraysKt' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler
if (args.contains("sep")) {
script2native.kts:86:5: error: class 'kotlin.Unit' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler
println("Please run runme.bat/.sh, If you are in windows make sure open Native Tool CMD")
script2native.kts:86:5: error: class '' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler
println("Please run runme.bat/.sh, If you are in windows make sure open Native Tool CMD")
script2native.kts:87:5: error: class 'kotlin.Unit' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler
with(File("runme${if (System.getProperty("").toLowerCase().contains("win")) ".bat" else ".sh"}")) {
script2native.kts:87:5: error: class 'kotlin.StandardKt__StandardKt' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler
with(File("runme${if (System.getProperty("").toLowerCase().contains("win")) ".bat" else ".sh"}")) {
script2native.kts:87:57: error: class 'kotlin.text.StringsKt__StringsJVMKt' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler
with(File("runme${if (System.getProperty("").toLowerCase().contains("win")) ".bat" else ".sh"}")) {
script2native.kts:87:71: error: class 'kotlin.text.StringsKt__StringsKt' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler
with(File("runme${if (System.getProperty("").toLowerCase().contains("win")) ".bat" else ".sh"}")) {
script2native.kts:88:9: error: class 'kotlin.Unit' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler
script2native.kts:88:9: error: class '' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler
script2native.kts:88:19: error: class 'kotlin.collections.CollectionsKt__CollectionsKt' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler
script2native.kts:93:30: error: class 'kotlin.collections.CollectionsKt___CollectionsKt' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler
"--no-fallback").joinToString(" ") + "&&" + "upx -9 $shortName-all.exe")
script2native.kts:96:5: error: class 'kotlin.Unit' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler
println("Converting to native...")
script2native.kts:96:5: error: class '' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler
println("Converting to native...")
script2native.kts:97:5: error: class 'kotlin.Unit' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler
script2native.kts:102:5: error: class 'kotlin.Unit' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler
println("UPX shirking...")
script2native.kts:102:5: error: class '' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler
println("UPX shirking...")
script2native.kts:103:5: error: class 'kotlin.Unit' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler
exec("upx", "-9", "$shortName-all.exe")
script2native.kts:107:48: error: class '' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler
val reader = runtime.exec(cmd).inputStream.reader().buffered()
script2native.kts:107:57: error: class '' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler
val reader = runtime.exec(cmd).inputStream.reader().buffered()
script2native.kts:110:9: error: class 'kotlin.Unit' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler
script2native.kts:110:9: error: class '' is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and cannot be loaded by this version of the compiler
Process finished with exit code 1
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