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Last active May 16, 2024 04:14
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list and search socks servers using nordvpn api
# Fetch data from API and store it in a variable
data=$(curl --silent --globoff "[servers_technologies][identifier]=socks&limit=0" | \
jq '[.[] | {
name: .name,
created_at: .created_at,
hostname: .hostname,
ip: .station,
load: .load,
status: .status,
location: (.locations[0] + ", " + .locations[0],
country: .locations[0]
# Check if data is not empty
if [ -z "$data" ]; then
echo "Failed to fetch data or data is empty."
exit 1
# Ask for sorting preference
echo "How would you like to sort the data? Options: load, name, status"
read sort_option
# Ensure valid sort option is chosen
if [[ "$sort_option" != "load" && "$sort_option" != "name" && "$sort_option" != "status" ]]; then
echo "Invalid sort option selected."
exit 1
# Ask for country filter preference
echo "Do you want to filter by country? Enter country name or 'no' to skip:"
read country_filter
# Apply sorting and optional filtering
if [ "$country_filter" = "no" ]; then
jq_command="map(select(.country == \"$country_filter\")) | sort_by(.$sort_option)"
# Execute jq command on the variable and display the result
echo "$data" | jq "$jq_command"
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