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Last active December 23, 2015 22:59
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Basic imp <--> Arduino code example
server.log("Device Started");
function arduinoData()
// Read the UART for data sent by Arduino to indicate
// the state of its LED.
local b =;
while(b != -1)
// As long as UART read value is not -1, we're getting data
local state = "Unknown";
if (b == 0x10) state = "Off";
if (b == 0x11) state = "On"
server.log("LED: " + state);
b =;
function blink(state)
// Write state (1 or 0) to the Arduino
server.log("Setting LED to: " + state);
imp.wakeup(1.0, function(){blink(1 - state);});
// Alias UART to which Arduino is connected
arduino <- hardware.uart57;
arduino.configure(9600, 8, PARITY_NONE, 1, NO_CTSRTS, arduinoData);
// Start blinking
// Arduino device code
int led = 13; // LED pin number
void setup()
Serial.begin(9600); // Configure serial
pinMode(led, OUTPUT); // Configure LED pin
digitalWrite(led, 0); // Turn LED off
void loop()
int b = 0;
// If there's data available
if (Serial.available () > 0)
// Read a byte
b =;
if (b == 0x00)
digitalWrite(led, LOW);
else if (b == 0x01)
digitalWrite(led, HIGH);
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