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Created October 16, 2021 02:26
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from flask import Flask, request, jsonify, current_app
from math import *
from numpy import *
from datetime import datetime
import string
import collections
SB_CONSTANT = 4.903*1e-09
SOLAR_CONSTANT = 0.0820 # MJ m^2/min
ALBEDO = 0.23
app = Flask(__name__)
app.config.from_envvar('ETO_SETTINGS', silent=True)
Daily_ETo = collections.namedtuple('Daily_ETo', ['mm', 'inches'])
#def log_request():
@app.route('/daily_eto', methods=['GET'])
def calculate_ETo():
missing_inputs = []
# Temperature
# Supplied in Fahrenheit
t_min_f = get_float_param(request, 't_min_f')
t_max_f = get_float_param(request, 't_max_f')
# Supplied in Celsius
t_min_c = get_float_param(request, 't_min_c')
t_max_c = get_float_param(request, 't_max_c')
# Supplied in Kelvin
t_min_k = get_float_param(request, 't_min_k')
t_max_k = get_float_param(request, 't_max_k')
if t_min_f and t_max_f and not t_min_c and not t_max_c:
# Calculate C from F
t_min_c = (t_min_f - 32.0) * (5.0 / 9.0)
t_max_c = (t_max_f - 32.0) * (5.0 / 9.0)
if t_min_k and t_max_k and not t_min_c and not t_max_c:
# Calculate C from K
t_min_c = t_min_k - 273.15
t_max_c = t_max_k - 273.15
if not t_min_c and not t_min_f and not t_min_k:
if not t_max_c and not t_max_f and not t_max_k:
# Relative Humidity
rh_min = get_float_param(request, 'rh_min')
rh_max = get_float_param(request, 'rh_max')
if rh_min > 1:
# Convert to percentage
rh_min = rh_min / 100
if rh_max > 1:
rh_max = rh_max / 100
if not rh_min:
if not rh_max:
# Region for calculating approximate solar radiation
region = get_string_param(request, 'region', 'interior')
# Wind speed
u2_mph = get_float_param(request, 'u2_mph')
u2_ms = get_float_param(request, 'u2_ms')
u10_mph = get_float_param(request, 'u10_mph')
u10_ms = get_float_param(request, 'u10_ms')
u10_kts = get_float_param(request, 'u10_kts')
if u10_kts and not u10_ms and not u2_ms:
u10_ms = u10_kts * 0.51444444444
if u2_mph and not u2_ms:
# Calculate u2_ms from u2_mph
u2_ms = u2_mph * 0.44704 # m/s
elif u10_mph and not u10_ms:
# Calculate u2_ms from u10_mph
u10_ms = u10_mph * 0.44704
u2_ms = convert_wind_speed_to_2m(u10_ms, 10)
elif u10_ms:
# Calculate u2_ms from u10_ms
u2_ms = convert_wind_speed_to_2m(u10_ms, 10)
if not u2_ms:
# Elevation (meters)
elev_ft = get_float_param(request, 'elev_ft')
elev_m = get_float_param(request, 'elev_m')
if elev_ft and not elev_m:
# Calculate elev_m from elev_ft
elev_m = elev_ft * 0.3048
if not elev_m:
# Latitude in decimal degrees
latitude = get_float_param(request, 'latitude')
if not latitude:
# Julian day - defaults to current day if not provided
julian_day = get_int_param(request, 'julian_day')
year = get_int_param(request, 'year')
month = get_int_param(request, 'month')
day = get_int_param(request, 'day')
if not julian_day and year and month and day:
julian_day = datetime(year, month, day).timetuple().tm_yday
julian_day =
if len(missing_inputs) > 0:
response = jsonify(error="Missing input parameters", missing=missing_inputs)
response.status_code = 400
return response
result = calculate_daily_ETo(t_min_c, t_max_c, rh_min, rh_max, region, u2_ms, elev_m, latitude, julian_day)
return jsonify(, inches=result.inches)
def calculate_daily_ETo(t_min_c, t_max_c, rh_min, rh_max, region, u2_ms, elev_m, latitude, julian_day):
t_min_k = t_min_c + 273.15
t_max_k = t_max_c + 273.15
kRS = get_kRS_coefficient_for_region(region)
# Atmospheric pressure
P = 101.3 * ((293 - 0.0065 * elev_m) / 293)**5.26
# Mean temp
t_mean = (t_min_c + t_max_c) / 2;
# Slope of saturation vapor pressure curve
delta = (4098.0 * (0.6108 * exp(((17.27 * t_mean) / (t_mean + 237.3))))) / (t_mean + 273.3)**2
# Psychrometric constant
lhv = 2.501 - 2.361e-3 * t_mean
gamma = 1.013e-3 * P / (0.622 * lhv)
# Mean saturation vapor pressure and actual vapor pressure
e_tmax = 0.6108 * exp((17.27 * t_max_c) / (t_max_c + 237.3))
e_tmin = 0.6108 * exp((17.27 * t_min_c) / (t_min_c + 237.3))
e_sat = (e_tmax + e_tmin) / 2
e_act = ((e_tmin * rh_max) + (e_tmax * rh_min)) / 2
# Angles for radiation terms
inv_dist_earth_sun_rad = 1 + 0.033 * cos(((2 * pi) / 365) * julian_day)
solar_decl_rad = 0.409 * sin(((2 * pi / 365) * julian_day) - 1.39)
# Latitude
lat_rad = (pi / 180) * latitude
# Sunset hour angle
sunset_hr_ang_rad = arccos(-tan(lat_rad) * tan(solar_decl_rad))
# Extraterrestrial radiation (Ra)
Ra = ((24*60) / pi) * SOLAR_CONSTANT * inv_dist_earth_sun_rad * (sunset_hr_ang_rad * sin(lat_rad) * sin(solar_decl_rad) + cos(lat_rad) * cos(solar_decl_rad) * sin(sunset_hr_ang_rad))
# Solar radiation (Longwave)
Rs = kRS * sqrt(t_max_c - t_min_c) * Ra
# Clear sky radiation
Rso = (0.75 + 2e-05 * elev_m) * Ra
# Net shortwave radiation
Rns = (1 - ALBEDO) * Rs
# Net outgoing long wave solar radiation
Rnl = SB_CONSTANT * ((t_max_k**4 + t_min_k**4) / 2) * (0.34 - (0.14 * sqrt(e_act))) * (1.35 * (Rs / Rso) - 0.35)
# Net radiation
Rn = Rns - Rnl
Rng = 0.408 * Rn # mm
# Radiation term
DT = delta / (delta + gamma * (1 + 0.34 * u2_ms))
ETrad = DT * Rng
# Wind term
PT = gamma / (delta + (gamma * (1 + 0.34 * u2_ms)))
TT = (900 / (t_mean + 273)) * u2_ms
ETwind = PT * TT * (e_sat - e_act)
# Final ref ET
ETo_mm = round(ETwind + ETrad, 4) # mm per day
ETo_in = round(ETo_mm * 0.0393701, 4)
return Daily_ETo(ETo_mm, ETo_in)
def convert_wind_speed_to_2m(uz_ms, z):
# log below = ln
return uz_ms * (4.87 / log(67.8 * z - 5.42))
def get_kRS_coefficient_for_region(region):
if string.lower(region) == 'coastal':
def get_float_param(request, key):
return request.args.get(key, type=float)
def get_string_param(request, key):
return request.args.get(key, type=str)
def get_string_param(request, key, default):
return request.args.get(key, default, type=str)
def get_int_param(request, key):
return request.args.get(key, type=int)
if __name__ == '__main__':, host='')
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