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Last active September 7, 2018 13:01
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A Monad for taking values from a list in a safe way
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Data.ListConsumer (
ListConsumer, takeN, peekN, dropN, takeAll, takeAny, runL, runFoldableL
) where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Monad
data MustHave = Zero | One
data ListConsumer a b where
LError :: ListConsumer a b
LValue :: b -> ListConsumer a b
LTake :: Int -> ([a] -> ListConsumer a b) -> ListConsumer a b
LAll :: MustHave -> ([a] -> ListConsumer a b) -> ListConsumer a b
LPeek :: Int -> ([a] -> ListConsumer a b) -> ListConsumer a b
LSkip :: Int -> (() -> ListConsumer a b) -> ListConsumer a b
go3 :: ListConsumer a t -> (ListConsumer a t -> ListConsumer a b) -> ListConsumer a b
go3 (LTake n fn) go = LTake n (go.fn)
go3 (LPeek n fn) go = LPeek n (go.fn)
go3 (LAll n fn) go = LAll n (go.fn)
go3 (LSkip n fn) go = LSkip n (go.fn)
go3 _ _ = error "applied to non 3 arg go"
instance Functor (ListConsumer a) where
fmap f = go where
go LError = LError
go (LValue b) = LValue (f b)
go l = go3 l go
instance Applicative (ListConsumer a) where
pure = LValue
fa <*> a = go fa where
go LError = LError
go (LValue fv) = fmap fv a
go l = go3 l go
instance Monad (ListConsumer a) where
return = pure
a0 >>= f = go a0 where
go LError = LError
go (LValue a) = f a
go l = go3 l go
instance Alternative (ListConsumer a) where
empty = LError
a <|> b = go a where
go LError = b
go _ = a
instance MonadPlus (ListConsumer a)
takeN :: Int -> ListConsumer a [a]
takeN n = LTake n return
peekN :: Int -> ListConsumer a [a]
peekN n = LPeek n return
dropN :: Int -> ListConsumer a ()
dropN n = LSkip n return
takeAll :: ListConsumer a [a]
takeAll = LAll One return
takeAny :: ListConsumer a [a]
takeAny = LAll Zero return
tryTake :: MonadPlus m => Int -> [a] -> m ([a], [a])
tryTake 0 xs = pure ([], xs)
tryTake n (x:xs) = first (x:) <$> tryTake (n-1) xs
tryTake _ _ = empty
tryDrop :: MonadPlus m => Int -> [a] -> m [a]
tryDrop 0 xs = pure xs
tryDrop n (_:xs) = tryDrop (n-1) xs
tryDrop _ _ = empty
runL :: MonadPlus m => [a] -> ListConsumer a b -> m b
runL = go where
go _ LError = empty
go _ (LValue b) = pure b
go xs (LAll Zero fn) = go [] (fn xs)
go [] (LAll One _) = empty
go xs (LAll One fn) = go [] (fn xs)
go xs (LTake n fn) = do
(as, xs') <- tryTake n xs
go xs' (fn as)
go xs (LPeek n fn) = do
(as, _) <- tryTake n xs
go xs (fn as)
go xs (LSkip n fn) = do
xs' <- tryDrop n xs
go xs' (fn ())
{- Foldable -}
data FoldN a b =
FoldN Int ([a] -> FoldN a b) ([a] -> [a])
| FoldPeek Int ([a] -> FoldN a b) ([a] -> [a])
| FoldAll ([a] -> FoldN a b) ([a] -> [a])
| FoldX Int (() -> FoldN a b)
| FoldV b
| FoldZ
fGet :: MonadPlus m => FoldN a b -> m b
fGet (FoldV b) = return b
fGet (FoldAll f as) = fGet (f (as []))
fGet _ = mzero
runFoldableL :: (MonadPlus m, Foldable f) => f a -> ListConsumer a b -> m b
runFoldableL fs x = fGet (foldl foldN (go x) fs) where
go LError = FoldZ
go (LValue b) = FoldV b
go (LAll One fn) = FoldAll (go.fn') id where
fn' [] = LError
fn' xs = fn xs
go (LAll _ fn) = FoldAll (go.fn) id
go (LTake n fn) = FoldN n (go.fn) id
go (LPeek n fn) = FoldPeek n (go.fn) id
go (LSkip n fn) = FoldX n (go.fn)
fold3 _ _ 0 _ _ _ = FoldZ
fold3 onef _ 1 f as z = onef $ f (as z)
fold3 _ c n f as _ = c (n-1) f as
asList a as as' = as (a : as')
foldx n f _ = FoldX n f
foldN (FoldX n f) _ = fold3 id foldx n f (const ()) undefined
foldN (FoldN n f as) a = fold3 id FoldN n f (asList a as) [a]
foldN (FoldPeek n f as) a = let one f' = foldl foldN f' (as [a]) in
fold3 one FoldN n f (asList a as) [a]
foldN (FoldAll f as) a = FoldAll f (asList a as)
foldN v _ = v
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