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Created February 18, 2016 10:36
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// ----
// libsass (v3.2.5)
// ----
@mixin mobile-breakpoint() {
%tags-base {
border: thin solid;
overflow: visible;
%tags-list {
background-color: red;
%tags-item {
color: red;
@include mobile-breakpoint {
content: "";
@mixin tags(){
.tags {
border: thin solid;
overflow: visible;
@include mobile-breakpoint {
content: "";
&__tag-list {
@extend %tags-list;
&__item {
@extend %tags-item;
@mixin video-tag(){
&__tag-list--video {
background: blue;
&__tag-list__item--video {
color: blue;
@mixin other-tag(){
&__tag-list--other {
background: transparent;
article {
@include tags {
@include video-tag
homepage {
@include tags {
@include other-tag;
article .tags__tag-list, homepage .tags__tag-list {
background-color: red;
article .tags__tag-list__item, homepage .tags__tag-list__item {
color: red;
content: "";
article .tags {
border: thin solid;
overflow: visible;
content: "";
article .tags__tag-list--video {
background: blue;
article .tags__tag-list__item--video {
color: blue;
homepage .tags {
border: thin solid;
overflow: visible;
content: "";
homepage .tags__tag-list--other {
background: transparent;
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