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Last active June 16, 2022 12:05
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traverse pixels along known path
import numpy as np
from typing import NamedTuple
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
class Point(NamedTuple):
a point in 2D with x, y coords
x: float
y: float
class Pixel(NamedTuple):
a pixel integer x, y coords
x: int
y: int
def traverse_pixels(entry_pos, exit_pos):
Ray equation describes a point t along its trajectory:
point(t) = u + tv
where u is the entry position and v is the direction of the ray.
We can start the traverse towards the pixel that is closest
_in units of t_ from starting point. This is done by adding a pixel
size in that direction also in units of t. Repeat until reaching
the exit pixel.
Voxels have unit size, ie units are in pixel size
such that stepX and stepY are -1 or 1
From the entry and exit positions one can determine v
ie v = norm(exit_pos - entry_position)
:param entry_pos: incidence position, in pixel units or u above
:param exit_pos: exit position, in pixel units
:return: list of pixels
dx = abs(exit_pos.x - entry_pos.x)
dy = abs(exit_pos.y - entry_pos.y)
start_pixel = Pixel(int(entry_pos.x), int(entry_pos.y))
end_pixel = Pixel(int(exit_pos.x), int(exit_pos.y))
x, y = start_pixel.x, start_pixel.y
n = 0
norm = np.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy)
# set the travelling direction quadrant based on dx, dy signs
if dx == 0:
stepX = 0
tDeltaX = np.inf
tDeltaY = dy
tmaxX = np.inf
elif dy == 0:
stepY = 0
tDeltaX = dx
tDeltaY = np.inf
tmaxY = np.inf
# deltas are just the inverse component of t
tDeltaX = norm/dx
tDeltaY = norm/dy
if exit_pos.x < entry_pos.x:
stepX = -1
tmaxX = abs((entry_pos.x - np.floor(entry_pos.x)) * tDeltaX)
n += x - end_pixel.x
elif exit_pos.x > entry_pos.x:
stepX = 1
tmaxX = abs((np.ceil(entry_pos.x) - entry_pos.x) * tDeltaX)
n += end_pixel.x - x
if exit_pos.y < entry_pos.y:
stepY = -1
tmaxY = abs((entry_pos.y - np.floor(entry_pos.y)) * tDeltaY)
n += y - end_pixel.y
elif exit_pos.y > entry_pos.y:
stepY = 1
tmaxY = abs((np.ceil(entry_pos.y) - entry_pos.y) * tDeltaY)
n += end_pixel.y - y
# list of pixels travelled
line = [Pixel(x, y)]
for _ in range(n):
if tmaxX < tmaxY:
tmaxX += tDeltaX
x += stepX
elif tmaxX > tmaxY:
tmaxY += tDeltaY
y += stepY
x += stepX
y += stepY
return line
if __name__ == '__main__':
start = Point(np.random.uniform(0,7), np.random.uniform(0,7))
end = Point(np.random.uniform(0,7), np.random.uniform(0,7))
pixels = traverse_pixels(start, end)
# plot the results
data = np.zeros((8,8))
x = [pixel.x for pixel in pixels]
y = [pixel.y for pixel in pixels]
data[x, y] = 1
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.imshow((data.T), extent=(0, 8, 8, 0), origin='upper')
# draw gridlines
ax.grid(which='major', axis='both', linestyle='-', color='w', linewidth=2)
plt.plot([start.x, end.x], [start.y, end.y], marker = 'o')
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