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Last active August 12, 2023 00:18
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  • Save elenadimitrova/eb614aaabe731f890700f1ccf9d162e5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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const ethers = require('ethers')
const { Watcher } = require('@eth-optimism/watcher')
const { predeploys, getContractInterface } = require('@eth-optimism/contracts')
// Set up some contract factories. You can ignore this stuff.
const factory = (name, ovm = false) => {
const artifact = require(`./artifacts${ovm ? '-ovm' : ''}/contracts/${name}.sol/${name}.json`)
return new ethers.ContractFactory(artifact.abi, artifact.bytecode)
const erc20L1Artifact = require(`./artifacts/contracts/ERC20.sol/ERC20.json`)
const factory__L1_ERC20 = new ethers.ContractFactory(erc20L1Artifact.abi, erc20L1Artifact.bytecode)
//const factory__L1_ERC20 = factory('ERC20')
const erc20L2Artifact = require('./node_modules/@eth-optimism/contracts/artifacts-ovm/contracts/optimistic-ethereum/libraries/standards/L2StandardERC20.sol/L2StandardERC20.json')
const factory__L2_ERC20 = new ethers.ContractFactory(erc20L2Artifact.abi, erc20L2Artifact.bytecode)
const l1StandardBridgeArtifact = require(`./node_modules/@eth-optimism/contracts/artifacts/contracts/optimistic-ethereum/OVM/bridge/tokens/OVM_L1StandardBridge.sol/OVM_L1StandardBridge.json`)
const factory__L1StandardBridge = new ethers.ContractFactory(l1StandardBridgeArtifact.abi, l1StandardBridgeArtifact.bytecode)
const l2StandardBridgeArtifact = require(`./node_modules/@eth-optimism/contracts/artifacts/contracts/optimistic-ethereum/OVM/bridge/tokens/OVM_L2StandardBridge.sol/OVM_L2StandardBridge.json`)
const factory__L2StandardBridge = new ethers.ContractFactory(l2StandardBridgeArtifact.abi, l2StandardBridgeArtifact.bytecode)
//const FINALIZATION_GAS = 1_200_000
const sleep = async (ms) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, ms)
async function main() {
// Set up our RPC provider connections.
const l1RpcProvider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider('http://localhost:9545')
const l2RpcProvider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider('http://localhost:8545')
// Set up our wallets (using a default private key with 10k ETH allocated to it).
// Need two wallets objects, one for interacting with L1 and one for interacting with L2.
// Both will use the same private key.
const key = '0xac0974bec39a17e36ba4a6b4d238ff944bacb478cbed5efcae784d7bf4f2ff80'
const l1Wallet = new ethers.Wallet(key, l1RpcProvider)
const l2Wallet = new ethers.Wallet(key, l2RpcProvider)
// L1 messenger address depends on the deployment, this is default for our local deployment.
//const l1MessengerAddress = '0x59b670e9fA9D0A427751Af201D676719a970857b'
const l2AddressManager = new ethers.Contract(
console.log("predeploys.Lib_AddressManager", predeploys.Lib_AddressManager)
console.log("l2AddressManager", l2AddressManager.address)
const l1Messenger = new ethers.Contract(
await l2AddressManager.getAddress('OVM_L1CrossDomainMessenger'),
console.log("l1MessengerAddress", l1Messenger.address)
const l1MessengerAddress = l1Messenger.address
// L2 messenger address is always the same.
const l2MessengerAddress = '0x4200000000000000000000000000000000000007'
// Tool that helps watches and waits for messages to be relayed between L1 and L2.
const watcher = new Watcher({
l1: {
provider: l1RpcProvider,
messengerAddress: l1MessengerAddress
l2: {
provider: l2RpcProvider,
messengerAddress: l2MessengerAddress
// Deploy an ERC20 token on L1.
console.log('Deploying L1 ERC20...')
const L1_ERC20 = await factory__L1_ERC20.connect(l1Wallet).deploy(
1234, //initialSupply
'L1 ERC20', //name
await L1_ERC20.deployTransaction.wait()
// Deploy the paired ERC20 token to L2.
console.log('Deploying L2 ERC20...')
const L2_ERC20 = await factory__L2_ERC20.connect(l2Wallet).deploy(
'L2 ERC20', //name
'L2T', // symbol
await L2_ERC20.deployTransaction.wait()
const L2StandardBridge = factory__L2StandardBridge
const L1StandardBridgeAddress = await L2StandardBridge.l1TokenBridge();
console.log("L1StandardBridgeAddress", L1StandardBridgeAddress)
// Create a gateway that connects the two contracts.
console.log('Deploying L1 Standard Bridge...')
const L1StandardBridge = factory__L1StandardBridge.connect(l1Wallet).attach(L1StandardBridgeAddress)
// Initial balances.
console.log(`Balance on L1: ${await L1_ERC20.balanceOf(l1Wallet.address)}`) // 1234
console.log(`Balance on L2: ${await L2_ERC20.balanceOf(l1Wallet.address)}`) // 0
// Allow the gateway to lock up some of our tokens.
console.log('Approving tokens for ERC20 gateway...')
const tx1 = await L1_ERC20.approve(L1StandardBridge.address, 1234)
await tx1.wait()
// Lock the tokens up inside the gateway and ask the L2 contract to mint new ones.
console.log('Depositing tokens into L2 ERC20...')
const tx2 = await L1StandardBridge.depositERC20(
await tx2.wait()
// Wait for the message to be relayed to L2.
console.log('Waiting for deposit to be relayed to L2...')
const [ msgHash1 ] = await watcher.getMessageHashesFromL1Tx(tx2.hash)
const receipt = await watcher.getL2TransactionReceipt(msgHash1, true)
//console.log("receipt", receipt)
// Log some balances to see that it worked!
console.log(`Balance on L1: ${await L1_ERC20.balanceOf(l1Wallet.address)}`) // 0
console.log(`Balance on L2: ${await L2_ERC20.balanceOf(l1Wallet.address)}`) // 1234
// Burn the tokens on L2 and ask the L1 contract to unlock on our behalf.
console.log(`Withdrawing tokens back to L1 ERC20...`)
const tx3 = await L2StandardBridge.withdraw(
await tx3.wait()
// Wait for the message to be relayed to L1.
console.log(`Waiting for withdrawal to be relayed to L1...`)
const [ msgHash2 ] = await watcher.getMessageHashesFromL2Tx(tx3.hash)
await watcher.getL1TransactionReceipt(msgHash2)
// Log balances again!
console.log(`Balance on L1: ${await L1_ERC20.balanceOf(l1Wallet.address)}`) // 1234
console.log(`Balance on L2: ${await L2_ERC20.balanceOf(l1Wallet.address)}`) // 0
.then(() => process.exit(0))
.catch(error => {
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