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Forked from agriffis/gist:2481292
Created January 27, 2017 23:44
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# Dynamically load virtualenvwrapper functions to reduce shell startup
# time.
# Copyright 2012 Aron Griffis <>
# Released under the GNU GPL v3
# Python virtualenvwrapper loads really slowly, so load it on demand.
if [[ $(type -t workon) != function ]]; then
virtualenv_funcs=( workon deactivate mkvirtualenv )
load_virtualenv() {
# If these already exist, then virtualenvwrapper won't override them.
unset -f "${virtualenv_funcs[@]}"
# virtualenvwrapper doesn't load if PYTHONPATH is set, because the
# virtualenv python doesn't have the right modules.
declare _pp="$PYTHONPATH"
# Attempt to load virtualenvwrapper from its many possible sources...
_try_source() { [[ -f $1 ]] || return; source "$1"; return 0; }
_try_source /usr/local/bin/ || \
_try_source /etc/bash_completion.d/virtualenvwrapper || \
_try_source /usr/bin/
declare status=$?
unset -f _try_source
[[ -n $_pp ]] && export PYTHONPATH="$_pp"
# Did loading work?
if [[ $status != 0 || $(type -t "$1") != function ]]; then
echo "Error loading virtualenvwrapper, sorry" >&2
return $status
# Chain-load the appropriate function
for v in "${virtualenv_funcs[@]}"; do
eval "$v() { load_virtualenv $v \"\$@\"; }"
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