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Tomasz Sęczkowski elessime

  • Poland
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import datetime as dt
import math
import tkinter
from data_provider import DataProvider
from email_sender import EmailSender
INFO_FONT = ("Calibri", 12)
OBSERVER_LAT = 34.234234
OBSERVER_LONG = 123.277367
class MapDrawer:
def __init__(self, my_coordinates: tuple):
self.my_coordinates = my_coordinates
def prepare_map(self, iss_coordinates: tuple):
iss_map = ""
my_lat, my_long = self.my_coordinates
my_y = 11 - int((my_lat + 90) / 15)
my_x = int((my_long + 180) / 4)
import datetime as dt
import os
import random
import smtplib
import pandas
my_email = ""
password = "żyrafywchodządoszafy"
to_email = ""
from data import *
drink_choices = {"espresso": espresso, "latte": latte, "cappuccino": cappuccino}
on = True
def resources_check(order):
after_service_state = {x: resources[x] - order[x] for x in resources.keys()}
for key, value in after_service_state.items():
if value < 0:
speller :: [[Char]] -> [Char]
speller a
| null a = []
| otherwise = [head (head a)] ++ " is for " ++ head a ++ (if length (tail a) == 1 then " and " else if null (tail a) then "" else ", ") ++ speller (tail a)
elessime / starman.hs
Created August 1, 2021 19:11
Starman extended
import System.Random
check :: String -> String -> Char -> (Bool, String)
check word display c = (c `elem` word, [if x == c then c else y | (x, y) <- zip word display])
turn :: String -> String -> Int -> IO ()
turn word display n =
if n == 0
then putStrLn "You lose"