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Last active June 10, 2021 05:52
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  • Save elfenlaid/ad32b290d8dd02c0997bc2fe0482276a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save elfenlaid/ad32b290d8dd02c0997bc2fe0482276a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Good First Issue Repositories
"difficulty: easy",
"difficulty: moderate",
"difficulty: medium",
"difficulty: just a custom template away! easiest way to contribute!",
"difficulty: beginner",
"difficulty: intermediate",
"easy contribution",
"status: help wanted",
"size: s",
"good first",
"good first step",
"good first issue",
"help wanted",
"need help",
"feature request - help wanted!",
"you can do this",
"complexity: you can do this"
Repository Good First Issue
johnxnguyen/Down easy-first-issue
Polidea/RxBluetoothKit starter-task
Qminder/swift-api starter-task
IBAnimatable/IBAnimatable difficulty: easy, difficulty: medium, help wanted
mac-cain13/R.swift difficulty: easy, difficulty: moderate
SwiftGen/SwiftGen difficulty: easy, difficulty: just a custom template away! easiest way to contribute!, difficulty: medium, status: help wanted
xmartlabs/Eureka difficulty: easy, difficulty: moderate, help wanted
bizz84/SwiftyStoreKit difficulty: beginner, difficulty: intermediate, help wanted
Quick/Quick easy contribution, help wanted
pixelspark/catena easy
andreamazz/BubbleTransition easy, help wanted
yonaskolb/XcodeGen easy, help wanted
davedelong/DDMathParser good first issue, help wanted, medium
mapbox/mapbox-navigation-ios good first issue, hacktoberfest, size: s
mapbox/mapbox-directions-swift good first issue, size: s
chicio/RangeUISlider good first, help wanted
ReactiveCocoa/ReactiveSwift good first step, help wanted
apple/swift-metrics good first issue, help wanted
Samasaur1/DiceKit good first issue
engali94/CodablePersist good first issue, help wanted
futuredapp/FuntastyKit good first issue, hacktoberfest, help wanted
dlvm-team/dlvm-core good first issue, help wanted
apple/swift-nio good first issue, help wanted
LimeThaw/emu good first issue, help wanted
ericlewis/THOTP good first issue, help wanted
Clipy/Magnet good first issue
bow-swift/nef good first issue, hacktoberfest
julianschiavo/LetMeWatch good first issue, hacktoberfest
apple/swift-argument-parser good first issue, help wanted
RougeWare/Swift-Safe-Collection-Access good first issue
futuredapp/FTAPIKit good first issue, hacktoberfest, help wanted
ReSwift/ReSwift good first issue, help wanted
mattpolzin/OpenAPIKit good first issue
TokamakUI/Tokamak good first issue, help wanted
pmusolino/Wormholy good first issue, help wanted
nerdsupremacist/GraphZahl good first issue, help wanted
dingwilson/MultiPeer good first issue, help wanted
marinofelipe/CurrencyText good first issue
RougeWare/Swift-SemVer good first issue
chicio/ID3TagEditor good first issue, help wanted
NozeIO/swift-nio-irc-webclient good first issue
futuredapp/CellKit good first issue, hacktoberfest, help wanted
vapor/postgres-kit good first issue
apple/swift-log good first issue, help wanted
vapor-community/stripe-kit good first issue, help wanted
FormatterKit/DayPeriodFormatter good first issue
airbnb/HorizonCalendar good first issue
skywinder/web3swift good first issue, hacktoberfest, help wanted
richieshilton/UIColour good first issue
swift-server/async-http-client good first issue, help wanted
aws-amplify/aws-appsync-realtime-client-ios good first issue
tuist/XcodeProj good first issue
aws-amplify/amplify-ios good first issue
HeroTransitions/Hero good first issue, need help
vinivendra/Gryphon good first issue
soto-project/soto good first issue, help wanted
RougeWare/Swift-Atomic good first issue, help wanted
Kitura/Kitura good first issue, help wanted
Juanpe/SkeletonView good first issue, help wanted
apple/swift-nio-extras good first issue, help wanted
davedelong/time good first issue, help wanted
paulpela/BasketballJerseyNumber good first issue
twostraws/Sitrep good first issue
NozeIO/redi-s good first issue
CocoaLumberjack/CocoaLumberjack good first issue
peek-travel/swift-currency good first issue, help wanted
badrinathvm/StepperView good first issue
thoughtbot/CombineViewModel good first issue
amzn/smoke-aws-credentials good first issue, help wanted
Kitura/KituraContracts good first issue
LiteCode/SwiftDI good first issue, help wanted
soto-project/soto-core good first issue, help wanted
kareman/Patterns good first issue, help wanted
RougeWare/Swift-Optional-Tools good first issue
pointfreeco/swift-snapshot-testing good first issue, help wanted
SwiftDocOrg/swift-doc good first issue, help wanted
eneko/SourceDocs good first issue, help wanted
marcosgriselli/ViewAnimator good first issue
vapor/fluent-kit good first issue
apple/swift-statsd-client good first issue
open-telemetry/opentelemetry-swift good first issue
swift-extras/swift-extras-json good first issue
vapor/vapor good first issue
RougeWare/Swift-Function-Tools good first issue
SwiftWebUI/SwiftWebUI good first issue, help wanted
Moya/Moya good first issue, hacktoberfest, help wanted
IBDecodable/IBDecodable good first issue
WeTransfer/GitBuddy good first issue, help wanted
SwiftRex/SwiftRex good first issue
cashapp/AccessibilitySnapshot good first issue
RougeWare/Swift-Cross-Kit-Types good first issue
yenom/BitcoinKit good first issue, help wanted
mkj-is/PathBuilder good first issue, help wanted
SAP/cloud-sdk-ios-fiori good first issue
nerdsupremacist/Graphaello good first issue, help wanted
RobotsAndPencils/xcodes good first issue
hexedbits/AboutThisApp good first issue, help wanted
vincentneo/CoreGPX good first issue
awslabs/aws-mobile-appsync-sdk-ios good first issue
ProxymanApp/atlantis good first issue, hacktoberfest
apple/swift-numerics good first issue
SwifterSwift/SwifterSwift good first issue, help wanted
Flinesoft/BartyCrouch good first issue, help wanted
fmo91/Pigeon good first issue, help wanted
andreamazz/AMScrollingNavbar good first issue, help wanted
PureSwift/Bluetooth good first issue, help wanted
sindresorhus/Defaults good first issue, help wanted
sindresorhus/Regex help wanted
dadalar/SwiftUI-CardStackView help wanted
apollographql/apollo-ios help wanted
PureSwift/GATT help wanted
efremidze/Magnetic help wanted
AliSoftware/OHHTTPStubs help wanted
stephencelis/SQLite.swift help wanted
airsidemobile/JOSESwift help wanted, trivial
uraimo/HD44780CharacterLCD.swift help wanted
yannickl/Reactions help wanted
AlwaysRightInstitute/NWHTTPProtocol help wanted
thii/xcbeautify help wanted
kaishin/Gifu help wanted
fernandodelrio/SwiftColorGenLibrary help wanted
jjochen/JJFloatingActionButton help wanted
Kitura/BlueCryptor help wanted
mapbox/turf-swift help wanted
llvm-swift/LLVMSwift help wanted
httpswift/swifter help wanted
chrs1885/Capable help wanted
nsagora/peppermint help wanted
Esri/arcgis-runtime-toolkit-ios help wanted
kareman/FootlessParser help wanted
SDWebImage/SDWebImageSwiftUI help wanted
patchthecode/JTAppleCalendar help wanted
apple/swift-protobuf help wanted
onekiloparsec/SwiftAA help wanted
WeTransfer/Mocker help wanted
Blackjacx/SHSearchBar help wanted
EFPrefix/EFQRCode help wanted
GraphQLSwift/GraphQL help wanted
typelift/Swiftz help wanted
vapor-community/Imperial help wanted
krzysztofzablocki/LifetimeTracker help wanted
fjcaetano/RxWebSocket help wanted
techprimate/TPPDF help wanted
utahiosmac/Marshal help wanted
nvzqz/FileKit help wanted
SwipeCellKit/SwipeCellKit help wanted
tonyarnold/Differ help wanted
nerdsupremacist/Snap help wanted
cpageler93/ConsulSwift help wanted
sindresorhus/is-camera-on help wanted
bustoutsolutions/siesta help wanted
meech-ward/Observe help wanted
whitesmith/WSTagsField help wanted
ashleymills/Reachability.swift help wanted
groue/GRMustache.swift help wanted
sindresorhus/Preferences help wanted
sindresorhus/KeyboardShortcuts help wanted
nsomar/Guaka help wanted
svdo/swift-netutils help wanted
thii/FontAwesome.swift help wanted
alejandro-isaza/Upsurge help wanted
sindresorhus/Percentage help wanted
BenziAhamed/Tracery help wanted
OAuthSwift/OAuthSwift help wanted
OpenKitten/MongoKitten help wanted
uber/RIBs help wanted
sindresorhus/CircularProgress help wanted
YutoMizutani/EmojiKit hacktoberfest, help wanted
tadija/AEXML help wanted
vapor/console-kit help wanted
p2/OAuth2 help wanted
AlwaysRightInstitute/SwiftyWasmer help wanted
google/google-api-objectivec-client-for-rest help wanted
tadija/AERecord help wanted
jpsim/SourceKitten help wanted
yannickl/Splitflap help wanted
marmelroy/PhoneNumberKit help wanted
MakeAWishFoundation/SwiftyMocky help wanted
timsearle/Euclid help wanted
groue/GRDB.swift help wanted
parse-community/Parse-Swift help wanted
num42/icon-resizer-swift help wanted
JohnEstropia/CoreStore help wanted
meech-ward/Focus help wanted
sunshinejr/SwiftyUserDefaults help wanted
cgarciae/NDArray help wanted
tmandry/AXSwift help wanted
RougeWare/Swift-Lazy-Containers help wanted
krzyzanowskim/CryptoSwift help wanted
krzysztofzablocki/Sourcery help wanted
wulkano/Aperture help wanted
finestructure/Arena help wanted
LiveUI/S3 help wanted
kareman/SwiftShell help wanted
thoughtbot/Argo help wanted
ProcedureKit/ProcedureKit help wanted, you can do this
SwiftyJSON/SwiftyJSON help wanted
grpc/grpc-swift help wanted
Carthage/Commandant help wanted
efremidze/VisualEffectView help wanted
nerdishbynature/octokit.swift help wanted
dral3x/StringsLint help wanted
vapor-community/vapor-aws-lambda-runtime help wanted
kareman/FileSmith help wanted
ReSwift/ReSwift-Router help wanted
amosavian/FileProvider help wanted
holzschu/ios_system help wanted
benspratling4/SwiftFoundationCompression help wanted
zvonicek/ImageSlideshow help wanted
amplitude/Amplitude-iOS help wanted
nodes-ios/QRIO help wanted
duemunk/Async help wanted
Restofire/Restofire help wanted
mattdonnelly/Swifter help wanted
Cosmo/HackMan help wanted
nicklockwood/SwiftFormat help wanted
vinhnx/spawn help wanted
AliSoftware/Reusable help wanted
Swinject/Swinject help wanted
pmusolino/PMSuperButton help wanted
ninjaprox/NVActivityIndicatorView help wanted
arthurpalves/badgy help wanted
RxSwiftCommunity/RxDataSources help wanted
yannickl/AwaitKit help wanted
DiUS/pact-consumer-swift hacktoberfest, help wanted
fulldecent/FDWaveformView help wanted
Brightify/ReactantUI help wanted
vapor/leaf help wanted
efremidze/Cluster help wanted
SwiftyGuerrero/SGSwiftyBind help wanted
SwiftBlocksUI/SwiftBlocksUI help wanted
attaswift/BTree help wanted
danielgindi/Charts help wanted
PureLayout/PureLayout help wanted
zummenix/KeyboardNotificationsObserver help wanted
RxSwiftCommunity/RxCoreLocation help wanted
robb/Cartography help wanted
RLovelett/langserver-swift help wanted
guillermomuntaner/Burritos help wanted
weichsel/ZIPFoundation help wanted
sindresorhus/DockProgress help wanted
antitypical/Result help wanted
xavierLowmiller/AppStorage help wanted
vtourraine/ThirdPartyMailer help wanted
fulldecent/FDTake help wanted
RxSwiftCommunity/Action help wanted
google/swift-benchmark help wanted
Carthage/Carthage hacktoberfest, help wanted
kiliankoe/SwiftLibrary help wanted
Skyscanner/SkyFloatingLabelTextField help wanted
NoTests/RxFeedback.swift help wanted
openid/AppAuth-iOS help wanted
mindbody/Conduit help wanted
SDWebImage/SDWebImage help wanted
OpenCombine/OpenCombine help wanted
DenTelezhkin/DTTableViewManager help wanted
tadija/AEConsole help wanted
PL-Swift/PLSwift help wanted
bow-swift/bow help wanted
mkrd/Swift-BigInt help wanted
YutoMizutani/OperantKit help wanted
moozzyk/SignalR-Client-Swift hacktoberfest, help wanted
kiliankoe/Karte help wanted
compnerd/SwiftWinRT help wanted
square/Valet help wanted
AlwaysRightInstitute/SwiftXmlRpc help wanted
Quick/Nimble help wanted
sindresorhus/macos-wallpaper help wanted
devxoul/URLNavigator help wanted
gonzalezreal/MarkdownUI help wanted
GaltSoft/kitura-manager help wanted
GraphQLSwift/Graphiti help wanted
tadija/AEAccordion help wanted
firebase/firebase-ios-sdk help wanted
AppCron/ACInteractor help wanted
jonkykong/SideMenu feature request - help wanted!
shibapm/PackageConfig you can do this
tomquist/ReverseJson hacktoberfest
nysander/twitter-text hacktoberfest
tuist/tuist hacktoberfest
fethica/FRadioPlayer hacktoberfest
Ether-CLI/Ether hacktoberfest
artemnovichkov/Carting hacktoberfest
artemnovichkov/fastfood hacktoberfest
Kentzo/ShortcutRecorder help-needed
getsentry/sentry-cocoa up-for-grabs
fastlane/fastlane complexity: you can do this
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