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Last active February 1, 2021 17:29
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package com.eladfinish.googlesheet2json
import io.reactivex.Single
import retrofit2.http.GET
import retrofit2.http.Path
import retrofit2.http.Query
import kotlin.math.abs
* Developed by
* @author Elad Finish
const val FIELD_PREFIX = "gsx$"
const val TEXT_KEY = "\$t"
interface SpreadsheetService {
fun getDataFromSpreadsheet(
@Path("id") sheetId: String,
@Path("num") sheetNumber: Int = 1,
@Query("alt") format: String = "json",
): Single<Sheet>
//for calling from Java
fun getDataFromSpreadsheet(
@Path("id") sheetId: String,
): Single<Sheet>
//for calling from Java
fun getDataFromSpreadsheet(
@Path("id") sheetId: String,
@Path("num") sheetNumber: Int = 1,
): Single<Sheet>
fun String.getId(): String {
if (this.matches("[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+".toRegex())) {
return this
val str = "/d/"
val beginIndex = this.indexOf(str) + str.length
var endIndex = this.lastIndexOf("/")
if (abs(endIndex - beginIndex) <= 1) {
endIndex = this.length
return this.substring(beginIndex, endIndex)
data class Sheet(
@SerializedName("version") val version: String,
@SerializedName("feed") val feed: Feed,
data class Feed(
@SerializedName("title") val title: Text,
@SerializedName("updated") val updated: Text,
@SerializedName("author") val authors: List<Author>,
@SerializedName("entry") val rows: List<JsonElement>,
) {
fun <T> getItems(clazz: Class<T>): List<T> =
rows.filter { it.isJsonObject }.map { it.asJsonObject }.map {
mutableMapOf<String, JsonElement>().apply {
it.keySet().filter { key -> (key.startsWith(FIELD_PREFIX)) }
.forEach { key -> this[key.drop(FIELD_PREFIX.length)] = it.get(key).asJsonObject.get(TEXT_KEY) }
}.toString().let {
Gson().fromJson(it, TypeToken.getParameterized(, clazz).type)
data class Text(
@SerializedName("\$t") val text: String,
data class Author(
@SerializedName("name") val name: Text,
@SerializedName("email") val email: Text,
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