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;; Old-school noweb in poly mode for emacs, now with Markdown. This does require one
;; bit of sed (perl, whatever) to work properly: you'll have to find all the chunks
;; that start with '<<...>>=' and remove the polymode ending indicating the language type.
(use-package poly-noweb
(require 'poly-markdown)
(define-obsolete-variable-alias 'pm-host/markdown-for-noweb 'poly-noweb-markdown-hostmode "v0.2")
(define-hostmode poly-noweb-markdown-hostmode poly-markdown-hostmode)
(define-polymode poly-noweb-mode
:hostmode 'poly-markdown-hostmode
:innermodes '(poly-noweb-auto-innermode
:keylist '(("<" . poly-noweb-electric-<))))
(provide 'poly-noweb)
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