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Last active August 2, 2019 21:38
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toHaveClass custom Jasmine 1.3.1 html class matcher
"use strict";
var maxWaitTimeoutMs = 5000; // 5secs
var webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver');
var flow = webdriver.promise.controlFlow();
* Custom Jasmine matcher builder that waits for an element to have
* or not have an html class.
* @param {String} expectation The html class name
* @return {Boolean} Returns the expectation result
* Uses the following object properties:
* {ElementFinder} this.actual The element to find
* Creates the following object properties:
* {String} this.message The error message to show
* {Error} this.spec.lastStackTrace A better stack trace of user's interest
function toHaveClassFnBuilder(builderTypeBool) {
return function toHaveClass(clsName) {
if (clsName == null) throw new Error(
"Custom matcher toHaveClass needs a class name");
var customMatcherFnThis = this;
var elmFinder = customMatcherFnThis.actual;
if (!elmFinder.element) throw new Error(
"This custom matcher only works on an actual ElementFinder.");
var driverWaitIterations = 0;
var lastWebdriverError;
var thisIsNot = this.isNot;
var testHaveClass = !thisIsNot;
if (!builderTypeBool) {
testHaveClass = !testHaveClass;
var haveOrNot = testHaveClass ? 'have' : 'not to have';
customMatcherFnThis.message = function message() {
var msg = (elmFinder.locator().message || elmFinder.locator().toString());
return "Expected '" + msg + "' to " + haveOrNot +
" class " + clsName + ". "
"After " + driverWaitIterations + " driverWaitIterations. " +
"Last webdriver error: " + lastWebdriverError;
// This will be picked up by elgalu/jasminewd#jasmine_retry
customMatcherFnThis.spec.lastStackTrace = new Error('Custom Matcher');
function haveClassOrNotError(err) {
lastWebdriverError = err.toString();
return false;
return browser.driver.wait(function() {
return elmFinder.getAttribute('class').
then(function getAttributeClass(classes) {
var hasClass = classes.split(' ').indexOf(clsName) !== -1;
if (testHaveClass) {
lastWebdriverError = 'class present:' + hasClass;
return hasClass;
} else {
lastWebdriverError = 'class absent:' + !hasClass;
return !hasClass;
}, haveClassOrNotError);
}, maxWaitTimeoutMs).
then(function(waitResult) {
if (thisIsNot) {
// Jasmine 1.3.1 expects to fail on negation
return !waitResult;
} else {
return waitResult;
}, function(err) {
// Jasmine 1.3.1 expects to fail on negation
return thisIsNot;
// Add the custom matchers to jasmine
beforeEach(function() {
toHaveClass: toHaveClassFnBuilder(true),
toNotHaveClass: toHaveClassFnBuilder(false),
it('test the new custom matcher', function() {
// These guys should pass OK given your user input
// element starts with an ng-invalid class:
// These guys should each fail:
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