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Henry Schober elhenro

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Yimiprod / difference.js
Last active April 5, 2024 13:17
Deep diff between two object, using lodash
* This code is licensed under the terms of the MIT license
* Deep diff between two object, using lodash
* @param {Object} object Object compared
* @param {Object} base Object to compare with
* @return {Object} Return a new object who represent the diff
function difference(object, base) {
function changes(object, base) {
PurpleBooth /
Last active April 26, 2024 17:22
A template to make good

Project Title

One Paragraph of project description goes here

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


anonymous /
Created February 5, 2015 16:57
Backup starred GitHub repositories
pages=$(curl -I$user/starred | sed -nr 's/^Link:.*page=([0-9]+).*/\1/p')
for page in $(seq 0 $pages); do
curl "$user/starred?page=$page&per_page=100" | jq -r '.[].html_url' |
while read rp; do
git clone $rp
Jimbly / webroot.js
Last active March 13, 2019 17:38
Node.js app combining virtual hosts, proxies, mapped subdirectores, and static sites, with WebSockets support.
// Companion Blog Post about architecture:
// Companion Blog Post about dealing with legacy requests:
// Routing handled by this app:
// [www.] -> static site: /var/data/smb_web/
// -> node app running entire site on port 4001
// [default site]/app1: replace URL and redirect to single page app on
// [default site] -> static site: /var/data/smb_web/
danallison / downloadString.js
Created September 29, 2014 16:44
download string as text file
function downloadString(text, fileType, fileName) {
var blob = new Blob([text], { type: fileType });
var a = document.createElement('a'); = fileName;
a.href = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
a.dataset.downloadurl = [fileType,, a.href].join(':'); = "none";
paulmach / serve.go
Last active March 28, 2024 15:31
Simple Static File Server in Go
Serve is a very simple static file server in go
-p="8100": port to serve on
-d=".": the directory of static files to host
Navigating to http://localhost:8100 will display the index.html or directory
listing file.
package main
Stanback / nginx.conf
Last active April 22, 2024 19:23 — forked from michiel/cors-nginx.conf
Example Nginx configuration for adding cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) support to reverse proxied APIs
# CORS header support
# One way to use this is by placing it into a file called "cors_support"
# under your Nginx configuration directory and placing the following
# statement inside your **location** block(s):
# include cors_support;
# As of Nginx 1.7.5, add_header supports an "always" parameter which
scy /
Last active March 15, 2024 11:26
Opening and closing an SSH tunnel in a shell script the smart way

Opening and closing an SSH tunnel in a shell script the smart way

I recently had the following problem:

  • From an unattended shell script (called by Jenkins), run a command-line tool that accesses the MySQL database on another host.
  • That tool doesn't know that the database is on another host, plus the MySQL port on that host is firewalled and not accessible from other machines.

We didn't want to open the MySQL port to the network, but it's possible to SSH from the Jenkins machine to the MySQL machine. So, basically you would do something like

ssh -L 3306:localhost:3306 remotehost

andreyvit /
Created June 13, 2012 03:41
tmux cheatsheet

tmux cheat sheet

(C-x means ctrl+x, M-x means alt+x)

Prefix key

The default prefix is C-b. If you (or your muscle memory) prefer C-a, you need to add this to ~/.tmux.conf:

remap prefix to Control + a

yellowled / ffmpeg-html5
Created December 6, 2011 19:39
Convert videos to proper formats for HTML5 video on Linux shell using ffmpeg. Will probably convert this to a bash script later, but for the time being, here's some examples. Not sure there have actually sensible dimensions and bitrates for web video.
# webm
ffmpeg -i IN -f webm -vcodec libvpx -acodec libvorbis -ab 128000 -crf 22 -s 640x360 OUT.webm
# mp4
ffmpeg -i IN -acodec aac -strict experimental -ac 2 -ab 128k -vcodec libx264 -vpre slow -f mp4 -crf 22 -s 640x360 OUT.mp4
# ogg (if you want to support older Firefox)
ffmpeg2theora IN -o OUT.ogv -x 640 -y 360 --videoquality 5 --audioquality 0 --frontend