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Created December 29, 2022 01:31
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boring basic pokedex playground
#lang racket
;; let's try to make a pokedex in racket!
(require net/url
(define *POKE-API* "")
(define (get-pokemon id)
"queries the api, returns a butt ton of info"
(call/input-url (string->url (~a *POKE-API* "pokemon/" id))
(compose string->jsexpr port->string))) ; QUESTION: could I use read-json here, instead?
(define (dex-entry id)
"selects the info we need from the api, builds a hash table of the data that will build the entry"
(let ([poke-data (get-pokemon id)])
(define entry-data (make-hash))
(hash-set! entry-data "name" (hash-ref poke-data 'name))
(hash-set! entry-data "id" (hash-ref poke-data 'id))
(hash-set! entry-data "sprite" (hash-ref (hash-ref poke-data 'sprites) 'front_default))
(hash-set! entry-data "stats" (hash-ref poke-data 'stats))
(hash-set! entry-data "types" (hash-ref poke-data 'types))
(define (inspector h)
"display the contents of a hash table for human eyeballs and let the hash table fall back out"
(hash-map h
(lambda (k v)
(if (list? v) (map ; consider making this if a cond and testing for lists/hash tables to recursively dive into nested data
(lambda (x) (inspector x)) v)
(display (~a " key: " k "\nvalue: " v "\n=====\n")))))
(define (capitalize-first-letter str)
"utility to capitalize the first letter of a string"
[(non-empty-string? str)
(define first-letter-str
(substring str 0 1))
(define rest-str
(substring str 1 (string-length str)))
(string-append (string-upcase first-letter-str)
[else ""]))
(define (get-image id sprite-file-name)
"download a sprite"
(define img (hash-ref (dex-entry id) "sprite"))
(define img-url
(string->url img))
(define the-data
(parameterize ([current-https-protocol 'secure])
(port->bytes (get-pure-port img-url))))
(define out (open-output-file sprite-file-name))
(write-bytes the-data out)
(close-output-port out)
(display-image sprite-file-name))
(define (display-image image)
"display a sprite"
(define display-image (bitmap (make-object bitmap% image)))
(frame (scale display-image 1)))
(define (see-pokemon id)
"check to see if we've already got a sprite, if we don't, get it"
(define sprite-file-name
(~a "imgs/" id ".png"))
(if (file-exists? sprite-file-name)
(display-image sprite-file-name)
(get-image id sprite-file-name)))
;; FIXME: I'd very much like to sort out how to display stats, types, and maybe the evolution chain.
(define (poke id [debug #f])
"display some basic info about a pokemon given it's name or id"
(define poke-data (dex-entry id))
(when debug
(inspector poke-data))
(displayln (~a "name: "
(capitalize-first-letter (hash-ref poke-data "name"))))
(displayln (~a "id: " (hash-ref poke-data "id")))
(see-pokemon (hash-ref poke-data "name"))) ; using name here prevents duplicate files with different names, id.png v name.png
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