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Forked from boxmein/
Last active August 29, 2015 14:08
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# implementation of card game - Memory
# (c) 2013 boxmein
# MIT license if applicable
# prefers being run in CodeSkulptor
# Live:
# (live url's last digits may change)
import simplegui, random, math
# --- Constants ---
C_PAD = 5 # some spacing between cards
C_WIDTH = 50 # how wide a card image is
C_HEIGHT = 100 # how high a card image is
C_S = 16 # card count. must be even!!
DEBUG = False
DEBUG = True # y'know
# --- / Constants ---
framew = 0 # Frame width
frameh = 0 # Frame height
c_array = [] # Array of Card objects.
turns = 0 # How many turns were taken?
clickedcard = None # The card last clicked.
cardstohide = [] # Cards marked for hiding
turnlabel = None # Label on which to display turns
motlabel = None # Motivation Label v1.0
# :)
motivation = ["Good job!", "Yes!", "Awesome!", "Radical!",
"Mathematical!", "You're on fire!", "Neat!",
"Keep at it!", "Prosperous!", "Great job!",
## Initialization and bounds check.
def init():
global c_array, frame, framew, frameh
global turnlabel, motlabel
## 1. Frame size setup by card count.
if C_S <= 16:
framew = (C_WIDTH + C_PAD) * C_S
frameh = C_HEIGHT + 2*C_PAD + (12*10 if DEBUG else 0)
## 1.4545. Doubles as a card limit!
print "Too many cards used!"
## 1.99. Card count bounds check
if C_S % 2:
print "Card count can't be an odd number!"
if C_S <= 0:
print "Too little cards used :("
## 2. Frame setup
frame = simplegui.create_frame("Memory", framew, frameh)
frame.add_button("Restart Game", restart)
turnlabel = frame.add_label("Turns: (none)")
motlabel = frame.add_label("")
frame.add_label("Debug buttons:")
frame.add_button("Hide marked cards", hideCards)
## 3. (Re)Start game
## When the game is restarted
def restart ():
global c_array, turns
## 1. Reset turn count
turns = 0
## 2. Reset card array and assign them values
ids = range(0, C_S/2) * 2
c_array = []
for i in range(C_S):
c = Card(ids[i])
c.x = i * (C_WIDTH + C_PAD) + C_PAD
c.y = C_PAD
## Draws a card onto the screen
## This is where most of the magic happens for drawing
def drawCard(can, card):
global c_array, frame
if card.hidden:
[(card.x, card.y),
(card.x+C_WIDTH, card.y),
(card.x+C_WIDTH, card.y+C_HEIGHT),
(card.x, card.y+C_HEIGHT)
], 1, "White", "Gray")
## Text is bottom center :)
tw = frame.get_canvas_textwidth(str(card.value), 36, "sans-serif")
can.draw_text(str(card.value), (card.x+C_WIDTH/2-tw/2, card.y+C_HEIGHT), 36, "White", "sans-serif")
## Text is bottom center :)
tw = frame.get_canvas_textwidth(str(card.value), 36, "sans-serif")
[(card.x, card.y),
(card.x+C_WIDTH, card.y),
(card.x+C_WIDTH, card.y+C_HEIGHT),
(card.x, card.y+C_HEIGHT)
], 1, "Gray", ("Silver" if card.paired else"White"))
can.draw_text(str(card.value), (card.x+C_WIDTH/2-tw/2, card.y+C_HEIGHT), 36, "Black", "sans-serif")
## Main logic function, handles clicks
def mouseclick(pos):
global clickedcard, cardstohide, turns
global motlabel, motivation
# Crude mouse click range handling
for each in c_array:
if ((each.x < pos[0] < each.x+C_WIDTH) and
(each.y < pos[1] < each.y+C_HEIGHT) and
# Delete cards marked for deletion
turns += 1
each.hidden = False
## 1. If there's already a card active
if clickedcard:
# 1.1. If the clicked card has the same value
if clickedcard.value == each.value:
print "Matched cards %s and %s !" % (clickedcard, each)
motlabel.set_text(motivation[random.randrange(0, len(motivation))])
clickedcard.paired = each.paired = True
clickedcard = None
# 1.2. If the cards differ
print "Failed to match cards %s and %s, hiding" % (clickedcard, each)
cardstohide.extend([clickedcard, each])
clickedcard = None
clickedcard = each
# stop going through the rest if the clicked one was found
## Draw loop for cards and debug text.
def draw(c):
global c_array, turns, clickedcard, cardstohide
for each in c_array:
drawCard(c, each)
global framew, frameh
c.draw_text("DEBUG: True, cards: %d, card-w: %d, card-h: %d, card-padding: %d" %(C_S, C_WIDTH, C_HEIGHT, C_PAD), (5, 122), 12, "silver", "sans-serif")
c.draw_text("frame-width: %d, frame-height: %d" % (framew, frameh), (5, 134), 12, "silver", "sans-serif")
c.draw_text("turns-taken: %d, card-array: %s" % (turns, c_array), (5, 146), 12, "silver", "sans-serif")
c.draw_text("cards-to-hide: %s, clicked-card: %s" % (repr(cardstohide),repr(clickedcard)), (5,158), 12, "silver", "sans-serif")
if clickedcard is not None:
c.draw_text("pairing-card: (x: %d, y: %d, hidden: %d, value: %d)" % (clickedcard.x, clickedcard.y, clickedcard.hidden, clickedcard.value), (5,170), 12, "silver", "sans-serif")
## Hide all the cards marked for hiding
def hideCards ():
global cardstohide
for each in cardstohide:
each.hidden = True
cardstohide = []
## Update the turn count label
def updateLabel(turns):
global turnlabel
turnlabel.set_text("Turns: %d" % turns)
## Check whether or not the user has winrar
def checkWin():
global c_array
for each in c_array:
if not each.paired:
return False
return True
## Card class to hold some values for me
class Card:
x = 0
y = 0
hidden = True
paired = False
# 0 .. CARDS/2
value = 0
def __init__ (self, value):
self.value = value
# Yay string concatenation
def __repr__ (self):
return "<%d>" % self.value
## initialize everything
# Always remember to review the grading rubric
## Rubric:
# 1. 16 cards in arbitrary layout
# 2. 8 unique pairs of cards
# 3. ignores clicks on exposed cards
# 4. a click exposes the card at the start of the game
# 5. if unpaired is exposed: second card click exposes second card
# 6. if unexposed clicked + two unpaired exposed: hides last two, exposes clicked
# 7. if unexposed 1 + expose 1 click + match the two: shows the two, ends turn
# 8. pairs of cards remain exposed until new game
# 9. reset button
# 10. reset button shuffles cards
# Thanks for reviewing!
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