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Created February 4, 2017 20:25
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import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import scipy
import scipy.stats as sts
import random
import pyspark
import pyspark.sql.types as stypes
import pyspark.sql.functions as sfunctions
def update_vectors(K, list_of_weights, list_of_dicts):
agg_dict = {}
for i in range(len(list_of_weights)):
weight = list_of_weights[i]
dict_ = list_of_dicts[i]
for k, v in dict_.items():
if k in agg_dict:
agg_dict[k] += v * weight
agg_dict[k] = v * weight
# normalize
sum_values = sum(agg_dict.values())
for k, v in agg_dict.items():
agg_dict[k] /= sum_values
# keep only top K items (or with equal value)
if len(agg_dict) > K:
sorted_items = sorted(agg_dict.items(), key=lambda x:x[1], reverse=True)
_, Kth_value = sorted_items[K - 1]
valid_items = [(k, v) for k,v in sorted_items if v >= Kth_value]
return dict(valid_items)
return agg_dict
def propagation_step(to_, from_, K, nodes, edges):
@param to_ - the source of vectors to aggregate (str in ['query', 'doc', 'task'])
@param from_ - the destination of new vectors (str in ['query', 'doc', 'task'])
@param K - the number of terms to keep
@param nodes - the nodes frame
@param edges - the edges frame
Returns a new nodes dataframe with updated vectors.
The algorithm is equivalent to the following query, but written in Spark dataframe syntax.
This query can't be used with HiveQL because temporary tables can't be updated after each
step in the propagation algorithm -- and creating new temporary tables is not yet supported.
update_vectors({K}, collect_list(e.weight), collect_list(nn.dst_vector)) as updated_vector
FROM nodes n
JOIN ( SELECT src, dst, weight
FROM edges
WHERE type = '{edge_type}' ) e
ON = e.src
JOIN ( SELECT id, vector as dst_vector
FROM nodes
WHERE type = '{from_}') nn
ON e.dst =
WHERE n.type = '{to_}'
filtered_edges = edges.filter(edges.type == '%s-%s' % (to_, from_)).select(['src', 'dst', 'weight'])
filtered_nodes = nodes.filter(nodes.type == from_).select(['id', 'vector']).withColumnRenamed('vector', 'dst_vector').withColumnRenamed('id', 'dst_id')
filtered_edges = filtered_edges.join(filtered_nodes, filtered_edges.dst == filtered_nodes.dst_id)
agg_nodes = nodes.filter(nodes.type == to_).join(filtered_edges, == filtered_edges.src).select(['id', 'weight', 'dst_vector'])
g = agg_nodes.groupBy('id')
agg_df = (g.agg(sfunctions.collect_list(agg_nodes.weight), sfunctions.collect_list(agg_nodes.dst_vector))
.withColumnRenamed('collect_list(weight)', 'weight').withColumnRenamed('collect_list(dst_vector)', 'dst_vector'))
agg_df = agg_df.withColumn('updated_vector', update_vectorsUDF(sfunctions.lit(K), agg_df.weight, agg_df.dst_vector))
nodes = nodes.join(['id', 'updated_vector']), on='id', how='left')
nodes = nodes.withColumn('new_vector', sfunctions.when(sfunctions.isnull(nodes.updated_vector), nodes.vector).otherwise(nodes.updated_vector))
nodes = nodes.drop('vector').drop('updated_vector').withColumnRenamed('new_vector', 'vector')
return nodes
if __name__ == '__main__':
sc = pyspark.SparkContext()
hv = pyspark.HiveContext(sc)
# Generate fake data
doc_data = []
query_data = []
task_data = []
for i in range(50):
doc_data.append(('doc_%02d' % i, 'doc',
dict(zip(list(map(int, (np.random.randint(0, high=40, size=10)))), [0.1] * 10))))
for i in range(25):
query_data.append(('query_%02d' % i, 'query', {}))
for i in range(10):
task_data.append(('task_%02d' % i, 'task', {}))
all_data = []
# Create fake edges
edge_data = []
for q in range(25):
for d in range(50):
if sts.binom.rvs(10, 0.2, size=1)[0] > 3:
edge_data.append(('query_%02d' % q, 'doc_%02d' % d, "query-doc", int(np.random.randint(1, high=11))))
edge_data.append(('doc_%02d' % d, 'query_%02d' % q, "doc-query", int(np.random.randint(1, high=11))))
for t in range(10):
for q in range(25):
if sts.binom.rvs(10, 0.2, size=1)[0] > 3:
edge_data.append(('task_%02d' % t, 'query_%02d' % q, "task-query", int(np.random.randint(1, high=11))))
edge_data.append(('query_%02d' % q, 'task_%02d' % t, "query-task", int(np.random.randint(1, high=11))))
for t in range(10):
for tt in range(t, 10):
if sts.binom.rvs(10, 0.2, size=1)[0] > 3:
edge_data.append(('task_%02d' % t, 'task_%02d' % tt, "task-task", int(np.random.randint(1, high=11))))
edge_data.append(('task_%02d' % tt, 'task_%02d' % t, "task-task", int(np.random.randint(1, high=11))))
node_schema = stypes.StructType([
stypes.StructField("id", stypes.StringType(), False),
stypes.StructField("type", stypes.StringType(), False),
stypes.StructField("vector", stypes.MapType(stypes.IntegerType(), stypes.FloatType()), False)
update_vectorsUDF = sfunctions.udf(update_vectors, stypes.MapType(stypes.IntegerType(), stypes.FloatType()))
nodes = hv.createDataFrame(all_data, schema=node_schema)
edges = hv.createDataFrame(edge_data, ["src", "dst", "type", "weight"])
K = 20
nodes = propagation_step('query', 'doc', K, nodes, edges)
nodes = propagation_step('task', 'query', K, nodes, edges)
nodes = propagation_step('task', 'task', K, nodes, edges)
nodes = propagation_step('query', 'task', K, nodes, edges)
nodes = propagation_step('doc', 'query', K, nodes, edges)
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