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Last active April 28, 2024 20:56
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OBB collision check and resolution using SAT (SFML, 2D)
// SAT collision check and resolution
// Public domain
// Usage example:
// if (testCollision(obb1, obb2, mtv)) { // obb1, obb2 - sf::RectangleShape, mtv - sf::Vector2f
// obb1.move(mtv);
// }
static const float NORMAL_TOLERANCE = 0.0001f;
using RectVertexArray = std::array<sf::Vector2f, 4>;
float getLength(const sf::Vector2f& v)
return std::sqrt(v.x * v.x + v.y * v.y);
// Returns normalized vector
sf::Vector2f getNormalized(const sf::Vector2f& v)
float length = getLength(v);
if (length < NORMAL_TOLERANCE) { return sf::Vector2f(); }
return sf::Vector2f(v.x / length, v.y / length);
float dotProduct(const sf::Vector2f& a, const sf::Vector2f& b)
return a.x * b.x + a.y * b.y;
// Returns right hand perpendicular vector
sf::Vector2f getNormal(const sf::Vector2f& v)
return sf::Vector2f(-v.y, v.x);
// Find minimum and maximum projections of each vertex on the axis
sf::Vector2f projectOnAxis(const RectVertexArray& vertices, const sf::Vector2f& axis)
float min = std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity();
float max = -std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity();
for (auto& vertex : vertices) {
float projection = dotProduct(vertex, axis);
if (projection < min) { min = projection; }
if (projection > max) { max = projection; }
return sf::Vector2f(min, max);
// a and b are ranges and it's assumed that a.x <= a.y and b.x <= b.y
bool areOverlapping(const sf::Vector2f& a, const sf::Vector2f& b)
return a.x <= b.y && a.y >= b.x;
// a and b are ranges and it's assumed that a.x <= a.y and b.x <= b.y
float getOverlapLength(const sf::Vector2f& a, const sf::Vector2f& b)
if (!areOverlapping(a, b)) { return 0.f; }
return std::min(a.y, b.y) - std::max(a.x, b.x);
sf::Vector2f getCenter(const sf::RectangleShape& shape)
const sf::Transform& transform = shape.getTransform();
sf::FloatRect local = shape.getLocalBounds();
return transform.transformPoint(local.width / 2.f, local.height / 2.f);
RectVertexArray getVertices(const sf::RectangleShape& shape)
RectVertexArray vertices;
const sf::Transform& transform = shape.getTransform();
for (std::size_t i = 0u; i < shape.getPointCount(); ++i) {
vertices[i] = transform.transformPoint(shape.getPoint(i));
return vertices;
sf::Vector2f getPerpendicularAxis(const RectVertexArray& vertices, std::size_t index)
assert(index >= 0 && index < 4); // rect has 4 possible axes
return getNormal(getNormalized(vertices[index + 1] - vertices[index]));
// axes for which we'll test stuff. Two for each box, because testing for parallel axes isn't needed
std::array<sf::Vector2f, 4> getPerpendicularAxes(const RectVertexArray& vertices1, const RectVertexArray& vertices2)
std::array<sf::Vector2f, 4> axes;
axes[0] = getPerpendicularAxis(vertices1, 0);
axes[1] = getPerpendicularAxis(vertices1, 1);
axes[2] = getPerpendicularAxis(vertices2, 0);
axes[3] = getPerpendicularAxis(vertices2, 1);
return axes;
// Separating Axis Theorem (SAT) collision test
// Minimum Translation Vector (MTV) is returned for the first Oriented Bounding Box (OBB)
bool testCollision(const sf::RectangleShape& obb1, const sf::RectangleShape& obb2, sf::Vector2f& mtv)
RectVertexArray vertices1 = getVertices(obb1);
RectVertexArray vertices2 = getVertices(obb2);
std::array<sf::Vector2f, 4> axes = getPerpendicularAxes(vertices1, vertices2);
// we need to find the minimal overlap and axis on which it happens
float minOverlap = std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity();
for (auto& axis : axes) {
sf::Vector2f proj1 = projectOnAxis(vertices1, axis);
sf::Vector2f proj2 = projectOnAxis(vertices2, axis);
float overlap = getOverlapLength(proj1, proj2);
if (overlap == 0.f) { // shapes are not overlapping
mtv = sf::Vector2f();
return false;
} else {
if (overlap < minOverlap) {
minOverlap = overlap;
mtv = axis * minOverlap;
// ideally we would do this only once for the minimal overlap
// but this is very cheap operation
// need to reverse MTV if center offset and overlap are not pointing in the same direction
bool notPointingInTheSameDirection = dotProduct(getCenter(obb1) - getCenter(obb2), mtv) < 0;
if (notPointingInTheSameDirection) { mtv = -mtv; }
return true;
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Thanks, the code works well and it was quite easy to make it handle polygons as well 👍

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