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Created February 29, 2012 08:50
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Refresh members loader
// --- This little script loads the users of the @refreshmunich lists and sorts them by name.
var members = [];
// --- Fire the Twitter API request
JSONP.get('', {
}, function(data) {
members = data.users;
// --- We want the members sorted alphabetically
members = members.sort(sortMembers);
// --- Finished! your code comes here!
alert('Loaded ALL the members!');
// --- Custom sort function for sorting the members
function sortMembers(a, b, key) {
// --- Members are sorted by Name. They can be also sorted by
// --- twitter @handle by changing to a.screen_name
var nameA =;
var nameB =;
if (nameA < nameB)
return -1;
else if (nameA > nameB)
return 1;
return 0;
//Lightweight JSONP fetcher -
var JSONP=(function(){var a=0,c,f,b,d=this;function e(j){var i=document.createElement('script'),h=false;i.src=j;i.async=true;i.onload=i.onreadystatechange=function(){if(!h&&(!this.readyState||this.readyState==='loaded'||this.readyState==='complete')){h=true;i.onload=i.onreadystatechange=null;if(i&&i.parentNode){i.parentNode.removeChild(i)}}};if(!c){c=document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]}c.appendChild(i)}function g(h,j,k){f='?';j=j||{};for(b in j){if(j.hasOwnProperty(b)){f+=encodeURIComponent(b)+'='+encodeURIComponent(j[b])+'&'}}var i='json'+(++a);d[i]=function(l){k(l);try{delete d[i]}catch(m){}d[i]=null;};e(h+f+'callback='+i);return i}return{get:g}}());
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