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Created April 7, 2014 04:50
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#lang racket/base
(provide get-top-level-collection-paths)
(require racket/string racket/list racket/path setup/dirs setup/link)
(define (add-directory-collections c s)
(if (directory-exists? c)
(for/fold ([s s]) ([p (in-list (directory-list c))]
#:when (directory-exists? (build-path c p))
#:when (regexp-match? #rx#"^[a-zA-Z_%+-]*$" p))
(hash-set s (build-path c (path-element->string p)) #t))
(define (get-top-level-collection-paths)
(for/fold ([s (hash)]) ([l (in-list
[(not l)
(for/fold ([s s]) ([c (in-list
(add-directory-collections c s))]
[(path? l)
(let ([s (for*/fold ([s s]) ([c (in-list (links #:file l #:root? #f #:with-path? #t))])
(hash-set s (cdr c) #t))])
(for*/fold ([s s]) ([c (in-list (links #:file l #:root? #t))])
(add-directory-collections c s)))]
[else (error 'get-top-level-collection-paths
"unexpected value in `current-library-collection-links': ~e"
(module+ main
(define shell (getenv var))
(cond [(equal? shell "bash")
(for ([p (get-top-level-collection-paths)])
(define-values [base name dir?] (split-path p))
(displayln name))]
[(equal? shell "zsh")
(for-each displayln
(map path-only (get-top-level-collection-paths))))]
[else (error 'list-collects "unknown shell (missing ~a envvar)" var)]))
# -*- mode: shell-script; sh-basic-offset: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
# ex: ts=2 sw=2 noet filetype=sh
# To enable this, add the following line to ~/.bash_completion
# source $PLTHOME/collects/meta/contrib/completion/racket-completion.bash
# Change $PLTHOME to whatever references your Racket installation. You
# will need to make sure that you have bash completions enabled, usually
# with "source /etc/bash_completion".
# Identify bash as the completion client
# This completes only *.{rkt,ss,scm,scrbl} files unless there are none,
# in which case it completes other things.
_racket_filedir() {
_filedir "@(rkt|rktl|ss|scm|scrbl)"
if [[ "${#COMPREPLY[@]}" -eq 0 ]]; then _filedir; fi
_find_exe() {
local exename="$1"
local dir="$(dirname "${COMP_WORDS[0]}")"
local exe="$(basename "${COMP_WORDS[0]}")"
if [[ "$dir" != "." || "${COMP_WORDS[0]}" = "$dir/$exe" ]]; then
echo "$dir/$exename"
echo "$exename"
_racket() {
local cur prev singleopts doubleopts
doubleopts="--help --version --eval --load --require --lib --script"
doubleopts+=" --require-script --main --repl --no-lib --version --warn"
doubleopts+=" --syslog --collects --search --addon --no-compiled"
doubleopts+=" --no-init-file"
singleopts="-h -e -f -t -l -p -r -u -k -m -i -n -v -W -L -X -S -A -I -U"
singleopts+=" -N -j -d -b -c -q"
warnlevels="none fatal error warning info debug"
# if "--" is already given, complete all kind of files, but no options
for (( i=0; i < ${#COMP_WORDS[@]}-1; i++ )); do
if [[ "${COMP_WORDS[i]}" == "--" ]]; then _racket_filedir; return; fi
# -k takes *two* integer arguments
if [[ 2 < "${#COMP_WORDS[@]}" ]]; then
if [[ "${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD-2]}" == "-k" ]]; then return; fi
case "$cur" in
"--"* )
COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "$doubleopts" -- "$cur") )
"-"* )
COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "$singleopts" -- "$cur") )
* )
case "$prev" in
# these do not take anything completable as arguments
"--help" | "-h" | "-e" | "--eval" | "-p" | "-k" )
# these take dirs (not files) as arguments
"-X" | "-S" | "-A" | "--collects" | "--search" | "--addon" )
_filedir -d
# these take warnlevels as arguments
"-W" | "--warn" | "-L" | "--syslog" )
COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "$warnlevels" -- "$cur") )
# otherwise, just a file
* )
complete -F _racket racket
complete -F _racket gracket
complete -F _racket gracket-text
_raco_cmd="$(_find_exe "raco")"
_raco_planet() {
local cur="${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}"
local planetcmds=$(
printf '%s\n' "--help"
"${_raco_cmd}" planet --help 2>&1 | awk '/^ *raco planet / { print $3 }'
COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "$planetcmds" -- "$cur") )
_racket_cmd="$(_find_exe "racket")"
_raco_help() {
local cur="${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}"
if [[ ${#_raco_cmds[@]} -eq 0 ]]; then
echo "help"
"$_racket_cmd" -e '(begin (require raco/all-tools)
(for ([(k v) (all-tools)]) (printf "~a\n" k)))'
COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "$_raco_cmds" -- "$cur") )
_complete_collects() {
local cur="$1"
if [[ "${#_racket_collects[@]}" -eq 0 ]]; then
$( $_racket_cmd -e '(require shell-completion/list-collects)' )
local wordlist=""
for dir in "${_racket_collects[@]}"; do
wordlist="$wordlist $dir"
COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "$wordlist" -- "$cur") )
local cur="${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}"
local prev="${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD-1]}"
if [[ "$COMP_CWORD" -eq 2 ]]; then
_complete_collects ${cur}
case "${prev}" in
# specifying a particular collection
"-l" ) _complete_collects "$cur" ;;
* ) _filedir ;;
_raco() {
local cur="${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}"
# Complete the arguments to some of the basic commands.
local makeopts="--disable-inline --no-deps -p --prefix --no-prim -v -vv --help -h"
if [[ "$COMP_CWORD" -eq 1 ]]; then
# removing the empty string on the next line breaks things. such as my brain.
echo "help"
$_racket_cmd -e '(begin (require raco/all-tools)
(for ([(k v) (all-tools)]) (printf "~a\n" k)))')"
COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "$_raco_cmds" -- "$cur"))
elif [[ "$COMP_CWORD" -ge 2 ]]; then
# Here we'll handle the main raco commands
local prev="${COMP_WORDS[1]}"
case "$prev" in
"make" )
case "$cur" in
"-"* ) COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "$makeopts" -- "$cur") ) ;;
* ) _filedir ;;
esac ;;
"planet" ) _raco_planet ;;
"help" ) _raco_help ;;
"setup" ) _raco_setup ;;
* ) _filedir ;;
complete -F _raco raco
#compdef racket raco
# This file defines zsh completions for `racket' and `raco'.
# To give it a quick try, load this file with the "source" command.
# The proper way to install it is to copy it to a file called "_racket" in one
# the zsh function directories which you can find with "echo $fpath". For
# example: "cp racket-completion.zsh ${fpath[1]}/_racket". If all of the
# $fpath entries are system directories that you can't write to, you can add
# your own path by adding something like "fpath+=~/.zsh" in your ".zshrc" file.
# You can also use "source" as described above, but then it's not auto-loaded.
# (Note that sourcing this file will load the completion system if it's not
# already done.)
# These completions include useful hints for flags, and for types of arguments.
# To see the latter, you can something like add the following to your ".zshrc":
# zstyle ':completion:*' verbose yes
# zstyle ':completion:*:descriptions' format '--- %U%d%u ---'
# The completions below cover all of the `racket' and `raco' commands. It also
# includes a simple test facility: if you run "_racket --self-test", it will go
# over all --help outputs, and compare them with the outputs that were in
# effect when this script was updated. This a simple checksum test, and
# failures are usually due to added flags and text tweaks. (It is mostly
# useful to keep track of command-line changes between releases.)
# If you want to include a new raco command, you need to define a function that
# is called "_raco_cmd_<new-command>", see below for many examples. To have
# your code autoloaded, place the function's *body* in a file that has the
# function's name, in one of the "$fpath" directories, and make sure that the
# first line is "#autoload". (Autoloaded functions in zsh have their body
# saved in a file that has the function name. This file uses a common trick:
# it defines the `_racket' function which zsh will not overwrite, and it calls
# the function since it's loaded on first use.)
# Identify zsh as the completion client
_racket_file_expander() {
if [[ -d "$REPLY" ]]; then return 0
elif [[ "$REPLY" = *.(rkt|ss) ]]; then reply="${REPLY%.*}"
elif [[ "$REPLY" = *.(scrbl|scm) ]]; then return 0
else return 1; fi
_racket_call() {
local tag="$1"; shift; local prog="$*"
local -a flags; local f
if [[ "$service" = "racket" ]]; then
for f in "-"{X,S,A,C,U} "--"{collects,search,addon,links,no-user-path}; do
(( $+opt_args[$f] )) && flags+=("$f" "${opt_args[$f]}")
_call_program "$tag" racket "${(@)flags}" -I racket/base -q -e '$prog'
_racket_read_libfile_or_collect() {
local -a dirs
"${(f)$(_racket_call directories '(require shell-completion/zsh-list-collect-roots)')}"
local -a ignored
ignored=('*.dep' '*.zo' 'compiled' '*/compiled')
case "$1" in
( "dir" ) _wanted collections expl collection _files -W dirs -F ignored -/ \
&& return 0 ;;
( "file" ) _wanted libraries expl library-file _files \
-W dirs -F ignored -g '*(+_racket_file_expander)' \
&& return 0 ;;
return 1
_racket_read_libfile() { _racket_read_libfile_or_collect file; }
_racket_read_collect() { _racket_read_libfile_or_collect dir; }
_racket_read_path() { _files; }
_racket_do_state() {
if [[ -n $state ]] && (( $+functions[_racket_read_$state] )); then
return 1
_racket_self_test() {
if (( $# )) { RACKET_CHECKSUMS+="$*"; } else
echo "Testing..."
local t command expected filter checksum
for t in $RACKET_CHECKSUMS; do
if [[ $expected = *:* ]]; then
# leave only alphanumerics, so it's insensitive to space & punctuations
checksum=$(${(Q)"${(z)cmd}"} --help |& ${(Q)"${(z)filter}"} \
|& tr -cd '[:alnum:]' | cksum)
printf ' %s: ' "$cmd"
if [[ "$checksum" = "$expected" ]]; then printf 'ok\n'
else printf '*** error, expected: %s, got %s\n' "$expected" "$checksum"
echo "Done."
_racket_self_test 'racket:3785877773:grep -v "Welcome to Racket"'
RACKET_COMMON=( -C -s -w -S : '(- : *)'{-h,--help}'[Display help]' )
# File and expression options:
'*'{-e,--eval}'[Evaluate expression]:expression: '
'*'{-f,--load}'+[Load a file]:file:_files'
'*'{-t,--require}'+[Require a file]:file:_files'
'*'{-l,--lib}'+[Require a library file]:library-file:->libfile'
'*'-p'+[Require a planet package]:planet-package: '
'(- *)'{-r,--script}'+[Load a script (same as -f F -n F --)]:file:_files'
'(- *)'{-u,--require-script}'+[Require a script (same as -tN- F -N F --)]:file:_files'
# No need to do `-k' -- it's for internal use by launchers
'(-m --main)'{-m,--main}'[Call `main'"'"' with command-line arguments]'
# Interaction options:
'(-i --repl)'{-i,--repl}'[Run interactive read-eval-print loop]'
'(-n --no-lib)'{-n,--no-lib}'[Skip requiring init-lib for -i/-e/-f/-r]'
'(-v --version)'{-v,--version}'[Show version]'
'(-V --no-yield)'{-V,--no-yield}'[Skip yield handler on exit]'
# Configuration options:
'(-c --no-compiled)'{-c,--no-compiled}'[Disable loading of compiled files]'
'(-q --no-init-file)'{-q,--no-init-file}'[Skip loading ~/.racketrc for -i]'
'(-I)'-I'+[Set init-lib]:library-file:->libfile'
'(-X --collects)'{-X,--collects}'+[Main collects dir ("" disables all)]:directory:_files -/'
'*'{-S,--search}'+[More collects dir (after main)]:directory:_files -/'
'(-A --addon)'{-A,--addon}'+[Addon directory]:directory:_files -/'
'(-R --compiled)'{-A,--addon}'+[Set compiled-file search roots to directory]:directory:_files -/'
'(-C --links)'{-C,--links}'+[User-specific collection links file]:file:_files'
'(-U --no-user-path)'{-U,--no-user-path}'[Ignore user-specific collects, etc.]'
'(-N --name)'{-N,--name}'+[Sets (find-system-path '"'"'run-file)]:file:_files'
'(-j --no-jit)'{-j,--no-jit}'[Disable the just-in-time compiler]'
'(-d --no-delay)'{-d,--no-delay}'[Disable on-demand loading of syntax and code]'
'(-b --binary)'{-b,--binary}'[Read stdin and write stdout/stderr in binary mode]'
'(-W --warn)'{-W,--warn}'+[Set stderr logging level]:log-level:(none fatal error warning info debug)'
'(-L --syslog)'{-L,--syslog}'+[Set syslog logging level]:log-level:(none fatal error warning info debug)'
# Main arguments:
'*::script-argument: _normal'
_racket_main() {
_arguments "${RACKET_ARGS[@]}" && return 0
_racket_self_test 'raco:3382393175'
_raco() {
if (( CURRENT > 2 )); then
local subcmd="${words[2]}"
(( CURRENT-- ))
shift words
if [[ $subcmd = -(h|-help) ]]; then _message 'no more arguments'
elif (( $+functions[_raco_cmd_$subcmd] )); then _raco_cmd_$subcmd
else _normal
local hline
local -a cmdlist
{-h,--help}:'Display help'
"${(f)$(_racket_call raco-command '
(require raco/all-tools)
(hash-for-each (all-tools)
(lambda (k v) (printf "~a:~a\n" k (caddr v))))')}"
_describe -t raco-commands 'raco command' cmdlist
_racket_self_test 'raco docs:2277531825'
_raco_cmd_docs() {
_arguments "$RACKET_COMMON[@]" \
'*:search-term: ' \
&& return 0
_racket_self_test 'raco setup:2092236815:tail -n +2' # full path for this one
_raco_cmd_setup() {
_arguments "$RACKET_COMMON[@]" \
'(-c --clean)'{-c,--clean}'[Delete existing compiled files; implies -nxi]' \
'(-j --workers)'{-j,--workers}'+[Use N parallel jobs]:cores: ' \
'(-n --no-zo)'{-n,--no-zo}'[Do not produce .zo files]' \
'(-x --no-launcher)'{-x,--no-launcher}'[Do not produce launcher programs]' \
'(-i --no-install)'{-i,--no-install}'[Do not call collection-specific pre-installers]' \
'(-I --no-post-install)'{-I,--no-post-install}'[Do not call collection-specific post-installers]' \
'(-d --no-info-domain)'{-d,--no-info-domain}'[Do not produce info-domain caches]' \
'(-D --no-docs)'{-D,--no-docs}'[Do not compile .scrbl files and do not build documentation]' \
'(-U --no-user)'{-U,--no-user}'[Do not setup user-specific collections (implies --no-planet)]' \
'(--no-planet)'--no-planet'[Do not setup PLaneT packages]' \
'(--avoid-main)'--avoid-main'[Do not make main-installation files]' \
'(-v --verbose)'{-v,--verbose}'[See names of compiled files and info printfs]' \
'(-m --make-verbose)'{-m,--make-verbose}'[See make and compiler usual messages]' \
'(-r --compile-verbose)'{-r,--compile-verbose}'[See make and compiler verbose messages]' \
'(--trust-zos)'--trust-zos'[Trust existing .zos (use only with prepackaged .zos)]' \
'(-p --pause)'{-p,--pause}'[Pause at the end if there are any errors]' \
'(--force)'--force'[Treat version mismatches for archives as mere warnings]' \
'(-a --all-users)'{-a,--all-users}'[Install archives to main (not user-specific) installation]' \
'(--mode)'--mode'+[Select a compilation mode]:log-level:(errortrace)' \
'(--doc-pdf)'--doc-pdf'+[Write doc PDF to directory]:directory:_files -/' \
'(-l)'-l'+[Setup specific collections only]:*:collection:->collect' \
'(-A)'-A'+[Unpack and install .plt archives]:plt-archive:_files -g \*.plt' \
'*'-P'+[Setup specified PLaneT packages only]:owner: :package-name: :major-version: :minor-version: ' \
&& return 0
_racket_self_test 'raco scribble:611326287'
_raco_cmd_scribble() {
_arguments "$RACKET_COMMON[@]" \
'(--html --htmls --latex --pdf --latex-section --text --markdown)'--html'[Generate HTML-format output file (default)]' \
'(--html --htmls --latex --pdf --latex-section --text --markdown)'--htmls'[Generate HTML-format output directory]' \
'(--html --htmls --latex --pdf --latex-section --text --markdown)'--pdf'[Generate PDF-format output (with PDFLaTeX)]' \
'(--html --htmls --latex --pdf --latex-section --text --markdown)'--latex'[Generate LaTeX-format output]' \
'(--html --htmls --latex --pdf --latex-section --text --markdown)'--latex-section'+[Generate LaTeX-format output for section depth N]:section-depth: ' \
'(--html --htmls --latex --pdf --latex-section --text --markdown)'--text'[Generate text-format output]' \
'(--html --htmls --latex --pdf --latex-section --text --markdown)'--markdown'[Generate markdown-format output]' \
'(--dest)'--dest'+[Write output in directory]:directory:_files -/' \
'(--dest-name)'--dest-name'+[Write output as name]:name: ' \
'(--dest-base)'--dest-base'+[Start support-file names with prefix]:prefix: ' \
'*'++style'+[Add given .css/.tex file after others]:style-file:_files -g \*.\(css\|tex\)' \
'*'--style'+[Use given base .css/.tex file]:style-file:_files -g \*.\(css\|tex\)' \
'*'--prefix'+[Use given .html/.tex prefix (for doctype/documentclass)]:prefix-file:_files -g \*.\(html\|htm\|tex\)' \
'*'++extra'+[Add given file]:file:_files' \
'*'--redirect-main'+[Redirect main doc links to url]:url: ' \
'*'--redirect'+[Redirect external links to tag search via url]:url: ' \
'(+m ++main-xref-in)'{+m,++main-xref-in}'[load format-speficic cross-ref info for all installed library collections]' \
'*'++xref-in'+[Load format-specific cross-ref info by]:module-path:->libfile:proc-id: ' \
'*'--info-out'+[Write format-specific cross-ref info to file]:file:_file' \
'*'++info-in'+[Load format-specific cross-ref info from file]:file:_file' \
'(--quiet)'--quiet'[Suppress output-file and undefined-tag reporting]' \
'*:scribble-file:_files -g \*.scrbl' \
&& return 0
_racket_self_test 'raco exe:614832725'
_raco_cmd_exe() {
_arguments "$RACKET_COMMON[@]" \
'(-o)'-o'+[Write executable as file]:output-executable:_files' \
'(--gui)'--gui'+[Generate GUI executable]' \
'(-l --launcher)'{-l,--launcher}'[Generate a launcher]' \
'(--collects-path)'--collects-path'+[Set path as main collects for executable]:collection:->collect' \
'(--collects-dest)'--collects-dest'+[Write collection code to directory]:directory:_files -/' \
'(--ico)'--ico'+[Set Windows icon for executable]:ico-file:_files -g \*.ico' \
'(--icns)'--icns'+[Set Mac OS X icon for executable]:icns-file:_files -g \*.icns' \
'(--orig-exe)'--orig-exe'[Use original executable instead of stub]' \
'(--3m --cgc)'--3m'[Generate using 3m variant]' \
'(--3m --cgc)'--cgc'[Generate using CGC variant]' \
'*'++aux'+[Extra executable info (based on aux-file suffix)]:aux-file:_files' \
'*'++lib'+[Embed lib in executable]:lib-file:_files' \
'*'++exf'+[Add flag to embed in executable]:flag: ' \
'*'--exf'+[Remove flag to embed in executable]:flag: ' \
'*'--exf-clear'[Clear flags to embed in executable]' \
'*'--exf-show'[Show flags to embed in executable]' \
'(-v)'-v'[Verbose mode]' \
'(--vv)'--vv'[Very verbose mode]' \
'*:source-file:_files -g \*.\(rkt\|ss\|scm\)' \
&& return 0
_racket_self_test 'raco make:3358542168'
_raco_cmd_make() {
_arguments "$RACKET_COMMON[@]" \
'(-j)'-j'+[Use N parallel jobs]:cores: ' \
'(--disable-inline)'--disable-inline'[Disable procedure inlining during compilation]' \
'(--disable-constant)'--disable-constant'[Disable enforcement of module constants]' \
'(--no-deps)'--no-deps'[Compile immediate files without updating dependencies]' \
'(-p --prefix)'{-p,--prefix}'+[Add elaboration-time prefix file for --no-deps]:prefix-file:_files' \
'(--no-prim)'--no-prim'[Do not assume `scheme'"'"' bindings at top level for --no-deps]' \
'(-v)'-v'[Verbose mode]' \
'(--vv)'--vv'[Very verbose mode]' \
'*:source-files:_files' \
&& return 0
_racket_self_test 'raco ctool:1038338951'
_raco_cmd_ctool() {
_arguments "$RACKET_COMMON[@]" \
'(--cc --ld -x --xform --c-mods)'--xx'[Compile arbitrary file(s) for an extension: .c -> .o]' \
'(--cc --ld -x --xform --c-mods)'--ld'+[Link arbitrary file(s) to create extension: .o -> .so]:extension-file:_files' \
'(--cc --ld -x --xform --c-mods)'{-x,--xform}'[Convert for 3m compilation: .c -> .c]' \
'(--cc --ld -x --xform --c-mods)'--c-mods'+[Write C-embeddable module bytecode to file]:file:_files' \
'(--3m --cgc)'--3m'[Compile/link for 3m (default)]' \
'(--3m --cgc)'--cgc'[Compile/link for CGC]' \
'(-n --name)'{-n,--name}'+[Use name as extra part of public low-level names]:name: ' \
'(-d --destination)'{-d,--destination}'+[Output --cc/--ld/-x file(s) to directory]:destination-directory:_files -/' \
'(--tool)'--tool'+[Use pre-defined tool as C compiler/linker]:tool:(gcc cc)' \
'(--compiler)'--compiler'+[Use specified C compiler]:compiler-path:_files' \
'*'++ccf'+[Add C compiler flag]:flag: ' \
'*'--ccf'+[Remove C compiler flag]:flag: ' \
'*'--ccf-clear'[Clear C compiler flags]' \
'*'--ccf-show'[Show C compiler flags]' \
'(--linker)'--linker'+[Use specified C linker]:linker-path:_files' \
'*'++ldf'+[Add C linker flag]:flag: ' \
'*'--ldf'+[Remove C linker flag]:flag: ' \
'*'--ldf-clear'[Clear C linker flags]' \
'*'--ldf-show'[Show C linker flags]' \
'*'++ldl'+[Add C linker library]:library-file:_files' \
'*'--ldl-show'[Show C linker libraries]' \
'*'++cppf'+[Add C preprocess (xform) flag]:flag: ' \
'*'--cppf'+[Remove C preprocess (xform) flag]:flag: ' \
'*'--cppf-clear'[Clear C preprocess (xform) flags]' \
'*'--cppf-show'[Show C preprocess (xform) flags]' \
'*'++lib'+[Embed lib in --c-mods output]:lib-file:_files' \
'(-v)'-v'[Slightly verbose mode, including version banner and output files]' \
'(--vv)'--vv'[Very verbose mode]' \
'*:file:_files' \
&& return 0
_racket_self_test 'raco distribute:1034282712'
_raco_cmd_distribute() {
_arguments "$RACKET_COMMON[@]" \
'(--collects-path)'--collects-path'+[Set path as main collects for executables]:collection:->collect' \
'*'++collects-copy'+[Add collects in dir to directory]:collection:->collect' \
'(-v)'-v'[Verbose mode]' \
'1:destination-directory:_files -/' \
'*:executable:_files' \
&& return 0
_racket_self_test 'raco link:1334896662'
_raco_cmd_link() {
_arguments "$RACKET_COMMON[@]" \
'(-l --list)'{-l,--list}'[Show the link table (after changes)]' \
'(-n --name -d --root)'{-n,--name}'+[Collection name to add (single dir) or remove]:name: ' \
'(-n --name -d --root)'{-d,--root}'[Treat dir as a collection root]' \
'(-x --version-regexp)'{-x,--version-regexp}'+[Set the version pregexp]:regexp: ' \
'(-r --remove)'{-r,--remove}'[Remove links for the specified directories]' \
'(-u --user -i --installation -f --file)'{-u,--user}'[Adjust/list user-specific links]' \
'(-u --user -i --installation -f --file)'{-i,--installation}'[Adjust/list installation-wide links]' \
'(-u --user -i --installation -f --file)'{-f,--file}'+[Select an alternate link file]:file:_files -g \*.rktd' \
'(--repair)'--repair'[Enable repair mode to fix existing links]' \
'*:directory:_files -/' \
&& return 0
_racket_self_test 'raco pack:1977512558'
_raco_cmd_pack() {
_arguments "$RACKET_COMMON[@]" \
'(--collect)'--collect'[paths specify collections instead of files/dirs]' \
'(--plt-name)'--plt-name'+[Set the printed name describing the archive]:archive-name: ' \
'(--replace)'--replace'[Files in archive replace existing files when unpacked]' \
'(--at-plt)'--at-plt'[Files/dirs in archive are relative to user'"'"'s add-ons directory]' \
'(--all-users --force-all-users)'--all-users'[Files/dirs in archive go to PLT installation if writable]' \
'(--all-users --force-all-users)'--force-all-users'[Files/dirs forced to PLT installation]' \
'(--include-compiled)'--include-compiled'[Include "compiled" subdirectories in the archive]' \
'*'++setup'+[Setup given collect after the archive is unpacked]:collection:->collect' \
'(-v)'-v'[Verbose mode]' \
'1:destination-archive:_files -g \*.plt' \
'*:file-or-directory:->rest' \
&& return 0
echo "$state" > /tmp/zzz
if [[ "$state" = "rest" ]]; then
if (( $+opt_args[--collect] )); then state="collect"; else state="path"; fi
_racket_self_test 'raco unpack:2639538734'
_raco_cmd_unpack() {
_arguments "$RACKET_COMMON[@]" \
'(-l --list)'{-l,--list}'[List archive content]' \
'(-c --config)'{-c,--config}'[Show archive configuration]' \
'(-f --force)'{-f,--force}'[Replace existing files when unpacking]' \
'*:plt-archive:_files -g \*.plt' \
&& return 0
_racket_self_test 'raco expand:1935188678'
_raco_cmd_expand() {
_arguments "$RACKET_COMMON[@]" \
'*:source-file:_files' \
&& return 0
_racket_self_test 'raco decompile:1342114717'
_raco_cmd_decompile() {
_arguments "$RACKET_COMMON[@]" \
'*:source-or-bytecode-file:_files' \
&& return 0
_racket_self_test 'raco demodularize:33137783'
_raco_cmd_demodularize() {
_arguments "$RACKET_COMMON[@]" \
'*'{-e,--exclude-modules}'+[Exclude module from flattening]:module-path:->libfile' \
'(-o)'-o'+[Write output as dest-filename]:dest-filename:_files' \
'*:file:_files' \
&& return 0
_racket_self_test 'raco test:2458495009'
_raco_cmd_test() {
_arguments "$RACKET_COMMON[@]" \
'(-s --submodule)'{-s,--submodule}'+[Runs submodule name (defaults to `test'"'"')]:submodule: ' \
'(-r --run-if-absent -x --no-run-if-absent)'{-r,--run-if-absent}'[Require module if submodule is absent (on by default)]' \
'(-r --run-if-absent -x --no-run-if-absent)'{-x,--no-run-if-absent}'[Require nothing if submodule is absent]' \
'(-q --quiet)'{-q,--quiet}'+[Suppress `Running ...'"'"' message]' \
'(-c --collection)'{-c,--collection}'+[Interpret arguments as collections]' \
'(-p --package)'{-p,--package}'+[Interpret arguments as packages]' \
'*:source-file-or-directory:_files' \
&& return 0
_racket_self_test 'raco planet:1582997403'
_raco_cmd_planet() {
if (( CURRENT > 2 )); then
local subcmd="${words[2]}"
(( CURRENT-- ))
shift words
if [[ $subcmd = -(h|-help) ]]; then _message 'no more arguments'
elif (( $+functions[_raco_cmd_planet_$subcmd] )); then _raco_cmd_planet_$subcmd
else _normal
local hline
local -a cmdlist
local pfx='^ raco planet '
{-h,--help}:'Display help'
${(f)"$(raco planet | grep "$pfx" \
| sed -e "s/$pfx"'\([^ ]*\) *\(.*\)/\1:\2/')"}
_describe -t raco-planet-commands 'raco planet command' cmdlist
_racket_self_test 'raco planet clearlinks:145158300'
_raco_cmd_planet_clearlinks() {
_arguments "$RACKET_COMMON[@]" \
&& return 0
_racket_self_test 'raco planet create:3318289542'
_raco_cmd_planet_create() {
_arguments "$RACKET_COMMON[@]" \
'(-f --force)'{-f,--force}'[force a package to be created even if its info.rkt file contains errors.]' \
'1:destination-archive:_files -g \*.plt' \
&& return 0
_racket_self_test 'raco planet fetch:4273560882'
_raco_cmd_planet_fetch() {
_arguments "$RACKET_COMMON[@]" \
'(-):owner: ' \
':package-name: ' \
':major-version: ' \
':minor-version: ' \
&& return 0
_racket_self_test 'raco planet fileinject:3090983232'
_raco_cmd_planet_fileinject() {
_arguments "$RACKET_COMMON[@]" \
'(-):owner: ' \
':plt-archive:_files -g \*.plt' \
':major-version: ' \
':minor-version: ' \
&& return 0
_racket_self_test 'raco planet install:1001510693'
_raco_cmd_planet_install() {
_arguments "$RACKET_COMMON[@]" \
'(-):owner: ' \
':package-name: ' \
':major-version: ' \
':minor-version: ' \
&& return 0
_racket_self_test 'raco planet link:2118742145'
_raco_cmd_planet_link() {
_arguments "$RACKET_COMMON[@]" \
'(-):owner: ' \
':package-name: ' \
':major-version: ' \
':minor-version: ' \
':directory:_files -/' \
&& return 0
_racket_self_test 'raco planet open:4239735370'
_raco_cmd_planet_open() {
_arguments "$RACKET_COMMON[@]" \
'(-):plt-archive:_files -g \*.plt' \
':target-directory:_files -/' \
&& return 0
_racket_self_test 'raco planet print:2975791845'
_raco_cmd_planet_print() {
_arguments "$RACKET_COMMON[@]" \
'(-):plt-archive:_files -g \*.plt' \
':path-in-plt-aarchive: ' \
&& return 0
_racket_self_test 'raco planet remove:3543578058'
_raco_cmd_planet_remove() {
_arguments "$RACKET_COMMON[@]" \
'(-e --erase)'{-e,--erase}'[also remove the package'"'"'s distribution file from the uninstalled-package cache]' \
'(-):owner: ' \
':package-name: ' \
':major-version: ' \
':minor-version: ' \
&& return 0
_racket_self_test 'raco planet show:3911537255'
_raco_cmd_planet_show() {
_arguments "$RACKET_COMMON[@]" \
'(-p --packages -l --linkage -a --all)'{-p,--packages}'[show packages only (default)]' \
'(-p --packages -l --linkage -a --all)'{-l,--linkage}'[show linkage table only]' \
'(-p --packages -l --linkage -a --all)'{-a,--all}'[show packages and linkage]' \
&& return 0
_racket_self_test 'raco planet structure:561630587'
_raco_cmd_planet_structure() {
_arguments "$RACKET_COMMON[@]" \
':plt-archive:_files -g \*.plt' \
&& return 0
_racket_self_test 'raco planet unlink:1307144701'
_raco_cmd_planet_unlink() {
_arguments "$RACKET_COMMON[@]" \
'(-q --quiet)'{-q,--quiet}'[don'"'"'t signal an error on nonexistent links]' \
'(-):owner: ' \
':package-name: ' \
':major-version: ' \
':minor-version: ' \
&& return 0
_racket_self_test 'raco planet url:3825697949'
_raco_cmd_planet_url() {
_arguments "$RACKET_COMMON[@]" \
'(-):owner: ' \
':package-name: ' \
':major-version: ' \
':minor-version: ' \
&& return 0
_racket() {
if [[ $1 = --self-test ]]; then _racket_self_test; return; fi
local curcontext="$curcontext" context state line
typeset -A opt_args
case "$service" in
( "racket" ) _racket_main "$@" ;;
( "raco" ) _raco "$@" ;;
( * ) return 1 ;;
if [[ -n $service ]]; then _racket "$@"
else # loaded directly => define the completion (load if needed)
if (( ! $+functions[compdef] )); then autoload -U compinit; compinit; fi
compdef _racket racket raco
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