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Last active April 24, 2023 14:18
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A CLI to increase productivity for the CS 350 Operating Systems course. This should sit two levels above the os161-X.Y directory. Script is robust enough to work with the naming convention recommended by the course as well as my own.
import argparse
import subprocess
from subprocess import DEVNULL
import os
import glob
from pathlib import Path
import time
import shutil
import sys
script_root = Path(os.path.dirname(__file__)).absolute()
os161_dir = Path(glob.glob(glob.escape(script_root) + '/*os161*')[0]).absolute()
except IndexError:
print('ERROR: could not find a os161 project directory')
os161_src = Path(glob.glob(glob.escape(os161_dir) + '/os161*')[0]).absolute()
except IndexError:
print('ERROR: could not find a os161 source code directory')
userspace_dir = script_root / 'userspace'
if not userspace_dir.exists():
userspace_dir_bak = script_root / 'cs350-student'
if not userspace_dir_bak.exists():
print('Could not find a userspace directory such as /userspace or /cs350-student')
userspace_dir = userspace_dir_bak
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(title='subcommands', description='valid subcommands', help='additional help', dest='subcommand')
submit_parser = subparsers.add_parser('submit', help='submit code for an assignment')
submit_parser.add_argument('num', help='assignment number to submit')
grade_parser = subparsers.add_parser('grade', help='get grade for an assignment')
grade_parser.add_argument('num', help='assignment number to fetch grade for')
new_parser = subparsers.add_parser('new', help='configure new assignment')
new_parser.add_argument('num', help='assignment number to configure kernel for', type=int)
build_parser = subparsers.add_parser('build', help='build assignment')
build_parser.add_argument('num', help='assignment to build and install', type=int)
configure_parser = subparsers.add_parser('configure', help='configure the OS on a new machine')
user_parser = subparsers.add_parser('user', help='build user-level programs')
run_parser = subparsers.add_parser('run', help='run the simulator for the default kernel or provided kernel')
run_parser.add_argument('num', help='assignment number for kernel to simulate', default=-1, type=int, nargs='?')
run_parser.add_argument('--command', '-c', help='command to run immediately on the kernel', default='')
debug_parser = subparsers.add_parser('debug', help="subcommands for debugging OS/161 (hopefully you won't need to use this)")
debug_subparsers = debug_parser.add_subparsers(title='debug subcommands', help='start and then attach', dest='debug_subcommand')
debug_start_parser = debug_subparsers.add_parser('start', help="1. start OS/161 default kernel in debug mode")
debug_start_parser.add_argument('num', help='assignment number for kernel to debug', default=-1, type=int, nargs='?')
debug_attach_parser = debug_subparsers.add_parser('attach', help="2. attach [break_point lines] gdb to running OS/161")
debug_attach_parser.add_argument('num', help='assignment number for kernel to debug', type=int)
debug_attach_parser.add_argument('--breakpoints', nargs='*', default=[], help='breakpoints to set in gdb (space seperated)')
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.subcommand == 'submit':
p_args = ['cs350_submit', os161_src, f'ASST{args.num}']
print(' '.join((f'"{arg}' if ' ' in str(arg) else str(arg) for arg in p_args)))
p = subprocess.Popen(p_args, stdin=DEVNULL)
assignment_dir = (glob.glob(glob.escape(userspace_dir) + f'/a*{args.num}') + glob.glob(glob.escape(userspace_dir) + f'/A*{args.num}'))[0]
except IndexError:
print(f'ERROR: could not find assignment directory for assignment {args.num} matching A*{args.num} or a*{args.num}')
p_args = ['cs350_submit', assignment_dir, f'ASSTUSER{args.num}']
print(' '.join((f'"{arg}' if ' ' in str(arg) else str(arg) for arg in p_args)))
p = subprocess.Popen(p_args, stdin=DEVNULL)
elif args.subcommand == 'new':
os.makedirs(script_root / 'userspace' / f'ASSTUSER{args.num}', exist_ok=True)
os.chdir(os161_src / 'kern' / 'conf')
p = subprocess.Popen(['./config', f'ASST{args.num}'], stdin=DEVNULL)
print(f'run subcommand `build {args.num}`')
elif args.subcommand == 'build':
os.chdir(os161_src / 'kern' / 'compile' / f'ASST{args.num}')
for command in ('bmake depend', 'bmake', 'bmake install'):
p = subprocess.Popen(command.split(), stdin=DEVNULL)
exit_code = p.wait()
if exit_code != 0:
print('use the `run` subcommand to run OS/161')
elif args.subcommand == 'user':
for command in ('bmake', 'bmake install'):
p = subprocess.Popen(command.split(), stdin=DEVNULL)
exit_code = p.wait()
if exit_code != 0:
elif args.subcommand == 'run':
kernel = 'kernel'
if args.num > -1:
kernel = f'kernel-ASST{args.num}'
os.chdir(os161_src / 'kern' / 'compile' / f'ASST{args.num}')
p = subprocess.Popen(['bmake', 'install'], stdin=DEVNULL)
os.chdir(os161_src.parent / 'root')
if args.command == 'testa2':
args.command = 'sy3;sy2;uw1;q'
p = subprocess.Popen(['sys161', kernel, args.command])
elif args.subcommand == 'debug':
os.chdir(os161_dir / 'root')
if args.debug_subcommand == 'start':
kernel = 'kernel' if args.num < 0 else f'kernel-ASST{args.num}'
p = subprocess.Popen(['sys161', '-w', kernel])
print('use the `debug attach` subcommand in a second terminal')
elif args.debug_subcommand == 'attach':
kernel = f'kernel-ASST{args.num}'
with open(os161_dir / 'root' / '.gdbinit', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
f.write(f'dir ../{}/kern/compile/ASST{args.num}\n')
f.write('target remote unix:.sockets/gdb\n')
for breakpoint in args.breakpoints:
f.write(f'break {breakpoint}\n')
# f.write('c\n')
p = subprocess.Popen(['cs350-gdb', kernel])
elif args.subcommand == 'configure':
p = subprocess.Popen(['./configure', f'--ostree={os161_dir}/root', '--toolprefix=cs350-'], stdin=DEVNULL)
print('use subcommand new to create new assignments')
os.makedirs(os161_dir / 'root', exist_ok=True)
shutil.copyfile('/u/cs350/sys161/sys161.conf', os161_dir / 'root' / 'sys161.conf')
elif args.subcommand == 'grade':
p_args = ['cs350-grade', f'ASST{args.num}']
print(' '.join((f'"{arg}' if ' ' in str(arg) else str(arg) for arg in p_args)))
p = subprocess.Popen(p_args, stdin=DEVNULL)
p_args = ['cs350-grade', f'ASSTUSER{args.num}']
print(' '.join((f'"{arg}' if ' ' in str(arg) else str(arg) for arg in p_args)))
p = subprocess.Popen(p_args, stdin=DEVNULL)
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elibroftw commented Apr 24, 2023

File hierarchy

  • cs350 (CWD)
    • os161
    • userspace

setup new machine

./ configure

Calls configure script and copies over the sys161.conf file. You should duplicate the cpu and memory line in the config and set CPUs to 4 and virtual memory to 4MB (commented out). Use this line when testing beefier programs.

configure new assignment

./ new 1

build and run the kernel for an assignment

./ build 1
./ run [uint]

gdb debug requires running in two different terminals

./ debug 2
./ debug attach 2 --breakpoints file.c:30 file2.c:50

submit and see grade later

./ submit 0

internally calls:
cs350_submit os161/os161-1.99/kern/compile/ASST0 ASST0
cs350_submit userspace/ASSTUSER0 ASSTUSER0

./ grade 0

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