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Created June 26, 2023 22:39
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use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
use Sys::Mmap;
my ($file) = @ARGV;
die "Usage: $0 <cache_dir>/rock\n" if not $file;
open my $fh, '<', $file or die;
my %H, $mmap;
mmap($mmap, 0, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, $fh) or die "Can't mmap: $!";
my $slots = length($mmap)/0x4000-1;
my($slot, $empty_slots, $used_slots, $first_slot, $start_time) = (0, 0, 0, 0, time);
my($key, $total_len, $current_len, $version, $first_slot, $next_slot, $meta_ok, $tlvheader_len) = unpack('H32QLLLLCL', substr($mmap, ($slot+1)<<14, 45));
process_slot($slot,$version, $tlvheader_len) if($next_slot && $meta_ok == 3 && $first_slot == $slot);
print Dumper(\%H);
print STDERR "File size: \t".int(length($mmap)/1024/1024)." MB\nTotal slots: \t".($empty_slots+$used_slots)."\nEmpty slots: \t$empty_slots\nUsed slots: \t$used_slots\nUsage: \t\t".int($used_slots*100/($empty_slots+$used_slots))." %\nProcess time:\t".(time-$start_time)." s\n\n";
sub process_slot{
my($slot, $version, $tlvheader_len) = @_;
$H{$slot}={VERSION => "".localtime($version)};
my $remain=substr($mmap, (($slot+1)<<14)+45, $tlvheader_len);
my($type, $len, $value);
($type, $len,$remain) = unpack('cLa*', $remain);
($value, $remain) = unpack("a$len"."a*", $remain);
$H{$slot}{$TLVS[$type]} = $value;
$H{$slot}{$TLVS[$type]} = unpack("A*", $H{$slot}{$TLVS[$type]}) if($type == 4 || $type == 8); #URL || VARY_HEADERS
$H{$slot}{$TLVS[$type]} = unpack("H*", $H{$slot}{$TLVS[$type]}) if($type == 3 ); #KEY_MD5
$H{$slot}{$TLVS[$type]} = unpack("Q*", $H{$slot}{$TLVS[$type]}) if($type == 10); #OBJSIZE
$H{$slot}{$TLVS[$type]} = parse_STD(unpack("qqqqQSH4", $H{$slot}{$TLVS[$type]})) if($type == 9); #STD_LFS
sub parse_STD{
my($timestamp, $lastref, $expires, $lastmod) = map {"".localtime($_)} @_[0..3];
my($swap_file_sz, $refcount, $flags) = ($_[4], $_[5], $_[6]);
return {timestamp => $timestamp, lastref => $lastref, expires => $expires, lastmod => $lastmod, swap_file_sz => $swap_file_sz, refcount => $refcount, flags => "0x".$flags};
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