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Last active June 26, 2020 15:21
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// Requires egenmore package, which can be installed with:
// ssc install egenmore
import delimited, clear
gen newdate = date(strofreal(date,"%8.0f"),"YMD")
format newdate %tdCCYY-NN-DD
drop date
rename newdate date
label var date "Date"
tsset date
label var hospitalizedcurrently "Currently hospitalized"
gen dailypositives = d.positive
gen positiverate = positive/(positive+negative) // exclude pending tests in calculating positiverate
gen estnewinfections = max(dailypositives*20*positiverate,dailypositives) // assume positive rate that implies full test coverage = 0.05
tsappend, add(45) // add 45 days to time series
set more off // this block does some forecasting
quietly sum date if estnewinfections != .
local latest = r(max)
quietly reg estnewinfections date if date > `latest' - 17 // use last 2.5 weeks of data to predict infections going forward
estimates store recentinfections
forecast create simplemodel, replace
forecast estimates recentinfections
forecast solve, begin(`latest') end(`latest'+45)
tssmooth ma estmainfections = f_estnewinfections, window(14 1) // create moving average of last 14 days + today
gen estinfectionslast15days = 15*estmainfections // multiply by 15 to generate the number of infections in the last 15 days
gen estcuminfections = sum(estnewinfections) // this block estimates the hospitalization rate for the population as a whole
gen pcthospitalized = 100*hospitalizedcumulative/estcuminfections
egen esthospitalizationrate = lastnm(pcthospitalized) // uses the latest cumulative hospitalization rate
egen temp = mean(esthospitalizationrate)
replace esthospitalizationrate = temp/100
drop temp // needed to use this temp variable to extend hospitalization rate to appended days
gen predictedinhospital = esthospitalizationrate*l1.estinfectionslast15days
label var predictedinhospital "Predicted in hospital"
tsline hospitalizedcurrently predictedinhospital, xsize(16) ysize(9) scale(0.6) ylabel(,format(%15.0fc)) title("Current and predicted COVID-19 hospitalizations in the US") xtitle("") note("A very simple model by @elidourado. Extrapolates infections by last 2.5 weeks of data. Raw data from" "Stata code available at")
graph export hospitalization-prediction.png, as(png) width(960) height(540) replace
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