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Forked from jonathantneal/
Last active October 30, 2021 10:04
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createElement.js // a 300 byte DOM Element creator


createElement.js lets document.createElement use CSS selectors.

This is a pretty useful library for building out DOM elements. The whole thing runs on one regex and a for loop, so it’s plenty fast. The script is 300 bytes when compressed and gzipped. For 524 bytes (advanced), it includes nesting support and can generate entire DOM hierarchies, including text nodes.


document.createElement(); // generates <div />

document.createElement('li'); // generates <li />

document.createElement('#foo'); // generates <div id="foo" />
document.createElement('.bar'); // generates <div class="bar" />
document.createElement(''); // generates <div class="alpha omega" />

document.createElement('[tabindex]'); // generates <div tabindex />
document.createElement('[title="Hello"]'); // generates <div title="Hello" />

document.createElement('p.this#thing.also[data-amen].that'); // generates <p id="thing" class="this also that" data-amen />

document.createElement('[data-value="<.it=\"#works[well]\">"]'); // generates <div data-value="&lt;.it=&quot;#works[well]&quot;&gt;" />

Advanced usage

document.createElement('span.field\n\tlabel "To: "\n\t\tinput'); // generates <span class="field"><label>To: <input></label></span>


Works in everything since IE6.

(function (createElement) {
'use strict';
MATCH = '(-?[_a-zA-Z]+[_a-zA-Z0-9-]*)',
QUOTE1 = '(["\'])((?:(?=(\\\\?))\\',
QUOTE2 = '[\\W\\w])*?)\\',
REGEX = '^(?:' + MATCH + ')|^#' + MATCH + '|^\\.' + MATCH + '|^\\[' + MATCH + '(?:([*$|~^]?=)' + QUOTE1 + '8' + QUOTE2 + '6' + ')?\\]|^\\s*[\\n\\r]+([\\t]*)\\s*|^(\\s+)|^' + QUOTE1 + '13' + QUOTE2 + '11';
document.createElement = function (selectorUntrimmed) {
selector = selectorUntrimmed.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/),
root = document.createDocumentFragment(),
nest = [root,, 'div')];
for (var frag = root, node = frag.appendChild(nest[1]), index = 1, first = true, match; selector && (match = selector.match(REGEX));) {
// tag
if (match[1]) {
frag.replaceChild(node =, match[1]), frag.lastChild);
if (first) nest[index] = node;
// id
if (match[2]) = match[2];
// class
if (match[3]) node.className += (node.className ? ' ' : '') + match[3];
// attribute
if (match[4]) node.setAttribute(match[4], match[7] || '');
// nesting
if (match[9] !== undefined) {
index = match[9].length;
frag = nest[index];
node = nest[++index] = frag.appendChild(, 'div'));
// child
if (match[10]) {
frag = node;
node = frag.appendChild(, 'div'));
first = false;
// text
if (match[11]) {
frag.replaceChild(node = document.createTextNode(match[12]), frag.lastChild);
if (first) nest[index] = node;
selector = selector.slice(match[0].length);
return root.childNodes.length === 1 ? root.lastChild : root;
(function(e){"use strict";var t="(-?[_a-zA-Z]+[_a-zA-Z0-9-]*)",n="([\"'])((?:(?=(\\\\?))\\",r="[\\W\\w])*?)\\",i="^(?:"+t+")|^#"+t+"|^\\."+t+"|^\\["+t+"(?:([*$|~^]?=)"+n+"8"+r+"6"+")?\\]|^\\s*[\\n\\r]+([\\t]*)\\s*|^(\\s+)|^"+n+"13"+r+"11";document.createElement=function(t){var n=t.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/),r=document.createDocumentFragment(),s=[r,,"div")];for(var o=r,u=o.appendChild(s[1]),a=1,f=true,l;n&&(l=n.match(i));){if(l[1]){o.replaceChild(,l[1]),o.lastChild);if(f)s[a]=u}if(l[2])[2];if(l[3])u.className+=(u.className?" ":"")+l[3];if(l[4])u.setAttribute(l[4],l[7]||"");if(l[9]!==undefined){a=l[9].length;o=s[a];u=s[++a]=o.appendChild(,"div"))}if(l[10]){o=u;u=o.appendChild(,"div"));f=false}if(l[11]){o.replaceChild(u=document.createTextNode(l[12]),o.lastChild);if(f)s[a]=u}n=n.slice(l[0].length)}return r.childNodes.length===1?r.lastChild:r}})(document.createElement)
(function (createElement) {
const MATCH = '(-?[_a-z]+[\\w-]*)',
REGEX = new RegExp(`^${MATCH}|#${MATCH}|\\.${MATCH}|\\[${MATCH}(?:([*$|~^]?=)(["']?)((?:(?=(\\\\?))\\8.)*?)\\6)?\\]`, 'gi');
document.createElement = function (selector) {
REGEX.lastIndex = 0
let node, match;
while(selector && (match = REGEX.exec(selector))) {
if (!match.index) node =, match[1] || 'div');
if (match[2]) = match[2];
if (match[3]) node.classList.add(match[3]);
if (match[4]) node.setAttribute(match[4], match[7] || '');
return node ||, 'div');
!function(e){const t="(-?[_a-z]+[\\w-]*)",n=new RegExp(`^${t}|#${t}|\\.${t}|\\[${t}(?:([*$|~^]?=)(["']?)((?:(?=(\\\\?))\\8.)*?)\\6)?\\]`,"gi");document.createElement=function(t){let c,i;for(n.lastIndex=0;t&&(i=n.exec(t));)i.index||(,i[1]||"div")),i[2]&&([2]),i[3]&&c.classList.add(i[3]),i[4]&&c.setAttribute(i[4],i[7]||"");return c||,"div")}}(document.createElement)
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