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Last active July 2, 2023 13:46
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A single-header utility file to save a given WebGPU Texture MIP level into an image
#include "stb_image_write.h"
#include <webgpu/webgpu.hpp>
#include <filesystem>
#include <string>
bool saveTexture(const std::filesystem::path path, wgpu::Device device, wgpu::Texture texture, int mipLevel) {
using namespace wgpu;
if (texture.getDimension() != TextureDimension::_2D) {
throw std::runtime_error("Only 2D textures are supported by save_texture.h!");
uint32_t width = texture.getWidth() / (1 << mipLevel);
uint32_t height = texture.getHeight() / (1 << mipLevel);
uint32_t channels = 4; // TODO: infer from format
uint32_t componentByteSize = 1; // TODO: infer from format
uint32_t bytesPerRow = componentByteSize * channels * width;
// Special case: WebGPU spec forbids texture-to-buffer copy with a
// bytesPerRow lower than 256 so we first copy to a temporary texture.
uint32_t paddedBytesPerRow = std::max(256u, bytesPerRow);
// Create a buffer to get pixels
BufferDescriptor pixelBufferDesc = Default;
pixelBufferDesc.mappedAtCreation = false;
pixelBufferDesc.usage = BufferUsage::MapRead | BufferUsage::CopyDst;
pixelBufferDesc.size = paddedBytesPerRow * height;
Buffer pixelBuffer = device.createBuffer(pixelBufferDesc);
// Start encoding the commands
Queue queue = device.getQueue();
CommandEncoder encoder = device.createCommandEncoder(Default);
// Get pixels from texture to buffer
ImageCopyTexture source = Default;
source.texture = texture;
source.mipLevel = mipLevel;
ImageCopyBuffer destination = Default;
destination.buffer = pixelBuffer;
destination.layout.bytesPerRow = paddedBytesPerRow;
destination.layout.offset = 0;
destination.layout.rowsPerImage = height;
encoder.copyTextureToBuffer(source, destination, { width, height, 1 });
// Issue commands
CommandBuffer command = encoder.finish(Default);
// Map buffer
bool done = false;
bool success = false;
auto callbackHandle = pixelBuffer.mapAsync(MapMode::Read, 0, pixelBufferDesc.size, [&](BufferMapAsyncStatus status) {
if (status != BufferMapAsyncStatus::Success) {
success = false;
else {
const unsigned char* pixelData = (const unsigned char*)pixelBuffer.getConstMappedRange(0, pixelBufferDesc.size);
int writeSuccess = stbi_write_png(path.string().c_str(), (int)width, (int)height, (int)channels, pixelData, paddedBytesPerRow);
success = writeSuccess != 0;
done = true;
// Wait for mapping
while (!done) {
wgpuQueueSubmit(queue, 0, nullptr);
// Clean-up
return success;
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