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Last active May 30, 2022 17:06
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Snippet for reproducing the Shift+D in a node graph editor in Blender
import bpy
def duplicate_node(n1, node_group=None, duplicate_links=False):
Duplicate a node (without duplicating its links)
@param n1 The node to duplicate
@param node_group (optional) Group in which the node must be duplicated
@param duplicate_links Whether to keep input links or not
@return the new duplicate node
if node_group is None:
node_group = n1.id_data
n2 =
for in1, in2 in zip(n1.inputs, n2.inputs):
if hasattr(in1, 'default_value'):
in2.default_value = in1.default_value
if duplicate_links:
for link in in1.links:, output=in2)
for out1, out2 in zip(n1.outputs, n2.outputs):
if hasattr(out1, 'default_value'):
out2.default_value = out1.default_value
for prop in
prop_id = prop.identifier
if prop_id in or prop.is_readonly:
value = getattr(n1, prop_id)
setattr(n2, prop_id, value)
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Example, assuming there is a node called 'Extrude Mesh'
g =['Geometry Nodes']
duplicate_node(g.nodes['Extrude Mesh'], duplicate_links=True)
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(Tested in Blender 3.1)

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