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Created April 15, 2017 17:09
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## Log session started at Sun Jan 29 10:51:08 2017 ###
[10:51:08] SatanicSanta [] has joined #FTB-Wiki
[10:51:08] Channel topic is: The IRC channel for the official FTB Wiki - | RC Feed @ #FTB-Wiki-recentchanges | Wiki MC: and 25555
[10:51:08] Topic was set by PeterRabbit! on Tue Jul 5 12:55:32 2016
[10:51:08] MineBot [] has set mode +o SatanicSanta
[10:51:27] [*@*] has set channel mode +Fntz
[10:51:27] Channel was created at Wed Jun 19 03:57:10 2013
[10:51:28] Channel synchronized in 19.957 seconds
[11:00:29] <+ImmortalPharaoh7> sup SatanicSanta
[11:00:47] <@SatanicSanta> hi
[11:03:43] <+ImmortalPharaoh7> SatanicSanta: I'm on my way to set a record on the wiki
[11:03:46] <@SatanicSanta> ok
[11:04:30] <@SatanicSanta> xbony2|afk: why
[11:04:45] <@SatanicSanta> xbony2|afk: People could very well be looking for Roots 2 if they go to Roots
[11:05:03] <@SatanicSanta> xbony2|afk: It's not like "Oh this is mildly related" it's literally what the page is for
[11:05:06] <@SatanicSanta> xbony2|afk: things called Roots
[11:11:02] <@PeterRabbit> xbony2|afk: Find an example on wikipedia of a disambiguation page that uses See also
[11:11:24] <@SatanicSanta> PeterRabbit: yeah honestly i dont see why we started doing that
[11:11:29] <@SatanicSanta> PeterRabbit: i think i started it too :|
[11:11:35] <@PeterRabbit> SatanicSanta: lol
[11:30:02] <+xbony2|afk> PeterRabbit:$_(disambiguation)
[11:30:09] <+xbony2|afk> took two fucking seconds
[11:31:19] <+xbony2|afk> here's another$1
[11:31:32] <+xbony2|afk> here's another
[11:31:55] <+xbony2|afk> I hope I don't need to look for more
[11:32:50] <+Kyth> I woudln't use See Also for Roots though
[11:34:31] <@PeterRabbit> SatanicSanta:
[11:34:32] <@LittleHelper> @Nivo0o0 tweeted 'Alexa teaches kid new words 🙈'
[11:34:59] <@PeterRabbit> xbony2|afk: Notice how it has a lot of articles that aren't exactly named $
[11:35:58] <@PeterRabbit> Roots 2 is the kind of thing that would be close enough to Roots that it wouldn't be listed under See also
[11:36:35] <@PeterRabbit> xbony2|afk: Also why are you only linking disambigs that are numbers or symbols? :P
[11:36:50] <+xbony2|afk> because they were the first things in the disambiguation category
[11:37:59] <@PeterRabbit> >_>
[11:38:20] <+xbony2|afk> I went to Category:Disambiguation
[11:38:30] <+xbony2|afk> clicked a few random links
[11:38:34] <+xbony2|afk> and bam
[11:49:25] <@SatanicSanta> ok so we should come to a decision
[11:49:28] <@PeterRabbit> SatanicSanta: fuck internetofshit is ridiculous
[11:49:34] <@SatanicSanta> PeterRabbit: ok
[11:50:04] <@SatanicSanta> PeterRabbit: I think we should follow Wikipedia's "what do you put in a disambiguation page" style a bit more
[11:50:04] <@PeterRabbit> SatanicSanta: For example, disambig page for Vinegar would list Apple Vinegar Grape Vinegar etc without See also
[11:50:09] <@SatanicSanta> PeterRabbit: yes
[11:50:30] <@PeterRabbit> SatanicSanta: Macerator disambig would list anything that has Macerator in the name
[11:50:40] <@PeterRabbit> SatanicSanta: But could also have a See also for things like Crusher or Pulverizer
[11:50:44] <@SatanicSanta> PeterRabbit: yes
[11:50:48] <@PeterRabbit> SatanicSanta: k
[11:50:57] <@PeterRabbit> That was easy
[11:51:08] <+xbony2|afk> I… disagree?
[11:51:13] <@SatanicSanta> PeterRabbit: but what does Chocohead and xbony2|afk and Kyth think
[11:51:22] <@PeterRabbit> Chocohead: Yeah, we need your opinion
[11:51:35] <+Kyth> That sounds pretty reasonable.
[11:51:38] <@SatanicSanta> and anyone else who might have an opinion
[11:51:49] <@SatanicSanta> xbony2|afk: y
[11:52:07] <+xbony2|afk> it's unlikely you would go to the macerator page looking for an article on the crusher
[11:52:17] <@SatanicSanta> xbony2|afk: you misunderstood PeterRabbit
[11:52:27] <+xbony2|afk> that's why it should be shoved down into the see also section
[11:52:28] <@SatanicSanta> xbony2|afk: "Crusher" would be in See also because it serves a similar function
[11:52:32] <@SatanicSanta> xbony2|afk: but its name is totally different
[11:52:46] <@SatanicSanta> xbony2|afk: "Roots" and "Roots 2" are very similar names, as are "Vinegar" and "Grape Vinegar"
[11:53:17] <+xbony2|afk> "I want information on Grape Vinegar"
[11:53:27] xbony2|afk goes to Vinegar page
[11:53:34] <+xbony2|afk> no
[11:53:51] <@PeterRabbit> Like right now we have a disambig page for GregTech
[11:53:53] <+xbony2|afk> you'd go to the Grape Vinegar page
[11:54:01] <@SatanicSanta> xbony2|afk: you might
[11:54:05] <@SatanicSanta> xbony2|afk: but users might not
[11:54:18] <@PeterRabbit> Each gregtech version is not named identically
[11:54:20] <+xbony2|afk> I don't think users generally would
[11:54:28] <@PeterRabbit> GregTech 1 and GregTech 2 are about as similar as Roots and Roots 2
[11:54:31] <@SatanicSanta> xbony2|afk: then why does wikipedia do it
[11:54:37] <@PeterRabbit> GregTech 5 Unofficial is even less similar
[11:54:44] <@SatanicSanta> ^
[11:54:46] <+xbony2|afk> wikipedia has a reason to do it
[11:54:53] <+xbony2|afk> you look up concepts
[11:55:02] <+xbony2|afk> here we look up in-game items
[11:55:20] <@PeterRabbit> All the different vinegars are still vinegar
[11:55:24] <@SatanicSanta> yep
[11:55:25] <+xbony2|afk> so?
[11:55:26] <@PeterRabbit> you can use any of them for vinegary things
[11:55:31] <@SatanicSanta> Grape Vinegar and Apple Vinegar are similar in game
[11:55:32] <+xbony2|afk> so?
[11:55:41] <@PeterRabbit> Maybe you just want to check out all the kinds of Vinegar so you can use them for vinegar purposes
[11:55:41] <@SatanicSanta> and have similar names
[11:55:44] <@PeterRabbit> discover your options
[11:55:47] <@SatanicSanta> so if you want to know what all the vinegars are, you would go to Vinegar
[11:56:00] <@SatanicSanta> and theyd all be in a nice singular list
[11:56:01] <+xbony2|afk> that's why there's a see also section if really needed?
[11:56:17] <@SatanicSanta> right but at that point it becomes an "alternative disambiguation section" rather than see also
[11:56:33] <@SatanicSanta> see also is for similar mechanics (Crusher vs Macerator) but with totally different names
[11:56:51] <@PeterRabbit> xbony2|afk: I see no point for putting things with almost identical names under a See also section
[11:56:52] <@SatanicSanta> so if someone is looking into crushing shit, they can go to those pages and see all their options, but be mostly displayed things with names similar to the word crush
[11:56:55] <@PeterRabbit> It's still a damn vinegar
[11:57:31] <@PeterRabbit> Chocohead: get your opinion in here already >:(
[11:58:44] <+xbony2|afk> your hypothetical instance of going to the "Vinegar" page to look for information on "Grape Vinegar" is more hypothetical than realistic
[11:58:57] <@SatanicSanta> how do you know
[11:59:13] <@SatanicSanta> you literally have no way of knowing that from the perspective of not-you
[11:59:23] <+xbony2|afk> because our wiki is structured in a pretty simple pattern
[11:59:35] <+xbony2|afk> well, it's hard to have another perspective
[11:59:43] <+xbony2|afk> there's pages
[11:59:53] <+ImmortalPharaoh7> ready about Soviet Russia \o/
[11:59:53] <+xbony2|afk> and the names are the same as the in-game names
[12:00:08] <+ImmortalPharaoh7> and Lenin, Bolcheviks and menchviks
[12:00:36] <@SatanicSanta> ImmortalPharaoh7: I prefer Vietnamese socialism to soviet socialism
[12:00:43] <@SatanicSanta> ImmortalPharaoh7: Because Vietnamese socialism is actually socialism
[12:01:03] <+ImmortalPharaoh7> I have to do a research about either fascism or communism
[12:01:11] <+ImmortalPharaoh7> and another totalialsdjklasd regim of my choice
[12:01:18] <@SatanicSanta> ImmortalPharaoh7: If you do some horseshoe theory shit I will slap you so hard
[12:01:25] <+ImmortalPharaoh7> ?
[12:01:31] <+ImmortalPharaoh7> I will talk about Mohamed Ali
[12:01:46] <+ImmortalPharaoh7> then do a comparaison
[12:01:47] <@SatanicSanta> ImmortalPharaoh7: this bs
[12:02:01] <@SatanicSanta> ImmortalPharaoh7: It is incorreect
[12:02:07] <@SatanicSanta> ImmortalPharaoh7: Incorrect, too.
[12:02:12] <+ImmortalPharaoh7> what's incorrect?
[12:02:16] <+xbony2|afk> lol
[12:02:20] <+ImmortalPharaoh7> defintely not the ping rate :P
[12:02:38] <@SatanicSanta> ImmortalPharaoh7: Horseshoe theory is not correct.
[12:02:52] <+ImmortalPharaoh7> and?
[12:02:52] <@SatanicSanta> ImmortalPharaoh7: Is your paper in English
[12:02:57] <+ImmortalPharaoh7> French
[12:03:01] <@SatanicSanta> ah dang
[12:03:02] <+ImmortalPharaoh7> but I use English sources
[12:03:04] <@PeterRabbit> SatanicSanta: For example, you can use any vinegar to make mayo or dressing
[12:03:07] <+ImmortalPharaoh7> SatanicSanta: why you asking?
[12:03:19] <@SatanicSanta> ImmortalPharaoh7: I was gonna offer to read it and give you my communist/socialist stamp of approval/disapproval
[12:03:29] <@SatanicSanta> It's very easy to get incorrect information on left wing politics and history
[12:03:36] <+ImmortalPharaoh7> well, you can google translate it?
[12:03:39] <@SatanicSanta> true
[12:03:44] <+ImmortalPharaoh7> it will give you a slight idea
[12:03:58] <+ImmortalPharaoh7> SatanicSanta: I need some help btw
[12:03:59] <@SatanicSanta> ImmortalPharaoh7: yeah sure if you want my communist stamp of approval that offer is on the table
[12:04:03] <+ImmortalPharaoh7> soem stuff I don't undertand
[12:04:27] <+ImmortalPharaoh7> don't completely understand what happened in the october revolution 1917?
[12:04:32] <@PeterRabbit> xbony2|afk: If we go with the strict name must be exactly identical otherwise it goes under See also, that means the entire gregtech disambig would be a See also
[12:04:43] <@PeterRabbit> since that is clearly dumb, we can't use that policy
[12:05:05] <@SatanicSanta> ImmortalPharaoh7: Honestly I don't know much about the soviet union. My studies are primarily in the Americas and Asia
[12:05:18] <+ImmortalPharaoh7> I know that Bolcheviks cut communication lines and surrounded the Winter Palace and got the thing from the other people
[12:05:27] <+ImmortalPharaoh7> SatanicSanta: Soviet Russia is in Asia...
[12:05:33] <@SatanicSanta> eh depends on who you ask
[12:05:34] <+ImmortalPharaoh7> at least a part of it
[12:05:41] <+ImmortalPharaoh7> most of the lands
[12:05:52] <@SatanicSanta> im referring to "Asia" as "the place where Europeans would consider its peoples of the 'Asian race'"
[12:05:57] <+xbony2|afk> they have the same name of "GregTech"
[12:06:09] <@PeterRabbit> So does Roots and Roots 2, they both have Roots
[12:06:13] <@SatanicSanta> ^
[12:06:33] <@SatanicSanta> Grape Vinegar and Apple Vinegar both have the name Vinegar
[12:06:34] <+xbony2|afk> but roots 2 is not referred to as roots
[12:06:41] <@PeterRabbit> it isn't?
[12:06:47] <+xbony2|afk> rarely
[12:06:48] <@PeterRabbit> How many people refer to IC2 as industrial craft?
[12:06:53] <@SatanicSanta> xbony2|afk: it is on the wiki
[12:07:01] <+ImmortalPharaoh7> SatanicSanta: you know Chinese stuff?
[12:07:01] <+Chocohead> Quite a lot PeterRabbit
[12:07:06] <@PeterRabbit> Chocohead: exactly
[12:07:11] <+xbony2|afk> and…?
[12:07:22] <@SatanicSanta> ImmortalPharaoh7: actually not really. I've never been interested in Mao. I know a lot about Vietnam though
[12:07:24] <+ImmortalPharaoh7> xbony2|afk: you aren't quite afk I think
[12:07:28] <@PeterRabbit> and if I have a bottle of Grape Vinegar I'm not always going to bother specifying "Grape", I'll often just say Vinegar
[12:07:33] <@SatanicSanta> much more successful example of socialism than China and Russia and Cuba
[12:07:39] <+ImmortalPharaoh7> SatanicSanta: was Vietnam a totaralkaishdaksdnasd regime?
[12:07:47] <+xbony2|afk> totalarian
[12:07:50] <+ImmortalPharaoh7> yes
[12:07:55] <@SatanicSanta> ImmortalPharaoh7: when?
[12:07:57] <+ImmortalPharaoh7> that is the word I'm looking for
[12:08:03] <+ImmortalPharaoh7> in any time in history
[12:08:05] <+Chocohead> Successful is always a strange approach, as the most successful were always weakest
[12:08:16] <@SatanicSanta> Chocohead: what do you mean?
[12:08:17] <+ImmortalPharaoh7> but I think I will talk about Egypt since it's very easy for me
[12:08:24] <@PeterRabbit> xbony2|afk: Basically, I fail to see how Roots is any different from GregTech
[12:08:30] <@PeterRabbit> in terms of naming
[12:08:39] <+Chocohead> SatanicSanta: The USSR, China and Cuba could spread the idiology around the world, especially in civil wars
[12:08:46] <@SatanicSanta> ImmortalPharaoh7: I'm sure at some point, probably during the time when Vietnam was owned by China and/or France and/or US
[12:08:52] <+Chocohead> Other communist states never had the resources or the power to
[12:08:59] <@PeterRabbit> Chocohead: So anyway, do you agree with the policy proposed by me and SatanicSanta?
[12:09:12] <@SatanicSanta> Chocohead: That's true. China and the USSR also fucked over developing socialist states repeatedly
[12:09:12] <+xbony2|afk> having two discussions at once is fun
[12:09:15] <+Chocohead> PeterRabbit: Which one, you mentioned quite a bit whilst I was away
[12:09:35] <+Chocohead> SatanicSanta: Competing against each other had that effect
[12:09:35] <@PeterRabbit> Chocohead: this one
[12:10:12] <+Chocohead> PeterRabbit: Nah, the current system works well enough
[12:10:34] <+Chocohead> A bit of common sense going against the current system when it's appropriate is enough
[12:10:39] <@PeterRabbit> Chocohead: what is the current system?
[12:11:03] <+Chocohead> PeterRabbit: Exact duplicate names go at the top, other related things with close names go in see also
[12:11:16] PeterRabbit stabs Chocohead
[12:11:34] <@SatanicSanta> Chocohead: Cuba didn't really spread ideology. They basically went wherever people's movements were forming and provided support. The places Cuba went already had the ideology necessary for their liberation
[12:11:39] <@PeterRabbit> SatanicSanta: check out all these vinegars in real life
[12:11:53] <@SatanicSanta> PeterRabbit: i am failing to load wikipedia sorry
[12:11:58] <+Chocohead> SatanicSanta: Reinforcing the movements was spreading the ideology
[12:12:05] <@PeterRabbit> SatanicSanta: u wot
[12:12:07] <@SatanicSanta> Chocohead: eh i dont really agree
[12:12:17] <@SatanicSanta> PeterRabbit: My internet is being slow as shit and I cant load wikipedia
[12:13:10] <@PeterRabbit> SatanicSanta: nice
[12:13:20] <@SatanicSanta> PeterRabbit: oh it seems to be not terrible anymore
[12:15:54] <@SatanicSanta> Chocohead: The ideology already existed so there wasn't much to spread in the first place. And in the places they went their ideologies barely changed as a result of Cuban direct influence. People definitely looked to Cuba as an example of the success of the peoples revolution but that isn't really Cuba directly spreading their ideology with intent.
[12:16:20] <@SatanicSanta> Chocohead: In other words, if they were spreading ideology, I'd argue that they were largely preaching to the choir.
[12:16:40] <+Chocohead> The point is by training and protecting the other movmenets, it was to allow them to take control of countries -> spreading the ideology
[12:16:56] <@SatanicSanta> Cuba didn't take control of any countries
[12:16:57] <@SatanicSanta> wat
[12:17:13] <+Chocohead> Not Cuba itself, but the movement in other countries that control of their own
[12:17:56] <@SatanicSanta> I think 'reinforcing the ideology' would be a better way to describe it
[12:17:57] <+Chocohead> Effectively encouraging the domino effect
[12:18:29] <@SatanicSanta> Anyway, I <3 Cuba
[12:21:59] <+Chocohead> I wonder if you visited Cuba now Trump would let you back in
[12:22:44] <@SatanicSanta> Chocohead: There's a bill that's been proposed that would allow for full travel between the US and Cuba
[12:24:09] <@SatanicSanta> Chocohead: Travel between the US and Cuba right now is kinda strange
[12:25:10] <+Chocohead> I'm sure it can be made a lot more strange
[12:36:56] <@PeterRabbit> GreggyBunBun: I wanna update you
[12:38:04] <@PeterRabbit> SatanicSanta: does curse approve packs on sundays?
[12:38:09] <+xbony2|afk> yes
[12:39:38] <+xbony2|afk> cough
[12:49:47] <+ImmortalPharaoh7> $weather Cairo Egypt
[12:49:48] <@LittleHelper> Cairo, Egypt: Clear | 54.0 F (12.2 C), and feels like it! | Humidity: 56% | 0% chance of precipitation | Last Updated on January 29, 10:49 PM EET
[12:55:13] <+ImmortalPharaoh7> gg
[12:55:25] <+ImmortalPharaoh7> Egypt 1-0 Morocco
[12:56:02] <+ImmortalPharaoh7> SatanicSanta: We're going to play against Burkina Faso on Wednesday
[12:56:23] <@SatanicSanta> ImmortalPharaoh7: ok
[12:56:24] <+ImmortalPharaoh7> then there is Cameroun vs Ghana on the semi finals too...
[12:56:36] <+ImmortalPharaoh7> we won against both of them numerous times in the past
[12:58:19] <@PeterRabbit> took 3 minutes to approve
[12:58:21] <@PeterRabbit> curse is quick
[12:58:36] GreggyBunBun [] has quit IRC: Remote host closed the connection
[12:59:37] GreggyBunBun [] has joined #FTB-Wiki
[13:05:31] <GreggyBunBun> N​oLifeBunny has joined the game
[13:09:28] ImmortalPharaoh7 [~ImmortalP@] has quit IRC: Ping timeout: 206 seconds
[13:09:41] <GreggyBunBun> N​oLifeBunny has left the game
[13:10:08] <GreggyBunBun> N​oLifeBunny has joined the game
[13:15:22] <GreggyBunBun> I​llogician has joined the game
[13:15:40] <GreggyBunBun> <N​oLifeBunny> hiiii
[13:15:47] <GreggyBunBun> <I​llogician> hallo!
[13:16:09] <+xbony2|afk> o/
[13:16:15] <GreggyBunBun> <I​llogician> Wow you really did a number on this beach lol
[13:16:32] <GreggyBunBun> <I​llogician> Is there a voice chat or something somewhere? Should I put on my second pair of headphones?
[13:16:41] <GreggyBunBun> <N​oLifeBunny> Curse has voice chat
[13:16:47] <GreggyBunBun> <N​oLifeBunny> You can also use discord for voice chat if you want
[13:16:56] <GreggyBunBun> <N​oLifeBunny> I'm fine with either
[13:16:57] <GreggyBunBun> <I​llogician> Discord's preferred I guess
[13:17:09] <GreggyBunBun> <I​llogician> Do you guys have a Discord server?
[13:17:27] <+xbony2|afk> as a whole we do not
[13:19:14] <GreggyBunBun> I​llogician has just earned the achievement [Taking Inventory] 🌟
[13:20:02] <GreggyBunBun> I​llogician burned to death 👻
[13:21:22] <GreggyBunBun> I​llogician has just earned the achievement [Getting Wood] 🌟
[13:21:28] <GreggyBunBun> I​llogician burned to death 👻
[13:22:04] <+xbony2|afk> what's up with the fire?
[13:22:17] <@PeterRabbit> xbony2|afk: fire aspect on flint axes
[13:22:37] <+Chocohead> It's the best feature ever until you have to start fighting zombies
[13:25:33] <GreggyBunBun> I​llogician has just earned the achievement [Benchmarking] 🌟
[13:25:52] <GreggyBunBun> I​llogician has just earned the achievement [Time to Mine!] 🌟
[13:28:06] <GreggyBunBun> I​llogician starved to death 👻
[13:33:33] Speiger [] has quit IRC: Ping timeout: 194 seconds
[13:42:40] Speiger [] has joined #FTB-Wiki
[14:20:06] Connection to server lost
### Log session terminated at Sun Jan 29 14:20:23 2017 ###
### Log session started at Sun Jan 29 14:20:23 2017 ###
[14:20:23] SatanicSanta [] has joined #FTB-Wiki
[14:20:23] Channel topic is: The IRC channel for the official FTB Wiki - | RC Feed @ #FTB-Wiki-recentchanges | Wiki MC: and 25555
[14:20:23] Topic was set by PeterRabbit! on Tue Jul 5 12:55:32 2016
[14:20:26] MineBot [] has set mode +o SatanicSanta
[14:20:47] [*@*] has set channel mode +Fntz
[14:20:47] Channel was created at Wed Jun 19 03:57:10 2013
[14:20:48] Channel synchronized in 25.234 seconds
[14:26:34] <+xbony2|afk>
[14:27:38] SatanicSanta [] has quit IRC: Quit: out
[14:27:38] Connection to server lost
### Log session terminated at Sun Jan 29 16:28:48 2017 ###
### Log session started at Sun Jan 29 16:28:48 2017 ###
[16:28:48] SatanicSanta [] has joined #FTB-Wiki
[16:28:48] Channel topic is: The IRC channel for the official FTB Wiki - | RC Feed @ #FTB-Wiki-recentchanges | Wiki MC: and 25555
[16:28:48] Topic was set by PeterRabbit! on Tue Jul 5 12:55:32 2016
[16:28:49] MineBot [] has set mode +o SatanicSanta
[16:29:07] [*@*] has set channel mode +Fntz
[16:29:07] Channel was created at Wed Jun 19 03:57:10 2013
[16:29:08] Channel synchronized in 20.238 seconds
[16:30:01] <@SatanicSanta> PeterRabbit: so was tehre ever a solution to the thing
[16:39:16] NolanSyKinsley [~NolanSyKi@2606:6000:5112:df00:77f3:1947:810a:5711] has joined #FTB-Wiki
[16:45:53] techno156 [~techno156@] has quit IRC: Quit: Leaving
[16:46:33] WikiPack2Modpack [] has quit IRC: Remote host closed the connection
[17:01:06] <+xbony2|getshot> "As pointed out by many, it is significantly cheaper to pay for a return airfare ticket to the United States and purchase one particular collection of Adobe's software there than to buy it locally in Australia."
[17:10:25] <@SatanicSanta> fuck adobe
[17:10:46] <@SatanicSanta> xbony2|getshot: was a decision on dis pages ever made
[17:10:56] <+xbony2|getshot> I got all my adobe stuff for free :D
[17:11:07] <@SatanicSanta> xbony2|getshot: adobe can suck my balls
[17:11:11] <+xbony2|getshot> well, chocohead agreed with my standard
[17:11:19] xbony2|getshot [] is now known as xbony2|afk
[17:15:20] <@SatanicSanta> xbony2|afk: I still don't understand how Roots 2 is any different than GregTech X
[17:41:58] <+Kyth> xbony2|afk: What the actual fuck why is the price difference so drastic
[17:43:51] <@SatanicSanta> Kyth: because aus
[18:15:46] techno156 [~techno156@] has joined #FTB-Wiki
[18:20:58] <@SatanicSanta> $tweet @SatanNicholas is not a stalinist
[18:20:59] <@LittleHelper> Successfully tweeted!
[18:40:53] <@SatanicSanta> PeterRabbit: please deal with Rotten Fishmeal and Rotten Mince Meat
[18:41:29] <@SatanicSanta> PeterRabbit: and Mundane Brew
[19:01:09] <@PeterRabbit> SatanicSanta: solution to which thing?
[19:01:42] <@SatanicSanta> PeterRabbit: disambiguation pages
[19:01:44] <@SatanicSanta> PeterRabbit: roots 2
[19:01:51] <@PeterRabbit> SatanicSanta: oh, well me you and Kyth agreed
[19:01:59] <@PeterRabbit> Choco|Away and xbony2|afk disagreed
[19:01:59] <@SatanicSanta> PeterRabbit: but xbony2|afk and Choco|Away disagree
[19:02:47] <@PeterRabbit> SatanicSanta: yeah
[19:03:52] <@PeterRabbit> SatanicSanta: well, how about me you and Kyth just do it the way we decided and xbony2|afk and Choco|Away do it the way they decided and we won't revert each others edits
[19:04:12] <@SatanicSanta> PeterRabbit: that sounds like shit
[19:05:34] <@PeterRabbit> SatanicSanta: well I'm putting you in charge of finding random strangers on the internet to agree with us
[19:06:28] <@SatanicSanta> PeterRabbit: ugh
[19:06:31] <@SatanicSanta> PeterRabbit: nah
[19:50:23] Speiger [] has quit IRC: Read error: Connection reset by peer
[20:31:38] <@PeterRabbit> SatanicSanta: so now I just wait for gamepedia to send me an invite
[20:31:39] <@PeterRabbit> oh boy
[20:31:47] <@SatanicSanta> PeterRabbit: :(
[20:33:00] <@PeterRabbit> "Once we approve your application, we'll send you a Slack invitation via email."
[20:35:46] <@SatanicSanta> :|
[20:36:32] <@PeterRabbit> xbony2|afk: Seriously, if you don't think the current system sucks, there must be something wrong with you
[20:36:56] <@PeterRabbit> xbony2|afk: Look at the hell SatanicSanta is going through just to disambiguate all those pages due to EI having so many name clashes with FSP
[20:38:01] <techno156> lol
[20:40:32] <@PeterRabbit> SatanicSanta: you know, a lot of the transition can be automated
[20:40:40] <@SatanicSanta> PeterRabbit: which transition
[20:40:55] <@PeterRabbit> SatanicSanta: For example any page that is Item (Mod) where Mod is a known mod name, can be easily moved by a bot to Mod/Item
[20:41:00] <@SatanicSanta> PeterRabbit: yes
[20:41:06] <@SatanicSanta> PeterRabbit: but what about double-disambiguation?
[20:41:24] <@PeterRabbit> SatanicSanta: If it isn't already disambiguated, then it can check for a navbox and category to know where to move it
[20:41:30] <@PeterRabbit> SatanicSanta: double disambiguation?
[20:41:35] <@SatanicSanta> PeterRabbit: Thing (Item) (Mod)
[20:41:47] <@PeterRabbit> It will see that (Item) is not a known mod name and ignore it
[20:42:01] <@PeterRabbit> The item name will just be considered "Thing (Item)"
[20:42:11] <@SatanicSanta> "known mod name" meaning what
[20:42:18] <@PeterRabbit> SatanicSanta: anything in the module mod list
[20:42:36] <@SatanicSanta> PeterRabbit: Honestly it'd probably just be better to check the thing in the final ()
[20:42:51] <@PeterRabbit> SatanicSanta: well yeah, always check the final (), but make sure it is in the mod list
[20:43:09] <@SatanicSanta> PeterRabbit: not all mods have abbrvs
[20:43:19] <@PeterRabbit> SatanicSanta: Sure, so either move those pages manually or add an abbrv
[20:43:32] <@SatanicSanta> PeterRabbit: abbrvs are only necessary for mods with tiles
[20:43:48] <@PeterRabbit> SatanicSanta: We can still have abbreviations for those mods :P
[20:43:55] <@SatanicSanta> ew
[20:44:00] <@SatanicSanta> that just takes up space for mods that need it
[20:44:02] <@PeterRabbit> So you can do stuff like {{ML}} with the abbreviation
[20:44:07] <@SatanicSanta> meh
[20:44:15] <@SatanicSanta> those mods usually dont add a huge amount of stuff
[20:44:21] <@SatanicSanta> its usually command mods and the like
[20:44:30] <@PeterRabbit> SatanicSanta: You can also add a whitelist to the bot of known mod names that aren't abbreviated
[20:44:45] <@SatanicSanta> thatd be a better thing
[20:45:00] <@PeterRabbit> SatanicSanta: Better to be conservative than accidentally move things to the wrong place
[20:46:08] <@PeterRabbit> SatanicSanta: So once 99% of pages are moved by a bot, and humans touch up the last 1%, we can update all the templates, and then get bots to remove dis, unify NI and NID, and update many links
[20:46:15] <@PeterRabbit> SatanicSanta: We can use the testing wiki to test the bots first
[20:46:23] <@PeterRabbit> so we can try actually doing the transition
[20:46:25] <@SatanicSanta> yes
[20:46:45] <@PeterRabbit> Then once we know the transition can be done mostly by bots, we can show it to xbony2|afk and Choco|Away to convince them
[20:46:56] <@PeterRabbit> and then we can do the transition again live
[20:47:32] <@SatanicSanta> $getabbrv MFR
[20:47:33] <@LittleHelper> MFR is the abbreviation for the following mod: MineFactory Reloaded
[20:57:21] <GreggyBunBun> N​oLifeBunny has joined the game
[21:04:43] <GreggyBunBun> N​oLifeBunny has left the game
[21:07:07] <GreggyBunBun> N​oLifeBunny has joined the game
[21:10:15] <GreggyBunBun> N​oLifeBunny has left the game
[21:14:40] <GreggyBunBun> N​oLifeBunny has joined the game
[21:36:56] <@PeterRabbit> SatanicSanta: what is PHC bait for?
[21:50:01] Speiger [] has joined #FTB-Wiki
[22:03:24] Connection to server lost
### Log session terminated at Sun Jan 29 22:03:44 2017 ###
### Log session started at Sun Jan 29 22:03:44 2017 ###
[22:03:44] SatanicSanta [] has joined #FTB-Wiki
[22:03:44] Channel topic is: The IRC channel for the official FTB Wiki - | RC Feed @ #FTB-Wiki-recentchanges | Wiki MC: and 25555
[22:03:44] Topic was set by PeterRabbit! on Tue Jul 5 12:55:32 2016
[22:03:44] MineBot [] has set mode +o SatanicSanta
[22:04:03] [*@*] has set channel mode +Fntz
[22:04:03] Channel was created at Wed Jun 19 03:57:10 2013
[22:04:04] <@SatanicSanta> PeterRabbit: probably the PHC fishing net
[22:04:04] Channel synchronized in 20.692 seconds
[22:12:49] <@PeterRabbit> SatanicSanta: After making juice from fruit in GT you get fruit remains that you can use to make fruit bait
[22:13:43] <@SatanicSanta> PeterRabbit: interesting
[22:13:56] <@SatanicSanta> PeterRabbit: i still have to do all the armor
[22:13:59] <@SatanicSanta> PeterRabbit: AHHHHHHHHHH
[22:14:05] <@PeterRabbit> SatanicSanta: :D
[22:14:11] <@SatanicSanta> PeterRabbit: KILL ME
[22:14:21] <@PeterRabbit> SatanicSanta: And don't forget after you do allllll that
[22:14:25] <@SatanicSanta> yeah yeah
[22:14:33] <@PeterRabbit> SatanicSanta: You gotta go back and get all the links to those pages and fix them ;)
[22:15:03] <@SatanicSanta> PeterRabbit: im definitely not going to finish tonight
[22:15:06] <@PeterRabbit> SatanicSanta: think of it like this, all those edits are wikipoints
[22:15:10] <@SatanicSanta> PeterRabbit: good point
[22:16:17] <@SatanicSanta> PeterRabbit: and at least ill be able to convert stuff to ML
[22:16:25] <@PeterRabbit> SatanicSanta: oh, good point
[22:25:20] <@PeterRabbit> SatanicSanta: I wish FTBLib and FTBUtilities were more documented :(
[22:25:25] <@SatanicSanta> PeterRabbit: yeah
[22:25:31] <@SatanicSanta> PeterRabbit: document em
[22:25:32] <@PeterRabbit> SatanicSanta: It's so hard figuring out how to chunkload claimed chunks
[22:25:38] <@PeterRabbit> You have to hold space while clicking the chunk
[22:26:37] <@PeterRabbit> SatanicSanta: I don't even see them listed in the mod list D:
[22:26:42] <@SatanicSanta> D:
[22:39:53] <@PeterRabbit> SatanicSanta: isn't disambig fun? :D
[22:40:01] <@SatanicSanta> PeterRabbit: not even slightly
[22:40:06] <@PeterRabbit> nice
[22:44:06] <@SatanicSanta> PeterRabbit: on the upside im finally watching all the FSP articles
[22:44:18] <@PeterRabbit> :P
[22:44:23] <@SatanicSanta> PeterRabbit: I didn't have it set to watch all articles I create at the time I wrote them all
[22:44:59] <@PeterRabbit> SatanicSanta: I always had it set to autowatch articles
[22:45:10] <@SatanicSanta> PeterRabbit: I didn't know that was a thing for a while
[22:45:44] <@PeterRabbit> SatanicSanta: scrub
[22:45:47] <@SatanicSanta> PeterRabbit: sry
[22:46:52] <@SatanicSanta> PeterRabbit: so far there is 1 non-fsp article i need to disambiguate to make room for ei
[22:47:02] <@SatanicSanta> PeterRabbit: copper pipe
[22:47:28] <techno156> huh
[22:47:33] <techno156> You've been busy with FSP
[22:47:34] <techno156> :p
[22:47:43] <@SatanicSanta> techno156: It's EI now :D
[22:47:52] <techno156> ah
[22:47:54] <@SatanicSanta> techno156: Unless you are referring to the RC
[22:48:10] <techno156> You missed out on calling it Esteamed Innovation. :p
[22:48:10] <@SatanicSanta> techno156: You should join the EI discord :D
[22:48:23] <techno156> lol
[22:48:24] <@SatanicSanta> techno156: nah that still works because of sounds
[22:48:32] <techno156> ok. :p
[22:48:35] <techno156> Need to update the wikipack first
[22:48:50] <techno156> Meant to try it on a server, only to find a mismatch. :p
[22:51:44] <@PeterRabbit> E-Steam
[22:51:56] <@PeterRabbit> steam over the internet
[22:52:04] <@SatanicSanta> now theres an idea
[22:52:07] <@SatanicSanta> intraserver steam networks
[22:52:08] <@SatanicSanta> lmao
[22:52:10] PeterRabbit sends steamy pics to SatanicSanta over e-steam
[22:52:53] <@PeterRabbit> SatanicSanta:
[22:53:17] <@SatanicSanta> nice
[22:53:42] <@PeterRabbit> SatanicSanta:
[22:54:23] <@PeterRabbit> SatanicSanta:
[22:54:44] <@PeterRabbit> SatanicSanta:
[23:01:20] <techno156> SatanicSanta, Piton -> Piston?
[23:01:25] <@SatanicSanta> techno156: nope
[23:01:32] <techno156> ok
[23:01:51] <@SatanicSanta> techno156:
[23:01:55] <techno156> yes, just saw
[23:01:58] <techno156> :p
[23:02:03] <techno156> Didn't know that was a thing. :p
[23:05:56] <@SatanicSanta> techno156: anyway the discord invite thing for EI is in the topic of #TheSteamTank
[23:06:50] <@SatanicSanta> PeterRabbit: u too
[23:07:10] <@PeterRabbit> SatanicSanta: nah
[23:07:14] <@SatanicSanta> PeterRabbit: :(
[23:07:20] <@PeterRabbit> SatanicSanta: I don't care about EI enough
[23:07:43] SatanicSanta notices a tear drop onto his laptop
[23:08:03] <@SatanicSanta> PeterRabbit: btw we need to decide on "Ore Dictionary" vs "OreDictionary"
[23:08:17] <@SatanicSanta> PeterRabbit: and then write an article about it
[23:08:30] <techno156> ok
[23:08:45] <techno156> OreDictionary Internal, Ore Dictionary external?
[23:09:07] <@SatanicSanta> ?
[23:10:05] <@PeterRabbit> SatanicSanta: When referring to the Ore Dictionary as a concept we put a space in it
[23:10:34] <@PeterRabbit> SatanicSanta: When referring to a class literally named OreDictionary, then obviously you refer to it how it is named
[23:11:06] <@SatanicSanta> mkay
[23:11:30] <techno156> So, what mods at the moment need completing first?
[23:11:44] <techno156> on the wiki, I mean. :p
[23:11:47] <@SatanicSanta> what version are you playing
[23:11:49] <techno156> MC is currently broken, so will have to go off of memory, though
[23:12:07] <@SatanicSanta> *and code
[23:12:25] <@PeterRabbit> techno156: I'd rather not write stuff from memory
[23:12:33] <@PeterRabbit> I always refer to the game and/or code
[23:12:48] <@PeterRabbit> gregtech I basically just have the code always open
[23:12:55] <@SatanicSanta> you kinda have to for recipes
[23:13:00] <@SatanicSanta> code at least
[23:13:03] <@PeterRabbit> and for potion effects
[23:13:04] <techno156> fair enough
[23:13:13] <@PeterRabbit> and for tooltips because fuck manually typing them
[23:13:38] <@PeterRabbit> Cranberry Juice
[23:13:38] <@PeterRabbit> "Made of real Cranes!"
[23:13:43] <@PeterRabbit> :|
[23:14:25] <@PeterRabbit> SatanicSanta: greg and his damn tooltips
[23:14:55] <@PeterRabbit> Kiwi Juice
[23:14:57] <@PeterRabbit> "Made of little Birds!"
[23:15:18] <@PeterRabbit> SatanicSanta: damnit, that makes me sad because of
[23:19:51] <@SatanicSanta> PeterRabbit: almost done!
[23:19:57] <@SatanicSanta> PeterRabbit: with step 1 anyway
[23:21:25] <@PeterRabbit> SatanicSanta: fuck, now I watched that video and became even sadder
[23:21:39] <@SatanicSanta> PeterRabbit: now im def not opening that
[23:21:58] <@PeterRabbit> SatanicSanta: why not?
[23:22:07] <@SatanicSanta> PeterRabbit: dont need to be sadder
[23:27:49] <@PeterRabbit> SatanicSanta: you making a Copper Exosuit Plate disambig page?
[23:28:04] <@SatanicSanta> PeterRabbit: um i dont know what im doing with those
[23:28:07] <@SatanicSanta> PeterRabbit: thats why i stopped at copper
[23:28:11] <@PeterRabbit> ah k
[23:30:49] <techno156> So, when's FSP going to become EI?
[23:30:57] <@SatanicSanta> uh
[23:31:00] <@SatanicSanta> got a few more things to add
[23:31:02] <@SatanicSanta> a few things to fix
[23:31:04] <techno156> fair enough
[23:31:05] <@SatanicSanta> and then lots of art
[23:31:33] <@SatanicSanta> techno156: I'm currently working on the Leather Exosuit
[23:31:35] <techno156> Might try my hand at changing the page names for FSP only, rather than going to the disambiguation
[23:31:51] <@SatanicSanta> huh?
[23:32:48] <@PeterRabbit> techno156: Can you explain what you mean by that?
[23:32:52] <techno156> ah, the template
[23:33:11] <techno156> Since all of FSP's current entries point to the disambiguation page, rather than the specific ones for FSP
[23:33:17] <techno156> as far as I can tell, anyway
[23:33:23] <@SatanicSanta> yes i need to update the navbox
[23:33:36] <techno156> no idea what the change in the template, though, so probably a bad idea :p
[23:33:43] <@SatanicSanta> dw ill deal with it
[23:33:56] <techno156> ok
[23:34:00] <@SatanicSanta> tomorrow
[23:34:00] <@SatanicSanta> :P
[23:34:02] <@SatanicSanta> im going to sleep
[23:34:44] <techno156> lol
[23:34:45] <techno156> \o
[23:35:38] <@PeterRabbit> I also need to get some sleep
[23:35:42] <GreggyBunBun> N​oLifeBunny has left the game
[23:38:33] SatanicSanta [] has quit IRC: Quit: sleep
[23:38:33] Connection to server lost
### Log session terminated at Mon Jan 30 11:01:22 2017 ###
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