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Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am elifoster on github.
  • I am elifoster ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is 4DCB C752 AF39 7110 8F5A 7E1D 3562 6CAE 49B5 446A

To claim this, I am signing this object:

These OreDict entry IDs might not get deleted when the OreDict PR #17 gets merged, so here's the list of all the currently disabled entries:

Version scheme stays the same: X.Y.Z

Update updates (X)

Increment when we update to a new Minecraft version, or major Minecraft Forge/Forge Mod Loader version.

Feature updates (Y)

Released at same frequency as they are now: whenever we get enough features.
All features for update Y are developed in a single branch, likely named for example 30 for 0.30 update. This will prevent issues from happening, like in the 0.29 update where features were pushed to master and prevented patch updates until all 0.29 features were done.

Patch updates (Z)

elifoster / irc_issue_adder.rb
Last active July 26, 2016 01:57
A simple script to add the issues event to the IRC service on a repository.
require 'octokit'
# Enter your login stuff and uncomment accordingly.
# @kit = 'token')
# @kit = 'user', password: 'password')
# Adds the issues event to the IRC web service for the repository.
# @param repo [String] The full repository name (e.g., elifoster/seedcopy)
# @return [void]
def irc(repo)
elifoster / fsp
Last active April 2, 2017 04:02
FSP working todo list

This is a todo list for the FSP 1.9/1.10 port. I will add things as I make decisions and find new things.

  • Block Rendering
    • CastingBlocks
      • Crucible
      • Nether Crucible
      • Carving Table
      • Mold
    • MetalBlocks
  • MiscellaneousBlocks (only Engineering Table)

#FTB-Wiki IRC Channel Rules

  • Always obey Peter and Eli.
  • FTB-related programming discussion belongs in #FTB-Wiki-Dev.
  • No ICP


  • Avoid having pointless bots that have nothing to do with the wiki.
  • No bots that say things when not requested, except for special cases like telling you that you have unread mail (LittleHelper).
    • In those special cases, have a minimum delay between messages of 5+ minutes.
  • Each bot has a specific symbol prefix for commands on a first-come-first-serve basis:
elifoster / modelbase_to_json.perl
Last active August 22, 2016 03:52 — forked from ljfa-ag/modelbase_to_json.perl
Script for converting exported Techne models for Minecraft into other model formats
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Released into Public Domain
# A quick and dirty script to convert ModelBase Java code as generated
# by Techne or Tabula (untested) into Minecraft's JSON model format.
# It is quite limited (it does not handle rotations, as the JSON model format
# is limited in that regard anyway), but it is at least a help.
# Usage:
# modelbase_to_json > output.json

Consider package by feature- handlers get split up and put into their according package or class

Currently not sure if I want to change the codebase to be organized more like this. Awaiting response from other developers whom I trust in regards to code design and similar things.

Lowercased things are packages, upcased things are classes.

  • eiteam
    • esteemedinnovation
      • commons
  • Config
digraph classes {
BlockSteamTransporter -> ISteamTransporter
BookCategory -> BookEntry
BookCategory -> BookPage
BookCategory -> BookPiece
BookEntry -> BookPage
BookEntry -> BookPiece
BookPage -> IGuiJournal
BookPageAlloy -> Constants
BookPageAlloy -> CrucibleFormula
digraph classes {
BlockColdFluidPipe -> TileEntityColdFluidPipe
BlockColdFluidPipe -> FluidPipeBlockCapabilities
BlockSteamPipe -> SteamNetworkBlocks
BlockSteamPipe -> TileEntitySteamPipe
BlockSteamPipe -> BlockValvePipe
BlockValvePipe -> TileEntityValvePipe
BlockValvePipe -> BlockSteamPipe
BlockClassSensitivePlate -> MetalItems
BlockPressurePlateWeighted -> MetalItems