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Forked from vishnubob/python-run.vimrc
Created May 17, 2020 17:25
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Add this to your .vimrc to execute python in a new window. If your program produces no output, no windows is created.
nnoremap <silent> <leader><space> :call SaveAndExecutePython()<CR>
vnoremap <silent> <leader><space> :<C-u>call SaveAndExecutePython()<CR>
function! SaveAndExecutePython()
" SOURCE [reusable window]:
" save and reload current file
silent execute "update | edit"
" get file path of current file
let s:current_buffer_file_path = expand("%")
let s:output_buffer_name = "Python"
let s:output_buffer_filetype = "output"
" reuse existing buffer window if it exists otherwise create a new one
if !exists("s:buf_nr") || !bufexists(s:buf_nr)
silent execute 'botright new ' . s:output_buffer_name
let s:buf_nr = bufnr('%')
elseif bufwinnr(s:buf_nr) == -1
silent execute 'botright new'
silent execute s:buf_nr . 'buffer'
elseif bufwinnr(s:buf_nr) != bufwinnr('%')
silent execute bufwinnr(s:buf_nr) . 'wincmd w'
silent execute "setlocal filetype=" . s:output_buffer_filetype
setlocal bufhidden=delete
setlocal buftype=nofile
setlocal noswapfile
setlocal nobuflisted
setlocal winfixheight
" setlocal cursorline " make it easy to distinguish
setlocal nonumber
setlocal norelativenumber
setlocal showbreak=""
" clear the buffer
setlocal noreadonly
setlocal modifiable
%delete _
" add the console output
silent execute ".!python " . shellescape(s:current_buffer_file_path, 1)
" resize window to content length
" Note: This is annoying because if you print a lot of lines then your code buffer is forced to a height of one line every time you run this function.
" However without this line the buffer starts off as a default size and if you resize the buffer then it keeps that custom size after repeated runs of this function.
" But if you close the output buffer then it returns to using the default size when its recreated
"execute 'resize' . line('$')
" make the buffer non modifiable
setlocal readonly
setlocal nomodifiable
if (line('$') == 1 && getline(1) == '')
silent execute 'wincmd p'
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