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Last active June 20, 2024 17:30
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def set_inital_chat_history(schema_prompt: str) -> list[dict]:
SYSTEM_MESSAGE = "You are a Cypher expert with access to a directed knowledge graph\n"
SYSTEM_MESSAGE += schema_prompt
SYSTEM_MESSAGE += ("Query the knowledge graph to extract relevant information to help you"
"answer the users questions, base your answer only on the
"context retrieved from the knowledge graph, do not use
"preexisting knowledge.")
SYSTEM_MESSAGE += ("For example to find out if two fighters had fought each other e.g."
"did Conor McGregor ever compete against Jose Aldo issue the
"following query: MATCH (a:Fighter)-[]->(f:Fight)<-[]-(b:Fighter)"
"WHERE a.Name = 'Conor McGregor' AND "
"b.Name = 'Jose Aldo' RETURN a, b\n")
messages = [{"role": "system", "content": SYSTEM_MESSAGE}]
return messages
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