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Last active January 11, 2017 14:42
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An Introduction to React

An Introduction to React


An Introduction to React


React to the Future


To React.js and Beyond!

Descriptions (unpublished notes)

This session has a "Back to the Future" theme woven through its major points to bring a lighthearted storyline to the material. I plan to quickly introduce React, but then dive into Flux architecture, branch into unit testing with Jest, uncover performance tools, and then experiment with a record/replay state technique.


Facebook's React library has received quite a bit of attention lately. In this session we will describe what React is, who uses it, and why it's a compelling technology to use.

After a high level overview we will start to unpacking the ins and outs of React components (creation/JSX/props/state/etc) and then discuss some of the gotchas when first starting development.

"My favorite part of React is what I loved about MooTools: to use it effectively you learn JavaScript, not a DSL: useful your whole career." --Ryan Florence

React by itself is fairly small and not overly complex. For a more comprehensive Single Page Application you need much more than just React. To address this concern we will discuss Facebook Flux architecture, introduce the concept of Isomorphic JavaScript, and identify other libraries that are common when building a full application.


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