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Last active September 9, 2019 21:38
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  • Save elijahscherz/daf49caa2932a9d54e2d6ca640ac0478 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save elijahscherz/daf49caa2932a9d54e2d6ca640ac0478 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Simple domain information
set -Eeuo pipefail
echo -e "\e[36m|------ STATUS ------|\e[0m"
curl -I -L $1
echo -e "\n\e[36m|------ DIG A RECORD ------|\e[0m"
dig A $1 +short
ip=$(dig A $1 +short)
echo -e "\n\e[36m|------ NAMESERVERS ------|\e[0m"
dig NS $1 +short
echo -e "\n\e[36m|------ MX ------|\e[0m"
dig MX $1 +short
echo -e "\n\e[36m|------ REVERSE ------|\e[0m"
dig -x $ip +short
echo -e "\n\e[36m|------ SSL ------|\e[0m"
echo -e "\nFetching certificate information...\n"
cert=$(openssl s_client -showcerts -servername $1 -connect $1:443 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -inform pem -noout -text)
# The sed command uses 's' for substitute, then searches for all whitespace at the beginning, and deletes it with //
grep "Issuer:" <<< $cert | sed -e 's/^[ \t]*//'
if grep -q "Validity" <<< $cert; then
grep "Not Before" <<< $cert | sed -e 's/^[ \t]*//'
grep "Not After" <<< $cert | sed -e 's/^[ \t]*//'
echo -e "\n\e[36m|------ WHOIS INFO ------|\e[0m"
echo -e "\nFetching WHOIS information...\n"
whois $1 | grep "Registrar:" | sed -e 's/^[ \t]*//'
whois $1 | grep "Name Server:" | sed -e 's/^[ \t]*//'
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