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Created September 2, 2020 19:53
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{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
module Data.DiscreetDistribution where
import Control.Monad.Trans.Free
import Control.Monad
newtype DiscreetDistribution a = DiscreetDistribution {
unDD :: [(a, Double)]
instance Show a => Show (DiscreetDistribution a) where
show (DiscreetDistribution dist) = "[\n" ++ (unlines $ map show dist) ++ "]\n"
data SamplerF a b
= Sample (a -> b)
instance Functor (SamplerF a) where
fmap f (Sample c) = Sample $ f . c
type Sampler a = Free (SamplerF a)
type SamplferT a = FreeT (SamplerF a)
sample :: MonadFree (SamplerF a) m => m a
sample = liftF $ Sample id
:: Monad m
=> SamplerT a m ()
-> DiscreetDistribution a
-> m (DiscreetDistribution [a])
runSamplerT d dist = runFreeT d >>= \case
Pure _ -> return $ DiscreetDistribution [([], 1)]
Free (Sample cont) -> undefined -- What do I do here???
:: Sampler a ()
-> DiscreetDistribution a
-> DiscreetDistribution [a]
runSampler d dist = case runFree d of
Pure _ -> DiscreetDistribution $ [([], 1)]
Free (Sample cont) -> DiscreetDistribution $ do
(val, prob) <- unDD dist
let futurePulls = cont val
(futurePulledVals, futurePulledProb) <- unDD $ runSampler futurePulls dist
return $ (val:futurePulledVals, prob * futurePulledProb)
data Ball = Red | Green | Blue deriving Show
testDist :: DiscreetDistribution Ball
testDist = DiscreetDistribution $ [(Red, 0.3), (Green, 0.5), (Blue, 0.2)]
testDistExperiment :: Sampler Ball ()
testDistExperiment = do
first <- sample
case first of
Red -> return ()
_ -> do
void sample
void sample
return ()
resultDist :: DiscreetDistribution [Ball]
resultDist = runSampler testDistExperiment testDist
main :: IO ()
main = print resultDist
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