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Created October 5, 2013 11:43
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About Scala

  • Functional programming is programming through the definition and composition of objects.
  • Object-oriented programming is programming through the definition and compositon of objects.
  • In Scala, functions are objects. Programs can be constructed through both the definition and composition of objects or functions. This gives Scala the ability to focus on nouns or verbs in a program, depending on what is the most prominent.

Functional programming meets object orientation

  • functional programming and object-oriented programming are two different ways of looking at a problem

    *Funtional programming puts special emphasis on the verbs of a program and ways to combine and manipulate them.

    *Object-oriented programming is a top-down approach to code design. It approaches software by dividing code into nouns or objects. Each object has some form of:

    1. Identity (self/this)
    2. Behavior (methods) and
    3. State (members)

An example illustrating the approaches taken by functional and object-oriented programmers:

  • Consder the following story: "A cat catches a bird and eats it."

  • An object-oriented programmer would look at this sentence and see two nouns: cat and bird. The cat has two verbs associated with it: catch and eat. The following program is a more object-oriented approach:

class Bird
class Cat {
	def catch(b: Bird): Unit = ...
	def eat(): Unit = ...

val cat = new Cat
val bird = new Bird

  • The code focuses on the nouns and their actions:, Cat.catch(...). In functional programming, the focus is on the verbs.

  • Functional programming approaches software as the combination and application of functions. It tends to decompose software into behaviours, or actions that need to be performed, usually in a bottom-up fashion. Functions are viewed in a mathematical fashion, purely operations on their input. All variables are considered immutable which aids concurrent programming.

  • Functional programming attempts to defer all side effects in a program as long as possible. Removing side effects makes reasoning through a program simpler, in a formal sense. It also provides much more power in how things can be abstracted and combined.

In the story "A cat catches a bird and eats it", a functional program would see the two verbs catch and eat. A program would create these two functions and compose them to create the program. The following code is a more functional approach?

trait Cat
trait Bird
trait Catch
trait FullTummy

def catch (hunter: Cat, prey: Bird): Cat with Catch
def eat (consumer: Cat with Catch): Cat with FullTummy

val story = (catch _) andThen (eat _)
story (new Cat, new Bird)

Dicovering existing functional concepts

Many modern API have been incorporating functional ideas without ascribing them to functional programming. To illustrate, you will do a simple translation of the methods on the popular Spring Jdbc-Template class and see what it starts to look like in Scala

public interface JdbcTemplate {
	List query (PreparedStatemenCreator psc,
				RowMapper rowMapper)

Now for a simple tranlation into Scala, you'll convert the interface into a trait having same method(s):

trait JdbcTemplate {
	def query(psc: PreparedStatementCreator,
				rowMapper: RowMapper): List[_]

The simple translation makes a lot of sense, but it's still designed with a distinct Java flair. Let's start digging deeper into this design. Specifically, let's look at the PreparedStatementCreator and the RowMapper interfaces

public interface PreparedStatementCreator {
	PreparedStatement createPreparedStatement (Connection con)
		throws SQLException;

The updated Scala version of the JdbcTemplate interface would look as follows:

trait JdbcTemplate {
	def query(psc: Connection => PreparedStatement,
			rowMapper: (ResultSet, Int) => AnyRef
			): List[AnyRef]
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