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Last active August 10, 2022 16:57
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Smooths a 2D field using Discrete Cosine Transform or SVD
#' Smooths a 2D field
#' @param x,y Vector of x and y coordinates
#' @param value Vector of values
#' @param kx,ky Proportion of components to keep in the x and
#' y direction respectively. Lower values increased the smoothness.
#' @examples
#' library(ggplot2)
#' # Creates a noisy version of the volcano dataset and applies the smooth
#' volcano <- datasets::volcano |>
#' reshape2::melt( = "original") |>
#' transform(noisy = original + 1.5*rnorm(length(original))) |>
#' transform(smooth_dct = smooth_dct(Var2, Var1, noisy, kx = 0.4)) |>
#' transform(smooth_svd = smooth_svd(Var2, Var1, noisy, variance_lost = 0.005)) |>
#' reshape2::melt(id.vars = c("Var1", "Var2"))
#' ggplot(volcano, aes(Var1, Var2)) +
#' geom_contour(aes(z = value, color = ..level..)) +
#' scale_color_viridis_c() +
#' coord_equal() +
#' facet_wrap(~variable, ncol = 2)
smooth_dct <- function (x, y, value, kx = 1, ky = kx) {
force(ky) # Evaluate ky now, because kx will change later.
m <- mean(value)
value <- value - m
o <- order(y, x)
# Transform into a matrix
matrix <- matrix(value[o], nrow = length(unique(x)), byrow = FALSE)
# Compute the Discreete Cosine Transform
# We could also use fft, but it suffers from edge effects
dct <- gsignal::dct2(matrix)
# Define the components to keep
# Remmeber that the FFT is symmetrical
kx <- c(0, seq_len(floor(nrow(dct)/2 * kx)))
kx <- c(kx + 1, nrow(dct) - kx[kx != 0] + 1)
ky <- c(0, seq_len(floor(ncol(dct)/2 * ky)))
ky <- c(ky + 1, ncol(dct) - ky[ky != 0] + 1)
# Replace with zeros and invert
dct[, -ky] <- 0
dct[-kx, ] <- 0
c(gsignal::idct2(dct))[order(o)] + m
#' @param variance_lost Maximum percentage of variance lost after smoothing.
smooth_svd <- function(x, y, value, variance_lost = 0.01) {
m <- mean(value)
value <- value - m
o <- order(y, x)
# Transform into a matrix
matrix <- matrix(value[o], nrow = length(unique(x)), byrow = FALSE)
total_variance <- norm(abs(matrix), type = "F")
svd <- svd(matrix)
variance_accumulated <- cumsum(svd$d^2/total_variance^2)
variance_kept <- 1 - variance_lost
keep <- seq_len(which(variance_accumulated - variance_kept > 0)[1])
smooth <- svd$u[, keep] %*% diag(svd$d[keep], nrow = length(keep)) %*% t(svd$v[, keep])
smooth <- smooth + m
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