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Created May 6, 2024 02:47
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Analysisi of werid target

meta_pattern <- tar_meta(son_files) 
meta_branches <- tar_meta(all_of(meta_pattern$children[[1]]))

Total number of branches:

#> [1] 2525

In the last pipeline run, almost all branches them were skipped (so presumably the mtime was correct at the time)

(skipped <- readLines("log_old.txt") |> 
    grepl(pattern = "skipped branch son_files_") |> 
#> [1] 2407

and these were completed (so the mtime should be correct).

(completed <- readLines("log_old.txt") |> 
    grepl(pattern = "completed branch son_files_") |> 
#> [1] 118

So all branches were either valid at the time (and thus untouched) or completed (and thus valid now)

(skipped + completed) == nrow(meta_branches)
#> [1] TRUE


mtime_meta <- meta_branches$time
mtime_fs <-$path))$mtime

Only this many have the correct mtime as reported by the OS:

sum(mtime_meta == mtime_fs)
#> [1] 71

A lot of that might come from imprecise timestamps (#1062), but even rounding down to the second, a lot of them are still wrong.

sum(round.POSIXt(mtime_fs, "secs") != round.POSIXt(mtime_meta, "secs"))
#> [1] 118

The time difference is of the order of many hours!

mtime_wrong <- round.POSIXt(mtime_fs, "secs") != round.POSIXt(mtime_meta, "secs")
mtime_dif <- mtime_fs - mtime_meta

as.numeric(mtime_dif[mtime_wrong])/60/60  # in hours
#>   [1]  0.8766218  0.8764618  0.8767785  0.8767552  0.8760240  0.8652707
#>   [7]  0.8613741  0.8580108  0.8634774  0.8509197  0.8386586  0.8660096
#>  [13]  0.8618319  0.8566263  0.8526330  0.8566808  0.8504008  0.8424230
#>  [19]  0.8406642  0.8475164  0.8462175  0.8470552  0.8462764  0.8400230
#>  [25]  0.8344331  0.8352508  0.8389686  0.8284764  0.8314520  0.8356231
#>  [31]  0.8365664  0.8389264  0.8387764  0.8391230  0.8413397  0.8432875
#>  [37]  0.8424341  0.8426886  0.8437064  0.8437297  0.8406775  0.8413519
#>  [43]  0.8420853  0.8458286  0.8452608  0.8425141  0.8420686  0.8435275
#>  [49]  0.8432397  0.8430841  0.8421041  0.8425453  0.8416064  0.8434219
#>  [55]  0.8450886  0.8428941  0.8419553  0.8416753  0.8427153  0.8430153
#>  [61]  0.8449797  0.8424986  0.8423841  0.8431497  0.8438764  0.8432797
#>  [67]  0.8436130  0.8453086  0.8451864  0.8462797  0.8438764 27.6917514
#>  [73] 27.6869926 27.6777637 27.6819226 27.6721937 27.6830737 27.6595793
#>  [79] 27.6598026 27.6839748 27.2808404 27.1963351 27.1773229 27.1156931
#>  [85] 26.9690779 26.9058070 26.8500683 26.8720260 26.8738238 26.8668882
#>  [91] 26.8358261 26.8368783 26.8018940 25.7692512 25.7452468 25.7411891
#>  [97] 25.7378546 25.7086814 25.6999959 25.6861970 25.6713993 25.6564516
#> [103] 25.5574285 25.5482619 23.4522801 23.4468690 23.4171902 23.4622778
#> [109] 23.4422956 23.0511346 23.0648101 23.0668134 23.0658267 23.0727512
#> [115] 23.0728178 23.0730556 23.0687045 23.0589312

All the problematic files stored an earlier timestamp than the one reported by the OS. Some don’t even have the correct size

size_meta <- meta_branches$bytes
size_fs <- file.size(unlist(meta_branches$path)) 
sum(size_fs != size_meta)
#> [1] 32

Some files are recorded as larger, some as smaller.

sum(size_fs < size_meta)
#> [1] 26
sum(size_fs > size_meta)
#> [1] 6

All the files with the correct timestamp have the correct size, but only some of the ones with the wrong timestamp have the wrong size.

size_wrong <- size_fs != size_meta
table(mtime_wrong, size_wrong)
#>            size_wrong
#> mtime_wrong FALSE TRUE
#>       FALSE  2407    0
#>       TRUE     86   32

A bunch of branches are instantly outdated

outdated <- targets::tar_outdated(son_files, shortcut = TRUE, branches = TRUE)
is_outdated <- meta_branches$name %in% outdated
outdated <- meta_branches$name[is_outdated]
#> [1] 118

Which are the ones with the incorrect mtime

table(is_outdated, mtime_wrong)
#>            mtime_wrong
#> is_outdated FALSE TRUE
#>       FALSE  2407    0
#>       TRUE      0  118

All the outdated branches are among the skipped branches!

lines <- readLines("log_old.txt") 
skipped_names <- lines[grepl(pattern = "skipped branch son_files_", x = lines)] |>

all(outdated %in% skipped_names)
#> [1] TRUE

Naturally, the hash is wrong:

hash_fs <- vapply(unlist(meta_branches$path)[is_outdated], 
                        \(x) digest::digest(file = x, algo = "xxhash64"), 
                        FUN.VALUE = character(1)) |>

sum(meta_branches[is_outdated, ]$data == hash_fs)
#> [1] 0

It is very suspicious that the number of completed branches is the same as the number of currently outdated branches, which would be the number of compelted branches the next time I run the pipeline.

was_outdated <- !(meta_branches$name %in% skipped_names)
table(was_outdated, is_outdated)
#>             is_outdated
#> was_outdated FALSE TRUE
#>        FALSE  2289  118
#>        TRUE    118    0

The conclusion is that after the run before this one, 118 were outdated. This run re-run all those 118 branches, which are now up-to-date, but “created” another 118 outdated branches, that will be run the next time I run the pipeline. If this is not a coincidence, then the next time I run the pipeline, it should run the 118 outdated branches and create 118 outdated branches. Let’s try it.

Created on 2024-05-05 with reprex v2.0.2

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