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Last active February 25, 2021 11:08
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DataMapCallback no comments
class DataMapCallback(tf.keras.callbacks.Callback):
Gather training dynamics for data map generation. Assumes a binary or multi-class model, no support for multi label.
- `dataset` (`` Dataset``): Usually, as the paper suggests, this is the training dataset. It should be:
1. Non-shuffled, so each iteration over the dataset should yield samples in the same order
2. Already batched, the ``.batch(n)`` method should already be applied on this dataset
3. Should yield batches of ``(features, labels)``, sample weights are not supported
- | `outputs_to_probabilities` (``Optional[Callable[[Any], tf.Tensor]]``):
Callable to convert model's output to probabilities. Use this if the model outputs logits, dictionary or any
other form which is not a tensor of probabilities. Defaults to ``None``.
- | `sparse_labels` (``bool``): Set to ``True`` if the labels are given as integers (not one hot encoded). Defaults
to ``False``.
- | `gold_labels_probabilities` (``np.ndarray``): Gold label predicted probabilities. With the shape of
``(n_samples, n_epochs)`` and ``(i, j)`` is the probability of the gold label for sample ``i`` at epoch ``j``.
- `confidence` (``np.ndarray``): Mean of true label probability across epochs.
- `variability` (``np.ndarray``): Standard deviation of true label probability across epochs.
- `correctness` (``np.ndarray``): Fraction of times correctly predicted across epochs
Calculate training dynamics during training
.. code-block:: python3
import tensorflow as tf
import tavolo as tvl
# Load dataset
train = ... # Instance of dataset
train_unshuffled = ... # Instance of dataset, unshuffled so that each iteration over the dataset would yield
# samples in the same order
# Prepare
train = train.shuffle(BUFFER_SIZE).batch(BATCH_SIZE)
train = train_unshuffled.batch(BATCH_SIZE * 10) # No gradient updates in data map, can use bigger batches
# Create the datamap callback
datamap = tvl.learning.DatMaCallback(dataset=train_unshuffled)
# Train, epochs=N_EPOCHS, callbacks=[datamap])
# Get training dynamics
confidence, variability, correctness = datamap.confidence, datamap.variability, datamap.correctness
Calculate training dynamics from a model that outputs logits (and NOT probabilities)
.. code-block:: python3
import tensorflow as tf
import tavolo as tvl
# Create the datamap callback - using the outputs_to_predictions option
datamap = tvl.learning.DatMaCallback(dataset=train_unshuffled, outputs_to_probabilities=tf.nn.softmax)
# Train, epochs=N_EPOCHS, callbacks=[datamap])
- `Dataset Cartography: Mapping and Diagnosing Datasets with Training Dynamics`_
.. _`Dataset Cartography: Mapping and Diagnosing Datasets with Training Dynamics`:
# TODO - The implementation saves all the gold label probabilities across epochs for the training dynamics
# computations. This can be optimized by calculating a running version of each training dynamic.
# Once tfp.stats releases RunningVariance and RunningMean to the stable tfp versions - training dynamics
# calculations should be reimplemented doing this, thus avoiding (n_epochs - 1) * n_samples floating points
# memory usage.
def __init__(self, dataset:,
outputs_to_probabilities: Optional[Callable[[Any], tf.Tensor]] = None,
sparse_labels: bool = False):
:param dataset: Dataset. Usually, as the paper suggests, this is the training dataset. It should be:
- Non-shuffled, so each iteration over the dataset should yield samples in the same order
- Already batched, the ``.batch(n)`` method should already be applied on this dataset
- Should yield batches of ``(features, labels)``, sample weights are not supported
:param outputs_to_probabilities: Callable to convert model's output to probabilities. Use this if the model
outputs logits, dictionary or any other form which is not a vector of probabilities.
:param sparse_labels: Set to ``True`` if the labels are given as integers (not one hot encoded)
self._dataset = dataset
self._outputs2probabilities = outputs_to_probabilities
self._sparse_labels = sparse_labels
self._gold_labels_probabilities = None
def on_epoch_end(self, epoch, logs=None):
gold_label_probabilities = list()
for x, y in self._dataset:
probabilities = self.model.predict(x)
if self._outputs2probabilities is not None:
probabilities = self._outputs2probabilities(probabilities)
if self._sparse_labels:
y = tf.one_hot(y, depth=probabilities.shape[-1])
if tf.rank(tf.squeeze(y)) == 1:
probabilities, y = tf.squeeze(probabilities), tf.squeeze(y)
batch_gold_label_probabilities = tf.where(y == 0, 1 - probabilities, probabilities)
elif tf.rank(tf.squeeze(y)) == 2:
if not tf.reduce_all(tf.reduce_sum(tf.cast(y == 1, tf.int32), axis=-1) == 1):
raise ValueError('DataMapCallback does not support multi-label classification')
batch_gold_label_probabilities = tf.boolean_mask(probabilities, tf.cast(y, tf.bool)).numpy()
raise ValueError(
'tf.squeeze(y) (y == labels from the dataset) must be of rank 1 for binary classification or '
'2 for multi class. Instead got ({})'.format(tf.rank(tf.squeeze(y))))
gold_label_probabilities = np.append(gold_label_probabilities, [batch_gold_label_probabilities])
if self._gold_labels_probabilities is None:
self._gold_labels_probabilities = np.expand_dims(gold_label_probabilities, axis=-1)
stack = [self._gold_labels_probabilities, np.expand_dims(gold_label_probabilities, axis=-1)]
self._gold_labels_probabilities = np.hstack(stack)
def gold_labels_probabilities(self) -> np.ndarray:
Gold label predicted probabilities. With the shape of ``(n_samples, n_epochs)`` and ``(i, j)`` is the
probability of the gold label for sample ``i`` at epoch ``j``
:return: Gold label probabilities
return self._gold_labels_probabilities
def confidence(self) -> np.ndarray:
Mean of true label probability across epochs
:return: Confidence
return np.mean(self._gold_labels_probabilities, axis=-1)
def variability(self) -> np.ndarray:
Standard deviation of true label probability across epochs
:return: Variability
return np.std(self._gold_labels_probabilities, axis=-1)
def correctness(self) -> np.ndarray:
Fraction of times correctly predicted across epochs
:return: Correctness
return np.mean(self._gold_labels_probabilities > 0.5, axis=-1)
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