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Last active April 25, 2016 14:20
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protocol Able {
init?(foo: String)
protocol Ible {
init(bar: Int) throws
extension Able where Self: Ible {
init?(foo: String) {
// The bug can still be reproduced without the contents of this method
// by just `return nil`.
guard let value = Int(foo) else { return nil }
guard let object = try? Self(bar: value) else {
return nil
self = object
struct Baz {
let buzz: Int
extension Baz: Able { }
extension Baz: Ible {
init(bar: Int) throws { = bar
let x = Baz(foo: "1") // Errors with: '(foo: String) -> Baz' is not convertible to '(foo: String) -> Baz?'
let y = Baz.init(foo: "1") // Works!
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Playground execution failed: MyPlayground.playground:31:23: error: '(foo: String) -> Baz' is not convertible to '(foo: String) -> Baz?'
        guard let x = Baz(foo: foo) else { return nil }

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mzaks commented Apr 21, 2016

Hm .. Baz implements Able and Ible. Seems like Baz(foo: "1") takes the init of Able which is init?
And I guess when you call Baz.init(foo: "1") it is explicit

You have a very strange construct there :)

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