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* pixi.js - v4.0.2
* Compiled Wed Sep 21 2016 13:19:41 GMT+0100 (BST)
* pixi.js is licensed under the MIT License.
! function(t) {
if ("object" == typeof exports && "undefined" != typeof module) module.exports = t();
else if ("function" == typeof define && define.amd) define([], t);
else {
var e;
e = "undefined" != typeof window ? window : "undefined" != typeof global ? global : "undefined" != typeof self ? self : this, e.PIXI = t()
}(function() {
var t;
return function e(t, r, i) {
function n(o, a) {
if (!r[o]) {
if (!t[o]) {
var h = "function" == typeof require && require;
if (!a && h) return h(o, !0);
if (s) return s(o, !0);
var u = new Error("Cannot find module '" + o + "'");
throw u.code = "MODULE_NOT_FOUND", u
var l = r[o] = {
exports: {}
t[o][0].call(l.exports, function(e) {
var r = t[o][1][e];
return n(r ? r : e)
}, l, l.exports, e, t, r, i)
return r[o].exports
for (var s = "function" == typeof require && require, o = 0; o < i.length; o++) n(i[o]);
return n
1: [function(t, e, r) {
"use strict";
"use restrict";
function i(t) {
var e = 32;
return t &= -t, t && e--, 65535 & t && (e -= 16), 16711935 & t && (e -= 8), 252645135 & t && (e -= 4), 858993459 & t && (e -= 2), 1431655765 & t && (e -= 1), e
var n = 32;
r.INT_BITS = n, r.INT_MAX = 2147483647, r.INT_MIN = -1 << n - 1, r.sign = function(t) {
return (t > 0) - (0 > t)
}, r.abs = function(t) {
var e = t >> n - 1;
return (t ^ e) - e
}, r.min = function(t, e) {
return e ^ (t ^ e) & -(e > t)
}, r.max = function(t, e) {
return t ^ (t ^ e) & -(e > t)
}, r.isPow2 = function(t) {
return !(t & t - 1 || !t)
}, r.log2 = function(t) {
var e, r;
return e = (t > 65535) << 4, t >>>= e, r = (t > 255) << 3, t >>>= r, e |= r, r = (t > 15) << 2, t >>>= r, e |= r, r = (t > 3) << 1, t >>>= r, e |= r, e | t >> 1
}, r.log10 = function(t) {
return t >= 1e9 ? 9 : t >= 1e8 ? 8 : t >= 1e7 ? 7 : t >= 1e6 ? 6 : t >= 1e5 ? 5 : t >= 1e4 ? 4 : t >= 1e3 ? 3 : t >= 100 ? 2 : t >= 10 ? 1 : 0
}, r.popCount = function(t) {
return t -= t >>> 1 & 1431655765, t = (858993459 & t) + (t >>> 2 & 858993459), 16843009 * (t + (t >>> 4) & 252645135) >>> 24
}, r.countTrailingZeros = i, r.nextPow2 = function(t) {
return t += 0 === t, --t, t |= t >>> 1, t |= t >>> 2, t |= t >>> 4, t |= t >>> 8, t |= t >>> 16, t + 1
}, r.prevPow2 = function(t) {
return t |= t >>> 1, t |= t >>> 2, t |= t >>> 4, t |= t >>> 8, t |= t >>> 16, t - (t >>> 1)
}, r.parity = function(t) {
return t ^= t >>> 16, t ^= t >>> 8, t ^= t >>> 4, t &= 15, 27030 >>> t & 1
var s = new Array(256);
! function(t) {
for (var e = 0; 256 > e; ++e) {
var r = e,
i = e,
n = 7;
for (r >>>= 1; r; r >>>= 1) i <<= 1, i |= 1 & r, --n;
t[e] = i << n & 255
}(s), r.reverse = function(t) {
return s[255 & t] << 24 | s[t >>> 8 & 255] << 16 | s[t >>> 16 & 255] << 8 | s[t >>> 24 & 255]
}, r.interleave2 = function(t, e) {
return t &= 65535, t = 16711935 & (t | t << 8), t = 252645135 & (t | t << 4), t = 858993459 & (t | t << 2), t = 1431655765 & (t | t << 1), e &= 65535, e = 16711935 & (e | e << 8), e = 252645135 & (e | e << 4), e = 858993459 & (e | e << 2), e = 1431655765 & (e | e << 1), t | e << 1
}, r.deinterleave2 = function(t, e) {
return t = t >>> e & 1431655765, t = 858993459 & (t | t >>> 1), t = 252645135 & (t | t >>> 2), t = 16711935 & (t | t >>> 4), t = 65535 & (t | t >>> 16), t << 16 >> 16
}, r.interleave3 = function(t, e, r) {
return t &= 1023, t = 4278190335 & (t | t << 16), t = 251719695 & (t | t << 8), t = 3272356035 & (t | t << 4), t = 1227133513 & (t | t << 2), e &= 1023, e = 4278190335 & (e | e << 16), e = 251719695 & (e | e << 8), e = 3272356035 & (e | e << 4), e = 1227133513 & (e | e << 2), t |= e << 1, r &= 1023, r = 4278190335 & (r | r << 16), r = 251719695 & (r | r << 8), r = 3272356035 & (r | r << 4), r = 1227133513 & (r | r << 2), t | r << 2
}, r.deinterleave3 = function(t, e) {
return t = t >>> e & 1227133513, t = 3272356035 & (t | t >>> 2), t = 251719695 & (t | t >>> 4), t = 4278190335 & (t | t >>> 8), t = 1023 & (t | t >>> 16), t << 22 >> 22
}, r.nextCombination = function(t) {
var e = t | t - 1;
return e + 1 | (~e & -~e) - 1 >>> i(t) + 1
}, {}],
2: [function(t, e, r) {
"use strict";
function i(t, e, r) {
r = r || 2;
var i = e && e.length,
s = i ? e[0] * r : t.length,
a = n(t, 0, s, r, !0),
h = [];
if (!a) return h;
var u, l, d, p, f, v, g;
if (i && (a = c(t, e, a, r)), t.length > 80 * r) {
u = d = t[0], l = p = t[1];
for (var y = r; s > y; y += r) f = t[y], v = t[y + 1], u > f && (u = f), l > v && (l = v), f > d && (d = f), v > p && (p = v);
g = Math.max(d - u, p - l)
return o(a, h, r, u, l, g), h
function n(t, e, r, i, n) {
var s, o;
if (n === D(t, e, r, i) > 0)
for (s = e; r > s; s += i) o = A(s, t[s], t[s + 1], o);
for (s = r - i; s >= e; s -= i) o = A(s, t[s], t[s + 1], o);
return o && T(o, && (R(o), o =, o
function s(t, e) {
if (!t) return t;
e || (e = t);
var r, i = t;
if (r = !1, i.steiner || !T(i, && 0 !== b(i.prev, i, i =;
else {
if (R(i), i = e = i.prev, i === return null;
r = !0
while (r || i !== e);
return e
function o(t, e, r, i, n, c, d) {
if (t) {
!d && c && v(t, i, n, c);
for (var p, f, g = t; t.prev !==;)
if (p = t.prev, f =, c ? h(t, i, n, c) : a(t)) e.push(p.i / r), e.push(t.i / r), e.push(f.i / r), R(t), t =, g =;
else if (t = f, t === g) {
d ? 1 === d ? (t = u(t, e, r), o(t, e, r, i, n, c, 2)) : 2 === d && l(t, e, r, i, n, c) : o(s(t), e, r, i, n, c, 1);
function a(t) {
var e = t.prev,
r = t,
i =;
if (b(e, r, i) >= 0) return !1;
for (var n =; n !== t.prev;) {
if (m(e.x, e.y, r.x, r.y, i.x, i.y, n.x, n.y) && b(n.prev, n, >= 0) return !1;
n =
return !0
function h(t, e, r, i) {
var n = t.prev,
s = t,
o =;
if (b(n, s, o) >= 0) return !1;
for (var a = n.x < s.x ? n.x < o.x ? n.x : o.x : s.x < o.x ? s.x : o.x, h = n.y < s.y ? n.y < o.y ? n.y : o.y : s.y < o.y ? s.y : o.y, u = n.x > s.x ? n.x > o.x ? n.x : o.x : s.x > o.x ? s.x : o.x, l = n.y > s.y ? n.y > o.y ? n.y : o.y : s.y > o.y ? s.y : o.y, c = y(a, h, e, r, i), d = y(u, l, e, r, i), p = t.nextZ; p && p.z <= d;) {
if (p !== t.prev && p !== && m(n.x, n.y, s.x, s.y, o.x, o.y, p.x, p.y) && b(p.prev, p, >= 0) return !1;
p = p.nextZ
for (p = t.prevZ; p && p.z >= c;) {
if (p !== t.prev && p !== && m(n.x, n.y, s.x, s.y, o.x, o.y, p.x, p.y) && b(p.prev, p, >= 0) return !1;
p = p.prevZ
return !0
function u(t, e, r) {
var i = t;
do {
var n = i.prev,
s =;
!T(n, s) && E(n, i,, s) && S(n, s) && S(s, n) && (e.push(n.i / r), e.push(i.i / r), e.push(s.i / r), R(i), R(, i = t = s), i =
} while (i !== t);
return i
function l(t, e, r, i, n, a) {
var h = t;
do {
for (var u =; u !== h.prev;) {
if (h.i !== u.i && _(h, u)) {
var l = C(h, u);
return h = s(h,, l = s(l,, o(h, e, r, i, n, a), void o(l, e, r, i, n, a)
u =
h =
} while (h !== t)
function c(t, e, r, i) {
var o, a, h, u, l, c = [];
for (o = 0, a = e.length; a > o; o++) h = e[o] * i, u = a - 1 > o ? e[o + 1] * i : t.length, l = n(t, h, u, i, !1), l === && (l.steiner = !0), c.push(x(l));
for (c.sort(d), o = 0; o < c.length; o++) p(c[o], r), r = s(r,;
return r
function d(t, e) {
return t.x - e.x
function p(t, e) {
if (e = f(t, e)) {
var r = C(e, t);
function f(t, e) {
var r, i = e,
n = t.x,
s = t.y,
o = -(1 / 0);
do {
if (s <= i.y && s >= {
var a = i.x + (s - i.y) * ( - i.x) / ( - i.y);
if (n >= a && a > o) {
if (o = a, a === n) {
if (s === i.y) return i;
if (s === return
r = i.x < ? i :
i =
} while (i !== e);
if (!r) return null;
if (n === o) return r.prev;
var h, u = r,
l = r.x,
c = r.y,
d = 1 / 0;
for (i =; i !== u;) n >= i.x && i.x >= l && m(c > s ? n : o, s, l, c, c > s ? o : n, s, i.x, i.y) && (h = Math.abs(s - i.y) / (n - i.x), (d > h || h === d && i.x > r.x) && S(i, t) && (r = i, d = h)), i =;
return r
function v(t, e, r, i) {
var n = t;
do null === n.z && (n.z = y(n.x, n.y, e, r, i)), n.prevZ = n.prev, n.nextZ =, n =; while (n !== t);
n.prevZ.nextZ = null, n.prevZ = null, g(n)
function g(t) {
var e, r, i, n, s, o, a, h, u = 1;
do {
for (r = t, t = null, s = null, o = 0; r;) {
for (o++, i = r, a = 0, e = 0; u > e && (a++, i = i.nextZ, i); e++);
for (h = u; a > 0 || h > 0 && i;) 0 === a ? (n = i, i = i.nextZ, h--) : 0 !== h && i ? r.z <= i.z ? (n = r, r = r.nextZ, a--) : (n = i, i = i.nextZ, h--) : (n = r, r = r.nextZ, a--), s ? s.nextZ = n : t = n, n.prevZ = s, s = n;
r = i
s.nextZ = null, u *= 2
} while (o > 1);
return t
function y(t, e, r, i, n) {
return t = 32767 * (t - r) / n, e = 32767 * (e - i) / n, t = 16711935 & (t | t << 8), t = 252645135 & (t | t << 4), t = 858993459 & (t | t << 2), t = 1431655765 & (t | t << 1), e = 16711935 & (e | e << 8), e = 252645135 & (e | e << 4), e = 858993459 & (e | e << 2), e = 1431655765 & (e | e << 1), t | e << 1
function x(t) {
var e = t,
r = t;
do e.x < r.x && (r = e), e =; while (e !== t);
return r
function m(t, e, r, i, n, s, o, a) {
return (n - o) * (e - a) - (t - o) * (s - a) >= 0 && (t - o) * (i - a) - (r - o) * (e - a) >= 0 && (r - o) * (s - a) - (n - o) * (i - a) >= 0
function _(t, e) {
return !== e.i && t.prev.i !== e.i && !w(t, e) && S(t, e) && S(e, t) && M(t, e)
function b(t, e, r) {
return (e.y - t.y) * (r.x - e.x) - (e.x - t.x) * (r.y - e.y)
function T(t, e) {
return t.x === e.x && t.y === e.y
function E(t, e, r, i) {
return T(t, e) && T(r, i) || T(t, i) && T(r, e) ? !0 : b(t, e, r) > 0 != b(t, e, i) > 0 && b(r, i, t) > 0 != b(r, i, e) > 0
function w(t, e) {
var r = t;
do {
if (r.i !== t.i && !== t.i && r.i !== e.i && !== e.i && E(r,, t, e)) return !0;
r =
} while (r !== t);
return !1
function S(t, e) {
return b(t.prev, t, < 0 ? b(t, e, >= 0 && b(t, t.prev, e) >= 0 : b(t, e, t.prev) < 0 || b(t,, e) < 0
function M(t, e) {
var r = t,
i = !1,
n = (t.x + e.x) / 2,
s = (t.y + e.y) / 2;
do r.y > s != > s && n < ( - r.x) * (s - r.y) / ( - r.y) + r.x && (i = !i), r =; while (r !== t);
return i
function C(t, e) {
var r = new O(t.i, t.x, t.y),
i = new O(e.i, e.x, e.y),
n =,
s = e.prev;
return = e, e.prev = t, = n, n.prev = r, = r, r.prev = i, = i, i.prev = s, i
function A(t, e, r, i) {
var n = new O(t, e, r);
return i ? ( =, n.prev = i, = n, = n) : (n.prev = n, = n), n
function R(t) { = t.prev, =, t.prevZ && (t.prevZ.nextZ = t.nextZ), t.nextZ && (t.nextZ.prevZ = t.prevZ)
function O(t, e, r) {
this.i = t, this.x = e, this.y = r, this.prev = null, = null, this.z = null, this.prevZ = null, this.nextZ = null, this.steiner = !1
function D(t, e, r, i) {
for (var n = 0, s = e, o = r - i; r > s; s += i) n += (t[o] - t[s]) * (t[s + 1] + t[o + 1]), o = s;
return n
e.exports = i, i.deviation = function(t, e, r, i) {
var n = e && e.length,
s = n ? e[0] * r : t.length,
o = Math.abs(D(t, 0, s, r));
if (n)
for (var a = 0, h = e.length; h > a; a++) {
var u = e[a] * r,
l = h - 1 > a ? e[a + 1] * r : t.length;
o -= Math.abs(D(t, u, l, r))
var c = 0;
for (a = 0; a < i.length; a += 3) {
var d = i[a] * r,
p = i[a + 1] * r,
f = i[a + 2] * r;
c += Math.abs((t[d] - t[f]) * (t[p + 1] - t[d + 1]) - (t[d] - t[p]) * (t[f + 1] - t[d + 1]))
return 0 === o && 0 === c ? 0 : Math.abs((c - o) / o)
}, i.flatten = function(t) {
for (var e = t[0][0].length, r = {
vertices: [],
holes: [],
dimensions: e
}, i = 0, n = 0; n < t.length; n++) {
for (var s = 0; s < t[n].length; s++)
for (var o = 0; e > o; o++) r.vertices.push(t[n][s][o]);
n > 0 && (i += t[n - 1].length, r.holes.push(i))
return r
}, {}],
3: [function(t, e, r) {
"use strict";
function i(t, e, r) {
this.fn = t, this.context = e, this.once = r || !1
function n() {}
var s = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,
o = "function" != typeof Object.create ? "~" : !1;
n.prototype._events = void 0, n.prototype.eventNames = function() {
var t, e = this._events,
r = [];
if (!e) return r;
for (t in e), t) && r.push(o ? t.slice(1) : t);
return Object.getOwnPropertySymbols ? r.concat(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e)) : r
}, n.prototype.listeners = function(t, e) {
var r = o ? o + t : t,
i = this._events && this._events[r];
if (e) return !!i;
if (!i) return [];
if (i.fn) return [i.fn];
for (var n = 0, s = i.length, a = new Array(s); s > n; n++) a[n] = i[n].fn;
return a
}, n.prototype.emit = function(t, e, r, i, n, s) {
var a = o ? o + t : t;
if (!this._events || !this._events[a]) return !1;
var h, u, l = this._events[a],
c = arguments.length;
if ("function" == typeof l.fn) {
switch (l.once && this.removeListener(t, l.fn, void 0, !0), c) {
case 1:
return, !0;
case 2:
return, e), !0;
case 3:
return, e, r), !0;
case 4:
return, e, r, i), !0;
case 5:
return, e, r, i, n), !0;
case 6:
return, e, r, i, n, s), !0
for (u = 1, h = new Array(c - 1); c > u; u++) h[u - 1] = arguments[u];
l.fn.apply(l.context, h)
} else {
var d, p = l.length;
for (u = 0; p > u; u++) switch (l[u].once && this.removeListener(t, l[u].fn, void 0, !0), c) {
case 1:
case 2:
l[u][u].context, e);
case 3:
l[u][u].context, e, r);
if (!h)
for (d = 1, h = new Array(c - 1); c > d; d++) h[d - 1] = arguments[d];
l[u].fn.apply(l[u].context, h)
return !0
}, n.prototype.on = function(t, e, r) {
var n = new i(e, r || this),
s = o ? o + t : t;
return this._events || (this._events = o ? {} : Object.create(null)), this._events[s] ? this._events[s].fn ? this._events[s] = [this._events[s], n] : this._events[s].push(n) : this._events[s] = n, this
}, n.prototype.once = function(t, e, r) {
var n = new i(e, r || this, !0),
s = o ? o + t : t;
return this._events || (this._events = o ? {} : Object.create(null)), this._events[s] ? this._events[s].fn ? this._events[s] = [this._events[s], n] : this._events[s].push(n) : this._events[s] = n, this
}, n.prototype.removeListener = function(t, e, r, i) {
var n = o ? o + t : t;
if (!this._events || !this._events[n]) return this;
var s = this._events[n],
a = [];
if (e)
if (s.fn)(s.fn !== e || i && !s.once || r && s.context !== r) && a.push(s);
for (var h = 0, u = s.length; u > h; h++)(s[h].fn !== e || i && !s[h].once || r && s[h].context !== r) && a.push(s[h]);
return a.length ? this._events[n] = 1 === a.length ? a[0] : a : delete this._events[n], this
}, n.prototype.removeAllListeners = function(t) {
return this._events ? (t ? delete this._events[o ? o + t : t] : this._events = o ? {} : Object.create(null), this) : this
}, = n.prototype.removeListener, n.prototype.addListener = n.prototype.on, n.prototype.setMaxListeners = function() {
return this
}, n.prefixed = o, "undefined" != typeof e && (e.exports = n)
}, {}],
4: [function(e, r, i) {
! function(e) {
var i = /iPhone/i,
n = /iPod/i,
s = /iPad/i,
o = /(?=.*\bAndroid\b)(?=.*\bMobile\b)/i,
a = /Android/i,
h = /(?=.*\bAndroid\b)(?=.*\bSD4930UR\b)/i,
l = /IEMobile/i,
c = /(?=.*\bWindows\b)(?=.*\bARM\b)/i,
d = /BlackBerry/i,
p = /BB10/i,
f = /Opera Mini/i,
v = /(CriOS|Chrome)(?=.*\bMobile\b)/i,
g = /(?=.*\bFirefox\b)(?=.*\bMobile\b)/i,
y = new RegExp("(?:Nexus 7|BNTV250|Kindle Fire|Silk|GT-P1000)", "i"),
x = function(t, e) {
return t.test(e)
m = function(t) {
var e = t || navigator.userAgent,
r = e.split("[FBAN");
return "undefined" != typeof r[1] && (e = r[0]), r = e.split("Twitter"), "undefined" != typeof r[1] && (e = r[0]), = {
phone: x(i, e),
ipod: x(n, e),
tablet: !x(i, e) && x(s, e),
device: x(i, e) || x(n, e) || x(s, e)
}, = {
phone: x(h, e),
tablet: !x(h, e) && x(u, e),
device: x(h, e) || x(u, e)
}, = {
phone: x(h, e) || x(o, e),
tablet: !x(h, e) && !x(o, e) && (x(u, e) || x(a, e)),
device: x(h, e) || x(u, e) || x(o, e) || x(a, e)
}, = {
phone: x(l, e),
tablet: x(c, e),
device: x(l, e) || x(c, e)
}, this.other = {
blackberry: x(d, e),
blackberry10: x(p, e),
opera: x(f, e),
firefox: x(g, e),
chrome: x(v, e),
device: x(d, e) || x(p, e) || x(f, e) || x(g, e) || x(v, e)
}, this.seven_inch = x(y, e), this.any = || || || this.other.device || this.seven_inch, = || ||, this.tablet = || ||, "undefined" == typeof window ? this : void 0
_ = function() {
var t = new m;
return t.Class = m, t
"undefined" != typeof r && r.exports && "undefined" == typeof window ? r.exports = m : "undefined" != typeof r && r.exports && "undefined" != typeof window ? r.exports = _() : "function" == typeof t && t.amd ? t("isMobile", [], e.isMobile = _()) : e.isMobile = _()
}, {}],
5: [function(t, e, r) {
"use strict";
function i(t) {
if (null === t || void 0 === t) throw new TypeError("Object.assign cannot be called with null or undefined");
return Object(t)
function n() {
try {
if (!Object.assign) return !1;
var t = new String("abc");
if (t[5] = "de", "5" === Object.getOwnPropertyNames(t)[0]) return !1;
for (var e = {}, r = 0; 10 > r; r++) e["_" + String.fromCharCode(r)] = r;
var i = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(e).map(function(t) {
return e[t]
if ("0123456789" !== i.join("")) return !1;
var n = {};
return "abcdefghijklmnopqrst".split("").forEach(function(t) {
n[t] = t
}), "abcdefghijklmnopqrst" === Object.keys(Object.assign({}, n)).join("")
} catch (s) {
return !1
var s = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,
o = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable;
e.exports = n() ? Object.assign : function(t, e) {
for (var r, n, a = i(t), h = 1; h < arguments.length; h++) {
r = Object(arguments[h]);
for (var u in r), u) && (a[u] = r[u]);
if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
n = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(r);
for (var l = 0; l < n.length; l++), n[l]) && (a[n[l]] = r[n[l]])
return a
}, {}],
6: [function(t, e, r) {
var i = new ArrayBuffer(0),
n = function(t, e, r, n) { = t, this.buffer = t.createBuffer(), this.type = e || t.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.drawType = n || t.STATIC_DRAW, = i, r && this.upload(r)
n.prototype.upload = function(t, e, r) {
r || this.bind();
var i =;
t = t ||, e = e || 0, >= t.byteLength ? i.bufferSubData(this.type, e, t) : i.bufferData(this.type, t, this.drawType), = t
}, n.prototype.bind = function() {
var t =;
t.bindBuffer(this.type, this.buffer)
}, n.createVertexBuffer = function(t, e, r) {
return new n(t, t.ARRAY_BUFFER, e, r)
}, n.createIndexBuffer = function(t, e, r) {
return new n(t, t.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, e, r)
}, n.create = function(t, e, r, i) {
return new n(t, e, i)
}, n.prototype.destroy = function() {
}, e.exports = n
}, {}],
7: [function(t, e, r) {
var i = t("./GLTexture"),
n = function(t, e, r) { = t, this.framebuffer = t.createFramebuffer(), this.stencil = null, this.texture = null, this.width = e || 100, this.height = r || 100
n.prototype.enableTexture = function(t) {
var e =;
this.texture = t || new i(e), this.texture.bind(), this.bind(), e.framebufferTexture2D(e.FRAMEBUFFER, e.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, e.TEXTURE_2D, this.texture.texture, 0)
}, n.prototype.enableStencil = function() {
if (!this.stencil) {
var t =;
this.stencil = t.createRenderbuffer(), t.bindRenderbuffer(t.RENDERBUFFER, this.stencil), t.framebufferRenderbuffer(t.FRAMEBUFFER, t.DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT, t.RENDERBUFFER, this.stencil), t.renderbufferStorage(t.RENDERBUFFER, t.DEPTH_STENCIL, this.width, this.height)
}, n.prototype.clear = function(t, e, r, i) {
var n =;
n.clearColor(t, e, r, i), n.clear(n.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT)
}, n.prototype.bind = function() {
var t =;
this.texture && this.texture.unbind(), t.bindFramebuffer(t.FRAMEBUFFER, this.framebuffer)
}, n.prototype.unbind = function() {
var t =;
t.bindFramebuffer(t.FRAMEBUFFER, null)
}, n.prototype.resize = function(t, e) {
var r =;
this.width = t, this.height = e, this.texture && this.texture.uploadData(null, t, e), this.stencil && (r.bindRenderbuffer(r.RENDERBUFFER, this.stencil), r.renderbufferStorage(r.RENDERBUFFER, r.DEPTH_STENCIL, t, e))
}, n.prototype.destroy = function() {
var t =;
this.texture && this.texture.destroy(), t.deleteFramebuffer(this.framebuffer), = null, this.stencil = null, this.texture = null
}, n.createRGBA = function(t, e, r) {
var s = i.fromData(t, null, e, r);
s.enableNearestScaling(), s.enableWrapClamp();
var o = new n(t, e, r);
return o.enableTexture(s), o.unbind(), o
}, n.createFloat32 = function(t, e, r, s) {
var o = new i.fromData(t, s, e, r);
o.enableNearestScaling(), o.enableWrapClamp();
var a = new n(t, e, r);
return a.enableTexture(o), a.unbind(), a
}, e.exports = n
}, {
"./GLTexture": 9
8: [function(t, e, r) {
var i = t("./shader/compileProgram"),
n = t("./shader/extractAttributes"),
s = t("./shader/extractUniforms"),
o = t("./shader/generateUniformAccessObject"),
a = function(t, e, r) { = t, this.program = i(t, e, r), this.attributes = n(t, this.program);
var a = s(t, this.program);
this.uniforms = o(t, a)
a.prototype.bind = function() {
}, a.prototype.destroy = function() {}, e.exports = a
}, {
"./shader/compileProgram": 14,
"./shader/extractAttributes": 16,
"./shader/extractUniforms": 17,
"./shader/generateUniformAccessObject": 18
9: [function(t, e, r) {
var i = function(t, e, r, i, n) { = t, this.texture = t.createTexture(), this.mipmap = !1, this.premultiplyAlpha = !1, this.width = e || 0, this.height = r || 0, this.format = i || t.RGBA, this.type = n || t.UNSIGNED_BYTE
i.prototype.upload = function(t) {
var e =;
this.width = t.videoWidth || t.width, this.height = t.videoHeight || t.height, e.pixelStorei(e.UNPACK_PREMULTIPLY_ALPHA_WEBGL, this.premultiplyAlpha), e.texImage2D(e.TEXTURE_2D, 0, this.format, this.format, this.type, t)
var n = !1;
i.prototype.uploadData = function(t, e, r) {
var i =;
if (this.width = e || this.width, this.height = r || this.height, t instanceof Float32Array) {
if (!n) {
var s = i.getExtension("OES_texture_float");
if (!s) throw new Error("floating point textures not available");
n = !0
this.type = i.FLOAT
} else this.type = i.UNSIGNED_BYTE;
i.pixelStorei(i.UNPACK_PREMULTIPLY_ALPHA_WEBGL, this.premultiplyAlpha), i.texImage2D(i.TEXTURE_2D, 0, this.format, this.width, this.height, 0, this.format, this.type, t || null)
}, i.prototype.bind = function(t) {
var e =;
void 0 !== t && e.activeTexture(e.TEXTURE0 + t), e.bindTexture(e.TEXTURE_2D, this.texture)
}, i.prototype.unbind = function() {
var t =;
t.bindTexture(t.TEXTURE_2D, null)
}, i.prototype.minFilter = function(t) {
var e =;
this.bind(), this.mipmap ? e.texParameteri(e.TEXTURE_2D, e.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, t ? e.LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR : e.NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST) : e.texParameteri(e.TEXTURE_2D, e.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, t ? e.LINEAR : e.NEAREST)
}, i.prototype.magFilter = function(t) {
var e =;
this.bind(), e.texParameteri(e.TEXTURE_2D, e.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, t ? e.LINEAR : e.NEAREST)
}, i.prototype.enableMipmap = function() {
var t =;
this.bind(), this.mipmap = !0, t.generateMipmap(t.TEXTURE_2D)
}, i.prototype.enableLinearScaling = function() {
this.minFilter(!0), this.magFilter(!0)
}, i.prototype.enableNearestScaling = function() {
this.minFilter(!1), this.magFilter(!1)
}, i.prototype.enableWrapClamp = function() {
var t =;
this.bind(), t.texParameteri(t.TEXTURE_2D, t.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, t.CLAMP_TO_EDGE), t.texParameteri(t.TEXTURE_2D, t.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, t.CLAMP_TO_EDGE)
}, i.prototype.enableWrapRepeat = function() {
var t =;
this.bind(), t.texParameteri(t.TEXTURE_2D, t.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, t.REPEAT), t.texParameteri(t.TEXTURE_2D, t.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, t.REPEAT)
}, i.prototype.enableWrapMirrorRepeat = function() {
var t =;
this.bind(), t.texParameteri(t.TEXTURE_2D, t.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, t.MIRRORED_REPEAT), t.texParameteri(t.TEXTURE_2D, t.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, t.MIRRORED_REPEAT)
}, i.prototype.destroy = function() {
var t =;
}, i.fromSource = function(t, e, r) {
var n = new i(t);
return n.premultiplyAlpha = r || !1, n.upload(e), n
}, i.fromData = function(t, e, r, n) {
var s = new i(t);
return s.uploadData(e, r, n), s
}, e.exports = i
}, {}],
10: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t, e) {
if (this.nativeVaoExtension = null, i.FORCE_NATIVE || (this.nativeVaoExtension = t.getExtension("OES_vertex_array_object") || t.getExtension("MOZ_OES_vertex_array_object") || t.getExtension("WEBKIT_OES_vertex_array_object")), this.nativeState = e, this.nativeVaoExtension) {
this.nativeVao = this.nativeVaoExtension.createVertexArrayOES();
var r = t.getParameter(t.MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS);
this.nativeState = {
tempAttribState: new Array(r),
attribState: new Array(r)
} = t, this.attributes = [], this.indexBuffer = null, this.dirty = !1
var n = t("./setVertexAttribArrays");
i.prototype.constructor = i, e.exports = i, i.FORCE_NATIVE = !1, i.prototype.bind = function() {
return this.nativeVao ? (this.nativeVaoExtension.bindVertexArrayOES(this.nativeVao), this.dirty && (this.dirty = !1, this.activate())) : this.activate(), this
}, i.prototype.unbind = function() {
return this.nativeVao && this.nativeVaoExtension.bindVertexArrayOES(null), this
}, i.prototype.activate = function() {
for (var t =, e = null, r = 0; r < this.attributes.length; r++) {
var i = this.attributes[r];
e !== i.buffer && (i.buffer.bind(), e = i.buffer), t.vertexAttribPointer(i.attribute.location, i.attribute.size, i.type || t.FLOAT, i.normalized || !1, i.stride || 0, i.start || 0)
return n(t, this.attributes, this.nativeState), this.indexBuffer.bind(), this
}, i.prototype.addAttribute = function(t, e, r, i, n, s) {
return this.attributes.push({
buffer: t,
attribute: e,
location: e.location,
type: r ||,
normalized: i || !1,
stride: n || 0,
start: s || 0
}), this.dirty = !0, this
}, i.prototype.addIndex = function(t) {
return this.indexBuffer = t, this.dirty = !0, this
}, i.prototype.clear = function() {
return this.nativeVao && this.nativeVaoExtension.bindVertexArrayOES(this.nativeVao), this.attributes.length = 0, this.indexBuffer = null, this
}, i.prototype.draw = function(t, e, r) {
var i =;
return i.drawElements(t, e, i.UNSIGNED_SHORT, r || 0), this
}, i.prototype.destroy = function() { = null, this.indexBuffer = null, this.attributes = null, this.nativeState = null, this.nativeVao && this.nativeVaoExtension.deleteVertexArrayOES(this.nativeVao), this.nativeVaoExtension = null, this.nativeVao = null
}, {
"./setVertexAttribArrays": 13
11: [function(t, e, r) {
var i = function(t, e) {
var r = t.getContext("webgl", e) || t.getContext("experimental-webgl", e);
if (!r) throw new Error("This browser does not support webGL. Try using the canvas renderer");
return r
e.exports = i
}, {}],
12: [function(t, e, r) {
var i = {
createContext: t("./createContext"),
setVertexAttribArrays: t("./setVertexAttribArrays"),
GLBuffer: t("./GLBuffer"),
GLFramebuffer: t("./GLFramebuffer"),
GLShader: t("./GLShader"),
GLTexture: t("./GLTexture"),
VertexArrayObject: t("./VertexArrayObject"),
shader: t("./shader")
"undefined" != typeof e && e.exports && (e.exports = i), "undefined" != typeof window && (window.pixi = {
gl: i
}, {
"./GLBuffer": 6,
"./GLFramebuffer": 7,
"./GLShader": 8,
"./GLTexture": 9,
"./VertexArrayObject": 10,
"./createContext": 11,
"./setVertexAttribArrays": 13,
"./shader": 19
13: [function(t, e, r) {
var i = function(t, e, r) {
var i;
if (r) {
var n = r.tempAttribState,
s = r.attribState;
for (i = 0; i < n.length; i++) n[i] = !1;
for (i = 0; i < e.length; i++) n[e[i].attribute.location] = !0;
for (i = 0; i < s.length; i++) s[i] !== n[i] && (s[i] = n[i], r.attribState[i] ? t.enableVertexAttribArray(i) : t.disableVertexAttribArray(i))
} else
for (i = 0; i < e.length; i++) {
var o = e[i];
e.exports = i
}, {}],
14: [function(t, e, r) {
var i = function(t, e, r) {
var i = n(t, t.VERTEX_SHADER, e),
s = n(t, t.FRAGMENT_SHADER, r),
o = t.createProgram();
return t.attachShader(o, i), t.attachShader(o, s), t.linkProgram(o), t.getProgramParameter(o, t.LINK_STATUS) || (console.error("Pixi.js Error: Could not initialize shader."), console.error("gl.VALIDATE_STATUS", t.getProgramParameter(o, t.VALIDATE_STATUS)), console.error("gl.getError()", t.getError()), "" !== t.getProgramInfoLog(o) && console.warn("Pixi.js Warning: gl.getProgramInfoLog()", t.getProgramInfoLog(o)), t.deleteProgram(o), o = null), t.deleteShader(i), t.deleteShader(s), o
n = function(t, e, r) {
var i = t.createShader(e);
return t.shaderSource(i, r), t.compileShader(i), t.getShaderParameter(i, t.COMPILE_STATUS) ? i : (console.log(t.getShaderInfoLog(i)), null)
e.exports = i
}, {}],
15: [function(t, e, r) {
var i = function(t, e) {
switch (t) {
case "float":
return 0;
case "vec2":
return new Float32Array(2 * e);
case "vec3":
return new Float32Array(3 * e);
case "vec4":
return new Float32Array(4 * e);
case "int":
case "sampler2D":
return 0;
case "ivec2":
return new Int32Array(2 * e);
case "ivec3":
return new Int32Array(3 * e);
case "ivec4":
return new Int32Array(4 * e);
case "bool":
return !1;
case "bvec2":
return n(2 * e);
case "bvec3":
return n(3 * e);
case "bvec4":
return n(4 * e);
case "mat2":
return new Float32Array([1, 0, 0, 1]);
case "mat3":
return new Float32Array([1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1]);
case "mat4":
return new Float32Array([1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1])
n = function(t) {
for (var e = new Array(t), r = 0; r < e.length; r++) e[r] = !1;
return e
e.exports = i
}, {}],
16: [function(t, e, r) {
var i = t("./mapType"),
n = t("./mapSize"),
s = function(t, e) {
for (var r = {}, s = t.getProgramParameter(e, t.ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTES), a = 0; s > a; a++) {
var h = t.getActiveAttrib(e, a),
u = i(t, h.type);
r[] = {
type: u,
size: n(u),
location: t.getAttribLocation(e,,
pointer: o
return r
o = function(t, e, r, i) {
gl.vertexAttribPointer(this.location, this.size, t || gl.FLOAT, e || !1, r || 0, i || 0)
e.exports = s
}, {
"./mapSize": 20,
"./mapType": 21
17: [function(t, e, r) {
var i = t("./mapType"),
n = t("./defaultValue"),
s = function(t, e) {
for (var r = {}, s = t.getProgramParameter(e, t.ACTIVE_UNIFORMS), o = 0; s > o; o++) {
var a = t.getActiveUniform(e, o),
h =\[.*?\]/, ""),
u = i(t, a.type);
r[h] = {
type: u,
size: a.size,
location: t.getUniformLocation(e, h),
value: n(u, a.size)
return r
e.exports = s
}, {
"./defaultValue": 15,
"./mapType": 21
18: [function(t, e, r) {
var i = function(t, e) {
var r = {
data: {}
}; = t;
for (var i = Object.keys(e), a = 0; a < i.length; a++) {
var h = i[a],
u = h.split("."),
l = u[u.length - 1],
c = o(u, r),
d = e[h];[l] = d, = t, Object.defineProperty(c, l, {
get: n(l),
set: s(l, d)
return r
n = function(t) {
var e = a.replace("%%", t);
return new Function(e)
s = function(t, e) {
var r, i = h.replace(/%%/g, t);
return r = 1 === e.size ? u[e.type] : l[e.type], r && (i += "\" + r + ";"), new Function("value", i)
o = function(t, e) {
for (var r = e, i = 0; i < t.length - 1; i++) {
var n = r[t[i]] || {
data: {}
r[t[i]] = n, r = n
return r
a = ["return;"].join("\n"),
h = [" = value;", "var location =;"].join("\n"),
u = {
"float": "uniform1f(location, value)",
vec2: "uniform2f(location, value[0], value[1])",
vec3: "uniform3f(location, value[0], value[1], value[2])",
vec4: "uniform4f(location, value[0], value[1], value[2], value[3])",
"int": "uniform1i(location, value)",
ivec2: "uniform2i(location, value[0], value[1])",
ivec3: "uniform3i(location, value[0], value[1], value[2])",
ivec4: "uniform4i(location, value[0], value[1], value[2], value[3])",
bool: "uniform1i(location, value)",
bvec2: "uniform2i(location, value[0], value[1])",
bvec3: "uniform3i(location, value[0], value[1], value[2])",
bvec4: "uniform4i(location, value[0], value[1], value[2], value[3])",
mat2: "uniformMatrix2fv(location, false, value)",
mat3: "uniformMatrix3fv(location, false, value)",
mat4: "uniformMatrix4fv(location, false, value)",
sampler2D: "uniform1i(location, value)"
l = {
"float": "uniform1fv(location, value)",
vec2: "uniform2fv(location, value)",
vec3: "uniform3fv(location, value)",
vec4: "uniform4fv(location, value)",
"int": "uniform1iv(location, value)",
ivec2: "uniform2iv(location, value)",
ivec3: "uniform3iv(location, value)",
ivec4: "uniform4iv(location, value)",
bool: "uniform1iv(location, value)",
bvec2: "uniform2iv(location, value)",
bvec3: "uniform3iv(location, value)",
bvec4: "uniform4iv(location, value)",
sampler2D: "uniform1iv(location, value)"
e.exports = i
}, {}],
19: [function(t, e, r) {
e.exports = {
compileProgram: t("./compileProgram"),
defaultValue: t("./defaultValue"),
extractAttributes: t("./extractAttributes"),
extractUniforms: t("./extractUniforms"),
generateUniformAccessObject: t("./generateUniformAccessObject"),
mapSize: t("./mapSize"),
mapType: t("./mapType")
}, {
"./compileProgram": 14,
"./defaultValue": 15,
"./extractAttributes": 16,
"./extractUniforms": 17,
"./generateUniformAccessObject": 18,
"./mapSize": 20,
"./mapType": 21
20: [function(t, e, r) {
var i = function(t) {
return n[t]
n = {
"float": 1,
vec2: 2,
vec3: 3,
vec4: 4,
"int": 1,
ivec2: 2,
ivec3: 3,
ivec4: 4,
bool: 1,
bvec2: 2,
bvec3: 3,
bvec4: 4,
mat2: 4,
mat3: 9,
mat4: 16,
sampler2D: 1
e.exports = i
}, {}],
21: [function(t, e, r) {
var i = function(t, e) {
if (!n) {
var r = Object.keys(s);
n = {};
for (var i = 0; i < r.length; ++i) {
var o = r[i];
n[t[o]] = s[o]
return n[e]
n = null,
s = {
FLOAT: "float",
FLOAT_VEC2: "vec2",
FLOAT_VEC3: "vec3",
FLOAT_VEC4: "vec4",
INT: "int",
INT_VEC2: "ivec2",
INT_VEC3: "ivec3",
INT_VEC4: "ivec4",
BOOL: "bool",
BOOL_VEC2: "bvec2",
BOOL_VEC3: "bvec3",
BOOL_VEC4: "bvec4",
FLOAT_MAT2: "mat2",
FLOAT_MAT3: "mat3",
FLOAT_MAT4: "mat4",
SAMPLER_2D: "sampler2D"
e.exports = i
}, {}],
22: [function(t, e, r) {
(function(t) {
function e(t, e) {
for (var r = 0, i = t.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var n = t[i];
"." === n ? t.splice(i, 1) : ".." === n ? (t.splice(i, 1), r++) : r && (t.splice(i, 1), r--)
if (e)
for (; r--; r) t.unshift("..");
return t
function i(t, e) {
if (t.filter) return t.filter(e);
for (var r = [], i = 0; i < t.length; i++) e(t[i], i, t) && r.push(t[i]);
return r
var n = /^(\/?|)([\s\S]*?)((?:\.{1,2}|[^\/]+?|)(\.[^.\/]*|))(?:[\/]*)$/,
s = function(t) {
return n.exec(t).slice(1)
r.resolve = function() {
for (var r = "", n = !1, s = arguments.length - 1; s >= -1 && !n; s--) {
var o = s >= 0 ? arguments[s] : t.cwd();
if ("string" != typeof o) throw new TypeError("Arguments to path.resolve must be strings");
o && (r = o + "/" + r, n = "/" === o.charAt(0))
return r = e(i(r.split("/"), function(t) {
return !!t
}), !n).join("/"), (n ? "/" : "") + r || "."
}, r.normalize = function(t) {
var n = r.isAbsolute(t),
s = "/" === o(t, -1);
return t = e(i(t.split("/"), function(t) {
return !!t
}), !n).join("/"), t || n || (t = "."), t && s && (t += "/"), (n ? "/" : "") + t
}, r.isAbsolute = function(t) {
return "/" === t.charAt(0)
}, r.join = function() {
var t =, 0);
return r.normalize(i(t, function(t, e) {
if ("string" != typeof t) throw new TypeError("Arguments to path.join must be strings");
return t
}, r.relative = function(t, e) {
function i(t) {
for (var e = 0; e < t.length && "" === t[e]; e++);
for (var r = t.length - 1; r >= 0 && "" === t[r]; r--);
return e > r ? [] : t.slice(e, r - e + 1)
t = r.resolve(t).substr(1), e = r.resolve(e).substr(1);
for (var n = i(t.split("/")), s = i(e.split("/")), o = Math.min(n.length, s.length), a = o, h = 0; o > h; h++)
if (n[h] !== s[h]) {
a = h;
for (var u = [], h = a; h < n.length; h++) u.push("..");
return u = u.concat(s.slice(a)), u.join("/")
}, r.sep = "/", r.delimiter = ":", r.dirname = function(t) {
var e = s(t),
r = e[0],
i = e[1];
return r || i ? (i && (i = i.substr(0, i.length - 1)), r + i) : "."
}, r.basename = function(t, e) {
var r = s(t)[2];
return e && r.substr(-1 * e.length) === e && (r = r.substr(0, r.length - e.length)), r
}, r.extname = function(t) {
return s(t)[3]
var o = "b" === "ab".substr(-1) ? function(t, e, r) {
return t.substr(e, r)
} : function(t, e, r) {
return 0 > e && (e = t.length + e), t.substr(e, r)
}).call(this, t("_process"))
}, {
_process: 23
23: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t) {
if (u === setTimeout) return setTimeout(t, 0);
try {
return u(t, 0)
} catch (e) {
try {
return, t, 0)
} catch (e) {
return, t, 0)
function n(t) {
if (l === clearTimeout) return clearTimeout(t);
try {
return l(t)
} catch (e) {
try {
return, t)
} catch (e) {
return, t)
function s() {
f && d && (f = !1, d.length ? p = d.concat(p) : v = -1, p.length && o())
function o() {
if (!f) {
var t = i(s);
f = !0;
for (var e = p.length; e;) {
for (d = p, p = []; ++v < e;) d && d[v].run();
v = -1, e = p.length
d = null, f = !1, n(t)
function a(t, e) { = t, this.array = e
function h() {}
var u, l, c = e.exports = {};
! function() {
try {
u = setTimeout
} catch (t) {
u = function() {
throw new Error("setTimeout is not defined")
try {
l = clearTimeout
} catch (t) {
l = function() {
throw new Error("clearTimeout is not defined")
var d, p = [],
f = !1,
v = -1;
c.nextTick = function(t) {
var e = new Array(arguments.length - 1);
if (arguments.length > 1)
for (var r = 1; r < arguments.length; r++) e[r - 1] = arguments[r];
p.push(new a(t, e)), 1 !== p.length || f || i(o)
}, = function() {, this.array)
}, c.title = "browser", c.browser = !0, c.env = {}, c.argv = [], c.version = "", c.versions = {}, c.on = h, c.addListener = h, c.once = h, = h, c.removeListener = h, c.removeAllListeners = h, c.emit = h, c.binding = function(t) {
throw new Error("process.binding is not supported")
}, c.cwd = function() {
return "/"
}, c.chdir = function(t) {
throw new Error("process.chdir is not supported");
}, c.umask = function() {
return 0
}, {}],
24: [function(e, r, i) {
(function(e) {
! function(n) {
function s(t) {
throw new RangeError(L[t])
function o(t, e) {
for (var r = t.length, i = []; r--;) i[r] = e(t[r]);
return i
function a(t, e) {
var r = t.split("@"),
i = "";
r.length > 1 && (i = r[0] + "@", t = r[1]), t = t.replace(I, ".");
var n = t.split("."),
s = o(n, e).join(".");
return i + s
function h(t) {
for (var e, r, i = [], n = 0, s = t.length; s > n;) e = t.charCodeAt(n++), e >= 55296 && 56319 >= e && s > n ? (r = t.charCodeAt(n++), 56320 == (64512 & r) ? i.push(((1023 & e) << 10) + (1023 & r) + 65536) : (i.push(e), n--)) : i.push(e);
return i
function u(t) {
return o(t, function(t) {
var e = "";
return t > 65535 && (t -= 65536, e += N(t >>> 10 & 1023 | 55296), t = 56320 | 1023 & t), e += N(t)
function l(t) {
return 10 > t - 48 ? t - 22 : 26 > t - 65 ? t - 65 : 26 > t - 97 ? t - 97 : E
function c(t, e) {
return t + 22 + 75 * (26 > t) - ((0 != e) << 5)
function d(t, e, r) {
var i = 0;
for (t = r ? B(t / C) : t >> 1, t += B(t / e); t > F * S >> 1; i += E) t = B(t / F);
return B(i + (F + 1) * t / (t + M))
function p(t) {
var e, r, i, n, o, a, h, c, p, f, v = [],
g = t.length,
y = 0,
x = R,
m = A;
for (r = t.lastIndexOf(O), 0 > r && (r = 0), i = 0; r > i; ++i) t.charCodeAt(i) >= 128 && s("not-basic"), v.push(t.charCodeAt(i));
for (n = r > 0 ? r + 1 : 0; g > n;) {
for (o = y, a = 1, h = E; n >= g && s("invalid-input"), c = l(t.charCodeAt(n++)), (c >= E || c > B((T - y) / a)) && s("overflow"), y += c * a, p = m >= h ? w : h >= m + S ? S : h - m, !(p > c); h += E) f = E - p, a > B(T / f) && s("overflow"), a *= f;
e = v.length + 1, m = d(y - o, e, 0 == o), B(y / e) > T - x && s("overflow"), x += B(y / e), y %= e, v.splice(y++, 0, x)
return u(v)
function f(t) {
var e, r, i, n, o, a, u, l, p, f, v, g, y, x, m, _ = [];
for (t = h(t), g = t.length, e = R, r = 0, o = A, a = 0; g > a; ++a) v = t[a], 128 > v && _.push(N(v));
for (i = n = _.length, n && _.push(O); g > i;) {
for (u = T, a = 0; g > a; ++a) v = t[a], v >= e && u > v && (u = v);
for (y = i + 1, u - e > B((T - r) / y) && s("overflow"), r += (u - e) * y, e = u, a = 0; g > a; ++a)
if (v = t[a], e > v && ++r > T && s("overflow"), v == e) {
for (l = r, p = E; f = o >= p ? w : p >= o + S ? S : p - o, !(f > l); p += E) m = l - f, x = E - f, _.push(N(c(f + m % x, 0))), l = B(m / x);
_.push(N(c(l, 0))), o = d(r, y, i == n), r = 0, ++i
}++r, ++e
return _.join("")
function v(t) {
return a(t, function(t) {
return D.test(t) ? p(t.slice(4).toLowerCase()) : t
function g(t) {
return a(t, function(t) {
return P.test(t) ? "xn--" + f(t) : t
var y = "object" == typeof i && i && !i.nodeType && i,
x = "object" == typeof r && r && !r.nodeType && r,
m = "object" == typeof e && e; !== m && m.window !== m && m.self !== m || (n = m);
var _, b, T = 2147483647,
E = 36,
w = 1,
S = 26,
M = 38,
C = 700,
A = 72,
R = 128,
O = "-",
D = /^xn--/,
P = /[^\x20-\x7E]/,
I = /[\x2E\u3002\uFF0E\uFF61]/g,
L = {
overflow: "Overflow: input needs wider integers to process",
"not-basic": "Illegal input >= 0x80 (not a basic code point)",
"invalid-input": "Invalid input"
F = E - w,
B = Math.floor,
N = String.fromCharCode;
if (_ = {
version: "1.4.1",
ucs2: {
decode: h,
encode: u
decode: p,
encode: f,
toASCII: g,
toUnicode: v
}, "function" == typeof t && "object" == typeof t.amd && t.amd) t("punycode", function() {
return _
else if (y && x)
if (r.exports == y) x.exports = _;
for (b in _) _.hasOwnProperty(b) && (y[b] = _[b]);
else n.punycode = _
}).call(this, "undefined" != typeof global ? global : "undefined" != typeof self ? self : "undefined" != typeof window ? window : {})
}, {}],
25: [function(t, e, r) {
"use strict";
function i(t, e) {
return, e)
e.exports = function(t, e, r, s) {
e = e || "&", r = r || "=";
var o = {};
if ("string" != typeof t || 0 === t.length) return o;
var a = /\+/g;
t = t.split(e);
var h = 1e3;
s && "number" == typeof s.maxKeys && (h = s.maxKeys);
var u = t.length;
h > 0 && u > h && (u = h);
for (var l = 0; u > l; ++l) {
var c, d, p, f, v = t[l].replace(a, "%20"),
g = v.indexOf(r);
g >= 0 ? (c = v.substr(0, g), d = v.substr(g + 1)) : (c = v, d = ""), p = decodeURIComponent(c), f = decodeURIComponent(d), i(o, p) ? n(o[p]) ? o[p].push(f) : o[p] = [o[p], f] : o[p] = f
return o
var n = Array.isArray || function(t) {
return "[object Array]" ===
}, {}],
26: [function(t, e, r) {
"use strict";
function i(t, e) {
if ( return;
for (var r = [], i = 0; i < t.length; i++) r.push(e(t[i], i));
return r
var n = function(t) {
switch (typeof t) {
case "string":
return t;
case "boolean":
return t ? "true" : "false";
case "number":
return isFinite(t) ? t : "";
return ""
e.exports = function(t, e, r, a) {
return e = e || "&", r = r || "=", null === t && (t = void 0), "object" == typeof t ? i(o(t), function(o) {
var a = encodeURIComponent(n(o)) + r;
return s(t[o]) ? i(t[o], function(t) {
return a + encodeURIComponent(n(t))
}).join(e) : a + encodeURIComponent(n(t[o]))
}).join(e) : a ? encodeURIComponent(n(a)) + r + encodeURIComponent(n(t)) : ""
var s = Array.isArray || function(t) {
return "[object Array]" ===
o = Object.keys || function(t) {
var e = [];
for (var r in t), r) && e.push(r);
return e
}, {}],
27: [function(t, e, r) {
"use strict";
r.decode = r.parse = t("./decode"), r.encode = r.stringify = t("./encode")
}, {
"./decode": 25,
"./encode": 26
28: [function(t, e, r) {
"use strict";
function i() {
this.protocol = null, this.slashes = null, this.auth = null, = null, this.port = null, this.hostname = null, this.hash = null, = null, this.query = null, this.pathname = null, this.path = null, this.href = null
function n(t, e, r) {
if (t && u.isObject(t) && t instanceof i) return t;
var n = new i;
return n.parse(t, e, r), n
function s(t) {
return u.isString(t) && (t = n(t)), t instanceof i ? t.format() :
function o(t, e) {
return n(t, !1, !0).resolve(e)
function a(t, e) {
return t ? n(t, !1, !0).resolveObject(e) : e
var h = t("punycode"),
u = t("./util");
r.parse = n, r.resolve = o, r.resolveObject = a, r.format = s, r.Url = i;
var l = /^([a-z0-9.+-]+:)/i,
c = /:[0-9]*$/,
d = /^(\/\/?(?!\/)[^\?\s]*)(\?[^\s]*)?$/,
p = ["<", ">", '"', "`", " ", "\r", "\n", " "],
f = ["{", "}", "|", "\\", "^", "`"].concat(p),
v = ["'"].concat(f),
g = ["%", "/", "?", ";", "#"].concat(v),
y = ["/", "?", "#"],
x = 255,
m = /^[+a-z0-9A-Z_-]{0,63}$/,
_ = /^([+a-z0-9A-Z_-]{0,63})(.*)$/,
b = {
javascript: !0,
"javascript:": !0
T = {
javascript: !0,
"javascript:": !0
E = {
http: !0,
https: !0,
ftp: !0,
gopher: !0,
file: !0,
"http:": !0,
"https:": !0,
"ftp:": !0,
"gopher:": !0,
"file:": !0
w = t("querystring");
i.prototype.parse = function(t, e, r) {
if (!u.isString(t)) throw new TypeError("Parameter 'url' must be a string, not " + typeof t);
var i = t.indexOf("?"),
n = -1 !== i && i < t.indexOf("#") ? "?" : "#",
s = t.split(n),
o = /\\/g;
s[0] = s[0].replace(o, "/"), t = s.join(n);
var a = t;
if (a = a.trim(), !r && 1 === t.split("#").length) {
var c = d.exec(a);
if (c) return this.path = a, this.href = a, this.pathname = c[1], c[2] ? ( = c[2], e ? this.query = w.parse( : this.query = : e && ( = "", this.query = {}), this
var p = l.exec(a);
if (p) {
p = p[0];
var f = p.toLowerCase();
this.protocol = f, a = a.substr(p.length)
if (r || p || a.match(/^\/\/[^@\/]+@[^@\/]+/)) {
var S = "//" === a.substr(0, 2);
!S || p && T[p] || (a = a.substr(2), this.slashes = !0)
if (!T[p] && (S || p && !E[p])) {
for (var M = -1, C = 0; C < y.length; C++) {
var A = a.indexOf(y[C]); - 1 !== A && (-1 === M || M > A) && (M = A)
var R, O;
O = -1 === M ? a.lastIndexOf("@") : a.lastIndexOf("@", M), -1 !== O && (R = a.slice(0, O), a = a.slice(O + 1), this.auth = decodeURIComponent(R)), M = -1;
for (var C = 0; C < g.length; C++) {
var A = a.indexOf(g[C]); - 1 !== A && (-1 === M || M > A) && (M = A)
} - 1 === M && (M = a.length), = a.slice(0, M), a = a.slice(M), this.parseHost(), this.hostname = this.hostname || "";
var D = "[" === this.hostname[0] && "]" === this.hostname[this.hostname.length - 1];
if (!D)
for (var P = this.hostname.split(/\./), C = 0, I = P.length; I > C; C++) {
var L = P[C];
if (L && !L.match(m)) {
for (var F = "", B = 0, N = L.length; N > B; B++) F += L.charCodeAt(B) > 127 ? "x" : L[B];
if (!F.match(m)) {
var k = P.slice(0, C),
U = P.slice(C + 1),
j = L.match(_);
j && (k.push(j[1]), U.unshift(j[2])), U.length && (a = "/" + U.join(".") + a), this.hostname = k.join(".");
this.hostname.length > x ? this.hostname = "" : this.hostname = this.hostname.toLowerCase(), D || (this.hostname = h.toASCII(this.hostname));
var W = this.port ? ":" + this.port : "",
G = this.hostname || ""; = G + W, this.href +=, D && (this.hostname = this.hostname.substr(1, this.hostname.length - 2), "/" !== a[0] && (a = "/" + a))
if (!b[f])
for (var C = 0, I = v.length; I > C; C++) {
var X = v[C];
if (-1 !== a.indexOf(X)) {
var H = encodeURIComponent(X);
H === X && (H = escape(X)), a = a.split(X).join(H)
var z = a.indexOf("#"); - 1 !== z && (this.hash = a.substr(z), a = a.slice(0, z));
var V = a.indexOf("?");
if (-1 !== V ? ( = a.substr(V), this.query = a.substr(V + 1), e && (this.query = w.parse(this.query)), a = a.slice(0, V)) : e && ( = "", this.query = {}), a && (this.pathname = a), E[f] && this.hostname && !this.pathname && (this.pathname = "/"), this.pathname || {
var W = this.pathname || "",
Y = || "";
this.path = W + Y
return this.href = this.format(), this
}, i.prototype.format = function() {
var t = this.auth || "";
t && (t = encodeURIComponent(t), t = t.replace(/%3A/i, ":"), t += "@");
var e = this.protocol || "",
r = this.pathname || "",
i = this.hash || "",
n = !1,
s = ""; ? n = t + : this.hostname && (n = t + (-1 === this.hostname.indexOf(":") ? this.hostname : "[" + this.hostname + "]"), this.port && (n += ":" + this.port)), this.query && u.isObject(this.query) && Object.keys(this.query).length && (s = w.stringify(this.query));
var o = || s && "?" + s || "";
return e && ":" !== e.substr(-1) && (e += ":"), this.slashes || (!e || E[e]) && n !== !1 ? (n = "//" + (n || ""), r && "/" !== r.charAt(0) && (r = "/" + r)) : n || (n = ""), i && "#" !== i.charAt(0) && (i = "#" + i), o && "?" !== o.charAt(0) && (o = "?" + o), r = r.replace(/[?#]/g, function(t) {
return encodeURIComponent(t)
}), o = o.replace("#", "%23"), e + n + r + o + i
}, i.prototype.resolve = function(t) {
return this.resolveObject(n(t, !1, !0)).format()
}, i.prototype.resolveObject = function(t) {
if (u.isString(t)) {
var e = new i;
e.parse(t, !1, !0), t = e
for (var r = new i, n = Object.keys(this), s = 0; s < n.length; s++) {
var o = n[s];
r[o] = this[o]
if (r.hash = t.hash, "" === t.href) return r.href = r.format(), r;
if (t.slashes && !t.protocol) {
for (var a = Object.keys(t), h = 0; h < a.length; h++) {
var l = a[h];
"protocol" !== l && (r[l] = t[l])
return E[r.protocol] && r.hostname && !r.pathname && (r.path = r.pathname = "/"), r.href = r.format(), r
if (t.protocol && t.protocol !== r.protocol) {
if (!E[t.protocol]) {
for (var c = Object.keys(t), d = 0; d < c.length; d++) {
var p = c[d];
r[p] = t[p]
return r.href = r.format(), r
if (r.protocol = t.protocol, || T[t.protocol]) r.pathname = t.pathname;
else {
for (var f = (t.pathname || "").split("/"); f.length && !( = f.shift());); || ( = ""), t.hostname || (t.hostname = ""), "" !== f[0] && f.unshift(""), f.length < 2 && f.unshift(""), r.pathname = f.join("/")
if ( =, r.query = t.query, = || "", r.auth = t.auth, r.hostname = t.hostname ||, r.port = t.port, r.pathname || {
var v = r.pathname || "",
g = || "";
r.path = v + g
return r.slashes = r.slashes || t.slashes, r.href = r.format(), r
var y = r.pathname && "/" === r.pathname.charAt(0),
x = || t.pathname && "/" === t.pathname.charAt(0),
m = x || y || && t.pathname,
_ = m,
b = r.pathname && r.pathname.split("/") || [],
f = t.pathname && t.pathname.split("/") || [],
w = r.protocol && !E[r.protocol];
if (w && (r.hostname = "", r.port = null, && ("" === b[0] ? b[0] = : b.unshift(, = "", t.protocol && (t.hostname = null, t.port = null, && ("" === f[0] ? f[0] = : f.unshift(, = null), m = m && ("" === f[0] || "" === b[0])), x) = || "" === ? :, r.hostname = t.hostname || "" === t.hostname ? t.hostname : r.hostname, =, r.query = t.query, b = f;
else if (f.length) b || (b = []), b.pop(), b = b.concat(f), =, r.query = t.query;
else if (!u.isNullOrUndefined( {
if (w) {
r.hostname = = b.shift();
var S = &&"@") > 0 ?"@") : !1;
S && (r.auth = S.shift(), = r.hostname = S.shift())
return =, r.query = t.query, u.isNull(r.pathname) && u.isNull( || (r.path = (r.pathname ? r.pathname : "") + ( ? : "")), r.href = r.format(), r
if (!b.length) return r.pathname = null, ? r.path = "/" + : r.path = null, r.href = r.format(), r;
for (var M = b.slice(-1)[0], C = ( || || b.length > 1) && ("." === M || ".." === M) || "" === M, A = 0, R = b.length; R >= 0; R--) M = b[R], "." === M ? b.splice(R, 1) : ".." === M ? (b.splice(R, 1), A++) : A && (b.splice(R, 1), A--);
if (!m && !_)
for (; A--; A) b.unshift("..");
!m || "" === b[0] || b[0] && "/" === b[0].charAt(0) || b.unshift(""), C && "/" !== b.join("/").substr(-1) && b.push("");
var O = "" === b[0] || b[0] && "/" === b[0].charAt(0);
if (w) {
r.hostname = = O ? "" : b.length ? b.shift() : "";
var S = &&"@") > 0 ?"@") : !1;
S && (r.auth = S.shift(), = r.hostname = S.shift())
return m = m || && b.length, m && !O && b.unshift(""), b.length ? r.pathname = b.join("/") : (r.pathname = null, r.path = null), u.isNull(r.pathname) && u.isNull( || (r.path = (r.pathname ? r.pathname : "") + ( ? : "")), r.auth = t.auth || r.auth, r.slashes = r.slashes || t.slashes, r.href = r.format(), r
}, i.prototype.parseHost = function() {
var t =,
e = c.exec(t);
e && (e = e[0], ":" !== e && (this.port = e.substr(1)), t = t.substr(0, t.length - e.length)), t && (this.hostname = t)
}, {
"./util": 29,
punycode: 24,
querystring: 27
29: [function(t, e, r) {
"use strict";
e.exports = {
isString: function(t) {
return "string" == typeof t
isObject: function(t) {
return "object" == typeof t && null !== t
isNull: function(t) {
return null === t
isNullOrUndefined: function(t) {
return null == t
}, {}],
30: [function(t, e, r) {
"use strict";
function i(t) {
return t && t.__esModule ? t : {
"default": t
function n(t, e, r, i) {
(0, o["default"])(e)(t, (0, h["default"])(r), i)
Object.defineProperty(r, "__esModule", {
value: !0
}), r["default"] = n;
var s = t("./internal/eachOfLimit"),
o = i(s),
a = t("./internal/withoutIndex"),
h = i(a);
e.exports = r["default"]
}, {
"./internal/eachOfLimit": 34,
"./internal/withoutIndex": 41
31: [function(t, e, r) {
"use strict";
function i(t) {
return t && t.__esModule ? t : {
"default": t
Object.defineProperty(r, "__esModule", {
value: !0
var n = t("./eachLimit"),
s = i(n),
o = t("./internal/doLimit"),
a = i(o);
r["default"] = (0, a["default"])(s["default"], 1), e.exports = r["default"]
}, {
"./eachLimit": 30,
"./internal/doLimit": 33
32: [function(t, e, r) {
"use strict";
function i() {
this.head = this.tail = null, this.length = 0
function n(t, e) {
t.length = 1, t.head = t.tail = e
Object.defineProperty(r, "__esModule", {
value: !0
}), r["default"] = i, i.prototype.removeLink = function(t) {
return t.prev ? = : this.head =, ? = t.prev : this.tail = t.prev, t.prev = = null, this.length -= 1, t
}, i.prototype.empty = i, i.prototype.insertAfter = function(t, e) {
e.prev = t, =, ? = e : this.tail = e, = e, this.length += 1
}, i.prototype.insertBefore = function(t, e) {
e.prev = t.prev, = t, t.prev ? = e : this.head = e, t.prev = e, this.length += 1
}, i.prototype.unshift = function(t) {
this.head ? this.insertBefore(this.head, t) : n(this, t)
}, i.prototype.push = function(t) {
this.tail ? this.insertAfter(this.tail, t) : n(this, t)
}, i.prototype.shift = function() {
return this.head && this.removeLink(this.head)
}, i.prototype.pop = function() {
return this.tail && this.removeLink(this.tail)
}, e.exports = r["default"]
}, {}],
33: [function(t, e, r) {
"use strict";
function i(t, e) {
return function(r, i, n) {
return t(r, e, i, n)
Object.defineProperty(r, "__esModule", {
value: !0
}), r["default"] = i, e.exports = r["default"]
}, {}],
34: [function(t, e, r) {
"use strict";
function i(t) {
return t && t.__esModule ? t : {
"default": t
function n(t) {
return function(e, r, i) {
function n(t) {
if (c -= 1, t) u = !0, i(t);
else {
if (u && 0 >= c) return i(null);
function s() {
for (; t > c && !u;) {
var e = a();
if (null === e) return u = !0, void(0 >= c && i(null));
c += 1, r(e.value, e.key, (0, d["default"])(n))
if (i = (0, h["default"])(i || o["default"]), 0 >= t || !e) return i(null);
var a = (0, l["default"])(e),
u = !1,
c = 0;
Object.defineProperty(r, "__esModule", {
value: !0
}), r["default"] = n;
var s = t("lodash/noop"),
o = i(s),
a = t("./once"),
h = i(a),
u = t("./iterator"),
l = i(u),
c = t("./onlyOnce"),
d = i(c);
e.exports = r["default"]
}, {
"./iterator": 36,
"./once": 37,
"./onlyOnce": 38,
"lodash/noop": 62
35: [function(t, e, r) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(r, "__esModule", {
value: !0
}), r["default"] = function(t) {
return i && t[i] && t[i]()
var i = "function" == typeof Symbol && Symbol.iterator;
e.exports = r["default"]
}, {}],
36: [function(t, e, r) {
"use strict";
function i(t) {
return t && t.__esModule ? t : {
"default": t
function n(t) {
var e = -1,
r = t.length;
return function() {
return ++e < r ? {
value: t[e],
key: e
} : null
function s(t) {
var e = -1;
return function() {
var r =;
return r.done ? null : (e++, {
value: r.value,
key: e
function o(t) {
var e = (0, p["default"])(t),
r = -1,
i = e.length;
return function() {
var n = e[++r];
return i > r ? {
value: t[n],
key: n
} : null
function a(t) {
if ((0, u["default"])(t)) return n(t);
var e = (0, c["default"])(t);
return e ? s(e) : o(t)
Object.defineProperty(r, "__esModule", {
value: !0
}), r["default"] = a;
var h = t("lodash/isArrayLike"),
u = i(h),
l = t("./getIterator"),
c = i(l),
d = t("lodash/keys"),
p = i(d);
e.exports = r["default"]
}, {
"./getIterator": 35,
"lodash/isArrayLike": 54,
"lodash/keys": 61
37: [function(t, e, r) {
"use strict";
function i(t) {
return function() {
if (null !== t) {
var e = t;
t = null, e.apply(this, arguments)
Object.defineProperty(r, "__esModule", {
value: !0
}), r["default"] = i, e.exports = r["default"]
}, {}],
38: [function(t, e, r) {
"use strict";
function i(t) {
return function() {
if (null === t) throw new Error("Callback was already called.");
var e = t;
t = null, e.apply(this, arguments)
Object.defineProperty(r, "__esModule", {
value: !0
}), r["default"] = i, e.exports = r["default"]
}, {}],
39: [function(t, e, r) {
"use strict";
function i(t) {
return t && t.__esModule ? t : {
"default": t
function n(t, e, r) {
function i(t, e, r) {
if (null != r && "function" != typeof r) throw new Error("task callback must be a function");
return u.started = !0, (0, h["default"])(t) || (t = [t]), 0 === t.length && u.idle() ? (0, g["default"])(function() {
}) : ((0, o["default"])(t, function(t) {
var i = {
data: t,
callback: r || l["default"]
e ? u._tasks.unshift(i) : u._tasks.push(i)
}), void(0, g["default"])(u.process))
function n(t) {
return (0, d["default"])(function(e) {
s -= 1, (0, o["default"])(t, function(t) {
(0, o["default"])(a, function(e, r) {
return e === t ? (a.splice(r, 1), !1) : void 0
}), t.callback.apply(t, e), null != e[0] && u.error(e[0],
}), s <= u.concurrency - u.buffer && u.unsaturated(), u.idle() && u.drain(), u.process()
if (null == e) e = 1;
else if (0 === e) throw new Error("Concurrency must not be zero");
var s = 0,
a = [],
u = {
_tasks: new x["default"],
concurrency: e,
payload: r,
saturated: l["default"],
unsaturated: l["default"],
buffer: e / 4,
empty: l["default"],
drain: l["default"],
error: l["default"],
started: !1,
paused: !1,
push: function(t, e) {
i(t, !1, e)
kill: function() {
u.drain = l["default"], u._tasks.empty()
unshift: function(t, e) {
i(t, !0, e)
process: function() {
for (; !u.paused && s < u.concurrency && u._tasks.length;) {
var e = [],
r = [],
i = u._tasks.length;
u.payload && (i = Math.min(i, u.payload));
for (var o = 0; i > o; o++) {
var h = u._tasks.shift();
e.push(h), r.push(
0 === u._tasks.length && u.empty(), s += 1, a.push(e[0]), s === u.concurrency && u.saturated();
var l = (0, f["default"])(n(e));
t(r, l)
length: function() {
return u._tasks.length
running: function() {
return s
workersList: function() {
return a
idle: function() {
return u._tasks.length + s === 0
pause: function() {
u.paused = !0
resume: function() {
if (u.paused !== !1) {
u.paused = !1;
for (var t = Math.min(u.concurrency, u._tasks.length), e = 1; t >= e; e++)(0, g["default"])(u.process)
return u
Object.defineProperty(r, "__esModule", {
value: !0
}), r["default"] = n;
var s = t("lodash/_arrayEach"),
o = i(s),
a = t("lodash/isArray"),
h = i(a),
u = t("lodash/noop"),
l = i(u),
c = t("lodash/rest"),
d = i(c),
p = t("./onlyOnce"),
f = i(p),
v = t("./setImmediate"),
g = i(v),
y = t("./DoublyLinkedList"),
x = i(y);
e.exports = r["default"]
}, {
"./DoublyLinkedList": 32,
"./onlyOnce": 38,
"./setImmediate": 40,
"lodash/_arrayEach": 43,
"lodash/isArray": 53,
"lodash/noop": 62,
"lodash/rest": 63
40: [function(t, e, r) {
(function(e) {
"use strict";
function i(t) {
return t && t.__esModule ? t : {
"default": t
function n(t) {
setTimeout(t, 0)
function s(t) {
return (0, h["default"])(function(e, r) {
t(function() {
e.apply(null, r)
Object.defineProperty(r, "__esModule", {
value: !0
}), r.hasNextTick = r.hasSetImmediate = void 0, r.fallback = n, r.wrap = s;
var o, a = t("lodash/rest"),
h = i(a),
u = r.hasSetImmediate = "function" == typeof setImmediate && setImmediate,
l = r.hasNextTick = "object" == typeof e && "function" == typeof e.nextTick;
o = u ? setImmediate : l ? e.nextTick : n, r["default"] = s(o)
}).call(this, t("_process"))
}, {
_process: 23,
"lodash/rest": 63
41: [function(t, e, r) {
"use strict";
function i(t) {
return function(e, r, i) {
return t(e, i)
Object.defineProperty(r, "__esModule", {
value: !0
}), r["default"] = i, e.exports = r["default"]
}, {}],
42: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t, e, r) {
switch (r.length) {
case 0:
case 1:
return, r[0]);
case 2:
return, r[0], r[1]);
case 3:
return, r[0], r[1], r[2])
return t.apply(e, r)
e.exports = i
}, {}],
43: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t, e) {
for (var r = -1, i = t ? t.length : 0; ++r < i && e(t[r], r, t) !== !1;);
return t
e.exports = i
}, {}],
44: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t, e) {
var r = o(t) || s(t) ? n(t.length, String) : [],
i = r.length,
h = !!i;
for (var l in t) !e && !, l) || h && ("length" == l || a(l, i)) || r.push(l);
return r
var n = t("./_baseTimes"),
s = t("./isArguments"),
o = t("./isArray"),
a = t("./_isIndex"),
h = Object.prototype,
u = h.hasOwnProperty;
e.exports = i
}, {
"./_baseTimes": 47,
"./_isIndex": 48,
"./isArguments": 52,
"./isArray": 53
45: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t) {
if (!n(t)) return s(t);
var e = [];
for (var r in Object(t)), r) && "constructor" != r && e.push(r);
return e
var n = t("./_isPrototype"),
s = t("./_nativeKeys"),
o = Object.prototype,
a = o.hasOwnProperty;
e.exports = i
}, {
"./_isPrototype": 49,
"./_nativeKeys": 50
46: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t, e) {
return e = s(void 0 === e ? t.length - 1 : e, 0),
function() {
for (var r = arguments, i = -1, o = s(r.length - e, 0), a = Array(o); ++i < o;) a[i] = r[e + i];
i = -1;
for (var h = Array(e + 1); ++i < e;) h[i] = r[i];
return h[e] = a, n(t, this, h)
var n = t("./_apply"),
s = Math.max;
e.exports = i
}, {
"./_apply": 42
47: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t, e) {
for (var r = -1, i = Array(t); ++r < t;) i[r] = e(r);
return i
e.exports = i
}, {}],
48: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t, e) {
return e = null == e ? n : e, !!e && ("number" == typeof t || s.test(t)) && t > -1 && t % 1 == 0 && e > t
var n = 9007199254740991,
s = /^(?:0|[1-9]\d*)$/;
e.exports = i
}, {}],
49: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t) {
var e = t && t.constructor,
r = "function" == typeof e && e.prototype || n;
return t === r
var n = Object.prototype;
e.exports = i
}, {}],
50: [function(t, e, r) {
var i = t("./_overArg"),
n = i(Object.keys, Object);
e.exports = n
}, {
"./_overArg": 51
51: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t, e) {
return function(r) {
return t(e(r))
e.exports = i
}, {}],
52: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t) {
return n(t) &&, "callee") && (!, "callee") || == s)
var n = t("./isArrayLikeObject"),
s = "[object Arguments]",
o = Object.prototype,
a = o.hasOwnProperty,
h = o.toString,
u = o.propertyIsEnumerable;
e.exports = i
}, {
"./isArrayLikeObject": 55
53: [function(t, e, r) {
var i = Array.isArray;
e.exports = i
}, {}],
54: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t) {
return null != t && s(t.length) && !n(t)
var n = t("./isFunction"),
s = t("./isLength");
e.exports = i
}, {
"./isFunction": 56,
"./isLength": 57
55: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t) {
return s(t) && n(t)
var n = t("./isArrayLike"),
s = t("./isObjectLike");
e.exports = i
}, {
"./isArrayLike": 54,
"./isObjectLike": 59
56: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t) {
var e = n(t) ? : "";
return e == s || e == o
var n = t("./isObject"),
s = "[object Function]",
o = "[object GeneratorFunction]",
a = Object.prototype,
h = a.toString;
e.exports = i
}, {
"./isObject": 58
57: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t) {
return "number" == typeof t && t > -1 && t % 1 == 0 && n >= t
var n = 9007199254740991;
e.exports = i
}, {}],
58: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t) {
var e = typeof t;
return !!t && ("object" == e || "function" == e)
e.exports = i
}, {}],
59: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t) {
return !!t && "object" == typeof t
e.exports = i
}, {}],
60: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t) {
return "symbol" == typeof t || n(t) && == s
var n = t("./isObjectLike"),
s = "[object Symbol]",
o = Object.prototype,
a = o.toString;
e.exports = i
}, {
"./isObjectLike": 59
61: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t) {
return o(t) ? n(t) : s(t)
var n = t("./_arrayLikeKeys"),
s = t("./_baseKeys"),
o = t("./isArrayLike");
e.exports = i
}, {
"./_arrayLikeKeys": 44,
"./_baseKeys": 45,
"./isArrayLike": 54
62: [function(t, e, r) {
function i() {}
e.exports = i
}, {}],
63: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t, e) {
if ("function" != typeof t) throw new TypeError(o);
return e = void 0 === e ? e : s(e), n(t, e)
var n = t("./_baseRest"),
s = t("./toInteger"),
o = "Expected a function";
e.exports = i
}, {
"./_baseRest": 46,
"./toInteger": 65
64: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t) {
if (!t) return 0 === t ? t : 0;
if (t = n(t), t === s || t === -s) {
var e = 0 > t ? -1 : 1;
return e * o
return t === t ? t : 0
var n = t("./toNumber"),
s = 1 / 0,
o = 1.7976931348623157e308;
e.exports = i
}, {
"./toNumber": 66
65: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t) {
var e = n(t),
r = e % 1;
return e === e ? r ? e - r : e : 0
var n = t("./toFinite");
e.exports = i
}, {
"./toFinite": 64
66: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t) {
if ("number" == typeof t) return t;
if (s(t)) return o;
if (n(t)) {
var e = "function" == typeof t.valueOf ? t.valueOf() : t;
t = n(e) ? e + "" : e
if ("string" != typeof t) return 0 === t ? t : +t;
t = t.replace(a, "");
var r = u.test(t);
return r || l.test(t) ? c(t.slice(2), r ? 2 : 8) : h.test(t) ? o : +t
var n = t("./isObject"),
s = t("./isSymbol"),
o = NaN,
a = /^\s+|\s+$/g,
h = /^[-+]0x[0-9a-f]+$/i,
u = /^0b[01]+$/i,
l = /^0o[0-7]+$/i,
c = parseInt;
e.exports = i
}, {
"./isObject": 58,
"./isSymbol": 60
67: [function(t, e, r) {
"use strict";
function i(t) {
return t && t.__esModule ? t : {
"default": t
Object.defineProperty(r, "__esModule", {
value: !0
}), r["default"] = function(t, e) {
return (0, s["default"])(function(e, r) {
t(e[0], r)
}, e, 1)
var n = t("./internal/queue"),
s = i(n);
e.exports = r["default"]
}, {
"./internal/queue": 39
68: [function(t, e, r) {
"use strict";
function i(t, e) {, e = e || u, this.baseUrl = t || "", this.progress = 0, this.loading = !1, this._progressChunk = 0, this._beforeMiddleware = [], this._afterMiddleware = [], this._boundLoadResource = this._loadResource.bind(this), this._buffer = [], this._numToLoad = 0, this._queue = n(this._boundLoadResource, e), this.resources = {}
var n = t("async/queue"),
s = t("async/eachSeries"),
o = t("url"),
a = t("./Resource"),
h = t("eventemitter3"),
u = 10,
l = 100;
i.prototype = Object.create(h.prototype), i.prototype.constructor = i, e.exports = i, i.prototype.add = i.prototype.enqueue = function(t, e, r, i) {
if (Array.isArray(t)) {
for (var n = 0; n < t.length; ++n) this.add(t[n]);
return this
if ("object" == typeof t && (i = e || t.callback || t.onComplete, r = t, e = t.url, t = || t.key || t.url), "string" != typeof e && (i = r, r = e, e = t), "string" != typeof e) throw new Error("No url passed to add resource to loader.");
if ("function" == typeof r && (i = r, r = null), this.resources[t]) throw new Error('Resource with name "' + t + '" already exists.');
return e = this._prepareUrl(e), this.resources[t] = new a(t, e, r), "function" == typeof i && this.resources[t].once("afterMiddleware", i), this._numToLoad++, this._queue.started ? (this._queue.push(this.resources[t]), this._progressChunk = (l - this.progress) / (this._queue.length() + this._queue.running())) : (this._buffer.push(this.resources[t]), this._progressChunk = l / this._buffer.length), this
}, i.prototype.before = i.prototype.pre = function(t) {
return this._beforeMiddleware.push(t), this
}, i.prototype.after = i.prototype.use = function(t) {
return this._afterMiddleware.push(t), this
}, i.prototype.reset = function() {
this.progress = 0, this.loading = !1, this._progressChunk = 0, this._buffer.length = 0, this._numToLoad = 0, this._queue.kill(), this._queue.started = !1;
for (var t in this.resources) {
var e = this.resources[t];"complete", this._onLoad, this), e.isLoading && e.abort()
return this.resources = {}, this
}, i.prototype.load = function(t) {
if ("function" == typeof t && this.once("complete", t), this._queue.started) return this;
this.emit("start", this), this.loading = !0;
for (var e = 0; e < this._buffer.length; ++e) this._queue.push(this._buffer[e]);
return this._buffer.length = 0, this
}, i.prototype._prepareUrl = function(t) {
var e = o.parse(t);
return e.protocol || !e.pathname || 0 === e.pathname.indexOf("//") ? t : this.baseUrl.length && this.baseUrl.lastIndexOf("/") !== this.baseUrl.length - 1 && "/" !== t.charAt(0) ? this.baseUrl + "/" + t : this.baseUrl + t
}, i.prototype._loadResource = function(t, e) {
var r = this;
t._dequeue = e, s(this._beforeMiddleware, function(e, i) {, t, function() {
i(t.isComplete ? {} : null)
}, function() {
t.isComplete ? r._onLoad(t) : (t.once("complete", r._onLoad, r), t.load())
}, i.prototype._onComplete = function() {
this.loading = !1, this.emit("complete", this, this.resources)
}, i.prototype._onLoad = function(t) {
var e = this;
s(this._afterMiddleware, function(r, i) {, t, i)
}, function() {
t.emit("afterMiddleware", t), e._numToLoad--, e.progress += e._progressChunk, e.emit("progress", e, t), t.error ? e.emit("error", t.error, e, t) : e.emit("load", e, t), 0 === e._numToLoad && (e.progress = 100, e._onComplete())
}), t._dequeue()
}, {
"./Resource": 69,
"async/eachSeries": 31,
"async/queue": 67,
eventemitter3: 3,
url: 28
69: [function(t, e, r) {
"use strict";
function i(t, e, r) {
if (, r = r || {}, "string" != typeof t || "string" != typeof e) throw new Error("Both name and url are required for constructing a resource."); = t, this.url = e, this.isDataUrl = 0 === this.url.indexOf("data:"), = null, this.crossOrigin = r.crossOrigin === !0 ? "anonymous" : r.crossOrigin, this.loadType = r.loadType || this._determineLoadType(), this.xhrType = r.xhrType, this.metadata = r.metadata || {}, this.error = null, this.xhr = null, this.isJson = !1, this.isXml = !1, this.isImage = !1, this.isAudio = !1, this.isVideo = !1, this.isComplete = !1, this.isLoading = !1, this._dequeue = null, this._boundComplete = this.complete.bind(this), this._boundOnError = this._onError.bind(this), this._boundOnProgress = this._onProgress.bind(this), this._boundXhrOnError = this._xhrOnError.bind(this), this._boundXhrOnAbort = this._xhrOnAbort.bind(this), this._boundXhrOnLoad = this._xhrOnLoad.bind(this), this._boundXdrOnTimeout = this._xdrOnTimeout.bind(this)
function n(t) {
return t.toString().replace("object ", "")
function s(t, e, r) {
e && 0 === e.indexOf(".") && (e = e.substring(1)), e && (t[e] = r)
var o = t("eventemitter3"),
a = t("url"),
h = !(!window.XDomainRequest || "withCredentials" in new XMLHttpRequest),
u = null,
l = 0,
c = 200,
d = 204;
i.prototype = Object.create(o.prototype), i.prototype.constructor = i, e.exports = i, i.prototype.complete = function() {
if ( && && ("error", this._boundOnError, !1),"load", this._boundComplete, !1),"progress", this._boundOnProgress, !1),"canplaythrough", this._boundComplete, !1)), this.xhr && (this.xhr.removeEventListener ? (this.xhr.removeEventListener("error", this._boundXhrOnError, !1), this.xhr.removeEventListener("abort", this._boundXhrOnAbort, !1), this.xhr.removeEventListener("progress", this._boundOnProgress, !1), this.xhr.removeEventListener("load", this._boundXhrOnLoad, !1)) : (this.xhr.onerror = null, this.xhr.ontimeout = null, this.xhr.onprogress = null, this.xhr.onload = null)), this.isComplete) throw new Error("Complete called again for an already completed resource.");
this.isComplete = !0, this.isLoading = !1, this.emit("complete", this)
}, i.prototype.abort = function(t) {
if (!this.error) {
if (this.error = new Error(t), this.xhr) this.xhr.abort();
else if (this.xdr) this.xdr.abort();
else if (
if ("undefined" != typeof = "";
for (;;);
}, i.prototype.load = function(t) {
if (!this.isLoading)
if (this.isComplete) {
if (t) {
var e = this;
setTimeout(function() {
}, 1)
} else switch (t && this.once("complete", t), this.isLoading = !0, this.emit("start", this), this.crossOrigin !== !1 && "string" == typeof this.crossOrigin || (this.crossOrigin = this._determineCrossOrigin(this.url)), this.loadType) {
h && this.crossOrigin ? this._loadXdr() : this._loadXhr()
}, i.prototype._loadElement = function(t) {
this.metadata.loadElement ? = this.metadata.loadElement : "image" === t && "undefined" != typeof window.Image ? = new Image : = document.createElement(t), this.crossOrigin && ( = this.crossOrigin), this.metadata.skipSource || ( = this.url);
var e = "is" + t[0].toUpperCase() + t.substring(1);
this[e] === !1 && (this[e] = !0),"error", this._boundOnError, !1),"load", this._boundComplete, !1),"progress", this._boundOnProgress, !1)
}, i.prototype._loadSourceElement = function(t) {
if (this.metadata.loadElement ? = this.metadata.loadElement : "audio" === t && "undefined" != typeof window.Audio ? = new Audio : = document.createElement(t), null === return void this.abort("Unsupported element " + t);
if (!this.metadata.skipSource)
if (navigator.isCocoonJS) = Array.isArray(this.url) ? this.url[0] : this.url;
else if (Array.isArray(this.url))
for (var e = 0; e < this.url.length; ++e), this.url[e]));
else, this.url));
this["is" + t[0].toUpperCase() + t.substring(1)] = !0,"error", this._boundOnError, !1),"load", this._boundComplete, !1),"progress", this._boundOnProgress, !1),"canplaythrough", this._boundComplete, !1),
}, i.prototype._loadXhr = function() {
"string" != typeof this.xhrType && (this.xhrType = this._determineXhrType());
var t = this.xhr = new XMLHttpRequest;"GET", this.url, !0), this.xhrType === i.XHR_RESPONSE_TYPE.JSON || this.xhrType === i.XHR_RESPONSE_TYPE.DOCUMENT ? t.responseType = i.XHR_RESPONSE_TYPE.TEXT : t.responseType = this.xhrType, t.addEventListener("error", this._boundXhrOnError, !1),
t.addEventListener("abort", this._boundXhrOnAbort, !1), t.addEventListener("progress", this._boundOnProgress, !1), t.addEventListener("load", this._boundXhrOnLoad, !1), t.send()
}, i.prototype._loadXdr = function() {
"string" != typeof this.xhrType && (this.xhrType = this._determineXhrType());
var t = this.xhr = new XDomainRequest;
t.timeout = 5e3, t.onerror = this._boundXhrOnError, t.ontimeout = this._boundXdrOnTimeout, t.onprogress = this._boundOnProgress, t.onload = this._boundXhrOnLoad,"GET", this.url, !0), setTimeout(function() {
}, 0)
}, i.prototype._createSource = function(t, e, r) {
r || (r = t + "/" + e.substr(e.lastIndexOf(".") + 1));
var i = document.createElement("source");
return i.src = e, i.type = r, i
}, i.prototype._onError = function(t) {
this.abort("Failed to load element using " +
}, i.prototype._onProgress = function(t) {
t && t.lengthComputable && this.emit("progress", this, t.loaded /
}, i.prototype._xhrOnError = function() {
var t = this.xhr;
this.abort(n(t) + " Request failed. Status: " + t.status + ', text: "' + t.statusText + '"')
}, i.prototype._xhrOnAbort = function() {
this.abort(n(this.xhr) + " Request was aborted by the user.")
}, i.prototype._xdrOnTimeout = function() {
this.abort(n(this.xhr) + " Request timed out.")
}, i.prototype._xhrOnLoad = function() {
var t = this.xhr,
e = "undefined" == typeof t.status ? t.status : c;
if (!(e === c || e === d || e === l && t.responseText.length > 0)) return void this.abort("[" + t.status + "]" + t.statusText + ":" + t.responseURL);
if (this.xhrType === i.XHR_RESPONSE_TYPE.TEXT) = t.responseText;
else if (this.xhrType === i.XHR_RESPONSE_TYPE.JSON) try { = JSON.parse(t.responseText), this.isJson = !0
} catch (r) {
return void this.abort("Error trying to parse loaded json:", r)
} else if (this.xhrType === i.XHR_RESPONSE_TYPE.DOCUMENT) try {
if (window.DOMParser) {
var n = new DOMParser; = n.parseFromString(t.responseText, "text/xml")
} else {
var s = document.createElement("div");
s.innerHTML = t.responseText, = s
this.isXml = !0
} catch (r) {
return void this.abort("Error trying to parse loaded xml:", r)
} else = t.response || t.responseText;
}, i.prototype._determineCrossOrigin = function(t, e) {
if (0 === t.indexOf("data:")) return "";
e = e || window.location, u || (u = document.createElement("a")), u.href = t, t = a.parse(u.href);
var r = !t.port && "" === e.port || t.port === e.port;
return t.hostname === e.hostname && r && t.protocol === e.protocol ? "" : "anonymous"
}, i.prototype._determineXhrType = function() {
return i._xhrTypeMap[this._getExtension()] || i.XHR_RESPONSE_TYPE.TEXT
}, i.prototype._determineLoadType = function() {
return i._loadTypeMap[this._getExtension()] || i.LOAD_TYPE.XHR
}, i.prototype._getExtension = function() {
var t = this.url,
e = "";
if (this.isDataUrl) {
var r = t.indexOf("/");
e = t.substring(r + 1, t.indexOf(";", r))
} else {
var i = t.indexOf("?"); - 1 !== i && (t = t.substring(0, i)), e = t.substring(t.lastIndexOf(".") + 1)
return e.toLowerCase()
}, i.prototype._getMimeFromXhrType = function(t) {
switch (t) {
return "application/octet-binary";
return "application/blob";
return "application/xml";
return "application/json";
return "text/plain"
}, i.LOAD_TYPE = {
XHR: 1,
DEFAULT: "text",
BUFFER: "arraybuffer",
BLOB: "blob",
DOCUMENT: "document",
JSON: "json",
TEXT: "text"
}, i._loadTypeMap = {
"svg+xml": i.LOAD_TYPE.IMAGE
}, i._xhrTypeMap = {
}, i.setExtensionLoadType = function(t, e) {
s(i._loadTypeMap, t, e)
}, i.setExtensionXhrType = function(t, e) {
s(i._xhrTypeMap, t, e)
}, {
eventemitter3: 3,
url: 28
70: [function(t, e, r) {
"use strict";
e.exports = {
_keyStr: "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=",
encodeBinary: function(t) {
for (var e, r = "", i = new Array(4), n = 0, s = 0, o = 0; n < t.length;) {
for (e = new Array(3), s = 0; s < e.length; s++) n < t.length ? e[s] = 255 & t.charCodeAt(n++) : e[s] = 0;
switch (i[0] = e[0] >> 2, i[1] = (3 & e[0]) << 4 | e[1] >> 4, i[2] = (15 & e[1]) << 2 | e[2] >> 6, i[3] = 63 & e[2], o = n - (t.length - 1)) {
case 2:
i[3] = 64, i[2] = 64;
case 1:
i[3] = 64
for (s = 0; s < i.length; s++) r += this._keyStr.charAt(i[s])
return r
}, {}],
71: [function(t, e, r) {
"use strict";
e.exports = t("./Loader"), e.exports.Resource = t("./Resource"), e.exports.middleware = {
caching: {
memory: t("./middlewares/caching/memory")
parsing: {
blob: t("./middlewares/parsing/blob")
}, {
"./Loader": 68,
"./Resource": 69,
"./middlewares/caching/memory": 72,
"./middlewares/parsing/blob": 73
72: [function(t, e, r) {
"use strict";
var i = {};
e.exports = function() {
return function(t, e) {
i[t.url] ? ( = i[t.url], t.complete()) : t.once("complete", function() {
i[this.url] =
}), e()
}, {}],
73: [function(t, e, r) {
"use strict";
var i = t("../../Resource"),
n = t("../../b64"),
s = window.URL || window.webkitURL;
e.exports = function() {
return function(t, e) {
if (! return void e();
if (t.xhr && t.xhrType === i.XHR_RESPONSE_TYPE.BLOB)
if (window.Blob && "string" != typeof {
if (0 ==="image")) {
var r = s.createObjectURL(;
return t.blob =, = new Image, = r, t.isImage = !0, void( = function() {
s.revokeObjectURL(r), = null, e()
} else {
var o = t.xhr.getResponseHeader("content-type");
if (o && 0 === o.indexOf("image")) return = new Image, = "data:" + o + ";base64," + n.encodeBinary(t.xhr.responseText), t.isImage = !0, void( = function() { = null, e()
}, {
"../../Resource": 69,
"../../b64": 70
74: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t) {
(s.tablet || && this.createTouchHook();
var e = document.createElement("div"); = "100px", = "100px", = "absolute", = 0, = 0, = 2, this.div = e, this.pool = [], this.renderId = 0, this.debug = !1, this.renderer = t, this.children = [], this._onKeyDown = this._onKeyDown.bind(this), this._onMouseMove = this._onMouseMove.bind(this), this.isActive = !1, this.isMobileAccessabillity = !1, window.addEventListener("keydown", this._onKeyDown, !1)
var n = t("../core"),
s = t("ismobilejs");
Object.assign(n.DisplayObject.prototype, t("./accessibleTarget")), i.prototype.constructor = i, e.exports = i, i.prototype.createTouchHook = function() {
var t = document.createElement("button"); = "1px", = "1px", = "absolute", = "-1000px", = "-1000px", = 2, = "#FF0000", t.title = "HOOK DIV", t.addEventListener("focus", function() {
this.isMobileAccessabillity = !0, this.activate(), document.body.removeChild(t)
}.bind(this)), document.body.appendChild(t)
}, i.prototype.activate = function() {
this.isActive || (this.isActive = !0, window.document.addEventListener("mousemove", this._onMouseMove, !0), window.removeEventListener("keydown", this._onKeyDown, !1), this.renderer.on("postrender", this.update, this), this.renderer.view.parentNode && this.renderer.view.parentNode.appendChild(this.div))
}, i.prototype.deactivate = function() {
this.isActive && !this.isMobileAccessabillity && (this.isActive = !1, window.document.removeEventListener("mousemove", this._onMouseMove), window.addEventListener("keydown", this._onKeyDown, !1),"postrender", this.update), this.div.parentNode && this.div.parentNode.removeChild(this.div))
}, i.prototype.updateAccessibleObjects = function(t) {
if (t.visible) {
t.accessible && t.interactive && (t._accessibleActive || this.addChild(t), t.renderId = this.renderId);
for (var e = t.children, r = e.length - 1; r >= 0; r--) this.updateAccessibleObjects(e[r])
}, i.prototype.update = function() {
if (this.renderer.renderingToScreen) {
var t = this.renderer.view.getBoundingClientRect(),
e = t.width / this.renderer.width,
r = t.height / this.renderer.height,
i = this.div; = t.left + "px", = + "px", = this.renderer.width + "px", = this.renderer.height + "px";
for (var s = 0; s < this.children.length; s++) {
var o = this.children[s];
if (o.renderId !== this.renderId) o._accessibleActive = !1, n.utils.removeItems(this.children, s, 1), this.div.removeChild(o._accessibleDiv), this.pool.push(o._accessibleDiv), o._accessibleDiv = null, s--, 0 === this.children.length && this.deactivate();
else {
i = o._accessibleDiv;
var a = o.hitArea,
h = o.worldTransform;
o.hitArea ? ( = (h.tx + a.x * h.a) * e + "px", = (h.ty + a.y * h.d) * r + "px", = a.width * h.a * e + "px", = a.height * h.d * r + "px") : (a = o.getBounds(), this.capHitArea(a), = a.x * e + "px", = a.y * r + "px", = a.width * e + "px", = a.height * r + "px")
}, i.prototype.capHitArea = function(t) {
t.x < 0 && (t.width += t.x, t.x = 0), t.y < 0 && (t.height += t.y, t.y = 0), t.x + t.width > this.renderer.width && (t.width = this.renderer.width - t.x), t.y + t.height > this.renderer.height && (t.height = this.renderer.height - t.y)
}, i.prototype.addChild = function(t) {
var e = this.pool.pop();
e || (e = document.createElement("button"), = "100px", = "100px", = this.debug ? "rgba(255,0,0,0.5)" : "transparent", = "absolute", = 2, = "none", e.addEventListener("click", this._onClick.bind(this)), e.addEventListener("focus", this._onFocus.bind(this)), e.addEventListener("focusout", this._onFocusOut.bind(this))), t.accessibleTitle ? e.title = t.accessibleTitle : t.accessibleTitle || t.accessibleHint || (e.title = "displayObject " + this.tabIndex), t.accessibleHint && e.setAttribute("aria-label", t.accessibleHint), t._accessibleActive = !0, t._accessibleDiv = e, e.displayObject = t, this.children.push(t), this.div.appendChild(t._accessibleDiv), t._accessibleDiv.tabIndex = t.tabIndex
}, i.prototype._onClick = function(t) {
var e = this.renderer.plugins.interaction;
e.dispatchEvent(, "click", e.eventData)
}, i.prototype._onFocus = function(t) {
var e = this.renderer.plugins.interaction;
e.dispatchEvent(, "mouseover", e.eventData)
}, i.prototype._onFocusOut = function(t) {
var e = this.renderer.plugins.interaction;
e.dispatchEvent(, "mouseout", e.eventData)
}, i.prototype._onKeyDown = function(t) {
9 === t.keyCode && this.activate()
}, i.prototype._onMouseMove = function() {
}, i.prototype.destroy = function() {
this.div = null;
for (var t = 0; t < this.children.length; t++) this.children[t].div = null;
window.document.removeEventListener("mousemove", this._onMouseMove), window.removeEventListener("keydown", this._onKeyDown), this.pool = null, this.children = null, this.renderer = null
}, n.WebGLRenderer.registerPlugin("accessibility", i), n.CanvasRenderer.registerPlugin("accessibility", i)
}, {
"../core": 97,
"./accessibleTarget": 75,
ismobilejs: 4
75: [function(t, e, r) {
var i = {
accessible: !1,
accessibleTitle: null,
accessibleHint: null,
tabIndex: 0,
_accessibleActive: !1,
_accessibleDiv: !1
e.exports = i
}, {}],
76: [function(t, e, r) {
e.exports = {
accessibleTarget: t("./accessibleTarget"),
AccessibilityManager: t("./AccessibilityManager")
}, {
"./AccessibilityManager": 74,
"./accessibleTarget": 75
77: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t) {
if (t instanceof Array) {
if ("precision" !== t[0].substring(0, 9)) {
var e = t.slice(0);
return e.unshift("precision " + s.PRECISION.DEFAULT + " float;"), e
} else if ("precision" !== t.substring(0, 9)) return "precision " + s.PRECISION.DEFAULT + " float;\n" + t;
return t
var n = t("pixi-gl-core").GLShader,
s = t("./const"),
o = function(t, e, r) {, t, i(e), i(r))
o.prototype = Object.create(n.prototype), o.prototype.constructor = o, e.exports = o
}, {
"./const": 78,
"pixi-gl-core": 12
78: [function(t, e, r) {
var i = {
VERSION: "4.0.0",
PI_2: 2 * Math.PI,
RAD_TO_DEG: 180 / Math.PI,
DEG_TO_RAD: Math.PI / 180,
ADD: 1,
HUE: 13,
COLOR: 15,
AUTO: 0,
RETINA_PREFIX: /@(.+)x/,
view: null,
resolution: 1,
antialias: !1,
forceFXAA: !1,
autoResize: !1,
transparent: !1,
backgroundColor: 0,
clearBeforeRender: !0,
preserveDrawingBuffer: !1,
roundPixels: !1
POLY: 0,
RECT: 1,
CIRC: 2,
ELIP: 3,
DEFAULT: "mediump",
LOW: "lowp",
MEDIUM: "mediump",
HIGH: "highp"
SPRITE_MAX_TEXTURES: t("./utils/maxRecommendedTextures")(32)
e.exports = i
}, {
"./utils/maxRecommendedTextures": 152
79: [function(t, e, r) {
function i() {
this.minX = 1 / 0, this.minY = 1 / 0, this.maxX = -(1 / 0), this.maxY = -(1 / 0), this.rect = null
var n = t("../math"),
s = n.Rectangle;
i.prototype.constructor = i, e.exports = i, i.prototype.isEmpty = function() {
return this.minX > this.maxX || this.minY > this.maxY
}, i.prototype.clear = function() {
this.updateID++, this.minX = 1 / 0, this.minY = 1 / 0, this.maxX = -(1 / 0), this.maxY = -(1 / 0)
}, i.prototype.getRectangle = function(t) {
return this.minX > this.maxX || this.minY > this.maxY ? s.EMPTY : (t = t || new s(0, 0, 1, 1), t.x = this.minX, t.y = this.minY, t.width = this.maxX - this.minX, t.height = this.maxY - this.minY, t)
}, i.prototype.addPoint = function(t) {
this.minX = Math.min(this.minX, t.x), this.maxX = Math.max(this.maxX, t.x), this.minY = Math.min(this.minY, t.y), this.maxY = Math.max(this.maxY, t.y)
}, i.prototype.addQuad = function(t) {
var e = this.minX,
r = this.minY,
i = this.maxX,
n = this.maxY,
s = t[0],
o = t[1];
e = e > s ? s : e, r = r > o ? o : r, i = s > i ? s : i, n = o > n ? o : n, s = t[2], o = t[3], e = e > s ? s : e, r = r > o ? o : r, i = s > i ? s : i, n = o > n ? o : n, s = t[4], o = t[5], e = e > s ? s : e, r = r > o ? o : r, i = s > i ? s : i, n = o > n ? o : n, s = t[6], o = t[7], e = e > s ? s : e, r = r > o ? o : r, i = s > i ? s : i, n = o > n ? o : n, this.minX = e, this.minY = r, this.maxX = i, this.maxY = n
}, i.prototype.addFrame = function(t, e, r, i, n) {
var s = t.worldTransform,
o = s.a,
a = s.b,
h = s.c,
u = s.d,
l = s.tx,
c = s.ty,
d = this.minX,
p = this.minY,
f = this.maxX,
v = this.maxY,
g = o * e + h * r + l,
y = a * e + u * r + c;
d = d > g ? g : d, p = p > y ? y : p, f = g > f ? g : f, v = y > v ? y : v, g = o * i + h * r + l, y = a * i + u * r + c, d = d > g ? g : d, p = p > y ? y : p, f = g > f ? g : f, v = y > v ? y : v, g = o * e + h * n + l, y = a * e + u * n + c, d = d > g ? g : d, p = p > y ? y : p, f = g > f ? g : f, v = y > v ? y : v, g = o * i + h * n + l, y = a * i + u * n + c, d = d > g ? g : d, p = p > y ? y : p, f = g > f ? g : f, v = y > v ? y : v, this.minX = d, this.minY = p, this.maxX = f, this.maxY = v
}, i.prototype.addVertices = function(t, e, r, i) {
for (var n = t.worldTransform, s = n.a, o = n.b, a = n.c, h = n.d, u = n.tx, l = n.ty, c = this.minX, d = this.minY, p = this.maxX, f = this.maxY, v = r; i > v; v += 2) {
var g = e[v],
y = e[v + 1],
x = s * g + a * y + u,
m = h * y + o * g + l;
c = c > x ? x : c, d = d > m ? m : d, p = x > p ? x : p, f = m > f ? m : f
this.minX = c, this.minY = d, this.maxX = p, this.maxY = f
}, i.prototype.addBounds = function(t) {
var e = this.minX,
r = this.minY,
i = this.maxX,
n = this.maxY;
this.minX = t.minX < e ? t.minX : e, this.minY = t.minY < r ? t.minY : r, this.maxX = t.maxX > i ? t.maxX : i, this.maxY = t.maxY > n ? t.maxY : n
}, {
"../math": 102
80: [function(t, e, r) {
function i() {, this.children = []
var n = t("../utils"),
s = t("./DisplayObject");
i.prototype = Object.create(s.prototype), i.prototype.constructor = i, e.exports = i, Object.defineProperties(i.prototype, {
width: {
get: function() {
return this.scale.x * this.getLocalBounds().width
set: function(t) {
var e = this.getLocalBounds().width;
0 !== e ? this.scale.x = t / e : this.scale.x = 1, this._width = t
height: {
get: function() {
return this.scale.y * this.getLocalBounds().height
set: function(t) {
var e = this.getLocalBounds().height;
0 !== e ? this.scale.y = t / e : this.scale.y = 1, this._height = t
}), i.prototype.onChildrenChange = function() {}, i.prototype.addChild = function(t) {
var e = arguments.length;
if (e > 1)
for (var r = 0; e > r; r++) this.addChild(arguments[r]);
else t.parent && t.parent.removeChild(t), t.parent = this, this.transform._parentID = -1, this.children.push(t), this.onChildrenChange(this.children.length - 1), t.emit("added", this);
return t
}, i.prototype.addChildAt = function(t, e) {
if (e >= 0 && e <= this.children.length) return t.parent && t.parent.removeChild(t), t.parent = this, this.children.splice(e, 0, t), this.onChildrenChange(e), t.emit("added", this), t;
throw new Error(t + "addChildAt: The index " + e + " supplied is out of bounds " + this.children.length)
}, i.prototype.swapChildren = function(t, e) {
if (t !== e) {
var r = this.getChildIndex(t),
i = this.getChildIndex(e);
if (0 > r || 0 > i) throw new Error("swapChildren: Both the supplied DisplayObjects must be children of the caller.");
this.children[r] = e, this.children[i] = t, this.onChildrenChange(i > r ? r : i)
}, i.prototype.getChildIndex = function(t) {
var e = this.children.indexOf(t);
if (-1 === e) throw new Error("The supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the caller");
return e
}, i.prototype.setChildIndex = function(t, e) {
if (0 > e || e >= this.children.length) throw new Error("The supplied index is out of bounds");
var r = this.getChildIndex(t);
n.removeItems(this.children, r, 1), this.children.splice(e, 0, t), this.onChildrenChange(e)
}, i.prototype.getChildAt = function(t) {
if (0 > t || t >= this.children.length) throw new Error("getChildAt: Supplied index " + t + " does not exist in the child list, or the supplied DisplayObject is not a child of the caller");
return this.children[t]
}, i.prototype.removeChild = function(t) {
var e = arguments.length;
if (e > 1)
for (var r = 0; e > r; r++) this.removeChild(arguments[r]);
else {
var i = this.children.indexOf(t);
if (-1 === i) return;
t.parent = null, n.removeItems(this.children, i, 1), this.onChildrenChange(i), t.emit("removed", this)
return t
}, i.prototype.removeChildAt = function(t) {
var e = this.getChildAt(t);
return e.parent = null, n.removeItems(this.children, t, 1), this.onChildrenChange(t), e.emit("removed", this), e
}, i.prototype.removeChildren = function(t, e) {
var r, i, n = t || 0,
s = "number" == typeof e ? e : this.children.length,
o = s - n;
if (o > 0 && s >= o) {
for (r = this.children.splice(n, o), i = 0; i < r.length; ++i) r[i].parent = null;
for (this.onChildrenChange(t), i = 0; i < r.length; ++i) r[i].emit("removed", this);
return r
if (0 === o && 0 === this.children.length) return [];
throw new RangeError("removeChildren: numeric values are outside the acceptable range.")
}, i.prototype.updateTransform = function() {
if (this._boundsID++, this.visible) {
this.transform.updateTransform(this.parent.transform), this.worldAlpha = this.alpha * this.parent.worldAlpha;
for (var t = 0, e = this.children.length; e > t; ++t) this.children[t].updateTransform()
}, i.prototype.containerUpdateTransform = i.prototype.updateTransform, i.prototype.calculateBounds = function() {
if (this._bounds.clear(), this.visible) {
for (var t = 0; t < this.children.length; t++) {
var e = this.children[t];
e.calculateBounds(), this._bounds.addBounds(e._bounds)
this._boundsID = this._lastBoundsID
}, i.prototype._calculateBounds = function() {}, i.prototype.renderWebGL = function(t) {
if (this.visible && !(this.worldAlpha <= 0) && this.renderable)
if (this._mask || this._filters) this.renderAdvancedWebGL(t);
else {
for (var e = 0, r = this.children.length; r > e; ++e) this.children[e].renderWebGL(t)
}, i.prototype.renderAdvancedWebGL = function(t) {
var e, r, i = this._filters,
n = this._mask;
if (i) {
for (this._enabledFilters || (this._enabledFilters = []), this._enabledFilters.length = 0, e = 0; e < i.length; e++) i[e].enabled && this._enabledFilters.push(i[e]);
this._enabledFilters.length && t.filterManager.pushFilter(this, this._enabledFilters)
for (n && t.maskManager.pushMask(this, this._mask), t.currentRenderer.start(), this._renderWebGL(t), e = 0, r = this.children.length; r > e; e++) this.children[e].renderWebGL(t);
t.currentRenderer.flush(), n && t.maskManager.popMask(this, this._mask), i && this._enabledFilters && this._enabledFilters.length && t.filterManager.popFilter(), t.currentRenderer.start()
}, i.prototype._renderWebGL = function(t) {}, i.prototype._renderCanvas = function(t) {}, i.prototype.renderCanvas = function(t) {
if (this.visible && !(this.alpha <= 0) && this.renderable) {
this._mask && t.maskManager.pushMask(this._mask), this._renderCanvas(t);
for (var e = 0, r = this.children.length; r > e; ++e) this.children[e].renderCanvas(t);
this._mask && t.maskManager.popMask(t)
}, i.prototype.destroy = function(t) {;
var e = "boolean" == typeof t ? t : t && t.children,
r = this.children;
if (this.children = null, e)
for (var i = r.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var n = r[i];
n.parent = null, n.destroy(t)
}, {
"../utils": 151,
"./DisplayObject": 81
81: [function(t, e, r) {
function i() {;
this.transform = new t, this.alpha = 1, this.visible = !0, this.renderable = !0, this.parent = null, this.worldAlpha = 1, this.filterArea = null, this._filters = null, this._enabledFilters = null, this._bounds = new h, this._boundsID = 0, this._lastBoundsID = -1, this._boundsRect = null, this._localBoundsRect = null, this._mask = null
var n = t("eventemitter3"),
s = t("../const"),
o = t("./TransformStatic"),
a = t("./Transform"),
h = t("./Bounds"),
u = t("../math"),
l = new i;
i.prototype = Object.create(n.prototype), i.prototype.constructor = i, e.exports = i, Object.defineProperties(i.prototype, {
x: {
get: function() {
return this.position.x
set: function(t) {
this.transform.position.x = t
y: {
get: function() {
return this.position.y
set: function(t) {
this.transform.position.y = t
worldTransform: {
get: function() {
return this.transform.worldTransform
localTransform: {
get: function() {
return this.transform.localTransform
position: {
get: function() {
return this.transform.position
set: function(t) {
scale: {
get: function() {
return this.transform.scale
set: function(t) {
pivot: {
get: function() {
return this.transform.pivot
set: function(t) {
skew: {
get: function() {
return this.transform.skew
set: function(t) {
rotation: {
get: function() {
return this.transform.rotation
set: function(t) {
this.transform.rotation = t
worldVisible: {
get: function() {
var t = this;
do {
if (!t.visible) return !1;
t = t.parent
} while (t);
return !0
mask: {
get: function() {
return this._mask
set: function(t) {
this._mask && (this._mask.renderable = !0), this._mask = t, this._mask && (this._mask.renderable = !1)
filters: {
get: function() {
return this._filters && this._filters.slice()
set: function(t) {
this._filters = t && t.slice()
}), i.prototype.updateTransform = function() {
this.transform.updateTransform(this.parent.transform), this.worldAlpha = this.alpha * this.parent.worldAlpha, this._bounds.updateID++
}, i.prototype.displayObjectUpdateTransform = i.prototype.updateTransform, i.prototype._recursivePostUpdateTransform = function() {
this.parent ? (this.parent._recursivePostUpdateTransform(), this.transform.updateTransform(this.parent.transform)) : this.transform.updateTransform(l.transform)
}, i.prototype.getBounds = function(t, e) {
return t || (this.parent ? (this._recursivePostUpdateTransform(), this.updateTransform()) : (this.parent = l, this.parent.transform._worldID++, this.updateTransform(), this.parent = null)), this._boundsID !== this._lastBoundsID && this.calculateBounds(), e || (this._boundsRect || (this._boundsRect = new u.Rectangle), e = this._boundsRect), this._bounds.getRectangle(e)
}, i.prototype.getLocalBounds = function(t) {
var e = this.transform,
r = this.parent;
this.parent = null, this.transform = l.transform, t || (this._localBoundsRect || (this._localBoundsRect = new u.Rectangle), t = this._localBoundsRect);
var i = this.getBounds(!1, t);
return this.parent = r, this.transform = e, i
}, i.prototype.toGlobal = function(t, e, r) {
return r || (this._recursivePostUpdateTransform(), this.parent ? this.displayObjectUpdateTransform() : (this.parent = l, this.displayObjectUpdateTransform(), this.parent = null)), this.worldTransform.apply(t, e)
}, i.prototype.toLocal = function(t, e, r, i) {
return e && (t = e.toGlobal(t, r, i)), i || (this._recursivePostUpdateTransform(), this.parent ? this.displayObjectUpdateTransform() : (this.parent = l, this.displayObjectUpdateTransform(), this.parent = null)), this.worldTransform.applyInverse(t, r)
}, i.prototype.renderWebGL = function(t) {}, i.prototype.renderCanvas = function(t) {}, i.prototype.setParent = function(t) {
if (!t || !t.addChild) throw new Error("setParent: Argument must be a Container");
return t.addChild(this), t
}, i.prototype.setTransform = function(t, e, r, i, n, s, o, a, h) {
return this.position.x = t || 0, this.position.y = e || 0, this.scale.x = r ? r : 1, this.scale.y = i ? i : 1, this.rotation = n || 0, this.skew.x = s || 0, this.skew.y = o || 0, this.pivot.x = a || 0, this.pivot.y = h || 0, this
}, i.prototype.destroy = function() {
this.removeAllListeners(), this.parent && this.parent.removeChild(this), this.transform = null, this.parent = null, this._bounds = null, this._currentBounds = null, this._mask = null, this.filterArea = null
}, {
"../const": 78,
"../math": 102,
"./Bounds": 79,
"./Transform": 82,
"./TransformStatic": 84,
eventemitter3: 3
82: [function(t, e, r) {
function i() {, this.position = new n.Point(0, 0), this.scale = new n.Point(1, 1), this.skew = new n.ObservablePoint(this.updateSkew, this, 0, 0), this.pivot = new n.Point(0, 0), this._rotation = 0, this._sr = Math.sin(0), this._cr = Math.cos(0), this._cy = Math.cos(0), this._sy = Math.sin(0), this._nsx = Math.sin(0), this._cx = Math.cos(0)
var n = t("../math"),
s = t("./TransformBase");
i.prototype = Object.create(s.prototype), i.prototype.constructor = i, i.prototype.updateSkew = function() {
this._cy = Math.cos(this.skew.y), this._sy = Math.sin(this.skew.y), this._nsx = Math.sin(this.skew.x), this._cx = Math.cos(this.skew.x)
}, i.prototype.updateLocalTransform = function() {
var t, e, r, i, n = this.localTransform;
t = this._cr * this.scale.x, e = this._sr * this.scale.x, r = -this._sr * this.scale.y, i = this._cr * this.scale.y, n.a = this._cy * t + this._sy * r, n.b = this._cy * e + this._sy * i, n.c = this._nsx * t + this._cx * r, n.d = this._nsx * e + this._cx * i
}, i.prototype.updateTransform = function(t) {
var e, r, i, n, s = t.worldTransform,
o = this.worldTransform,
a = this.localTransform;
e = this._cr * this.scale.x, r = this._sr * this.scale.x, i = -this._sr * this.scale.y, n = this._cr * this.scale.y, a.a = this._cy * e + this._sy * i, a.b = this._cy * r + this._sy * n, a.c = this._nsx * e + this._cx * i, a.d = this._nsx * r + this._cx * n, a.tx = this.position.x - (this.pivot.x * a.a + this.pivot.y * a.c), a.ty = this.position.y - (this.pivot.x * a.b + this.pivot.y * a.d), o.a = a.a * s.a + a.b * s.c, o.b = a.a * s.b + a.b * s.d, o.c = a.c * s.a + a.d * s.c, o.d = a.c * s.b + a.d * s.d, o.tx = a.tx * s.a + a.ty * s.c + s.tx, o.ty = a.tx * s.b + a.ty * s.d + s.ty, this._worldID++
}, i.prototype.setFromMatrix = function(t) {
}, Object.defineProperties(i.prototype, {
rotation: {
get: function() {
return this._rotation
set: function(t) {
this._rotation = t, this._sr = Math.sin(t), this._cr = Math.cos(t)
}), e.exports = i
}, {
"../math": 102,
"./TransformBase": 83
83: [function(t, e, r) {
function i() {
this.worldTransform = new n.Matrix, this.localTransform = new n.Matrix, this._worldID = 0
var n = t("../math");
i.prototype.constructor = i, i.prototype.updateLocalTransform = function() {}, i.prototype.updateTransform = function(t) {
var e = t.worldTransform,
r = this.worldTransform,
i = this.localTransform;
r.a = i.a * e.a + i.b * e.c, r.b = i.a * e.b + i.b * e.d, r.c = i.c * e.a + i.d * e.c, r.d = i.c * e.b + i.d * e.d, r.tx = i.tx * e.a + i.ty * e.c + e.tx, r.ty = i.tx * e.b + i.ty * e.d + e.ty, this._worldID++
}, i.prototype.updateWorldTransform = i.prototype.updateTransform, i.IDENTITY = new i, e.exports = i
}, {
"../math": 102
84: [function(t, e, r) {
function i() {, this.position = new n.ObservablePoint(this.onChange, this, 0, 0), this.scale = new n.ObservablePoint(this.onChange, this, 1, 1), this.pivot = new n.ObservablePoint(this.onChange, this, 0, 0), this.skew = new n.ObservablePoint(this.updateSkew, this, 0, 0), this._rotation = 0, this._sr = Math.sin(0), this._cr = Math.cos(0), this._cy = Math.cos(0), this._sy = Math.sin(0), this._nsx = Math.sin(0), this._cx = Math.cos(0), this._localID = 0, this._currentLocalID = 0
var n = t("../math"),
s = t("./TransformBase");
i.prototype = Object.create(s.prototype), i.prototype.constructor = i, i.prototype.onChange = function() {
}, i.prototype.updateSkew = function() {
this._cy = Math.cos(this.skew._y), this._sy = Math.sin(this.skew._y), this._nsx = Math.sin(this.skew._x), this._cx = Math.cos(this.skew._x), this._localID++
}, i.prototype.updateLocalTransform = function() {
var t = this.localTransform;
if (this._localID !== this._currentLocalID) {
var e, r, i, n;
e = this._cr * this.scale._x, r = this._sr * this.scale._x, i = -this._sr * this.scale._y, n = this._cr * this.scale._y, t.a = this._cy * e + this._sy * i, t.b = this._cy * r + this._sy * n, t.c = this._nsx * e + this._cx * i, t.d = this._nsx * r + this._cx * n, t.tx = this.position._x - (this.pivot._x * t.a + this.pivot._y * t.c), t.ty = this.position._y - (this.pivot._x * t.b + this.pivot._y * t.d), this._currentLocalID = this._localID, this._parentID = -1
}, i.prototype.updateTransform = function(t) {
var e = t.worldTransform,
r = this.worldTransform,
i = this.localTransform;
if (this._localID !== this._currentLocalID) {
var n, s, o, a;
n = this._cr * this.scale._x, s = this._sr * this.scale._x, o = -this._sr * this.scale._y, a = this._cr * this.scale._y, i.a = this._cy * n + this._sy * o, i.b = this._cy * s + this._sy * a, i.c = this._nsx * n + this._cx * o, i.d = this._nsx * s + this._cx * a, i.tx = this.position._x - (this.pivot._x * i.a + this.pivot._y * i.c), i.ty = this.position._y - (this.pivot._x * i.b + this.pivot._y * i.d), this._currentLocalID = this._localID, this._parentID = -1
this._parentID !== t._worldID && (r.a = i.a * e.a + i.b * e.c, r.b = i.a * e.b + i.b * e.d, r.c = i.c * e.a + i.d * e.c, r.d = i.c * e.b + i.d * e.d, r.tx = i.tx * e.a + i.ty * e.c + e.tx, r.ty = i.tx * e.b + i.ty * e.d + e.ty, this._parentID = t._worldID, this._worldID++)
}, i.prototype.setFromMatrix = function(t) {
t.decompose(this), this._localID++
}, Object.defineProperties(i.prototype, {
rotation: {
get: function() {
return this._rotation
set: function(t) {
this._rotation = t, this._sr = Math.sin(t), this._cr = Math.cos(t), this._localID++
}), e.exports = i
}, {
"../math": 102,
"./TransformBase": 83
85: [function(t, e, r) {
function i() {, this.fillAlpha = 1, this.lineWidth = 0, this.lineColor = 0, this.graphicsData = [], this.tint = 16777215, this._prevTint = 16777215, this.blendMode = c.BLEND_MODES.NORMAL, this.currentPath = null, this._webGL = {}, this.isMask = !1, this.boundsPadding = 0, this._localBounds = new d, this.dirty = 0, this.fastRectDirty = -1, this.clearDirty = 0, this.boundsDirty = -1, this.cachedSpriteDirty = !1, this._spriteRect = null, this._fastRect = !1
var n, s = t("../display/Container"),
o = t("../textures/RenderTexture"),
a = t("../textures/Texture"),
h = t("./GraphicsData"),
u = t("../sprites/Sprite"),
l = t("../math"),
c = t("../const"),
d = t("../display/Bounds"),
p = t("./utils/bezierCurveTo"),
f = t("../renderers/canvas/CanvasRenderer"),
v = new l.Matrix,
g = new l.Point;
i._SPRITE_TEXTURE = null, i.prototype = Object.create(s.prototype), i.prototype.constructor = i, e.exports = i, i.prototype.clone = function() {
var t = new i;
t.renderable = this.renderable, t.fillAlpha = this.fillAlpha, t.lineWidth = this.lineWidth, t.lineColor = this.lineColor, t.tint = this.tint, t.blendMode = this.blendMode, t.isMask = this.isMask, t.boundsPadding = this.boundsPadding, t.dirty = 0, t.cachedSpriteDirty = this.cachedSpriteDirty;
for (var e = 0; e < this.graphicsData.length; ++e) t.graphicsData.push(this.graphicsData[e].clone());
return t.currentPath = t.graphicsData[t.graphicsData.length - 1], t.updateLocalBounds(), t
}, i.prototype.lineStyle = function(t, e, r) {
if (this.lineWidth = t || 0, this.lineColor = e || 0, this.lineAlpha = void 0 === r ? 1 : r, this.currentPath)
if (this.currentPath.shape.points.length) {
var i = new l.Polygon(this.currentPath.shape.points.slice(-2));
i.closed = !1, this.drawShape(i)
} else this.currentPath.lineWidth = this.lineWidth, this.currentPath.lineColor = this.lineColor, this.currentPath.lineAlpha = this.lineAlpha;
return this
}, i.prototype.moveTo = function(t, e) {
var r = new l.Polygon([t, e]);
return r.closed = !1, this.drawShape(r), this
}, i.prototype.lineTo = function(t, e) {
return this.currentPath.shape.points.push(t, e), this.dirty++, this
}, i.prototype.quadraticCurveTo = function(t, e, r, i) {
this.currentPath ? 0 === this.currentPath.shape.points.length && (this.currentPath.shape.points = [0, 0]) : this.moveTo(0, 0);
var n, s, o = 20,
a = this.currentPath.shape.points;
0 === a.length && this.moveTo(0, 0);
for (var h = a[a.length - 2], u = a[a.length - 1], l = 0, c = 1; o >= c; ++c) l = c / o, n = h + (t - h) * l, s = u + (e - u) * l, a.push(n + (t + (r - t) * l - n) * l, s + (e + (i - e) * l - s) * l);
return this.dirty++, this
}, i.prototype.bezierCurveTo = function(t, e, r, i, n, s) {
this.currentPath ? 0 === this.currentPath.shape.points.length && (this.currentPath.shape.points = [0, 0]) : this.moveTo(0, 0);
var o = this.currentPath.shape.points,
a = o[o.length - 2],
h = o[o.length - 1];
return o.length -= 2, p(a, h, t, e, r, i, n, s, o), this.dirty++, this
}, i.prototype.arcTo = function(t, e, r, i, n) {
this.currentPath ? 0 === this.currentPath.shape.points.length && this.currentPath.shape.points.push(t, e) : this.moveTo(t, e);
var s = this.currentPath.shape.points,
o = s[s.length - 2],
a = s[s.length - 1],
h = a - e,
u = o - t,
l = i - e,
c = r - t,
d = Math.abs(h * c - u * l);
if (1e-8 > d || 0 === n) s[s.length - 2] === t && s[s.length - 1] === e || s.push(t, e);
else {
var p = h * h + u * u,
f = l * l + c * c,
v = h * l + u * c,
g = n * Math.sqrt(p) / d,
y = n * Math.sqrt(f) / d,
x = g * v / p,
m = y * v / f,
_ = g * c + y * u,
b = g * l + y * h,
T = u * (y + x),
E = h * (y + x),
w = c * (g + m),
S = l * (g + m),
M = Math.atan2(E - b, T - _),
C = Math.atan2(S - b, w - _);
this.arc(_ + t, b + e, n, M, C, u * l > c * h)
return this.dirty++, this
}, i.prototype.arc = function(t, e, r, i, n, s) {
if (s = s || !1, i === n) return this;
!s && i >= n ? n += 2 * Math.PI : s && n >= i && (i += 2 * Math.PI);
var o = s ? -1 * (i - n) : n - i,
a = 40 * Math.ceil(Math.abs(o) / (2 * Math.PI));
if (0 === o) return this;
var h = t + Math.cos(i) * r,
u = e + Math.sin(i) * r;
this.currentPath ? this.currentPath.shape.points.push(h, u) : this.moveTo(h, u);
for (var l = this.currentPath.shape.points, c = o / (2 * a), d = 2 * c, p = Math.cos(c), f = Math.sin(c), v = a - 1, g = v % 1 / v, y = 0; v >= y; y++) {
var x = y + g * y,
m = c + i + d * x,
_ = Math.cos(m),
b = -Math.sin(m);
l.push((p * _ + f * b) * r + t, (p * -b + f * _) * r + e)
return this.dirty++, this
}, i.prototype.beginFill = function(t, e) {
return this.filling = !0, this.fillColor = t || 0, this.fillAlpha = void 0 === e ? 1 : e, this.currentPath && this.currentPath.shape.points.length <= 2 && (this.currentPath.fill = this.filling, this.currentPath.fillColor = this.fillColor, this.currentPath.fillAlpha = this.fillAlpha), this
}, i.prototype.endFill = function() {
return this.filling = !1, this.fillColor = null, this.fillAlpha = 1, this
}, i.prototype.drawRect = function(t, e, r, i) {
return this.drawShape(new l.Rectangle(t, e, r, i)), this
}, i.prototype.drawRoundedRect = function(t, e, r, i, n) {
return this.drawShape(new l.RoundedRectangle(t, e, r, i, n)), this
}, i.prototype.drawCircle = function(t, e, r) {
return this.drawShape(new l.Circle(t, e, r)), this
}, i.prototype.drawEllipse = function(t, e, r, i) {
return this.drawShape(new l.Ellipse(t, e, r, i)), this
}, i.prototype.drawPolygon = function(t) {
var e = t,
r = !0;
if (e instanceof l.Polygon && (r = e.closed, e = e.points), !Array.isArray(e)) {
e = new Array(arguments.length);
for (var i = 0; i < e.length; ++i) e[i] = arguments[i]
var n = new l.Polygon(e);
return n.closed = r, this.drawShape(n), this
}, i.prototype.clear = function() {
return this.lineWidth = 0, this.filling = !1, this.dirty++, this.clearDirty++, this.graphicsData = [], this
}, i.prototype.isFastRect = function() {
return 1 === this.graphicsData.length && this.graphicsData[0].shape.type === c.SHAPES.RECT && !this.graphicsData[0].lineWidth
}, i.prototype._renderWebGL = function(t) {
this.dirty !== this.fastRectDirty && (this.fastRectDirty = this.dirty, this._fastRect = this.isFastRect()), this._fastRect ? this._renderSpriteRect(t) : (t.setObjectRenderer(,
}, i.prototype._renderSpriteRect = function(t) {
var e = this.graphicsData[0].shape;
if (!this._spriteRect) {
i._SPRITE_TEXTURE = o.create(10, 10);
var r = t._activeRenderTarget;
t.bindRenderTexture(i._SPRITE_TEXTURE), t.clear([1, 1, 1, 1]), t.bindRenderTarget(r)
this._spriteRect = new u(i._SPRITE_TEXTURE)
this._spriteRect.tint = this.graphicsData[0].fillColor, this._spriteRect.alpha = this.graphicsData[0].fillAlpha, this._spriteRect.worldAlpha = this.worldAlpha * this._spriteRect.alpha, i._SPRITE_TEXTURE._frame.width = e.width, i._SPRITE_TEXTURE._frame.height = e.height, this._spriteRect.transform.worldTransform = this.transform.worldTransform, this._spriteRect.anchor.set(-e.x / e.width, -e.y / e.height), this._spriteRect.onAnchorUpdate(), this._spriteRect._renderWebGL(t)
}, i.prototype._renderCanvas = function(t) {
this.isMask !== !0 &&
}, i.prototype._calculateBounds = function() {
if (this.renderable) {
this.boundsDirty !== this.dirty && (this.boundsDirty = this.dirty, this.updateLocalBounds(), this.dirty++, this.cachedSpriteDirty = !0);
var t = this._localBounds;
this._bounds.addFrame(this.transform, t.minX, t.minY, t.maxX, t.maxY)
}, i.prototype.containsPoint = function(t) {
this.worldTransform.applyInverse(t, g);
for (var e = this.graphicsData, r = 0; r < e.length; r++) {
var i = e[r];
if (i.fill && i.shape && i.shape.contains(g.x, g.y)) return !0
return !1
}, i.prototype.updateLocalBounds = function() {
var t = 1 / 0,
e = -(1 / 0),
r = 1 / 0,
i = -(1 / 0);
if (this.graphicsData.length)
for (var n, s, o, a, h, u, l = 0; l < this.graphicsData.length; l++) {
var d = this.graphicsData[l],
p = d.type,
f = d.lineWidth;
if (n = d.shape, p === c.SHAPES.RECT || p === c.SHAPES.RREC) o = n.x - f / 2, a = n.y - f / 2, h = n.width + f, u = n.height + f, t = t > o ? o : t, e = o + h > e ? o + h : e, r = r > a ? a : r, i = a + u > i ? a + u : i;
else if (p === c.SHAPES.CIRC) o = n.x, a = n.y, h = n.radius + f / 2, u = n.radius + f / 2, t = t > o - h ? o - h : t, e = o + h > e ? o + h : e, r = r > a - u ? a - u : r, i = a + u > i ? a + u : i;
else if (p === c.SHAPES.ELIP) o = n.x, a = n.y, h = n.width + f / 2, u = n.height + f / 2, t = t > o - h ? o - h : t, e = o + h > e ? o + h : e, r = r > a - u ? a - u : r, i = a + u > i ? a + u : i;
else {
s = n.points;
for (var v = 0; v < s.length; v += 2) o = s[v], a = s[v + 1], t = t > o - f ? o - f : t, e = o + f > e ? o + f : e, r = r > a - f ? a - f : r, i = a + f > i ? a + f : i
} else t = 0, e = 0, r = 0, i = 0;
var g = this.boundsPadding;
this._localBounds.minX = t - g, this._localBounds.maxX = e + 2 * g, this._localBounds.minY = r - g, this._localBounds.maxY = i + 2 * g
}, i.prototype.drawShape = function(t) {
this.currentPath && this.currentPath.shape.points.length <= 2 && this.graphicsData.pop(), this.currentPath = null;
var e = new h(this.lineWidth, this.lineColor, this.lineAlpha, this.fillColor, this.fillAlpha, this.filling, t);
return this.graphicsData.push(e), e.type === c.SHAPES.POLY && (e.shape.closed = e.shape.closed || this.filling, this.currentPath = e), this.dirty++, e
}, i.prototype.generateCanvasTexture = function(t, e) {
e = e || 1;
var r = this.getLocalBounds(),
i = new o.create(r.width * e, r.height * e);
n || (n = new f), v.tx = -r.x, v.ty = -r.y, n.render(this, i, !1, v);
var s = a.fromCanvas(i.baseTexture._canvasRenderTarget.canvas, t);
return s.baseTexture.resolution = e, s
}, i.prototype.closePath = function() {
var t = this.currentPath;
return t && t.shape && t.shape.close(), this
}, i.prototype.addHole = function() {
var t = this.graphicsData.pop();
return this.currentPath = this.graphicsData[this.graphicsData.length - 1], this.currentPath.addHole(t.shape), this.currentPath = null, this
}, i.prototype.destroy = function() {
s.prototype.destroy.apply(this, arguments);
for (var t = 0; t < this.graphicsData.length; ++t) this.graphicsData[t].destroy();
for (var e in this._webgl)
for (var r = 0; r < this._webgl[e].data.length; ++r) this._webgl[e].data[r].destroy();
this._spriteRect && this._spriteRect.destroy(), this.graphicsData = null, this.currentPath = null, this._webgl = null, this._localBounds = null
}, {
"../const": 78,
"../display/Bounds": 79,
"../display/Container": 80,
"../math": 102,
"../renderers/canvas/CanvasRenderer": 109,
"../sprites/Sprite": 133,
"../textures/RenderTexture": 143,
"../textures/Texture": 144,
"./GraphicsData": 86,
"./utils/bezierCurveTo": 88
86: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t, e, r, i, n, s, o) {
this.lineWidth = t, this.lineColor = e, this.lineAlpha = r, this._lineTint = e, this.fillColor = i, this.fillAlpha = n, this._fillTint = i, this.fill = s, this.holes = [], this.shape = o, this.type = o.type
i.prototype.constructor = i, e.exports = i, i.prototype.clone = function() {
return new i(this.lineWidth, this.lineColor, this.lineAlpha, this.fillColor, this.fillAlpha, this.fill, this.shape)
}, i.prototype.addHole = function(t) {
}, i.prototype.destroy = function() {
this.shape = null, this.holes = null
}, {}],
87: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t) {
this.renderer = t
var n = t("../../renderers/canvas/CanvasRenderer"),
s = t("../../const");
i.prototype.constructor = i, e.exports = i, n.registerPlugin("graphics", i), i.prototype.render = function(t) {
var e = this.renderer,
r = e.context,
i = t.worldAlpha,
n = t.transform.worldTransform,
o = e.resolution;
this._prevTint !== this.tint && (this.dirty = !0), r.setTransform(n.a * o, n.b * o, n.c * o, n.d * o, n.tx * o, n.ty * o), t.dirty && (this.updateGraphicsTint(t), t.dirty = !1), e.setBlendMode(t.blendMode);
for (var a = 0; a < t.graphicsData.length; a++) {
var h = t.graphicsData[a],
u = h.shape,
l = h._fillTint,
c = h._lineTint;
if (r.lineWidth = h.lineWidth, h.type === s.SHAPES.POLY) {
r.beginPath(), this.renderPolygon(u.points, u.closed, r);
for (var d = 0; d < h.holes.length; d++) {
var p = h.holes[d];
this.renderPolygon(p.points, !0, r)
h.fill && (r.globalAlpha = h.fillAlpha * i, r.fillStyle = "#" + ("00000" + (0 | l).toString(16)).substr(-6), r.fill()), h.lineWidth && (r.globalAlpha = h.lineAlpha * i, r.strokeStyle = "#" + ("00000" + (0 | c).toString(16)).substr(-6), r.stroke())
} else if (h.type === s.SHAPES.RECT)(h.fillColor || 0 === h.fillColor) && (r.globalAlpha = h.fillAlpha * i, r.fillStyle = "#" + ("00000" + (0 | l).toString(16)).substr(-6), r.fillRect(u.x, u.y, u.width, u.height)), h.lineWidth && (r.globalAlpha = h.lineAlpha * i, r.strokeStyle = "#" + ("00000" + (0 | c).toString(16)).substr(-6), r.strokeRect(u.x, u.y, u.width, u.height));
else if (h.type === s.SHAPES.CIRC) r.beginPath(), r.arc(u.x, u.y, u.radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI), r.closePath(), h.fill && (r.globalAlpha = h.fillAlpha * i, r.fillStyle = "#" + ("00000" + (0 | l).toString(16)).substr(-6), r.fill()), h.lineWidth && (r.globalAlpha = h.lineAlpha * i, r.strokeStyle = "#" + ("00000" + (0 | c).toString(16)).substr(-6), r.stroke());
else if (h.type === s.SHAPES.ELIP) {
var f = 2 * u.width,
v = 2 * u.height,
g = u.x - f / 2,
y = u.y - v / 2;
var x = .5522848,
m = f / 2 * x,
_ = v / 2 * x,
b = g + f,
T = y + v,
E = g + f / 2,
w = y + v / 2;
r.moveTo(g, w), r.bezierCurveTo(g, w - _, E - m, y, E, y), r.bezierCurveTo(E + m, y, b, w - _, b, w), r.bezierCurveTo(b, w + _, E + m, T, E, T), r.bezierCurveTo(E - m, T, g, w + _, g, w), r.closePath(), h.fill && (r.globalAlpha = h.fillAlpha * i, r.fillStyle = "#" + ("00000" + (0 | l).toString(16)).substr(-6), r.fill()), h.lineWidth && (r.globalAlpha = h.lineAlpha * i, r.strokeStyle = "#" + ("00000" + (0 | c).toString(16)).substr(-6), r.stroke())
} else if (h.type === s.SHAPES.RREC) {
var S = u.x,
M = u.y,
C = u.width,
A = u.height,
R = u.radius,
O = Math.min(C, A) / 2 | 0;
R = R > O ? O : R, r.beginPath(), r.moveTo(S, M + R), r.lineTo(S, M + A - R), r.quadraticCurveTo(S, M + A, S + R, M + A), r.lineTo(S + C - R, M + A), r.quadraticCurveTo(S + C, M + A, S + C, M + A - R), r.lineTo(S + C, M + R), r.quadraticCurveTo(S + C, M, S + C - R, M), r.lineTo(S + R, M), r.quadraticCurveTo(S, M, S, M + R), r.closePath(), (h.fillColor || 0 === h.fillColor) && (r.globalAlpha = h.fillAlpha * i, r.fillStyle = "#" + ("00000" + (0 | l).toString(16)).substr(-6), r.fill()), h.lineWidth && (r.globalAlpha = h.lineAlpha * i, r.strokeStyle = "#" + ("00000" + (0 | c).toString(16)).substr(-6), r.stroke())
}, i.prototype.updateGraphicsTint = function(t) {
t._prevTint = t.tint;
for (var e = (t.tint >> 16 & 255) / 255, r = (t.tint >> 8 & 255) / 255, i = (255 & t.tint) / 255, n = 0; n < t.graphicsData.length; n++) {
var s = t.graphicsData[n],
o = 0 | s.fillColor,
a = 0 | s.lineColor;
s._fillTint = ((o >> 16 & 255) / 255 * e * 255 << 16) + ((o >> 8 & 255) / 255 * r * 255 << 8) + (255 & o) / 255 * i * 255, s._lineTint = ((a >> 16 & 255) / 255 * e * 255 << 16) + ((a >> 8 & 255) / 255 * r * 255 << 8) + (255 & a) / 255 * i * 255
}, i.prototype.renderPolygon = function(t, e, r) {
r.moveTo(t[0], t[1]);
for (var i = 1; i < t.length / 2; i++) r.lineTo(t[2 * i], t[2 * i + 1]);
e && r.closePath()
}, i.prototype.destroy = function() {
this.renderer = null
}, {
"../../const": 78,
"../../renderers/canvas/CanvasRenderer": 109
88: [function(t, e, r) {
var i = function(t, e, r, i, n, s, o, a, h) {
h = h || [];
var u, l, c, d, p, f = 20;
h.push(t, e);
for (var v = 0, g = 1; f >= g; ++g) v = g / f, u = 1 - v, l = u * u, c = l * u, d = v * v, p = d * v, h.push(c * t + 3 * l * v * r + 3 * u * d * n + p * o, c * e + 3 * l * v * i + 3 * u * d * s + p * a);
return h
e.exports = i
}, {}],
89: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t) {, t), this.graphicsDataPool = [], this.primitiveShader = null, =, this.CONTEXT_UID = 0
var n = t("../../utils"),
s = t("../../const"),
o = t("../../renderers/webgl/utils/ObjectRenderer"),
a = t("../../renderers/webgl/WebGLRenderer"),
h = t("./WebGLGraphicsData"),
u = t("./shaders/PrimitiveShader"),
l = t("./utils/buildPoly"),
c = t("./utils/buildRectangle"),
d = t("./utils/buildRoundedRectangle"),
p = t("./utils/buildCircle");
i.prototype = Object.create(o.prototype), i.prototype.constructor = i, e.exports = i, a.registerPlugin("graphics", i), i.prototype.onContextChange = function() { =, this.CONTEXT_UID = this.renderer.CONTEXT_UID, this.primitiveShader = new u(
}, i.prototype.destroy = function() {;
for (var t = 0; t < this.graphicsDataPool.length; ++t) this.graphicsDataPool[t].destroy();
this.graphicsDataPool = null
}, i.prototype.render = function(t) {
var e, r = this.renderer,
i =,
s = t._webGL[this.CONTEXT_UID];
s && t.dirty === s.dirty || (this.updateGraphics(t), s = t._webGL[this.CONTEXT_UID]);
var o = this.primitiveShader;
r.bindShader(o), r.state.setBlendMode(t.blendMode);
for (var a = 0, h =; h > a; a++) {
e =[a];
var u = e.shader;
r.bindShader(u), u.uniforms.translationMatrix = t.transform.worldTransform.toArray(!0), u.uniforms.tint = n.hex2rgb(t.tint), u.uniforms.alpha = t.worldAlpha, e.vao.bind().draw(i.TRIANGLE_STRIP, e.indices.length).unbind()
}, i.prototype.updateGraphics = function(t) {
var e =,
r = t._webGL[this.CONTEXT_UID];
r || (r = t._webGL[this.CONTEXT_UID] = {
lastIndex: 0,
data: [],
gl: e,
clearDirty: -1,
dirty: -1
}), r.dirty = t.dirty;
var i;
if (t.clearDirty !== r.clearDirty) {
for (r.clearDirty = t.clearDirty, i = 0; i <; i++) {
var n =[i];
} = [], r.lastIndex = 0
var o;
for (i = r.lastIndex; i < t.graphicsData.length; i++) {
var a = t.graphicsData[i];
o = this.getWebGLData(r, 0), a.type === s.SHAPES.POLY && l(a, o), a.type === s.SHAPES.RECT ? c(a, o) : a.type === s.SHAPES.CIRC || a.type === s.SHAPES.ELIP ? p(a, o) : a.type === s.SHAPES.RREC && d(a, o), r.lastIndex++
for (i = 0; i <; i++) o =[i], o.dirty && o.upload()
}, i.prototype.getWebGLData = function(t, e) {
var r =[ - 1];
return (!r || r.points.length > 32e4) && (r = this.graphicsDataPool.pop() || new h(, this.primitiveShader, this.renderer.state.attribsState), r.reset(e),, r.dirty = !0, r
}, {
"../../const": 78,
"../../renderers/webgl/WebGLRenderer": 116,
"../../renderers/webgl/utils/ObjectRenderer": 126,
"../../utils": 151,
"./WebGLGraphicsData": 90,
"./shaders/PrimitiveShader": 91,
"./utils/buildCircle": 92,
"./utils/buildPoly": 94,
"./utils/buildRectangle": 95,
"./utils/buildRoundedRectangle": 96
90: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t, e, r) { = t, this.color = [0, 0, 0], this.points = [], this.indices = [], this.buffer = n.GLBuffer.createVertexBuffer(t), this.indexBuffer = n.GLBuffer.createIndexBuffer(t), this.dirty = !0, this.glPoints = null, this.glIndices = null, this.shader = e, this.vao = new n.VertexArrayObject(t, r).addIndex(this.indexBuffer).addAttribute(this.buffer, e.attributes.aVertexPosition, t.FLOAT, !1, 24, 0).addAttribute(this.buffer, e.attributes.aColor, t.FLOAT, !1, 24, 8)
var n = t("pixi-gl-core");
i.prototype.constructor = i, e.exports = i, i.prototype.reset = function() {
this.points.length = 0, this.indices.length = 0
}, i.prototype.upload = function() {
this.glPoints = new Float32Array(this.points), this.buffer.upload(this.glPoints), this.glIndices = new Uint16Array(this.indices), this.indexBuffer.upload(this.glIndices), this.dirty = !1
}, i.prototype.destroy = function() {
this.color = null, this.points = null, this.indices = null, this.vao.destroy(), this.buffer.destroy(), this.indexBuffer.destroy(), = null, this.buffer = null, this.indexBuffer = null, this.glPoints = null, this.glIndices = null
}, {
"pixi-gl-core": 12
91: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t) {, t, ["attribute vec2 aVertexPosition;", "attribute vec4 aColor;", "uniform mat3 translationMatrix;", "uniform mat3 projectionMatrix;", "uniform float alpha;", "uniform vec3 tint;", "varying vec4 vColor;", "void main(void){", " gl_Position = vec4((projectionMatrix * translationMatrix * vec3(aVertexPosition, 1.0)).xy, 0.0, 1.0);", " vColor = aColor * vec4(tint * alpha, alpha);", "}"].join("\n"), ["varying vec4 vColor;", "void main(void){", " gl_FragColor = vColor;", "}"].join("\n"))
var n = t("../../../Shader");
i.prototype = Object.create(n.prototype), i.prototype.constructor = i, e.exports = i
}, {
"../../../Shader": 77
92: [function(t, e, r) {
var i = t("./buildLine"),
n = t("../../../const"),
s = t("../../../utils"),
o = function(t, e) {
var r, o, a = t.shape,
h = a.x,
u = a.y;
t.type === n.SHAPES.CIRC ? (r = a.radius, o = a.radius) : (r = a.width, o = a.height);
var l = Math.floor(30 * Math.sqrt(a.radius)) || Math.floor(15 * Math.sqrt(a.width + a.height)),
c = 2 * Math.PI / l,
d = 0;
if (t.fill) {
var p = s.hex2rgb(t.fillColor),
f = t.fillAlpha,
v = p[0] * f,
g = p[1] * f,
y = p[2] * f,
x = e.points,
m = e.indices,
_ = x.length / 6;
for (m.push(_), d = 0; l + 1 > d; d++) x.push(h, u, v, g, y, f), x.push(h + Math.sin(c * d) * r, u + Math.cos(c * d) * o, v, g, y, f), m.push(_++, _++);
m.push(_ - 1)
if (t.lineWidth) {
var b = t.points;
for (t.points = [], d = 0; l + 1 > d; d++) t.points.push(h + Math.sin(c * d) * r, u + Math.cos(c * d) * o);
i(t, e), t.points = b
e.exports = o
}, {
"../../../const": 78,
"../../../utils": 151,
"./buildLine": 93
93: [function(t, e, r) {
var i = t("../../../math"),
n = t("../../../utils"),
s = function(t, e) {
var r = 0,
s = t.points;
if (0 !== s.length) {
var o = new i.Point(s[0], s[1]),
a = new i.Point(s[s.length - 2], s[s.length - 1]);
if (o.x === a.x && o.y === a.y) {
s = s.slice(), s.pop(), s.pop(), a = new i.Point(s[s.length - 2], s[s.length - 1]);
var h = a.x + .5 * (o.x - a.x),
u = a.y + .5 * (o.y - a.y);
s.unshift(h, u), s.push(h, u)
var l, c, d, p, f, v, g, y, x, m, _, b, T, E, w, S, M, C, A, R, O, D, P, I = e.points,
L = e.indices,
F = s.length / 2,
B = s.length,
N = I.length / 6,
k = t.lineWidth / 2,
U = n.hex2rgb(t.lineColor),
j = t.lineAlpha,
W = U[0] * j,
G = U[1] * j,
X = U[2] * j;
for (d = s[0], p = s[1], f = s[2], v = s[3], x = -(p - v), m = d - f, P = Math.sqrt(x * x + m * m), x /= P, m /= P, x *= k, m *= k, I.push(d - x, p - m, W, G, X, j), I.push(d + x, p + m, W, G, X, j), r = 1; F - 1 > r; r++) d = s[2 * (r - 1)], p = s[2 * (r - 1) + 1], f = s[2 * r], v = s[2 * r + 1], g = s[2 * (r + 1)], y = s[2 * (r + 1) + 1], x = -(p - v), m = d - f, P = Math.sqrt(x * x + m * m), x /= P, m /= P, x *= k, m *= k, _ = -(v - y), b = f - g, P = Math.sqrt(_ * _ + b * b), _ /= P, b /= P, _ *= k, b *= k, w = -m + p - (-m + v), S = -x + f - (-x + d), M = (-x + d) * (-m + v) - (-x + f) * (-m + p), C = -b + y - (-b + v), A = -_ + f - (-_ + g), R = (-_ + g) * (-b + v) - (-_ + f) * (-b + y), O = w * A - C * S, Math.abs(O) < .1 ? (O += 10.1, I.push(f - x, v - m, W, G, X, j), I.push(f + x, v + m, W, G, X, j)) : (l = (S * R - A * M) / O, c = (C * M - w * R) / O, D = (l - f) * (l - f) + (c - v) * (c - v), D > 19600 ? (T = x - _, E = m - b, P = Math.sqrt(T * T + E * E), T /= P, E /= P, T *= k, E *= k, I.push(f - T, v - E), I.push(W, G, X, j), I.push(f + T, v + E), I.push(W, G, X, j), I.push(f - T, v - E), I.push(W, G, X, j), B++) : (I.push(l, c), I.push(W, G, X, j), I.push(f - (l - f), v - (c - v)), I.push(W, G, X, j)));
for (d = s[2 * (F - 2)], p = s[2 * (F - 2) + 1], f = s[2 * (F - 1)], v = s[2 * (F - 1) + 1], x = -(p - v), m = d - f, P = Math.sqrt(x * x + m * m), x /= P, m /= P, x *= k, m *= k, I.push(f - x, v - m), I.push(W, G, X, j), I.push(f + x, v + m), I.push(W, G, X, j), L.push(N), r = 0; B > r; r++) L.push(N++);
L.push(N - 1)
e.exports = s
}, {
"../../../math": 102,
"../../../utils": 151
94: [function(t, e, r) {
var i = t("./buildLine"),
n = t("../../../utils"),
s = t("earcut"),
o = function(t, e) {
t.points = t.shape.points.slice();
var r = t.points;
if (t.fill && r.length > 6) {
for (var o = [], a = t.holes, h = 0; h < a.length; h++) {
var u = a[h];
o.push(r.length / 2), r = r.concat(u.points)
var l = e.points,
c = e.indices,
d = r.length / 2,
p = n.hex2rgb(t.fillColor),
f = t.fillAlpha,
v = p[0] * f,
g = p[1] * f,
y = p[2] * f,
x = s(r, o, 2);
if (!x) return;
var m = l.length / 6;
for (h = 0; h < x.length; h += 3) c.push(x[h] + m), c.push(x[h] + m), c.push(x[h + 1] + m), c.push(x[h + 2] + m), c.push(x[h + 2] + m);
for (h = 0; d > h; h++) l.push(r[2 * h], r[2 * h + 1], v, g, y, f)
t.lineWidth > 0 && i(t, e)
e.exports = o
}, {
"../../../utils": 151,
"./buildLine": 93,
earcut: 2
95: [function(t, e, r) {
var i = t("./buildLine"),
n = t("../../../utils"),
s = function(t, e) {
var r = t.shape,
s = r.x,
o = r.y,
a = r.width,
h = r.height;
if (t.fill) {
var u = n.hex2rgb(t.fillColor),
l = t.fillAlpha,
c = u[0] * l,
d = u[1] * l,
p = u[2] * l,
f = e.points,
v = e.indices,
g = f.length / 6;
f.push(s, o), f.push(c, d, p, l), f.push(s + a, o), f.push(c, d, p, l), f.push(s, o + h), f.push(c, d, p, l), f.push(s + a, o + h), f.push(c, d, p, l), v.push(g, g, g + 1, g + 2, g + 3, g + 3)
if (t.lineWidth) {
var y = t.points;
t.points = [s, o, s + a, o, s + a, o + h, s, o + h, s, o], i(t, e), t.points = y
e.exports = s
}, {
"../../../utils": 151,
"./buildLine": 93
96: [function(t, e, r) {
var i = t("earcut"),
n = t("./buildLine"),
s = t("../../../utils"),
o = function(t, e) {
var r = t.shape,
o = r.x,
h = r.y,
u = r.width,
l = r.height,
c = r.radius,
d = [];
if (d.push(o, h + c), a(o, h + l - c, o, h + l, o + c, h + l, d), a(o + u - c, h + l, o + u, h + l, o + u, h + l - c, d), a(o + u, h + c, o + u, h, o + u - c, h, d), a(o + c, h, o, h, o, h + c + 1e-10, d), t.fill) {
var p = s.hex2rgb(t.fillColor),
f = t.fillAlpha,
v = p[0] * f,
g = p[1] * f,
y = p[2] * f,
x = e.points,
m = e.indices,
_ = x.length / 6,
b = i(d, null, 2),
T = 0;
for (T = 0; T < b.length; T += 3) m.push(b[T] + _), m.push(b[T] + _), m.push(b[T + 1] + _), m.push(b[T + 2] + _), m.push(b[T + 2] + _);
for (T = 0; T < d.length; T++) x.push(d[T], d[++T], v, g, y, f)
if (t.lineWidth) {
var E = t.points;
t.points = d, n(t, e), t.points = E
a = function(t, e, r, i, n, s, o) {
function a(t, e, r) {
var i = e - t;
return t + i * r
for (var h, u, l, c, d, p, f = 20, v = o || [], g = 0, y = 0; f >= y; y++) g = y / f, h = a(t, r, g), u = a(e, i, g), l = a(r, n, g), c = a(i, s, g), d = a(h, l, g), p = a(u, c, g), v.push(d, p);
return v
e.exports = o
}, {
"../../../utils": 151,
"./buildLine": 93,
earcut: 2
97: [function(t, e, r) {
var i = e.exports = Object.assign(t("./const"), t("./math"), {
utils: t("./utils"),
ticker: t("./ticker"),
DisplayObject: t("./display/DisplayObject"),
Container: t("./display/Container"),
Transform: t("./display/Transform"),
TransformStatic: t("./display/TransformStatic"),
TransformBase: t("./display/TransformBase"),
Sprite: t("./sprites/Sprite"),
CanvasSpriteRenderer: t("./sprites/canvas/CanvasSpriteRenderer"),
CanvasTinter: t("./sprites/canvas/CanvasTinter"),
SpriteRenderer: t("./sprites/webgl/SpriteRenderer"),
Text: t("./text/Text"),
TextStyle: t("./text/TextStyle"),
Graphics: t("./graphics/Graphics"),
GraphicsData: t("./graphics/GraphicsData"),
GraphicsRenderer: t("./graphics/webgl/GraphicsRenderer"),
CanvasGraphicsRenderer: t("./graphics/canvas/CanvasGraphicsRenderer"),
Texture: t("./textures/Texture"),
BaseTexture: t("./textures/BaseTexture"),
RenderTexture: t("./textures/RenderTexture"),
BaseRenderTexture: t("./textures/BaseRenderTexture"),
VideoBaseTexture: t("./textures/VideoBaseTexture"),
TextureUvs: t("./textures/TextureUvs"),
CanvasRenderer: t("./renderers/canvas/CanvasRenderer"),
CanvasRenderTarget: t("./renderers/canvas/utils/CanvasRenderTarget"),
Shader: t("./Shader"),
WebGLRenderer: t("./renderers/webgl/WebGLRenderer"),
WebGLManager: t("./renderers/webgl/managers/WebGLManager"),
ObjectRenderer: t("./renderers/webgl/utils/ObjectRenderer"),
RenderTarget: t("./renderers/webgl/utils/RenderTarget"),
Quad: t("./renderers/webgl/utils/Quad"),
SpriteMaskFilter: t("./renderers/webgl/filters/spriteMask/SpriteMaskFilter"),
Filter: t("./renderers/webgl/filters/Filter"),
glCore: t("pixi-gl-core"),
autoDetectRenderer: function(t, e, r, n) {
return t = t || 800, e = e || 600, !n && i.utils.isWebGLSupported() ? new i.WebGLRenderer(t, e, r) : new i.CanvasRenderer(t, e, r)
}, {
"./Shader": 77,
"./const": 78,
"./display/Container": 80,
"./display/DisplayObject": 81,
"./display/Transform": 82,
"./display/TransformBase": 83,
"./display/TransformStatic": 84,
"./graphics/Graphics": 85,
"./graphics/GraphicsData": 86,
"./graphics/canvas/CanvasGraphicsRenderer": 87,
"./graphics/webgl/GraphicsRenderer": 89,
"./math": 102,
"./renderers/canvas/CanvasRenderer": 109,
"./renderers/canvas/utils/CanvasRenderTarget": 111,
"./renderers/webgl/WebGLRenderer": 116,
"./renderers/webgl/filters/Filter": 118,
"./renderers/webgl/filters/spriteMask/SpriteMaskFilter": 121,
"./renderers/webgl/managers/WebGLManager": 125,
"./renderers/webgl/utils/ObjectRenderer": 126,
"./renderers/webgl/utils/Quad": 127,
"./renderers/webgl/utils/RenderTarget": 128,
"./sprites/Sprite": 133,
"./sprites/canvas/CanvasSpriteRenderer": 134,
"./sprites/canvas/CanvasTinter": 135,
"./sprites/webgl/SpriteRenderer": 137,
"./text/Text": 139,
"./text/TextStyle": 140,
"./textures/BaseRenderTexture": 141,
"./textures/BaseTexture": 142,
"./textures/RenderTexture": 143,
"./textures/Texture": 144,
"./textures/TextureUvs": 145,
"./textures/VideoBaseTexture": 146,
"./ticker": 148,
"./utils": 151,
"pixi-gl-core": 12
98: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t) {
return 0 > t ? -1 : t > 0 ? 1 : 0
function n() {
for (var t = 0; 16 > t; t++) {
var e = [];
for (var r = 0; 16 > r; r++)
for (var n = i(s[t] * s[r] + a[t] * o[r]), d = i(o[t] * s[r] + h[t] * o[r]), p = i(s[t] * a[r] + a[t] * h[r]), f = i(o[t] * a[r] + h[t] * h[r]), v = 0; 16 > v; v++)
if (s[v] === n && o[v] === d && a[v] === p && h[v] === f) {
for (t = 0; 16 > t; t++) {
var g = new l;
g.set(s[t], o[t], a[t], h[t], 0, 0), u.push(g)
var s = [1, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1],
o = [0, 1, 1, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1],
a = [0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1],
h = [1, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, -1],
u = [],
l = t("./Matrix"),
c = [];
var d = {
E: 0,
SE: 1,
S: 2,
SW: 3,
W: 4,
NW: 5,
N: 6,
NE: 7,
uX: function(t) {
return s[t]
uY: function(t) {
return o[t]
vX: function(t) {
return a[t]
vY: function(t) {
return h[t]
inv: function(t) {
return 8 & t ? 15 & t : 7 & -t
add: function(t, e) {
return c[t][e]
sub: function(t, e) {
return c[t][d.inv(e)]
rotate180: function(t) {
return 4 ^ t
isSwapWidthHeight: function(t) {
return 2 === (3 & t)
byDirection: function(t, e) {
return 2 * Math.abs(t) <= Math.abs(e) ? e >= 0 ? d.S : d.N : 2 * Math.abs(e) <= Math.abs(t) ? t > 0 ? d.E : d.W : e > 0 ? t > 0 ? d.SE : d.SW : t > 0 ? d.NE : d.NW
matrixAppendRotationInv: function(t, e, r, i) {
var n = u[d.inv(e)];
r = r || 0, i = i || 0, n.tx = r, n.ty = i, t.append(n)
e.exports = d
}, {
"./Matrix": 99
99: [function(t, e, r) {
function i() {
this.a = 1, this.b = 0, this.c = 0, this.d = 1, this.tx = 0, this.ty = 0, this.array = null
var n = t("./Point");
i.prototype.constructor = i, e.exports = i, i.prototype.fromArray = function(t) {
this.a = t[0], this.b = t[1], this.c = t[3], this.d = t[4], this.tx = t[2], this.ty = t[5]
}, i.prototype.set = function(t, e, r, i, n, s) {
return this.a = t, this.b = e, this.c = r, this.d = i, this.tx = n, this.ty = s, this
}, i.prototype.toArray = function(t, e) {
this.array || (this.array = new Float32Array(9));
var r = e || this.array;
return t ? (r[0] = this.a, r[1] = this.b, r[2] = 0, r[3] = this.c, r[4] = this.d, r[5] = 0, r[6] = this.tx, r[7] = this.ty, r[8] = 1) : (r[0] = this.a, r[1] = this.c, r[2] = this.tx, r[3] = this.b, r[4] = this.d, r[5] = this.ty, r[6] = 0, r[7] = 0, r[8] = 1), r
}, i.prototype.apply = function(t, e) {
e = e || new n;
var r = t.x,
i = t.y;
return e.x = this.a * r + this.c * i + this.tx, e.y = this.b * r + this.d * i + this.ty, e
}, i.prototype.applyInverse = function(t, e) {
e = e || new n;
var r = 1 / (this.a * this.d + this.c * -this.b),
i = t.x,
s = t.y;
return e.x = this.d * r * i + -this.c * r * s + (this.ty * this.c - this.tx * this.d) * r, e.y = this.a * r * s + -this.b * r * i + (-this.ty * this.a + this.tx * this.b) * r, e
}, i.prototype.translate = function(t, e) {
return this.tx += t, this.ty += e, this
}, i.prototype.scale = function(t, e) {
return this.a *= t, this.d *= e, this.c *= t, this.b *= e, this.tx *= t, this.ty *= e, this
}, i.prototype.rotate = function(t) {
var e = Math.cos(t),
r = Math.sin(t),
i = this.a,
n = this.c,
s = this.tx;
return this.a = i * e - this.b * r, this.b = i * r + this.b * e, this.c = n * e - this.d * r, this.d = n * r + this.d * e, this.tx = s * e - this.ty * r, this.ty = s * r + this.ty * e, this
}, i.prototype.append = function(t) {
var e = this.a,
r = this.b,
i = this.c,
n = this.d;
return this.a = t.a * e + t.b * i, this.b = t.a * r + t.b * n, this.c = t.c * e + t.d * i, this.d = t.c * r + t.d * n, this.tx = t.tx * e + t.ty * i + this.tx, this.ty = t.tx * r + t.ty * n + this.ty, this
}, i.prototype.setTransform = function(t, e, r, i, n, s, o, a, h) {
var u, l, c, d, p, f, v, g, y, x;
return p = Math.sin(o), f = Math.cos(o), v = Math.cos(h), g = Math.sin(h), y = -Math.sin(a), x = Math.cos(a), u = f * n, l = p * n, c = -p * s, d = f * s, this.a = v * u + g * c, this.b = v * l + g * d, this.c = y * u + x * c, this.d = y * l + x * d, this.tx = t + (r * u + i * c), this.ty = e + (r * l + i * d), this
}, i.prototype.prepend = function(t) {
var e = this.tx;
if (1 !== t.a || 0 !== t.b || 0 !== t.c || 1 !== t.d) {
var r = this.a,
i = this.c;
this.a = r * t.a + this.b * t.c, this.b = r * t.b + this.b * t.d, this.c = i * t.a + this.d * t.c, this.d = i * t.b + this.d * t.d
return this.tx = e * t.a + this.ty * t.c + t.tx, this.ty = e * t.b + this.ty * t.d + t.ty, this
}, i.prototype.decompose = function(t) {
var e = this.a,
r = this.b,
i = this.c,
n = this.d,
s = Math.atan2(-i, n),
o = Math.atan2(r, e),
a = Math.abs(1 - s / o);
return 1e-5 > a ? (t.rotation = o, 0 > e && n >= 0 && (t.rotation += t.rotation <= 0 ? Math.PI : -Math.PI), t.skew.x = t.skew.y = 0) : (t.skew.x = s, t.skew.y = o), t.scale.x = Math.sqrt(e * e + r * r), t.scale.y = Math.sqrt(i * i + n * n), t.position.x = this.tx, t.position.y = this.ty, t
}, i.prototype.invert = function() {
var t = this.a,
e = this.b,
r = this.c,
i = this.d,
n = this.tx,
s = t * i - e * r;
return this.a = i / s, this.b = -e / s, this.c = -r / s, this.d = t / s, this.tx = (r * this.ty - i * n) / s, this.ty = -(t * this.ty - e * n) / s, this
}, i.prototype.identity = function() {
return this.a = 1, this.b = 0, this.c = 0, this.d = 1, this.tx = 0, this.ty = 0, this
}, i.prototype.clone = function() {
var t = new i;
return t.a = this.a, t.b = this.b, t.c = this.c, t.d = this.d, t.tx = this.tx, t.ty = this.ty, t
}, i.prototype.copy = function(t) {
return t.a = this.a, t.b = this.b, t.c = this.c, t.d = this.d, t.tx = this.tx, t.ty = this.ty, t
}, i.IDENTITY = new i, i.TEMP_MATRIX = new i
}, {
"./Point": 101
100: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t, e, r, i) {
this._x = r || 0, this._y = i || 0, this.cb = t, this.scope = e
i.prototype.constructor = i, e.exports = i, Object.defineProperties(i.prototype, {
x: {
get: function() {
return this._x
set: function(t) {
this._x !== t && (this._x = t,
y: {
get: function() {
return this._y
set: function(t) {
this._y !== t && (this._y = t,
}), i.prototype.set = function(t, e) {
var r = t || 0,
i = e || (0 !== e ? r : 0);
this._x === r && this._y === i || (this._x = r, this._y = i,
}, i.prototype.copy = function(t) {
this._x === t.x && this._y === t.y || (this._x = t.x, this._y = t.y,
}, {}],
101: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t, e) {
this.x = t || 0, this.y = e || 0
i.prototype.constructor = i, e.exports = i, i.prototype.clone = function() {
return new i(this.x, this.y)
}, i.prototype.copy = function(t) {
this.set(t.x, t.y)
}, i.prototype.equals = function(t) {
return t.x === this.x && t.y === this.y
}, i.prototype.set = function(t, e) {
this.x = t || 0, this.y = e || (0 !== e ? this.x : 0)
}, {}],
102: [function(t, e, r) {
e.exports = {
Point: t("./Point"),
ObservablePoint: t("./ObservablePoint"),
Matrix: t("./Matrix"),
GroupD8: t("./GroupD8"),
Circle: t("./shapes/Circle"),
Ellipse: t("./shapes/Ellipse"),
Polygon: t("./shapes/Polygon"),
Rectangle: t("./shapes/Rectangle"),
RoundedRectangle: t("./shapes/RoundedRectangle")
}, {
"./GroupD8": 98,
"./Matrix": 99,
"./ObservablePoint": 100,
"./Point": 101,
"./shapes/Circle": 103,
"./shapes/Ellipse": 104,
"./shapes/Polygon": 105,
"./shapes/Rectangle": 106,
"./shapes/RoundedRectangle": 107
103: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t, e, r) {
this.x = t || 0, this.y = e || 0, this.radius = r || 0, this.type = s.SHAPES.CIRC
var n = t("./Rectangle"),
s = t("../../const");
i.prototype.constructor = i, e.exports = i, i.prototype.clone = function() {
return new i(this.x, this.y, this.radius)
}, i.prototype.contains = function(t, e) {
if (this.radius <= 0) return !1;
var r = this.x - t,
i = this.y - e,
n = this.radius * this.radius;
return r *= r, i *= i, n >= r + i
}, i.prototype.getBounds = function() {
return new n(this.x - this.radius, this.y - this.radius, 2 * this.radius, 2 * this.radius)
}, {
"../../const": 78,
"./Rectangle": 106
104: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t, e, r, i) {
this.x = t || 0, this.y = e || 0, this.width = r || 0, this.height = i || 0, this.type = s.SHAPES.ELIP
var n = t("./Rectangle"),
s = t("../../const");
i.prototype.constructor = i, e.exports = i, i.prototype.clone = function() {
return new i(this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height)
}, i.prototype.contains = function(t, e) {
if (this.width <= 0 || this.height <= 0) return !1;
var r = (t - this.x) / this.width,
i = (e - this.y) / this.height;
return r *= r, i *= i, 1 >= r + i
}, i.prototype.getBounds = function() {
return new n(this.x - this.width, this.y - this.height, this.width, this.height)
}, {
"../../const": 78,
"./Rectangle": 106
105: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t) {
var e = t;
if (!Array.isArray(e)) {
e = new Array(arguments.length);
for (var r = 0; r < e.length; ++r) e[r] = arguments[r]
if (e[0] instanceof n) {
for (var i = [], o = 0, a = e.length; a > o; o++) i.push(e[o].x, e[o].y);
e = i
this.closed = !0, this.points = e, this.type = s.SHAPES.POLY
var n = t("../Point"),
s = t("../../const");
i.prototype.constructor = i, e.exports = i, i.prototype.clone = function() {
return new i(this.points.slice())
}, i.prototype.close = function() {
var t = this.points;
t[0] === t[t.length - 2] && t[1] === t[t.length - 1] || t.push(t[0], t[1])
}, i.prototype.contains = function(t, e) {
for (var r = !1, i = this.points.length / 2, n = 0, s = i - 1; i > n; s = n++) {
var o = this.points[2 * n],
a = this.points[2 * n + 1],
h = this.points[2 * s],
u = this.points[2 * s + 1],
l = a > e != u > e && (h - o) * (e - a) / (u - a) + o > t;
l && (r = !r)
return r
}, {
"../../const": 78,
"../Point": 101
106: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t, e, r, i) {
this.x = t || 0, this.y = e || 0, this.width = r || 0, this.height = i || 0, this.type = n.SHAPES.RECT
var n = t("../../const");
i.prototype.constructor = i, e.exports = i, i.EMPTY = new i(0, 0, 0, 0), i.prototype.clone = function() {
return new i(this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height)
}, i.prototype.copy = function(t) {
return this.x = t.x, this.y = t.y, this.width = t.width, this.height = t.height, this
}, i.prototype.contains = function(t, e) {
return this.width <= 0 || this.height <= 0 ? !1 : t >= this.x && t < this.x + this.width && e >= this.y && e < this.y + this.height
}, i.prototype.pad = function(t, e) {
t = t || 0, e = e || (0 !== e ? t : 0), this.x -= t, this.y -= e, this.width += 2 * t, this.height += 2 * e
}, = function(t) {
this.x < t.x && (this.width += this.x, this.width < 0 && (this.width = 0), this.x = t.x), this.y < t.y && (this.height += this.y, this.height < 0 && (this.height = 0), this.y = t.y), this.x + this.width > t.x + t.width && (this.width = t.width - this.x, this.width < 0 && (this.width = 0)), this.y + this.height > t.y + t.height && (this.height = t.height - this.y, this.height < 0 && (this.height = 0))
}, i.prototype.enlarge = function(t) {
if (t !== i.EMPTY) {
var e = Math.min(this.x, t.x),
r = Math.max(this.x + this.width, t.x + t.width),
n = Math.min(this.y, t.y),
s = Math.max(this.y + this.height, t.y + t.height);
this.x = e, this.width = r - e, this.y = n, this.height = s - n
}, {
"../../const": 78
107: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t, e, r, i, s) {
this.x = t || 0, this.y = e || 0, this.width = r || 0, this.height = i || 0, this.radius = s || 20, this.type = n.SHAPES.RREC
var n = t("../../const");
i.prototype.constructor = i, e.exports = i, i.prototype.clone = function() {
return new i(this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height, this.radius)
}, i.prototype.contains = function(t, e) {
return this.width <= 0 || this.height <= 0 ? !1 : t >= this.x && t <= this.x + this.width && e >= this.y && e <= this.y + this.height
}, {
"../../const": 78
108: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t, e, r, i) {
if (, n.sayHello(t), i)
for (var s in o.DEFAULT_RENDER_OPTIONS) "undefined" == typeof i[s] && (i[s] = o.DEFAULT_RENDER_OPTIONS[s]);
this.type = o.RENDERER_TYPE.UNKNOWN, this.width = e || 800, this.height = r || 600, this.view = i.view || document.createElement("canvas"), this.resolution = i.resolution, this.transparent = i.transparent, this.autoResize = i.autoResize || !1,
this.blendModes = null, this.preserveDrawingBuffer = i.preserveDrawingBuffer, this.clearBeforeRender = i.clearBeforeRender, this.roundPixels = i.roundPixels, this._backgroundColor = 0, this._backgroundColorRgba = [0, 0, 0, 0], this._backgroundColorString = "#000000", this.backgroundColor = i.backgroundColor || this._backgroundColor, this._tempDisplayObjectParent = new a, this._lastObjectRendered = this._tempDisplayObjectParent
var n = t("../utils"),
s = t("../math"),
o = t("../const"),
a = t("../display/Container"),
h = t("../textures/RenderTexture"),
u = t("eventemitter3"),
l = new s.Matrix;
i.prototype = Object.create(u.prototype), i.prototype.constructor = i, e.exports = i, Object.defineProperties(i.prototype, {
backgroundColor: {
get: function() {
return this._backgroundColor
set: function(t) {
this._backgroundColor = t, this._backgroundColorString = n.hex2string(t), n.hex2rgb(t, this._backgroundColorRgba)
}), i.prototype.resize = function(t, e) {
this.width = t * this.resolution, this.height = e * this.resolution, this.view.width = this.width, this.view.height = this.height, this.autoResize && ( = this.width / this.resolution + "px", = this.height / this.resolution + "px")
}, i.prototype.generateTexture = function(t, e, r) {
var i = t.getLocalBounds(),
n = h.create(0 | i.width, 0 | i.height, e, r);
return l.tx = -i.x, l.ty = -i.y, this.render(t, n, !1, l, !0), n
}, i.prototype.destroy = function(t) {
t && this.view.parentNode && this.view.parentNode.removeChild(this.view), this.type = o.RENDERER_TYPE.UNKNOWN, this.width = 0, this.height = 0, this.view = null, this.resolution = 0, this.transparent = !1, this.autoResize = !1, this.blendModes = null, this.preserveDrawingBuffer = !1, this.clearBeforeRender = !1, this.roundPixels = !1, this._backgroundColor = 0, this._backgroundColorRgba = null, this._backgroundColorString = null, this.backgroundColor = 0, this._tempDisplayObjectParent = null, this._lastObjectRendered = null
}, {
"../const": 78,
"../display/Container": 80,
"../math": 102,
"../textures/RenderTexture": 143,
"../utils": 151,
eventemitter3: 3
109: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t, e, r) {
r = r || {},, "Canvas", t, e, r), this.type = u.RENDERER_TYPE.CANVAS, this.rootContext = this.view.getContext("2d", {
alpha: this.transparent
}), this.rootResolution = this.resolution, this.refresh = !0, this.maskManager = new s(this), this.smoothProperty = "imageSmoothingEnabled", this.rootContext.imageSmoothingEnabled || (this.rootContext.webkitImageSmoothingEnabled ? this.smoothProperty = "webkitImageSmoothingEnabled" : this.rootContext.mozImageSmoothingEnabled ? this.smoothProperty = "mozImageSmoothingEnabled" : this.rootContext.oImageSmoothingEnabled ? this.smoothProperty = "oImageSmoothingEnabled" : this.rootContext.msImageSmoothingEnabled && (this.smoothProperty = "msImageSmoothingEnabled")), this.initPlugins(), this.blendModes = a(), this._activeBlendMode = null, this.context = null, this.renderingToScreen = !1, this.resize(t, e)
var n = t("../SystemRenderer"),
s = t("./utils/CanvasMaskManager"),
o = t("./utils/CanvasRenderTarget"),
a = t("./utils/mapCanvasBlendModesToPixi"),
h = t("../../utils"),
u = t("../../const");
i.prototype = Object.create(n.prototype), i.prototype.constructor = i, e.exports = i, h.pluginTarget.mixin(i), i.prototype.render = function(t, e, r, i, n) {
if (this.view) {
this.renderingToScreen = !e, this.emit("prerender"), e ? (e = e.baseTexture || e, e._canvasRenderTarget || (e._canvasRenderTarget = new o(e.width, e.height, e.resolution), e.source = e._canvasRenderTarget.canvas, e.valid = !0), this.context = e._canvasRenderTarget.context, this.resolution = e._canvasRenderTarget.resolution) : (this.context = this.rootContext, this.resolution = this.rootResolution);
var s = this.context;
if (e || (this._lastObjectRendered = t), !n) {
var a = t.parent,
h = this._tempDisplayObjectParent.transform.worldTransform;
i ? i.copy(h) : h.identity(), t.parent = this._tempDisplayObjectParent, t.updateTransform(), t.parent = a
s.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0), s.globalAlpha = 1, s.globalCompositeOperation = this.blendModes[u.BLEND_MODES.NORMAL], navigator.isCocoonJS && this.view.screencanvas && (s.fillStyle = "black", s.clear()), (void 0 !== r ? r : this.clearBeforeRender) && this.renderingToScreen && (this.transparent ? s.clearRect(0, 0, this.width, this.height) : (s.fillStyle = this._backgroundColorString, s.fillRect(0, 0, this.width, this.height)));
var l = this.context;
this.context = s, t.renderCanvas(this), this.context = l, this.emit("postrender")
}, i.prototype.setBlendMode = function(t) {
this._activeBlendMode !== t && (this.context.globalCompositeOperation = this.blendModes[t])
}, i.prototype.destroy = function(t) {
this.destroyPlugins(),, t), this.context = null, this.refresh = !0, this.maskManager.destroy(), this.maskManager = null, this.smoothProperty = null
}, i.prototype.resize = function(t, e) {, t, e), this.smoothProperty && (this.rootContext[this.smoothProperty] = u.SCALE_MODES.DEFAULT === u.SCALE_MODES.LINEAR)
}, {
"../../const": 78,
"../../utils": 151,
"../SystemRenderer": 108,
"./utils/CanvasMaskManager": 110,
"./utils/CanvasRenderTarget": 111,
"./utils/mapCanvasBlendModesToPixi": 113
110: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t) {
this.renderer = t
var n = t("../../../const");
i.prototype.constructor = i, e.exports = i, i.prototype.pushMask = function(t) {
var e = this.renderer;;
var r = t.alpha,
i = t.transform.worldTransform,
n = e.resolution;
e.context.setTransform(i.a * n, i.b * n, i.c * n, i.d * n, i.tx * n, i.ty * n), t._texture || (this.renderGraphicsShape(t), e.context.clip()), t.worldAlpha = r
}, i.prototype.renderGraphicsShape = function(t) {
var e = this.renderer.context,
r = t.graphicsData.length;
if (0 !== r) {
for (var i = 0; r > i; i++) {
var s = t.graphicsData[i],
o = s.shape;
if (s.type === n.SHAPES.POLY) {
var a = o.points;
e.moveTo(a[0], a[1]);
for (var h = 1; h < a.length / 2; h++) e.lineTo(a[2 * h], a[2 * h + 1]);
a[0] === a[a.length - 2] && a[1] === a[a.length - 1] && e.closePath()
} else if (s.type === n.SHAPES.RECT) e.rect(o.x, o.y, o.width, o.height), e.closePath();
else if (s.type === n.SHAPES.CIRC) e.arc(o.x, o.y, o.radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI), e.closePath();
else if (s.type === n.SHAPES.ELIP) {
var u = 2 * o.width,
l = 2 * o.height,
c = o.x - u / 2,
d = o.y - l / 2,
p = .5522848,
f = u / 2 * p,
v = l / 2 * p,
g = c + u,
y = d + l,
x = c + u / 2,
m = d + l / 2;
e.moveTo(c, m), e.bezierCurveTo(c, m - v, x - f, d, x, d), e.bezierCurveTo(x + f, d, g, m - v, g, m), e.bezierCurveTo(g, m + v, x + f, y, x, y), e.bezierCurveTo(x - f, y, c, m + v, c, m), e.closePath()
} else if (s.type === n.SHAPES.RREC) {
var _ = o.x,
b = o.y,
T = o.width,
E = o.height,
w = o.radius,
S = Math.min(T, E) / 2 | 0;
w = w > S ? S : w, e.moveTo(_, b + w), e.lineTo(_, b + E - w), e.quadraticCurveTo(_, b + E, _ + w, b + E), e.lineTo(_ + T - w, b + E), e.quadraticCurveTo(_ + T, b + E, _ + T, b + E - w), e.lineTo(_ + T, b + w), e.quadraticCurveTo(_ + T, b, _ + T - w, b), e.lineTo(_ + w, b), e.quadraticCurveTo(_, b, _, b + w), e.closePath()
}, i.prototype.popMask = function(t) {
}, i.prototype.destroy = function() {}
}, {
"../../../const": 78
111: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t, e, r) {
this.canvas = document.createElement("canvas"), this.context = this.canvas.getContext("2d"), this.resolution = r || n.RESOLUTION, this.resize(t, e)
var n = t("../../../const");
i.prototype.constructor = i, e.exports = i, Object.defineProperties(i.prototype, {
width: {
get: function() {
return this.canvas.width
set: function(t) {
this.canvas.width = t
height: {
get: function() {
return this.canvas.height
set: function(t) {
this.canvas.height = t
}), i.prototype.clear = function() {
this.context.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0), this.context.clearRect(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height)
}, i.prototype.resize = function(t, e) {
this.canvas.width = t * this.resolution, this.canvas.height = e * this.resolution
}, i.prototype.destroy = function() {
this.context = null, this.canvas = null
}, {
"../../../const": 78
112: [function(t, e, r) {
var i = function() {
if ("undefined" == typeof document) return !1;
var t = "",
r = new Image;
r.src = t + "AP804Oa6" + e;
var i = new Image;
i.src = t + "/wCKxvRF" + e;
var n = document.createElement("canvas");
n.width = 6, n.height = 1;
var s = n.getContext("2d");
s.globalCompositeOperation = "multiply", s.drawImage(r, 0, 0), s.drawImage(i, 2, 0);
var o = s.getImageData(2, 0, 1, 1);
if (!o) return !1;
var a =;
return 255 === a[0] && 0 === a[1] && 0 === a[2]
e.exports = i
}, {}],
113: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t) {
return t = t || [], s() ? (t[n.BLEND_MODES.NORMAL] = "source-over", t[n.BLEND_MODES.ADD] = "lighter", t[n.BLEND_MODES.MULTIPLY] = "multiply", t[n.BLEND_MODES.SCREEN] = "screen", t[n.BLEND_MODES.OVERLAY] = "overlay", t[n.BLEND_MODES.DARKEN] = "darken", t[n.BLEND_MODES.LIGHTEN] = "lighten", t[n.BLEND_MODES.COLOR_DODGE] = "color-dodge", t[n.BLEND_MODES.COLOR_BURN] = "color-burn", t[n.BLEND_MODES.HARD_LIGHT] = "hard-light", t[n.BLEND_MODES.SOFT_LIGHT] = "soft-light", t[n.BLEND_MODES.DIFFERENCE] = "difference", t[n.BLEND_MODES.EXCLUSION] = "exclusion", t[n.BLEND_MODES.HUE] = "hue", t[n.BLEND_MODES.SATURATION] = "saturate", t[n.BLEND_MODES.COLOR] = "color", t[n.BLEND_MODES.LUMINOSITY] = "luminosity") : (t[n.BLEND_MODES.NORMAL] = "source-over", t[n.BLEND_MODES.ADD] = "lighter", t[n.BLEND_MODES.MULTIPLY] = "source-over", t[n.BLEND_MODES.SCREEN] = "source-over", t[n.BLEND_MODES.OVERLAY] = "source-over", t[n.BLEND_MODES.DARKEN] = "source-over", t[n.BLEND_MODES.LIGHTEN] = "source-over", t[n.BLEND_MODES.COLOR_DODGE] = "source-over", t[n.BLEND_MODES.COLOR_BURN] = "source-over", t[n.BLEND_MODES.HARD_LIGHT] = "source-over", t[n.BLEND_MODES.SOFT_LIGHT] = "source-over", t[n.BLEND_MODES.DIFFERENCE] = "source-over", t[n.BLEND_MODES.EXCLUSION] = "source-over", t[n.BLEND_MODES.HUE] = "source-over", t[n.BLEND_MODES.SATURATION] = "source-over", t[n.BLEND_MODES.COLOR] = "source-over", t[n.BLEND_MODES.LUMINOSITY] = "source-over"), t
var n = t("../../../const"),
s = t("./canUseNewCanvasBlendModes");
e.exports = i
}, {
"../../../const": 78,
"./canUseNewCanvasBlendModes": 112
114: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t) {
this.renderer = t, this.count = 0, this.checkCount = 0, this.maxIdle = 3600, this.checkCountMax = 600, this.mode = n.GC_MODES.DEFAULT
var n = t("../../const");
i.prototype.constructor = i, e.exports = i, i.prototype.update = function() {
this.count++, this.mode !== n.GC_MODES.MANUAL && (this.checkCount++, this.checkCount > this.checkCountMax && (this.checkCount = 0,
}, = function() {
var t, e, r = this.renderer.textureManager,
i = r._managedTextures,
n = !1;
for (t = 0; t < i.length; t++) {
var s = i[t];
!s._glRenderTargets && this.count - s.touched > this.maxIdle && (r.destroyTexture(s, !0), i[t] = null, n = !0)
if (n) {
for (e = 0, t = 0; t < i.length; t++) null !== i[t] && (i[e++] = i[t]);
i.length = e
}, i.prototype.unload = function(t) {
var e = this.renderer.textureManager;
t._texture && e.destroyTexture(t._texture, !0);
for (var r = t.children.length - 1; r >= 0; r--) this.unload(t.children[r])
}, {
"../../const": 78
115: [function(t, e, r) {
var i = t("pixi-gl-core").GLTexture,
n = t("../../const"),
s = t("./utils/RenderTarget"),
o = t("../../utils"),
a = function(t) {
this.renderer = t, =, this._managedTextures = []
a.prototype.bindTexture = function() {}, a.prototype.getTexture = function() {}, a.prototype.updateTexture = function(t) {
t = t.baseTexture || t;
var e = !!t._glRenderTargets;
if (t.hasLoaded) {
var r = t._glTextures[this.renderer.CONTEXT_UID];
if (r) e ? t._glRenderTargets[this.renderer.CONTEXT_UID].resize(t.width, t.height) : r.upload(t.source);
else {
if (e) {
var o = new s(, t.width, t.height, t.scaleMode, t.resolution);
o.resize(t.width, t.height), t._glRenderTargets[this.renderer.CONTEXT_UID] = o, r = o.texture
} else r = new i(, r.premultiplyAlpha = !0, r.upload(t.source);
t._glTextures[this.renderer.CONTEXT_UID] = r, t.on("update", this.updateTexture, this), t.on("dispose", this.destroyTexture, this), this._managedTextures.push(t), t.isPowerOfTwo ? (t.mipmap && r.enableMipmap(), t.wrapMode === n.WRAP_MODES.CLAMP ? r.enableWrapClamp() : t.wrapMode === n.WRAP_MODES.REPEAT ? r.enableWrapRepeat() : r.enableWrapMirrorRepeat()) : r.enableWrapClamp(), t.scaleMode === n.SCALE_MODES.NEAREST ? r.enableNearestScaling() : r.enableLinearScaling()
return r
}, a.prototype.destroyTexture = function(t, e) {
if (t = t.baseTexture || t, t.hasLoaded && t._glTextures[this.renderer.CONTEXT_UID] && (t._glTextures[this.renderer.CONTEXT_UID].destroy(),"update", this.updateTexture, this),"dispose", this.destroyTexture, this), delete t._glTextures[this.renderer.CONTEXT_UID], !e)) {
var r = this._managedTextures.indexOf(t); - 1 !== r && o.removeItems(this._managedTextures, r, 1)
}, a.prototype.removeAll = function() {
for (var t = 0; t < this._managedTextures.length; ++t) {
var e = this._managedTextures[t];
e._glTextures[this.renderer.CONTEXT_UID] && delete e._glTextures[this.renderer.CONTEXT_UID]
}, a.prototype.destroy = function() {
for (var t = 0; t < this._managedTextures.length; ++t) {
var e = this._managedTextures[t];
this.destroyTexture(e, !0),"update", this.updateTexture, this),"dispose", this.destroyTexture, this)
this._managedTextures = null
}, e.exports = a
}, {
"../../const": 78,
"../../utils": 151,
"./utils/RenderTarget": 128,
"pixi-gl-core": 12
116: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t, e, r) {
r = r || {},, "WebGL", t, e, r), this.type = x.RENDERER_TYPE.WEBGL, this.handleContextLost = this.handleContextLost.bind(this), this.handleContextRestored = this.handleContextRestored.bind(this), this.view.addEventListener("webglcontextlost", this.handleContextLost, !1), this.view.addEventListener("webglcontextrestored", this.handleContextRestored, !1), this._contextOptions = {
alpha: this.transparent,
antialias: r.antialias,
premultipliedAlpha: this.transparent && "notMultiplied" !== this.transparent,
stencil: !0,
preserveDrawingBuffer: r.preserveDrawingBuffer
}, this._backgroundColorRgba[3] = this.transparent ? 0 : 1, this.maskManager = new s(this), this.stencilManager = new o(this), this.emptyRenderer = new u(this), this.currentRenderer = this.emptyRenderer, this.initPlugins(), r.context && v(r.context), = r.context || p(this.view, this._contextOptions), this.CONTEXT_UID = m++, this.state = new d(, this.renderingToScreen = !0, this._initContext(), this.filterManager = new a(this), this.drawModes = f(, this._activeShader = null, this._activeRenderTarget = null, this._activeTextureLocation = 999, this._activeTexture = null, this.setBlendMode(0)
var n = t("../SystemRenderer"),
s = t("./managers/MaskManager"),
o = t("./managers/StencilManager"),
a = t("./managers/FilterManager"),
h = t("./utils/RenderTarget"),
u = t("./utils/ObjectRenderer"),
l = t("./TextureManager"),
c = t("./TextureGarbageCollector"),
d = t("./WebGLState"),
p = t("pixi-gl-core").createContext,
f = t("./utils/mapWebGLDrawModesToPixi"),
v = t("./utils/validateContext"),
g = t("../../utils"),
y = t("pixi-gl-core"),
x = t("../../const"),
m = 0;
i.prototype = Object.create(n.prototype), i.prototype.constructor = i, e.exports = i, g.pluginTarget.mixin(i), i.prototype._initContext = function() {
var t =;
this.textureManager = new l(this), this.textureGC = new c(this), this.state.resetToDefault(), this.rootRenderTarget = new h(t, this.width, this.height, null, this.resolution, !0), this.rootRenderTarget.clearColor = this._backgroundColorRgba, this.bindRenderTarget(this.rootRenderTarget), this.emit("context", t), this.resize(this.width, this.height)
}, i.prototype.render = function(t, e, r, i, n) {
if (this.renderingToScreen = !e, this.emit("prerender"), && ! {
if (e || (this._lastObjectRendered = t), !n) {
var s = t.parent;
t.parent = this._tempDisplayObjectParent, t.updateTransform(), t.parent = s
this.bindRenderTexture(e, i), this.currentRenderer.start(), (void 0 !== r ? r : this.clearBeforeRender) && this._activeRenderTarget.clear(), t.renderWebGL(this), this.currentRenderer.flush(), this.textureGC.update(), this.emit("postrender")
}, i.prototype.setObjectRenderer = function(t) {
this.currentRenderer !== t && (this.currentRenderer.stop(), this.currentRenderer = t, this.currentRenderer.start())
}, i.prototype.flush = function() {
}, i.prototype.resize = function(t, e) {, t, e), this.rootRenderTarget.resize(t, e), this._activeRenderTarget === this.rootRenderTarget && (this.rootRenderTarget.activate(), this._activeShader && (this._activeShader.uniforms.projectionMatrix = this.rootRenderTarget.projectionMatrix.toArray(!0)))
}, i.prototype.setBlendMode = function(t) {
}, i.prototype.clear = function(t) {
}, i.prototype.setTransform = function(t) {
this._activeRenderTarget.transform = t
}, i.prototype.bindRenderTexture = function(t, e) {
var r;
if (t) {
var i = t.baseTexture,
n =;
i._glRenderTargets[this.CONTEXT_UID] ? (this._activeTextureLocation = i._id, n.activeTexture(n.TEXTURE0 + i._id), n.bindTexture(n.TEXTURE_2D, null)) : (this.textureManager.updateTexture(i), n.bindTexture(n.TEXTURE_2D, null)), r = i._glRenderTargets[this.CONTEXT_UID], r.setFrame(t.frame)
} else r = this.rootRenderTarget;
return r.transform = e, this.bindRenderTarget(r), this
}, i.prototype.bindRenderTarget = function(t) {
return t !== this._activeRenderTarget && (this._activeRenderTarget = t, t.activate(), this._activeShader && (this._activeShader.uniforms.projectionMatrix = t.projectionMatrix.toArray(!0)), this.stencilManager.setMaskStack(t.stencilMaskStack)), this
}, i.prototype.bindShader = function(t) {
return this._activeShader !== t && (this._activeShader = t, t.bind(), t.uniforms.projectionMatrix = this._activeRenderTarget.projectionMatrix.toArray(!0)), this
}, i.prototype.bindTexture = function(t, e) {
t = t.baseTexture || t;
var r =;
return e = e || 0, this._activeTextureLocation !== e && (this._activeTextureLocation = e, r.activeTexture(r.TEXTURE0 + e)), this._activeTexture = t, t._glTextures[this.CONTEXT_UID] ? (t.touched = this.textureGC.count, t._glTextures[this.CONTEXT_UID].bind()) : this.textureManager.updateTexture(t), this
}, i.prototype.createVao = function() {
return new y.VertexArrayObject(, this.state.attribState)
}, i.prototype.reset = function() {
return this.setObjectRenderer(this.emptyRenderer), this._activeShader = null, this._activeRenderTarget = this.rootRenderTarget, this._activeTextureLocation = 999, this._activeTexture = null, this.rootRenderTarget.activate(), this.state.resetToDefault(), this
}, i.prototype.handleContextLost = function(t) {
}, i.prototype.handleContextRestored = function() {
this._initContext(), this.textureManager.removeAll()
}, i.prototype.destroy = function(t) {
this.destroyPlugins(), this.view.removeEventListener("webglcontextlost", this.handleContextLost), this.view.removeEventListener("webglcontextrestored", this.handleContextRestored), this.textureManager.destroy(),, t), this.uid = 0, this.maskManager.destroy(), this.stencilManager.destroy(), this.filterManager.destroy(), this.maskManager = null, this.filterManager = null, this.textureManager = null, this.currentRenderer = null, this.handleContextLost = null, this.handleContextRestored = null, this._contextOptions = null,,"WEBGL_lose_context") &&"WEBGL_lose_context").loseContext(), = null
}, {
"../../const": 78,
"../../utils": 151,
"../SystemRenderer": 108,
"./TextureGarbageCollector": 114,
"./TextureManager": 115,
"./WebGLState": 117,
"./managers/FilterManager": 122,
"./managers/MaskManager": 123,
"./managers/StencilManager": 124,
"./utils/ObjectRenderer": 126,
"./utils/RenderTarget": 128,
"./utils/mapWebGLDrawModesToPixi": 131,
"./utils/validateContext": 132,
"pixi-gl-core": 12
117: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t) {
this.activeState = new Uint8Array(16), this.defaultState = new Uint8Array(16), this.defaultState[0] = 1, this.stackIndex = 0, this.stack = [], = t, this.maxAttribs = t.getParameter(t.MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS), this.attribState = {
tempAttribState: new Array(this.maxAttribs),
attribState: new Array(this.maxAttribs)
}, this.blendModes = n(t), this.nativeVaoExtension = t.getExtension("OES_vertex_array_object") || t.getExtension("MOZ_OES_vertex_array_object") || t.getExtension("WEBKIT_OES_vertex_array_object")
var n = t("./utils/mapWebGLBlendModesToPixi");
i.prototype.push = function() {
var t = this.stack[++this.stackIndex];
t || (t = this.stack[this.stackIndex] = new Uint8Array(16));
for (var e = 0; e < this.activeState.length; e++) this.activeState[e] = t[e]
var s = 0,
o = 1,
a = 2,
h = 3,
u = 4;
i.prototype.pop = function() {
var t = this.stack[--this.stackIndex];
}, i.prototype.setState = function(t) {
this.setBlend(t[s]), this.setDepthTest(t[o]), this.setFrontFace(t[a]), this.setCullFace(t[h]), this.setBlendMode(t[u])
}, i.prototype.setBlend = function(t) {
if (!(this.activeState[s] === t | 0)) {
this.activeState[s] = 0 | t;
var e =;
t ? e.enable(e.BLEND) : e.disable(e.BLEND)
}, i.prototype.setBlendMode = function(t) {
t !== this.activeState[u] && (this.activeState[u] = t,[t][0], this.blendModes[t][1]))
}, i.prototype.setDepthTest = function(t) {
if (!(this.activeState[o] === t | 0)) {
this.activeState[o] = 0 | t;
var e =;
t ? e.enable(e.DEPTH_TEST) : e.disable(e.DEPTH_TEST)
}, i.prototype.setCullFace = function(t) {
if (!(this.activeState[h] === t | 0)) {
this.activeState[h] = 0 | t;
var e =;
t ? e.enable(e.CULL_FACE) : e.disable(e.CULL_FACE)
}, i.prototype.setFrontFace = function(t) {
if (!(this.activeState[a] === t | 0)) {
this.activeState[a] = 0 | t;
var e =;
t ? e.frontFace(e.CW) : e.frontFace(e.CCW)
}, i.prototype.resetAttributes = function() {
var t;
for (t = 0; t < this.attribState.tempAttribState.length; t++) this.attribState.tempAttribState[t] = 0;
for (t = 0; t < this.attribState.attribState.length; t++) this.attribState.attribState[t] = 0;
var e =;
for (t = 1; t < this.maxAttribs; t++) e.disableVertexAttribArray(t)
}, i.prototype.resetToDefault = function() {
this.nativeVaoExtension && this.nativeVaoExtension.bindVertexArrayOES(null), this.resetAttributes();
for (var t = 0; t < this.activeState.length; t++) this.activeState[t] = 32;
var e =;
e.pixelStorei(e.UNPACK_FLIP_Y_WEBGL, !1), this.setState(this.defaultState)
}, e.exports = i
}, {
"./utils/mapWebGLBlendModesToPixi": 130
118: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t, e, r) {
this.vertexSrc = t || i.defaultVertexSrc, this.fragmentSrc = e || i.defaultFragmentSrc, this.blendMode = o.BLEND_MODES.NORMAL, this.uniformData = r || n(this.vertexSrc, this.fragmentSrc, "projectionMatrix|uSampler"), this.uniforms = {};
for (var h in this.uniformData) this.uniforms[h] = this.uniformData[h].value;
this.glShaders = [], a[this.vertexSrc + this.fragmentSrc] || (a[this.vertexSrc + this.fragmentSrc] = s.uid()), this.glShaderKey = a[this.vertexSrc + this.fragmentSrc], this.padding = 4, this.resolution = 1, this.enabled = !0
var n = t("./extractUniformsFromSrc"),
s = t("../../../utils"),
o = t("../../../const"),
a = {};
e.exports = i, i.prototype.apply = function(t, e, r, i) {
t.applyFilter(this, e, r, i)
}, i.defaultVertexSrc = ["attribute vec2 aVertexPosition;", "attribute vec2 aTextureCoord;", "uniform mat3 projectionMatrix;", "uniform mat3 filterMatrix;", "varying vec2 vTextureCoord;", "varying vec2 vFilterCoord;", "void main(void){", " gl_Position = vec4((projectionMatrix * vec3(aVertexPosition, 1.0)).xy, 0.0, 1.0);", " vFilterCoord = ( filterMatrix * vec3( aTextureCoord, 1.0) ).xy;", " vTextureCoord = aTextureCoord ;", "}"].join("\n"), i.defaultFragmentSrc = ["varying vec2 vTextureCoord;", "varying vec2 vFilterCoord;", "uniform sampler2D uSampler;", "uniform sampler2D filterSampler;", "void main(void){", " vec4 masky = texture2D(filterSampler, vFilterCoord);", " vec4 sample = texture2D(uSampler, vTextureCoord);", " vec4 color;", " if(mod(vFilterCoord.x, 1.0) > 0.5)", " {", " color = vec4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);", " }", " else", " {", " color = vec4(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0);", " }", " gl_FragColor = mix(sample, masky, 0.5);", " gl_FragColor *= sample.a;", "}"].join("\n")
}, {
"../../../const": 78,
"../../../utils": 151,
"./extractUniformsFromSrc": 119
119: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t, e, r) {
var i = n(t, r),
s = n(e, r);
return Object.assign(i, s)
function n(t) {
for (var e, r = new RegExp("^(projectionMatrix|uSampler|filterArea)$"), i = {}, n = t.replace(/\s+/g, " ").split(/\s*;\s*/), o = 0; o < n.length; o++) {
var a = n[o].trim();
if (a.indexOf("uniform") > -1) {
var h = a.split(" "),
u = h[1],
l = h[2],
c = 1;
l.indexOf("[") > -1 && (e = l.split(/\[|\]/), l = e[0], c *= Number(e[1])), l.match(r) || (i[l] = {
value: s(u, c),
name: l,
type: u
return i
var s = t("pixi-gl-core").shader.defaultValue;
e.exports = i
}, {
"pixi-gl-core": 12
120: [function(t, e, r) {
var i = t("../../../math"),
n = function(t, e, r) {
var i = t.identity();
return i.translate(e.x / r.width, e.y / r.height), i.scale(r.width, r.height), i
s = function(t, e, r) {
var i = t.identity();
i.translate(e.x / r.width, e.y / r.height);
var n = r.width / e.width,
s = r.height / e.height;
return i.scale(n, s), i
o = function(t, e, r, n) {
var s = n.worldTransform.copy(i.Matrix.TEMP_MATRIX),
o = n._texture.baseTexture,
a = t.identity(),
h = r.height / r.width;
a.translate(e.x / r.width, e.y / r.height), a.scale(1, h);
var u = r.width / o.width,
l = r.height / o.height;
return s.tx /= o.width * u, s.ty /= o.width * u, s.invert(), a.prepend(s), a.scale(1, 1 / h), a.scale(u, l), a.translate(n.anchor.x, n.anchor.y), a
e.exports = {
calculateScreenSpaceMatrix: n,
calculateNormalizedScreenSpaceMatrix: s,
calculateSpriteMatrix: o
}, {
"../../../math": 102
121: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t) {
var e = new s.Matrix;, "#define GLSLIFY 1\nattribute vec2 aVertexPosition;\nattribute vec2 aTextureCoord;\n\nuniform mat3 projectionMatrix;\nuniform mat3 otherMatrix;\n\nvarying vec2 vMaskCoord;\nvarying vec2 vTextureCoord;\n\nvoid main(void)\n{\n gl_Position = vec4((projectionMatrix * vec3(aVertexPosition, 1.0)).xy, 0.0, 1.0);\n vTextureCoord = aTextureCoord;\n vMaskCoord = ( otherMatrix * vec3( aTextureCoord, 1.0) ).xy;\n}\n", "#define GLSLIFY 1\nvarying vec2 vMaskCoord;\nvarying vec2 vTextureCoord;\n\nuniform sampler2D uSampler;\nuniform float alpha;\nuniform sampler2D mask;\n\nvoid main(void)\n{\n // check clip! this will stop the mask bleeding out from the edges\n vec2 text = abs( vMaskCoord - 0.5 );\n text = step(0.5, text);\n float clip = 1.0 - max(text.y, text.x);\n vec4 original = texture2D(uSampler, vTextureCoord);\n vec4 masky = texture2D(mask, vMaskCoord);\n original *= (masky.r * masky.a * alpha * clip);\n gl_FragColor = original;\n}\n"), t.renderable = !1, this.maskSprite = t, this.maskMatrix = e
var n = t("../Filter"),
s = t("../../../../math");
i.prototype = Object.create(n.prototype), i.prototype.constructor = i, e.exports = i, i.prototype.apply = function(t, e, r) {
var i = this.maskSprite;
this.uniforms.mask = i._texture, this.uniforms.otherMatrix = t.calculateSpriteMatrix(this.maskMatrix, i), this.uniforms.alpha = i.worldAlpha, t.applyFilter(this, e, r)
}, {
"../../../../math": 102,
"../Filter": 118
122: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t) {, t), =, this.quad = new o(, t.state.attribState), this.shaderCache = {}, this.pool = {}, this.filterData = null
var n = t("./WebGLManager"),
s = t("../utils/RenderTarget"),
o = t("../utils/Quad"),
a = t("../../../math"),
h = t("../../../Shader"),
u = t("../filters/filterTransforms"),
l = t("bit-twiddle"),
c = function() {
this.renderTarget = null, this.sourceFrame = new a.Rectangle, this.destinationFrame = new a.Rectangle, this.filters = [], = null, this.resolution = 1
i.prototype = Object.create(n.prototype), i.prototype.constructor = i, e.exports = i, i.prototype.pushFilter = function(t, e) {
var r = this.renderer,
i = this.filterData;
if (!i) {
i = this.renderer._activeRenderTarget.filterStack;
var n = new c;
n.sourceFrame = n.destinationFrame = this.renderer._activeRenderTarget.size, n.renderTarget = r._activeRenderTarget, this.renderer._activeRenderTarget.filterData = i = {
index: 0,
stack: [n]
}, this.filterData = i
var s = i.stack[++i.index];
s || (s = i.stack[i.index] = new c);
var o = e[0].resolution,
a = e[0].padding,
h = t.filterArea || t.getBounds(!0),
u = s.sourceFrame,
l = s.destinationFrame;
u.x = (h.x * o | 0) / o, u.y = (h.y * o | 0) / o, u.width = (h.width * o | 0) / o, u.height = (h.height * o | 0) / o, i.stack[0].renderTarget.transform ||[0].destinationFrame), u.pad(a), l.width = u.width, l.height = u.height;
var d = this.getPotRenderTarget(, u.width, u.height, o); = t, s.filters = e, s.resolution = o, s.renderTarget = d, d.setFrame(l, u), r.bindRenderTarget(d), r.clear()
}, i.prototype.popFilter = function() {
var t = this.filterData,
e = t.stack[t.index - 1],
r = t.stack[t.index];, r.sourceFrame).upload();
var i = r.filters;
if (1 === i.length) i[0].apply(this, r.renderTarget, e.renderTarget, !1), this.freePotRenderTarget(r.renderTarget);
else {
var n = r.renderTarget,
s = this.getPotRenderTarget(, r.sourceFrame.width, r.sourceFrame.height, 1);
s.setFrame(r.destinationFrame, r.sourceFrame);
for (var o = 0; o < i.length - 1; o++) {
i[o].apply(this, n, s, !0);
var a = n;
n = s, s = a
i[o].apply(this, n, e.renderTarget, !1), this.freePotRenderTarget(n), this.freePotRenderTarget(s)
t.index--, 0 === t.index && (this.filterData = null)
}, i.prototype.applyFilter = function(t, e, r, i) {
var n = this.renderer,
s = t.glShaders[n.CONTEXT_UID];
if (s || (t.glShaderKey ? (s = this.shaderCache[t.glShaderKey], s || (s = t.glShaders[n.CONTEXT_UID] = this.shaderCache[t.glShaderKey] = new h(, t.vertexSrc, t.fragmentSrc))) : s = t.glShaders[n.CONTEXT_UID] = new h(, t.vertexSrc, t.fragmentSrc), this.quad.initVao(s)), n.bindRenderTarget(r), i) {
var o =;
o.disable(o.SCISSOR_TEST), n.clear(), o.enable(o.SCISSOR_TEST)
r === n.maskManager.scissorRenderTarget && n.maskManager.pushScissorMask(null, n.maskManager.scissorData), n.bindShader(s), this.syncUniforms(s, t), e.texture.bind(0), n._activeTextureLocation = 0, n.state.setBlendMode(t.blendMode), this.quad.draw()
}, i.prototype.syncUniforms = function(t, e) {
var r, i = e.uniformData,
n = e.uniforms,
s = 1;
if ( {
r = this.filterData.stack[this.filterData.index];
var o = t.uniforms.filterArea;
o[0] = r.renderTarget.size.width, o[1] = r.renderTarget.size.height, o[2] = r.sourceFrame.x, o[3] = r.sourceFrame.y, t.uniforms.filterArea = o
if ( {
r = this.filterData.stack[this.filterData.index];
var a = t.uniforms.filterClamp;
a[0] = .5 / r.renderTarget.size.width, a[1] = .5 / r.renderTarget.size.height, a[2] = (r.sourceFrame.width - .5) / r.renderTarget.size.width, a[3] = (r.sourceFrame.height - .5) / r.renderTarget.size.height, t.uniforms.filterClamp = a
var h;
for (var u in i)
if ("sampler2D" === i[u].type) {
if (t.uniforms[u] = s, n[u].baseTexture) this.renderer.bindTexture(n[u].baseTexture, s);
else {
var l =;
this.renderer._activeTextureLocation = l.TEXTURE0 + s, l.activeTexture(l.TEXTURE0 + s), n[u].texture.bind()
} else "mat3" === i[u].type ? void 0 !== n[u].a ? t.uniforms[u] = n[u].toArray(!0) : t.uniforms[u] = n[u] : "vec2" === i[u].type ? void 0 !== n[u].x ? (h = t.uniforms[u] || new Float32Array(2), h[0] = n[u].x, h[1] = n[u].y, t.uniforms[u] = h) : t.uniforms[u] = n[u] : "float" === i[u].type ?[u].value !== i[u] && (t.uniforms[u] = n[u]) : t.uniforms[u] = n[u]
}, i.prototype.getRenderTarget = function(t, e) {
var r = this.filterData.stack[this.filterData.index],
i = this.getPotRenderTarget(, r.sourceFrame.width, r.sourceFrame.height, e || r.resolution);
return i.setFrame(r.destinationFrame, r.sourceFrame), i
}, i.prototype.returnRenderTarget = function(t) {
return this.freePotRenderTarget(t)
}, i.prototype.calculateScreenSpaceMatrix = function(t) {
var e = this.filterData.stack[this.filterData.index];
return u.calculateScreenSpaceMatrix(t, e.sourceFrame, e.renderTarget.size)
}, i.prototype.calculateNormalizedScreenSpaceMatrix = function(t) {
var e = this.filterData.stack[this.filterData.index];
return u.calculateNormalizedScreenSpaceMatrix(t, e.sourceFrame, e.renderTarget.size, e.destinationFrame)
}, i.prototype.calculateSpriteMatrix = function(t, e) {
var r = this.filterData.stack[this.filterData.index];
return u.calculateSpriteMatrix(t, r.sourceFrame, r.renderTarget.size, e)
}, i.prototype.destroy = function() {
this.shaderCache = [], this.emptyPool()
}, i.prototype.getPotRenderTarget = function(t, e, r, i) {
e = l.nextPow2(e * i), r = l.nextPow2(r * i);
var n = (65535 & e) << 16 | 65535 & r;
this.pool[n] || (this.pool[n] = []);
var o = this.pool[n].pop() || new s(t, e, r, null, 1);
return o.resolution = i, o.defaultFrame.width = o.size.width = e / i, o.defaultFrame.height = o.size.height = r / i, o
}, i.prototype.emptyPool = function() {
for (var t in this.pool) {
var e = this.pool[t];
if (e)
for (var r = 0; r < e.length; r++) e[r].destroy(!0)
this.pool = {}
}, i.prototype.freePotRenderTarget = function(t) {
var e = t.size.width * t.resolution,
r = t.size.height * t.resolution,
i = (65535 & e) << 16 | 65535 & r;
}, {
"../../../Shader": 77,
"../../../math": 102,
"../filters/filterTransforms": 120,
"../utils/Quad": 127,
"../utils/RenderTarget": 128,
"./WebGLManager": 125,
"bit-twiddle": 1
123: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t) {, t), this.scissor = !1, this.scissorData = null, this.scissorRenderTarget = null, this.enableScissor = !0, this.alphaMaskPool = [], this.alphaMaskIndex = 0
var n = t("./WebGLManager"),
s = t("../filters/spriteMask/SpriteMaskFilter");
i.prototype = Object.create(n.prototype), i.prototype.constructor = i, e.exports = i, i.prototype.pushMask = function(t, e) {
if (e.texture) this.pushSpriteMask(t, e);
else if (this.enableScissor && !this.scissor && !this.renderer.stencilManager.stencilMaskStack.length && e.isFastRect()) {
var r = e.worldTransform,
i = Math.atan2(r.b, r.a);
i = Math.round(i * (180 / Math.PI)), i % 90 ? this.pushStencilMask(e) : this.pushScissorMask(t, e)
} else this.pushStencilMask(e)
}, i.prototype.popMask = function(t, e) {
e.texture ? this.popSpriteMask(t, e) : this.enableScissor && !this.renderer.stencilManager.stencilMaskStack.length ? this.popScissorMask(t, e) : this.popStencilMask(t, e)
}, i.prototype.pushSpriteMask = function(t, e) {
var r = this.alphaMaskPool[this.alphaMaskIndex];
r || (r = this.alphaMaskPool[this.alphaMaskIndex] = [new s(e)]), r[0].resolution = this.renderer.resolution,
r[0].maskSprite = e, t.filterArea = e.getBounds(!0), this.renderer.filterManager.pushFilter(t, r), this.alphaMaskIndex++
}, i.prototype.popSpriteMask = function() {
this.renderer.filterManager.popFilter(), this.alphaMaskIndex--
}, i.prototype.pushStencilMask = function(t) {
this.renderer.currentRenderer.stop(), this.renderer.stencilManager.pushStencil(t)
}, i.prototype.popStencilMask = function() {
this.renderer.currentRenderer.stop(), this.renderer.stencilManager.popStencil()
}, i.prototype.pushScissorMask = function(t, e) {
e.renderable = !0;
var r = this.renderer._activeRenderTarget,
i = e.getBounds();, e.renderable = !1,;
var n = this.renderer.resolution; * n, (r.root ? r.size.height - i.y - i.height : i.y) * n, i.width * n, i.height * n), this.scissorRenderTarget = r, this.scissorData = e, this.scissor = !0
}, i.prototype.popScissorMask = function() {
this.scissorRenderTarget = null, this.scissorData = null, this.scissor = !1;
var t =;
}, {
"../filters/spriteMask/SpriteMaskFilter": 121,
"./WebGLManager": 125
124: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t) {, t), this.stencilMaskStack = null
var n = t("./WebGLManager");
i.prototype = Object.create(n.prototype), i.prototype.constructor = i, e.exports = i, i.prototype.setMaskStack = function(t) {
this.stencilMaskStack = t;
var e =;
0 === t.length ? e.disable(e.STENCIL_TEST) : e.enable(e.STENCIL_TEST)
}, i.prototype.pushStencil = function(t) {
this.renderer.setObjectRenderer(, this.renderer._activeRenderTarget.attachStencilBuffer();
var e =,
r = this.stencilMaskStack;
0 === r.length && (e.enable(e.STENCIL_TEST), e.clear(e.STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT), e.stencilFunc(e.ALWAYS, 1, 1)), r.push(t), e.colorMask(!1, !1, !1, !1), e.stencilOp(e.KEEP, e.KEEP, e.INCR),, e.colorMask(!0, !0, !0, !0), e.stencilFunc(e.NOTEQUAL, 0, r.length), e.stencilOp(e.KEEP, e.KEEP, e.KEEP)
}, i.prototype.popStencil = function() {
var t =,
e = this.stencilMaskStack,
r = e.pop();
0 === e.length ? t.disable(t.STENCIL_TEST) : (t.colorMask(!1, !1, !1, !1), t.stencilOp(t.KEEP, t.KEEP, t.DECR),, t.colorMask(!0, !0, !0, !0), t.stencilFunc(t.NOTEQUAL, 0, e.length), t.stencilOp(t.KEEP, t.KEEP, t.KEEP))
}, i.prototype.destroy = function() {, this.stencilMaskStack.stencilStack = null
}, {
"./WebGLManager": 125
125: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t) {
this.renderer = t, this.renderer.on("context", this.onContextChange, this)
i.prototype.constructor = i, e.exports = i, i.prototype.onContextChange = function() {}, i.prototype.destroy = function() {"context", this.onContextChange, this), this.renderer = null
}, {}],
126: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t) {, t)
var n = t("../managers/WebGLManager");
i.prototype = Object.create(n.prototype), i.prototype.constructor = i, e.exports = i, i.prototype.start = function() {}, i.prototype.stop = function() {
}, i.prototype.flush = function() {}, i.prototype.render = function(t) {}
}, {
"../managers/WebGLManager": 125
127: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t, e) { = t, this.vertices = new Float32Array([-1, -1, 1, -1, 1, 1, -1, 1]), this.uvs = new Float32Array([0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1]), this.interleaved = new Float32Array(16);
for (var r = 0; 4 > r; r++) this.interleaved[4 * r] = this.vertices[2 * r], this.interleaved[4 * r + 1] = this.vertices[2 * r + 1], this.interleaved[4 * r + 2] = this.uvs[2 * r], this.interleaved[4 * r + 3] = this.uvs[2 * r + 1];
this.indices = s(1), this.vertexBuffer = n.GLBuffer.createVertexBuffer(t, this.interleaved, t.STATIC_DRAW), this.indexBuffer = n.GLBuffer.createIndexBuffer(t, this.indices, t.STATIC_DRAW), this.vao = new n.VertexArrayObject(t, e)
var n = t("pixi-gl-core"),
s = t("../../../utils/createIndicesForQuads");
i.prototype.constructor = i, i.prototype.initVao = function(t) {
this.vao.clear().addIndex(this.indexBuffer).addAttribute(this.vertexBuffer, t.attributes.aVertexPosition,, !1, 16, 0).addAttribute(this.vertexBuffer, t.attributes.aTextureCoord,, !1, 16, 8)
}, = function(t, e) {
var r = 0,
i = 0;
return this.uvs[0] = r, this.uvs[1] = i, this.uvs[2] = r + e.width / t.width, this.uvs[3] = i, this.uvs[4] = r + e.width / t.width, this.uvs[5] = i + e.height / t.height, this.uvs[6] = r, this.uvs[7] = i + e.height / t.height, r = e.x, i = e.y, this.vertices[0] = r, this.vertices[1] = i, this.vertices[2] = r + e.width, this.vertices[3] = i, this.vertices[4] = r + e.width, this.vertices[5] = i + e.height, this.vertices[6] = r, this.vertices[7] = i + e.height, this
}, i.prototype.draw = function() {
return this.vao.bind().draw(, 6, 0).unbind(), this
}, i.prototype.upload = function() {
for (var t = 0; 4 > t; t++) this.interleaved[4 * t] = this.vertices[2 * t], this.interleaved[4 * t + 1] = this.vertices[2 * t + 1], this.interleaved[4 * t + 2] = this.uvs[2 * t], this.interleaved[4 * t + 3] = this.uvs[2 * t + 1];
return this.vertexBuffer.upload(this.interleaved), this
}, i.prototype.destroy = function() {
var t =;
t.deleteBuffer(this.vertexBuffer), t.deleteBuffer(this.indexBuffer)
}, e.exports = i
}, {
"../../../utils/createIndicesForQuads": 149,
"pixi-gl-core": 12
128: [function(t, e, r) {
var i = t("../../../math"),
n = t("../../../const"),
s = t("pixi-gl-core").GLFramebuffer,
o = function(t, e, r, o, a, h) { = t, this.frameBuffer = null, this.texture = null, this.clearColor = [0, 0, 0, 0], this.size = new i.Rectangle(0, 0, 1, 1), this.resolution = a || n.RESOLUTION, this.projectionMatrix = new i.Matrix, this.transform = null, this.frame = null, this.defaultFrame = new i.Rectangle, this.destinationFrame = null, this.sourceFrame = null, this.stencilBuffer = null, this.stencilMaskStack = [], this.filterData = null, this.scaleMode = o || n.SCALE_MODES.DEFAULT, this.root = h, this.root ? (this.frameBuffer = new s(t, 100, 100), this.frameBuffer.framebuffer = null) : (this.frameBuffer = s.createRGBA(t, 100, 100), this.scaleMode === n.SCALE_MODES.NEAREST ? this.frameBuffer.texture.enableNearestScaling() : this.frameBuffer.texture.enableLinearScaling(), this.texture = this.frameBuffer.texture), this.setFrame(), this.resize(e, r)
o.prototype.constructor = o, e.exports = o, o.prototype.clear = function(t) {
var e = t || this.clearColor;
this.frameBuffer.clear(e[0], e[1], e[2], e[3])
}, o.prototype.attachStencilBuffer = function() {
this.root || this.frameBuffer.enableStencil()
}, o.prototype.setFrame = function(t, e) {
this.destinationFrame = t || this.destinationFrame || this.defaultFrame, this.sourceFrame = e || this.sourceFrame || t
}, o.prototype.activate = function() {
var t =;
this.frameBuffer.bind(), this.calculateProjection(this.destinationFrame, this.sourceFrame), this.transform && this.projectionMatrix.append(this.transform), this.destinationFrame !== this.sourceFrame ? (t.enable(t.SCISSOR_TEST), t.scissor(0 | this.destinationFrame.x, 0 | this.destinationFrame.y, this.destinationFrame.width * this.resolution | 0, this.destinationFrame.height * this.resolution | 0)) : t.disable(t.SCISSOR_TEST), t.viewport(0 | this.destinationFrame.x, 0 | this.destinationFrame.y, this.destinationFrame.width * this.resolution | 0, this.destinationFrame.height * this.resolution | 0)
}, o.prototype.calculateProjection = function(t, e) {
var r = this.projectionMatrix;
e = e || t, r.identity(), this.root ? (r.a = 1 / t.width * 2, r.d = -1 / t.height * 2, r.tx = -1 - e.x * r.a, r.ty = 1 - e.y * r.d) : (r.a = 1 / t.width * 2, r.d = 1 / t.height * 2, r.tx = -1 - e.x * r.a, r.ty = -1 - e.y * r.d)
}, o.prototype.resize = function(t, e) {
if (t = 0 | t, e = 0 | e, this.size.width !== t || this.size.height !== e) {
this.size.width = t, this.size.height = e, this.defaultFrame.width = t, this.defaultFrame.height = e, this.frameBuffer.resize(t * this.resolution, e * this.resolution);
var r = this.frame || this.size;
}, o.prototype.destroy = function() {
this.frameBuffer.destroy(), this.frameBuffer = null, this.texture = null
}, {
"../../../const": 78,
"../../../math": 102,
"pixi-gl-core": 12
129: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t) {
for (var e = "", r = 0; t > r; r++) r > 0 && (e += "\nelse "), t - 1 > r && (e += "if(test == " + r + ".0){}");
return e
var n = t("pixi-gl-core"),
s = ["precision mediump float;", "void main(void){", "float test = 0.1;", "%forloop%", "gl_FragColor = vec4(0.0);", "}"].join("\n"),
o = function(t, e) {
var r = !e;
if (r) {
var o = document.createElement("canvas");
o.width = 1, o.height = 1, e = n.createContext(o)
for (var a = e.createShader(e.FRAGMENT_SHADER);;) {
var h = s.replace(/%forloop%/gi, i(t));
if (e.shaderSource(a, h), e.compileShader(a), e.getShaderParameter(a, e.COMPILE_STATUS)) break;
t = t / 2 | 0
return r && e.getExtension("WEBGL_lose_context") && e.getExtension("WEBGL_lose_context").loseContext(), t
e.exports = o
}, {
"pixi-gl-core": 12
130: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t, e) {
var n = t("../../../const");
e.exports = i
}, {
"../../../const": 78
131: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t, e) {
var n = t("../../../const");
e.exports = i
}, {
"../../../const": 78
132: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t) {
var e = t.getContextAttributes();
e.stencil || console.warn("Provided WebGL context does not have a stencil buffer, masks may not render correctly")
e.exports = i
}, {}],
133: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t) {, this.anchor = new n.ObservablePoint(this.onAnchorUpdate, this), this._texture = null, this._width = 0, this._height = 0, this._tint = null, this._tintRGB = null, this.tint = 16777215, this.blendMode = h.BLEND_MODES.NORMAL, this.shader = null, this.cachedTint = 16777215, this.texture = t || s.EMPTY, this.vertexData = new Float32Array(8), this.vertexTrimmedData = null, this._transformID = -1, this._textureID = -1
var n = t("../math"),
s = t("../textures/Texture"),
o = t("../display/Container"),
a = t("../utils"),
h = t("../const"),
u = new n.Point;
i.prototype = Object.create(o.prototype), i.prototype.constructor = i, e.exports = i, Object.defineProperties(i.prototype, {
width: {
get: function() {
return Math.abs(this.scale.x) * this.texture.orig.width
set: function(t) {
var e = a.sign(this.scale.x) || 1;
this.scale.x = e * t / this.texture.orig.width, this._width = t
height: {
get: function() {
return Math.abs(this.scale.y) * this.texture.orig.height
set: function(t) {
var e = a.sign(this.scale.y) || 1;
this.scale.y = e * t / this.texture.orig.height, this._height = t
tint: {
get: function() {
return this._tint
set: function(t) {
this._tint = t, this._tintRGB = (t >> 16) + (65280 & t) + ((255 & t) << 16)
texture: {
get: function() {
return this._texture
set: function(t) {
this._texture !== t && (this._texture = t, this.cachedTint = 16777215, this._textureID = -1, t && (t.baseTexture.hasLoaded ? this._onTextureUpdate() : t.once("update", this._onTextureUpdate, this)))
}), i.prototype._onTextureUpdate = function() {
this._textureID = -1, this._width && (this.scale.x = a.sign(this.scale.x) * this._width / this.texture.orig.width), this._height && (this.scale.y = a.sign(this.scale.y) * this._height / this.texture.orig.height)
}, i.prototype.onAnchorUpdate = function() {
this._transformID = -1
}, i.prototype.calculateVertices = function() {
if (this._transformID !== this.transform._worldID || this._textureID !== this._texture._updateID) {
this._transformID = this.transform._worldID, this._textureID = this._texture._updateID;
var t, e, r, i, n = this._texture,
s = this.transform.worldTransform,
o = s.a,
a = s.b,
h = s.c,
u = s.d,
l = s.tx,
c = s.ty,
d = this.vertexData,
p = n.trim,
f = n.orig;
p ? (e = p.x - this.anchor._x * f.width, t = e + p.width, i = p.y - this.anchor._y * f.height, r = i + p.height) : (t = f.width * (1 - this.anchor._x), e = f.width * -this.anchor._x, r = f.height * (1 - this.anchor._y), i = f.height * -this.anchor._y), d[0] = o * e + h * i + l, d[1] = u * i + a * e + c, d[2] = o * t + h * i + l, d[3] = u * i + a * t + c, d[4] = o * t + h * r + l, d[5] = u * r + a * t + c, d[6] = o * e + h * r + l, d[7] = u * r + a * e + c
}, i.prototype.calculateTrimmedVertices = function() {
this.vertexTrimmedData || (this.vertexTrimmedData = new Float32Array(8));
var t, e, r, i, n = this._texture,
s = this.vertexTrimmedData,
o = n.orig,
a = this.transform.worldTransform,
h = a.a,
u = a.b,
l = a.c,
c = a.d,
d = a.tx,
p = a.ty;
t = o.width * (1 - this.anchor._x), e = o.width * -this.anchor._x, r = o.height * (1 - this.anchor._y), i = o.height * -this.anchor._y, s[0] = h * e + l * i + d, s[1] = c * i + u * e + p, s[2] = h * t + l * i + d, s[3] = c * i + u * t + p, s[4] = h * t + l * r + d, s[5] = c * r + u * t + p, s[6] = h * e + l * r + d, s[7] = c * r + u * e + p
}, i.prototype._renderWebGL = function(t) {
this.calculateVertices(), t.setObjectRenderer(t.plugins.sprite), t.plugins.sprite.render(this)
}, i.prototype._renderCanvas = function(t) {
}, i.prototype._calculateBounds = function() {
var t = this._texture.trim,
e = this._texture.orig;
!t || t.width === e.width && t.height === e.height ? (this.calculateVertices(), this._bounds.addQuad(this.vertexData)) : (this.calculateTrimmedVertices(), this._bounds.addQuad(this.vertexTrimmedData))
}, i.prototype.getLocalBounds = function(t) {
return 0 === this.children.length ? (this._bounds.minX = -this._texture.orig.width * this.anchor._x, this._bounds.minY = -this._texture.orig.height * this.anchor._y, this._bounds.maxX = this._texture.orig.width, this._bounds.maxY = this._texture.orig.height, t || (this._localBoundsRect || (this._localBoundsRect = new n.Rectangle), t = this._localBoundsRect), this._bounds.getRectangle(t)) :, t)
}, i.prototype.containsPoint = function(t) {
this.worldTransform.applyInverse(t, u);
var e, r = this._texture.orig.width,
i = this._texture.orig.height,
n = -r * this.anchor.x;
return u.x > n && u.x < n + r && (e = -i * this.anchor.y, u.y > e && u.y < e + i)
}, i.prototype.destroy = function(t) {, t), this.anchor = null;
var e = "boolean" == typeof t ? t : t && t.texture;
if (e) {
var r = "boolean" == typeof t ? t : t && t.baseTexture;
this._texture = null, this.shader = null
}, i.from = function(t) {
return new i(s.from(t))
}, i.fromFrame = function(t) {
var e = a.TextureCache[t];
if (!e) throw new Error('The frameId "' + t + '" does not exist in the texture cache');
return new i(e)
}, i.fromImage = function(t, e, r) {
return new i(s.fromImage(t, e, r))
}, {
"../const": 78,
"../display/Container": 80,
"../math": 102,
"../textures/Texture": 144,
"../utils": 151
134: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t) {
this.renderer = t
var n = t("../../renderers/canvas/CanvasRenderer"),
s = t("../../const"),
o = t("../../math"),
a = new o.Matrix,
h = t("./CanvasTinter");
i.prototype.constructor = i, e.exports = i, n.registerPlugin("sprite", i), i.prototype.render = function(t) {
var e, r, i = t._texture,
n = this.renderer,
u = t.transform.worldTransform,
l = i._frame.width,
c = i._frame.height;
if (!(i.orig.width <= 0 || i.orig.height <= 0) && i.baseTexture.source && (n.setBlendMode(t.blendMode), i.valid)) {
n.context.globalAlpha = t.worldAlpha;
var d = i.baseTexture.scaleMode === s.SCALE_MODES.LINEAR;
n.smoothProperty && n.context[n.smoothProperty] !== d && (n.context[n.smoothProperty] = d), i.trim ? (e = i.trim.width / 2 + i.trim.x - t.anchor.x * i.orig.width, r = i.trim.height / 2 + i.trim.y - t.anchor.y * i.orig.height) : (e = (.5 - t.anchor.x) * i.orig.width, r = (.5 - t.anchor.y) * i.orig.height), i.rotate && (u.copy(a), u = a, o.GroupD8.matrixAppendRotationInv(u, i.rotate, e, r), e = 0, r = 0), e -= l / 2, r -= c / 2, n.roundPixels ? (n.context.setTransform(u.a, u.b, u.c, u.d, u.tx * n.resolution | 0, u.ty * n.resolution | 0), e = 0 | e, r = 0 | r) : n.context.setTransform(u.a, u.b, u.c, u.d, u.tx * n.resolution, u.ty * n.resolution);
var p = i.baseTexture.resolution;
16777215 !== t.tint ? (t.cachedTint !== t.tint && (t.cachedTint = t.tint, t.tintedTexture = h.getTintedTexture(t, t.tint)), n.context.drawImage(t.tintedTexture, 0, 0, l * p, c * p, e * n.resolution, r * n.resolution, l * n.resolution, c * n.resolution)) : n.context.drawImage(i.baseTexture.source, i._frame.x * p, i._frame.y * p, l * p, c * p, e * n.resolution, r * n.resolution, l * n.resolution, c * n.resolution)
}, i.prototype.destroy = function() {
this.renderer = null
}, {
"../../const": 78,
"../../math": 102,
"../../renderers/canvas/CanvasRenderer": 109,
"./CanvasTinter": 135
135: [function(t, e, r) {
var i = t("../../utils"),
n = t("../../renderers/canvas/utils/canUseNewCanvasBlendModes"),
s = e.exports = {
getTintedTexture: function(t, e) {
var r = t.texture;
e = s.roundColor(e);
var i = "#" + ("00000" + (0 | e).toString(16)).substr(-6);
if (r.tintCache = r.tintCache || {}, r.tintCache[i]) return r.tintCache[i];
var n = s.canvas || document.createElement("canvas");
if (s.tintMethod(r, e, n), s.convertTintToImage) {
var o = new Image;
o.src = n.toDataURL(), r.tintCache[i] = o
} else r.tintCache[i] = n, s.canvas = null;
return n
tintWithMultiply: function(t, e, r) {
var i = r.getContext("2d"),
n = t._frame.clone(),
s = t.baseTexture.resolution;
n.x *= s, n.y *= s, n.width *= s, n.height *= s, r.width = n.width, r.height = n.height, i.fillStyle = "#" + ("00000" + (0 | e).toString(16)).substr(-6), i.fillRect(0, 0, n.width, n.height), i.globalCompositeOperation = "multiply", i.drawImage(t.baseTexture.source, n.x, n.y, n.width, n.height, 0, 0, n.width, n.height), i.globalCompositeOperation = "destination-atop", i.drawImage(t.baseTexture.source, n.x, n.y, n.width, n.height, 0, 0, n.width, n.height)
tintWithOverlay: function(t, e, r) {
var i = r.getContext("2d"),
n = t._frame.clone(),
s = t.baseTexture.resolution;
n.x *= s, n.y *= s, n.width *= s, n.height *= s, r.width = n.width, r.height = n.height, i.globalCompositeOperation = "copy", i.fillStyle = "#" + ("00000" + (0 | e).toString(16)).substr(-6), i.fillRect(0, 0, n.width, n.height), i.globalCompositeOperation = "destination-atop", i.drawImage(t.baseTexture.source, n.x, n.y, n.width, n.height, 0, 0, n.width, n.height)
tintWithPerPixel: function(t, e, r) {
var n = r.getContext("2d"),
s = t._frame.clone(),
o = t.baseTexture.resolution;
s.x *= o, s.y *= o, s.width *= o, s.height *= o, r.width = s.width, r.height = s.height, n.globalCompositeOperation = "copy", n.drawImage(t.baseTexture.source, s.x, s.y, s.width, s.height, 0, 0, s.width, s.height);
for (var a = i.hex2rgb(e), h = a[0], u = a[1], l = a[2], c = n.getImageData(0, 0, s.width, s.height), d =, p = 0; p < d.length; p += 4) d[p + 0] *= h, d[p + 1] *= u, d[p + 2] *= l;
n.putImageData(c, 0, 0)
roundColor: function(t) {
var e = s.cacheStepsPerColorChannel,
r = i.hex2rgb(t);
return r[0] = Math.min(255, r[0] / e * e), r[1] = Math.min(255, r[1] / e * e), r[2] = Math.min(255, r[2] / e * e), i.rgb2hex(r)
cacheStepsPerColorChannel: 8,
convertTintToImage: !1,
canUseMultiply: n(),
tintMethod: 0
s.tintMethod = s.canUseMultiply ? s.tintWithMultiply : s.tintWithPerPixel
}, {
"../../renderers/canvas/utils/canUseNewCanvasBlendModes": 112,
"../../utils": 151
136: [function(t, e, r) {
var i = function(t) {
this.vertices = new ArrayBuffer(t), this.float32View = new Float32Array(this.vertices), this.uint32View = new Uint32Array(this.vertices)
e.exports = i, i.prototype.destroy = function() {
this.vertices = null, this.positions = null, this.uvs = null, this.colors = null
}, {}],
137: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t) {, t), this.vertSize = 5, this.vertByteSize = 4 * this.vertSize, this.size = l.SPRITE_BATCH_SIZE, this.buffers = [];
for (var e = 1; e <= d.nextPow2(this.size); e *= 2) {
var r = 4 * e * this.vertByteSize;
this.buffers.push(new u(r))
this.indices = o(this.size), this.shaders = null, this.currentIndex = 0, p = 0, this.groups = [];
for (var i = 0; i < this.size; i++) this.groups[i] = {
textures: [],
textureCount: 0,
ids: [],
size: 0,
start: 0,
blend: 0
this.sprites = [], this.vertexBuffers = [], this.vaos = [], this.vaoMax = 2, this.vertexCount = 0, this.renderer.on("prerender", this.onPrerender, this)
var n = t("../../renderers/webgl/utils/ObjectRenderer"),
s = t("../../renderers/webgl/WebGLRenderer"),
o = t("../../utils/createIndicesForQuads"),
a = t("./generateMultiTextureShader"),
h = t("../../renderers/webgl/utils/checkMaxIfStatmentsInShader"),
u = t("./BatchBuffer"),
l = t("../../const"),
c = t("pixi-gl-core"),
d = t("bit-twiddle"),
p = 0;
i.prototype = Object.create(n.prototype), i.prototype.constructor = i, e.exports = i, s.registerPlugin("sprite", i), i.prototype.onContextChange = function() {
var t =;
this.MAX_TEXTURES = Math.min(t.getParameter(t.MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS), l.SPRITE_MAX_TEXTURES), this.MAX_TEXTURES = h(this.MAX_TEXTURES, t), this.shaders = new Array(this.MAX_TEXTURES), this.shaders[0] = a(t, 1), this.shaders[1] = a(t, 2), this.indexBuffer = c.GLBuffer.createIndexBuffer(t, this.indices, t.STATIC_DRAW);
for (var e = this.shaders[1], r = 0; r < this.vaoMax; r++) this.vertexBuffers[r] = c.GLBuffer.createVertexBuffer(t, null, t.STREAM_DRAW), this.vaos[r] = this.renderer.createVao().addIndex(this.indexBuffer).addAttribute(this.vertexBuffers[r], e.attributes.aVertexPosition, t.FLOAT, !1, this.vertByteSize, 0).addAttribute(this.vertexBuffers[r], e.attributes.aTextureCoord, t.UNSIGNED_SHORT, !0, this.vertByteSize, 8).addAttribute(this.vertexBuffers[r], e.attributes.aColor, t.UNSIGNED_BYTE, !0, this.vertByteSize, 12).addAttribute(this.vertexBuffers[r], e.attributes.aTextureId, t.FLOAT, !1, this.vertByteSize, 16);
this.vao = this.vaos[0], this.currentBlendMode = 99999
}, i.prototype.onPrerender = function() {
this.vertexCount = 0
}, i.prototype.render = function(t) {
this.currentIndex >= this.size && this.flush(), t.texture._uvs && (this.sprites[this.currentIndex++] = t)
}, i.prototype.flush = function() {
if (0 !== this.currentIndex) {
var t, e, r, i, n, s, o, h =,
u = d.nextPow2(this.currentIndex),
l = d.log2(u),
f = this.buffers[l],
v = this.sprites,
g = this.groups,
y = f.float32View,
x = f.uint32View,
m = 0,
_ = 1,
b = 0,
T = g[0],
E = v[0].blendMode;
T.textureCount = 0, T.start = 0, T.blend = E, p++;
for (var w = 0; w < this.currentIndex; w++) {
var S = v[w];
if (t = S._texture.baseTexture, E !== S.blendMode && (E = S.blendMode, e = null, b = this.MAX_TEXTURES, p++), e !== t && (e = t, t._enabled !== p && (b === this.MAX_TEXTURES && (p++, b = 0, T.size = w - T.start, T = g[_++], T.textureCount = 0, T.blend = E, T.start = w), t._enabled = p, t._id = b, T.textures[T.textureCount++] = t, b++)), r = S.vertexData, i = S._tintRGB + (255 * S.worldAlpha << 24), n = S._texture._uvs.uvsUint32, s = t._id, this.renderer.roundPixels) {
var M = this.renderer.resolution;
y[m] = (r[0] * M | 0) / M, y[m + 1] = (r[1] * M | 0) / M, y[m + 5] = (r[2] * M | 0) / M, y[m + 6] = (r[3] * M | 0) / M, y[m + 10] = (r[4] * M | 0) / M, y[m + 11] = (r[5] * M | 0) / M, y[m + 15] = (r[6] * M | 0) / M, y[m + 16] = (r[7] * M | 0) / M
} else y[m] = r[0], y[m + 1] = r[1], y[m + 5] = r[2], y[m + 6] = r[3], y[m + 10] = r[4], y[m + 11] = r[5], y[m + 15] = r[6], y[m + 16] = r[7];
x[m + 2] = n[0], x[m + 7] = n[1], x[m + 12] = n[2], x[m + 17] = n[3], x[m + 3] = x[m + 8] = x[m + 13] = x[m + 18] = i, y[m + 4] = y[m + 9] = y[m + 14] = y[m + 19] = s, m += 20
for (T.size = w - T.start, this.vertexCount++, this.vaoMax <= this.vertexCount && (this.vaoMax++, o = this.shaders[1], this.vertexBuffers[this.vertexCount] = c.GLBuffer.createVertexBuffer(h, null, h.STREAM_DRAW), this.vaos[this.vertexCount] = this.renderer.createVao().addIndex(this.indexBuffer).addAttribute(this.vertexBuffers[this.vertexCount], o.attributes.aVertexPosition, h.FLOAT, !1, this.vertByteSize, 0).addAttribute(this.vertexBuffers[this.vertexCount], o.attributes.aTextureCoord, h.UNSIGNED_SHORT, !0, this.vertByteSize, 8).addAttribute(this.vertexBuffers[this.vertexCount], o.attributes.aColor, h.UNSIGNED_BYTE, !0, this.vertByteSize, 12).addAttribute(this.vertexBuffers[this.vertexCount], o.attributes.aTextureId, h.FLOAT, !1, this.vertByteSize, 16)), this.vertexBuffers[this.vertexCount].upload(f.vertices, 0), this.vao = this.vaos[this.vertexCount].bind(), w = 0; _ > w; w++) {
var C = g[w],
A = C.textureCount;
o = this.shaders[A - 1], o || (o = this.shaders[A - 1] = a(h, A)), this.renderer.bindShader(o);
for (var R = 0; A > R; R++) this.renderer.bindTexture(C.textures[R], R);
this.renderer.state.setBlendMode(C.blend), h.drawElements(h.TRIANGLES, 6 * C.size, h.UNSIGNED_SHORT, 6 * C.start * 2)
this.currentIndex = 0
}, i.prototype.start = function() {}, i.prototype.stop = function() {
this.flush(), this.vao.unbind()
}, i.prototype.destroy = function() {
for (var t = 0; t < this.vaoMax; t++) this.vertexBuffers[t].destroy(), this.vaos[t].destroy();
for (this.indexBuffer.destroy(),"prerender", this.onPrerender, this),, t = 0; t < this.shaders.length; t++) this.shaders[t] && this.shaders[t].destroy();
for (this.vertexBuffers = null, this.vaos = null, this.indexBuffer = null, this.indices = null, this.sprites = null, t = 0; t < this.buffers.length; t++) this.buffers[t].destroy()
}, {
"../../const": 78,
"../../renderers/webgl/WebGLRenderer": 116,
"../../renderers/webgl/utils/ObjectRenderer": 126,
"../../renderers/webgl/utils/checkMaxIfStatmentsInShader": 129,
"../../utils/createIndicesForQuads": 149,
"./BatchBuffer": 136,
"./generateMultiTextureShader": 138,
"bit-twiddle": 1,
"pixi-gl-core": 12
138: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t, e) {
var r = "#define GLSLIFY 1\nattribute vec2 aVertexPosition;\nattribute vec2 aTextureCoord;\nattribute vec4 aColor;\nattribute float aTextureId;\n\nuniform mat3 projectionMatrix;\n\nvarying vec2 vTextureCoord;\nvarying vec4 vColor;\nvarying float vTextureId;\n\nvoid main(void){\n gl_Position = vec4((projectionMatrix * vec3(aVertexPosition, 1.0)).xy, 0.0, 1.0);\n vTextureCoord = aTextureCoord;\n vTextureId = aTextureId;\n vColor = vec4(aColor.rgb * aColor.a, aColor.a);\n}\n",
i = o;
i = i.replace(/%count%/gi, e), i = i.replace(/%forloop%/gi, n(e));
for (var a = new s(t, r, i), h = [], u = 0; e > u; u++) h[u] = u;
return a.bind(), a.uniforms.uSamplers = h, a
function n(t) {
var e = "";
e += "\n", e += "\n";
for (var r = 0; t > r; r++) r > 0 && (e += "\nelse "), t - 1 > r && (e += "if(textureId == " + r + ".0)"), e += "\n{", e += "\n color = texture2D(uSamplers[" + r + "], vTextureCoord);", e += "\n}";
return e += "\n", e += "\n"
var s = t("../../Shader"),
o = ["varying vec2 vTextureCoord;", "varying vec4 vColor;", "varying float vTextureId;", "uniform sampler2D uSamplers[%count%];", "void main(void){", "vec4 color;", "float textureId = floor(vTextureId+0.5);", "%forloop%", "gl_FragColor = color * vColor;", "}"].join("\n");
e.exports = i
}, {
"../../Shader": 77
139: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t, e) {
this.canvas = document.createElement("canvas"), this.context = this.canvas.getContext("2d"), this.resolution = h.RESOLUTION, this._text = null, this._style = null, this._styleListener = null, this._font = "";
var r = s.fromCanvas(this.canvas);
r.orig = new o.Rectangle, r.trim = new o.Rectangle,, r), this.text = t, = e, this.localStyleID = -1
var n = t("../sprites/Sprite"),
s = t("../textures/Texture"),
o = t("../math"),
a = t("../utils"),
h = t("../const"),
u = t("./TextStyle"),
l = {
texture: !0,
children: !1,
baseTexture: !0
i.prototype = Object.create(n.prototype), i.prototype.constructor = i, e.exports = i, i.fontPropertiesCache = {}, i.fontPropertiesCanvas = document.createElement("canvas"), i.fontPropertiesContext = i.fontPropertiesCanvas.getContext("2d"), Object.defineProperties(i.prototype, {
width: {
get: function() {
return this.updateText(!0), Math.abs(this.scale.x) * this.texture.orig.width
set: function(t) {
var e = a.sign(this.scale.x) || 1;
this.scale.x = e * t / this.texture.orig.width, this._width = t
height: {
get: function() {
return this.updateText(!0), Math.abs(this.scale.y) * this._texture.orig.height
set: function(t) {
var e = a.sign(this.scale.x) || 1;
this.scale.x = e * t / this.texture.orig.width, this._width = t
style: {
get: function() {
return this._style
set: function(t) {
t = t || {}, t instanceof u ? this._style = t : this._style = new u(t), this.localStyleID = -1, this.dirty = !0
text: {
get: function() {
return this._text
set: function(t) {
t = t || " ", t = t.toString(), this._text !== t && (this._text = t, this.dirty = !0)
}), i.prototype.updateText = function(t) {
var e = this._style;
if (this.localStyleID !== e.styleID && (this.dirty = !0, this.localStyleID = e.styleID), this.dirty || !t) {
var r = "number" == typeof e.fontSize ? e.fontSize + "px" : e.fontSize;
this._font = e.fontStyle + " " + e.fontVariant + " " + e.fontWeight + " " + r + " " + e.fontFamily, this.context.font = this._font;
var i, n = e.wordWrap ? this.wordWrap(this._text) : this._text,
s = n.split(/(?:\r\n|\r|\n)/),
o = new Array(s.length),
a = 0,
h = this.determineFontProperties(this._font);
for (i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
var u = this.context.measureText(s[i]).width + (s[i].length - 1) * e.letterSpacing;
o[i] = u, a = Math.max(a, u)
var l = a + e.strokeThickness;
e.dropShadow && (l += e.dropShadowDistance), l += 2 * e.padding, this.canvas.width = Math.ceil((l + this.context.lineWidth) * this.resolution);
var c = || h.fontSize + e.strokeThickness,
d = Math.max(c, h.fontSize + e.strokeThickness) + (s.length - 1) * c;
e.dropShadow && (d += e.dropShadowDistance), this.canvas.height = Math.ceil((d + 2 * this._style.padding) * this.resolution), this.context.scale(this.resolution, this.resolution), navigator.isCocoonJS && this.context.clearRect(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height), this.context.font = this._font, this.context.strokeStyle = e.stroke, this.context.lineWidth = e.strokeThickness, this.context.textBaseline = e.textBaseline, this.context.lineJoin = e.lineJoin, this.context.miterLimit = e.miterLimit;
var p, f;
if (e.dropShadow) {
e.dropShadowBlur > 0 ? (this.context.shadowColor = e.dropShadowColor, this.context.shadowBlur = e.dropShadowBlur) : this.context.fillStyle = e.dropShadowColor;
var v = Math.cos(e.dropShadowAngle) * e.dropShadowDistance,
g = Math.sin(e.dropShadowAngle) * e.dropShadowDistance;
for (i = 0; i < s.length; i++) p = e.strokeThickness / 2, f = e.strokeThickness / 2 + i * c + h.ascent, "right" === e.align ? p += a - o[i] : "center" === e.align && (p += (a - o[i]) / 2), e.fill && (this.drawLetterSpacing(s[i], p + v + e.padding, f + g + e.padding), e.stroke && e.strokeThickness && (this.context.strokeStyle = e.dropShadowColor, this.drawLetterSpacing(s[i], p + v + e.padding, f + g + e.padding, !0), this.context.strokeStyle = e.stroke))
for (this.context.fillStyle = this._generateFillStyle(e, s), i = 0; i < s.length; i++) p = e.strokeThickness / 2, f = e.strokeThickness / 2 + i * c + h.ascent, "right" === e.align ? p += a - o[i] : "center" === e.align && (p += (a - o[i]) / 2), e.stroke && e.strokeThickness && this.drawLetterSpacing(s[i], p + e.padding, f + e.padding, !0), e.fill && this.drawLetterSpacing(s[i], p + e.padding, f + e.padding);
}, i.prototype.drawLetterSpacing = function(t, e, r, i) {
var n = this._style,
s = n.letterSpacing;
if (0 === s) return void(i ? this.context.strokeText(t, e, r) : this.context.fillText(t, e, r));
for (var o, a =, ""), h = 0, u = e; h < t.length;) o = a[h++], i ? this.context.strokeText(o, u, r) : this.context.fillText(o, u, r), u += this.context.measureText(o).width + s
}, i.prototype.updateTexture = function() {
var t = this._texture,
e = this._style;
t.baseTexture.hasLoaded = !0, t.baseTexture.resolution = this.resolution, t.baseTexture.realWidth = this.canvas.width, t.baseTexture.realHeight = this.canvas.height, t.baseTexture.width = this.canvas.width / this.resolution, t.baseTexture.height = this.canvas.height / this.resolution, t.trim.width = t._frame.width = this.canvas.width / this.resolution, t.trim.height = t._frame.height = this.canvas.height / this.resolution, t.trim.x = -e.padding, t.trim.y = -e.padding, t.orig.width = t._frame.width, t.orig.height = t._frame.height - 2 * e.padding, this._onTextureUpdate(), t.baseTexture.emit("update", t.baseTexture), this.dirty = !1
}, i.prototype.renderWebGL = function(t) {
this.resolution !== t.resolution && (this.resolution = t.resolution, this.dirty = !0), this.updateText(!0),, t)
}, i.prototype._renderCanvas = function(t) {
this.resolution !== t.resolution && (this.resolution = t.resolution, this.dirty = !0), this.updateText(!0),, t)
}, i.prototype.determineFontProperties = function(t) {
var e = i.fontPropertiesCache[t];
if (!e) {
e = {};
var r = i.fontPropertiesCanvas,
n = i.fontPropertiesContext;
n.font = t;
var s = Math.ceil(n.measureText("|MÉq").width),
o = Math.ceil(n.measureText("M").width),
a = 2 * o;
o = 1.4 * o | 0, r.width = s, r.height = a, n.fillStyle = "#f00", n.fillRect(0, 0, s, a), n.font = t, n.textBaseline = "alphabetic", n.fillStyle = "#000", n.fillText("|MÉq", 0, o);
var h, u, l = n.getImageData(0, 0, s, a).data,
c = l.length,
d = 4 * s,
p = 0,
f = !1;
for (h = 0; o > h; h++) {
for (u = 0; d > u; u += 4)
if (255 !== l[p + u]) {
f = !0;
if (f) break;
p += d
for (e.ascent = o - h, p = c - d, f = !1, h = a; h > o; h--) {
for (u = 0; d > u; u += 4)
if (255 !== l[p + u]) {
f = !0;
if (f) break;
p -= d
e.descent = h - o, e.fontSize = e.ascent + e.descent, i.fontPropertiesCache[t] = e
return e
}, i.prototype.wordWrap = function(t) {
for (var e = "", r = t.split("\n"), i = this._style.wordWrapWidth, n = 0; n < r.length; n++) {
for (var s = i, o = r[n].split(" "), a = 0; a < o.length; a++) {
var h = this.context.measureText(o[a]).width;
if (this._style.breakWords && h > i)
for (var u = o[a].split(""), l = 0; l < u.length; l++) {
var c = this.context.measureText(u[l]).width;
c > s ? (e += "\n" + u[l], s = i - c) : (0 === l && (e += " "), e += u[l], s -= c)
} else {
var d = h + this.context.measureText(" ").width;
0 === a || d > s ? (a > 0 && (e += "\n"), e += o[a], s = i - h) : (s -= d, e += " " + o[a])
n < r.length - 1 && (e += "\n")
return e
}, i.prototype._calculateBounds = function() {
this.updateText(!0), this.calculateVertices(), this._bounds.addQuad(this.vertexData)
}, i.prototype._onStyleChange = function() {
this.dirty = !0
}, i.prototype._generateFillStyle = function(t, e) {
if (Array.isArray(t.fill)) {
var r, i, n, s, o, a = this.canvas.width / this.resolution,
u = this.canvas.height / this.resolution;
if (t.fillGradientType === h.TEXT_GRADIENT.LINEAR_VERTICAL)
for (i = this.context.createLinearGradient(a / 2, 0, a / 2, u),
n = (t.fill.length + 1) * e.length, s = 0, r = 0; r < e.length; r++) {
s += 1;
for (var l = 0; l < t.fill.length; l++) o = s / n, i.addColorStop(o, t.fill[l]), s++
} else
for (i = this.context.createLinearGradient(0, u / 2, a, u / 2), n = t.fill.length + 1, s = 1, r = 0; r < t.fill.length; r++) o = s / n, i.addColorStop(o, t.fill[r]), s++;
return i
return t.fill
}, i.prototype.destroy = function(t) {
"boolean" == typeof t && (t = {
children: t
}), t = Object.assign({}, l, t),, t), this.context = null, this.canvas = null, this._style = null
}, {
"../const": 78,
"../math": 102,
"../sprites/Sprite": 133,
"../textures/Texture": 144,
"../utils": 151,
"./TextStyle": 140
140: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t) {
this.styleID = 0, Object.assign(this, this._defaults, t)
function n(t) {
if ("number" == typeof t) return o.hex2string(t);
if (Array.isArray(t))
for (var e = 0; e < t.length; ++e) "number" == typeof t[e] && (t[e] = o.hex2string(t[e]));
return t
var s = t("../const"),
o = t("../utils");
i.prototype.constructor = i, e.exports = i, i.prototype._defaults = {
align: "left",
breakWords: !1,
dropShadow: !1,
dropShadowAngle: Math.PI / 6,
dropShadowBlur: 0,
dropShadowColor: "#000000",
dropShadowDistance: 5,
fill: "black",
fontFamily: "Arial",
fontSize: 26,
fontStyle: "normal",
fontVariant: "normal",
fontWeight: "normal",
letterSpacing: 0,
lineHeight: 0,
lineJoin: "miter",
miterLimit: 10,
padding: 0,
stroke: "black",
strokeThickness: 0,
textBaseline: "alphabetic",
wordWrap: !1,
wordWrapWidth: 100
}, i.prototype.clone = function() {
var t = {};
for (var e in this._defaults) t[e] = this[e];
return new i(t)
}, i.prototype.reset = function() {
Object.assign(this, this._defaults)
}, Object.defineProperties(i.prototype, {
align: {
get: function() {
return this._align
set: function(t) {
this._align !== t && (this._align = t, this.styleID++)
breakWords: {
get: function() {
return this._breakWords
set: function(t) {
this._breakWords !== t && (this._breakWords = t, this.styleID++)
dropShadow: {
get: function() {
return this._dropShadow
set: function(t) {
this._dropShadow !== t && (this._dropShadow = t, this.styleID++)
dropShadowAngle: {
get: function() {
return this._dropShadowAngle
set: function(t) {
this._dropShadowAngle !== t && (this._dropShadowAngle = t, this.styleID++)
dropShadowBlur: {
get: function() {
return this._dropShadowBlur
set: function(t) {
this._dropShadowBlur !== t && (this._dropShadowBlur = t, this.styleID++)
dropShadowColor: {
get: function() {
return this._dropShadowColor
set: function(t) {
var e = n(t);
this._dropShadowColor !== e && (this._dropShadowColor = e, this.styleID++)
dropShadowDistance: {
get: function() {
return this._dropShadowDistance
set: function(t) {
this._dropShadowDistance !== t && (this._dropShadowDistance = t, this.styleID++)
fill: {
get: function() {
return this._fill
set: function(t) {
var e = n(t);
this._fill !== e && (this._fill = e, this.styleID++)
fillGradientType: {
get: function() {
return this._fillGradientType
set: function(t) {
this._fillGradientType !== t && (this._fillGradientType = t, this.styleID++)
fontFamily: {
get: function() {
return this._fontFamily
set: function(t) {
this.fontFamily !== t && (this._fontFamily = t, this.styleID++)
fontSize: {
get: function() {
return this._fontSize
set: function(t) {
this._fontSize !== t && (this._fontSize = t, this.styleID++)
fontStyle: {
get: function() {
return this._fontStyle
set: function(t) {
this._fontStyle !== t && (this._fontStyle = t, this.styleID++)
fontVariant: {
get: function() {
return this._fontVariant
set: function(t) {
this._fontVariant !== t && (this._fontVariant = t, this.styleID++)
fontWeight: {
get: function() {
return this._fontWeight
set: function(t) {
this._fontWeight !== t && (this._fontWeight = t, this.styleID++)
letterSpacing: {
get: function() {
return this._letterSpacing
set: function(t) {
this._letterSpacing !== t && (this._letterSpacing = t, this.styleID++)
lineHeight: {
get: function() {
return this._lineHeight
set: function(t) {
this._lineHeight !== t && (this._lineHeight = t, this.styleID++)
lineJoin: {
get: function() {
return this._lineJoin
set: function(t) {
this._lineJoin !== t && (this._lineJoin = t, this.styleID++)
miterLimit: {
get: function() {
return this._miterLimit
set: function(t) {
this._miterLimit !== t && (this._miterLimit = t, this.styleID++)
padding: {
get: function() {
return this._padding
set: function(t) {
this._padding !== t && (this._padding = t, this.styleID++)
stroke: {
get: function() {
return this._stroke
set: function(t) {
var e = n(t);
this._stroke !== e && (this._stroke = e, this.styleID++)
strokeThickness: {
get: function() {
return this._strokeThickness
set: function(t) {
this._strokeThickness !== t && (this._strokeThickness = t, this.styleID++)
textBaseline: {
get: function() {
return this._textBaseline
set: function(t) {
this._textBaseline !== t && (this._textBaseline = t, this.styleID++)
wordWrap: {
get: function() {
return this._wordWrap
set: function(t) {
this._wordWrap !== t && (this._wordWrap = t, this.styleID++)
wordWrapWidth: {
get: function() {
return this._wordWrapWidth
set: function(t) {
this._wordWrapWidth !== t && (this._wordWrapWidth = t, this.styleID++)
}, {
"../const": 78,
"../utils": 151
141: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t, e, r, i) {, null, r), this.resolution = i || s.RESOLUTION, this.width = t || 100, this.height = e || 100, this.realWidth = this.width * this.resolution, this.realHeight = this.height * this.resolution, this.scaleMode = r || s.SCALE_MODES.DEFAULT, this.hasLoaded = !0, this._glRenderTargets = [], this._canvasRenderTarget = null, this.valid = !1
var n = t("./BaseTexture"),
s = t("../const");
i.prototype = Object.create(n.prototype), i.prototype.constructor = i, e.exports = i, i.prototype.resize = function(t, e) {
t === this.width && e === this.height || (this.valid = t > 0 && e > 0, this.width = t, this.height = e, this.realWidth = this.width * this.resolution, this.realHeight = this.height * this.resolution, this.valid && this.emit("update", this))
}, i.prototype.destroy = function() {, !0), this.renderer = null
}, {
"../const": 78,
"./BaseTexture": 142
142: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t, e, r) {, this.uid = n.uid(), this.touched = 0, this.resolution = r || s.RESOLUTION, this.width = 100, this.height = 100, this.realWidth = 100, this.realHeight = 100, this.scaleMode = e || s.SCALE_MODES.DEFAULT, this.hasLoaded = !1, this.isLoading = !1, this.source = null, this.premultipliedAlpha = !0, this.imageUrl = null, this.isPowerOfTwo = !1, this.mipmap = s.MIPMAP_TEXTURES, this.wrapMode = s.WRAP_MODES.DEFAULT, this._glTextures = [], this._enabled = 0, this._id = 0, t && this.loadSource(t)
var n = t("../utils"),
s = t("../const"),
o = t("eventemitter3"),
a = t("../utils/determineCrossOrigin"),
h = t("bit-twiddle");
i.prototype = Object.create(o.prototype), i.prototype.constructor = i, e.exports = i, i.prototype.update = function() {
this.realWidth = this.source.naturalWidth || this.source.videoWidth || this.source.width, this.realHeight = this.source.naturalHeight || this.source.videoHeight || this.source.height, this.width = this.realWidth / this.resolution, this.height = this.realHeight / this.resolution, this.isPowerOfTwo = h.isPow2(this.realWidth) && h.isPow2(this.realHeight), this.emit("update", this)
}, i.prototype.loadSource = function(t) {
var e = this.isLoading;
if (this.hasLoaded = !1, this.isLoading = !1, e && this.source && (this.source.onload = null, this.source.onerror = null), this.source = t, (this.source.complete || this.source.getContext) && this.source.width && this.source.height) this._sourceLoaded();
else if (!t.getContext) {
this.isLoading = !0;
var r = this;
t.onload = function() {
t.onload = null, t.onerror = null, r.isLoading && (r.isLoading = !1, r._sourceLoaded(), r.emit("loaded", r))
}, t.onerror = function() {
t.onload = null, t.onerror = null, r.isLoading && (r.isLoading = !1, r.emit("error", r))
}, t.complete && t.src && (this.isLoading = !1, t.onload = null, t.onerror = null, t.width && t.height ? (this._sourceLoaded(), e && this.emit("loaded", this)) : e && this.emit("error", this))
}, i.prototype._sourceLoaded = function() {
this.hasLoaded = !0, this.update()
}, i.prototype.destroy = function() {
this.imageUrl ? (delete n.BaseTextureCache[this.imageUrl], delete n.TextureCache[this.imageUrl], this.imageUrl = null, navigator.isCocoonJS || (this.source.src = "")) : this.source && this.source._pixiId && delete n.BaseTextureCache[this.source._pixiId], this.source = null, this.dispose()
}, i.prototype.dispose = function() {
this.emit("dispose", this)
}, i.prototype.updateSourceImage = function(t) {
this.source.src = t, this.loadSource(this.source)
}, i.fromImage = function(t, e, r) {
var s = n.BaseTextureCache[t];
if (!s) {
var o = new Image;
void 0 === e && 0 !== t.indexOf("data:") && (o.crossOrigin = a(t)), s = new i(o, r), s.imageUrl = t, o.src = t, n.BaseTextureCache[t] = s, s.resolution = n.getResolutionOfUrl(t)
return s
}, i.fromCanvas = function(t, e) {
t._pixiId || (t._pixiId = "canvas_" + n.uid());
var r = n.BaseTextureCache[t._pixiId];
return r || (r = new i(t, e), n.BaseTextureCache[t._pixiId] = r), r
}, {
"../const": 78,
"../utils": 151,
"../utils/determineCrossOrigin": 150,
"bit-twiddle": 1,
eventemitter3: 3
143: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t, e) {
if (this.legacyRenderer = null, !(t instanceof n)) {
var r = arguments[1],
i = arguments[2],
o = arguments[3] || 0,
a = arguments[4] || 1;
console.warn("v4 RenderTexture now expects a new BaseRenderTexture. Please use RenderTexture.create(" + r + ", " + i + ")"), this.legacyRenderer = arguments[0], e = null, t = new n(r, i, o, a)
}, t, e), this.valid = !0, this._updateUvs()
var n = t("./BaseRenderTexture"),
s = t("./Texture");
i.prototype = Object.create(s.prototype), i.prototype.constructor = i, e.exports = i, i.prototype.resize = function(t, e, r) {
this.valid = t > 0 && e > 0, this._frame.width = this.orig.width = t, this._frame.height = this.orig.height = e, r || this.baseTexture.resize(t, e), this._updateUvs()
}, i.create = function(t, e, r, s) {
return new i(new n(t, e, r, s))
}, {
"./BaseRenderTexture": 141,
"./Texture": 144
144: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t, e, r, n, s) {
if (, this.noFrame = !1, e || (this.noFrame = !0, e = new h.Rectangle(0, 0, 1, 1)), t instanceof i && (t = t.baseTexture), this.baseTexture = t, this._frame = e, this.trim = n, this.valid = !1, this.requiresUpdate = !1, this._uvs = null, this.orig = r || e, this._rotate = +(s || 0), s === !0) this._rotate = 2;
else if (this._rotate % 2 !== 0) throw "attempt to use diamond-shaped UVs. If you are sure, set rotation manually";
t.hasLoaded ? (this.noFrame && (e = new h.Rectangle(0, 0, t.width, t.height), t.on("update", this.onBaseTextureUpdated, this)), this.frame = e) : t.once("loaded", this.onBaseTextureLoaded, this), this._updateID = 0
var n = t("./BaseTexture"),
s = t("./VideoBaseTexture"),
o = t("./TextureUvs"),
a = t("eventemitter3"),
h = t("../math"),
u = t("../utils");
i.prototype = Object.create(a.prototype), i.prototype.constructor = i, e.exports = i, Object.defineProperties(i.prototype, {
frame: {
get: function() {
return this._frame
set: function(t) {
if (this._frame = t, this.noFrame = !1, t.x + t.width > this.baseTexture.width || t.y + t.height > this.baseTexture.height) throw new Error("Texture Error: frame does not fit inside the base Texture dimensions " + this);
this.valid = t && t.width && t.height && this.baseTexture.hasLoaded, this.trim || this.rotate || (this.orig = t), this.valid && this._updateUvs()
rotate: {
get: function() {
return this._rotate
set: function(t) {
this._rotate = t, this.valid && this._updateUvs()
width: {
get: function() {
return this.orig ? this.orig.width : 0
height: {
get: function() {
return this.orig ? this.orig.height : 0
}), i.prototype.update = function() {
}, i.prototype.onBaseTextureLoaded = function(t) {
this._updateID++, this.noFrame ? this.frame = new h.Rectangle(0, 0, t.width, t.height) : this.frame = this._frame, this.baseTexture.on("update", this.onBaseTextureUpdated, this), this.emit("update", this)
}, i.prototype.onBaseTextureUpdated = function(t) {
this._updateID++, this._frame.width = t.width, this._frame.height = t.height, this.emit("update", this)
}, i.prototype.destroy = function(t) {
this.baseTexture && (t && (u.TextureCache[this.baseTexture.imageUrl] && delete u.TextureCache[this.baseTexture.imageUrl], this.baseTexture.destroy()),"update", this.onBaseTextureUpdated, this),"loaded", this.onBaseTextureLoaded, this), this.baseTexture = null), this._frame = null, this._uvs = null, this.trim = null, this.orig = null, this.valid = !1,"dispose", this.dispose, this),"update", this.update, this)
}, i.prototype.clone = function() {
return new i(this.baseTexture, this.frame, this.orig, this.trim, this.rotate)
}, i.prototype._updateUvs = function() {
this._uvs || (this._uvs = new o), this._uvs.set(this._frame, this.baseTexture, this.rotate), this._updateID++
}, i.fromImage = function(t, e, r) {
var s = u.TextureCache[t];
return s || (s = new i(n.fromImage(t, e, r)), u.TextureCache[t] = s), s
}, i.fromFrame = function(t) {
var e = u.TextureCache[t];
if (!e) throw new Error('The frameId "' + t + '" does not exist in the texture cache');
return e
}, i.fromCanvas = function(t, e) {
return new i(n.fromCanvas(t, e))
}, i.fromVideo = function(t, e) {
return "string" == typeof t ? i.fromVideoUrl(t, e) : new i(s.fromVideo(t, e))
}, i.fromVideoUrl = function(t, e) {
return new i(s.fromUrl(t, e))
}, i.from = function(t) {
if ("string" == typeof t) {
var e = u.TextureCache[t];
if (!e) {
var r = null !== t.match(/\.(mp4|webm|ogg|h264|avi|mov)$/);
return r ? i.fromVideoUrl(t) : i.fromImage(t)
return e
return t instanceof HTMLCanvasElement ? i.fromCanvas(t) : t instanceof HTMLVideoElement ? i.fromVideo(t) : t instanceof n ? new i(n) : void 0
}, i.addTextureToCache = function(t, e) {
u.TextureCache[e] = t
}, i.removeTextureFromCache = function(t) {
var e = u.TextureCache[t];
return delete u.TextureCache[t], delete u.BaseTextureCache[t], e
}, i.EMPTY = new i(new n), i.EMPTY.destroy = function() {}, i.EMPTY.on = function() {}, i.EMPTY.once = function() {}, i.EMPTY.emit = function() {}
}, {
"../math": 102,
"../utils": 151,
"./BaseTexture": 142,
"./TextureUvs": 145,
"./VideoBaseTexture": 146,
eventemitter3: 3
145: [function(t, e, r) {
function i() {
this.x0 = 0, this.y0 = 0, this.x1 = 1, this.y1 = 0, this.x2 = 1, this.y2 = 1, this.x3 = 0, this.y3 = 1, this.uvsUint32 = new Uint32Array(4)
e.exports = i;
var n = t("../math/GroupD8");
i.prototype.set = function(t, e, r) {
var i = e.width,
s = e.height;
if (r) {
var o = t.width / 2 / i,
a = t.height / 2 / s,
h = t.x / i + o,
u = t.y / s + a;
r = n.add(r, n.NW), this.x0 = h + o * n.uX(r), this.y0 = u + a * n.uY(r), r = n.add(r, 2), this.x1 = h + o * n.uX(r), this.y1 = u + a * n.uY(r), r = n.add(r, 2), this.x2 = h + o * n.uX(r), this.y2 = u + a * n.uY(r), r = n.add(r, 2), this.x3 = h + o * n.uX(r), this.y3 = u + a * n.uY(r)
} else this.x0 = t.x / i, this.y0 = t.y / s, this.x1 = (t.x + t.width) / i, this.y1 = t.y / s, this.x2 = (t.x + t.width) / i, this.y2 = (t.y + t.height) / s, this.x3 = t.x / i, this.y3 = (t.y + t.height) / s;
this.uvsUint32[0] = (65535 * this.y0 & 65535) << 16 | 65535 * this.x0 & 65535, this.uvsUint32[1] = (65535 * this.y1 & 65535) << 16 | 65535 * this.x1 & 65535, this.uvsUint32[2] = (65535 * this.y2 & 65535) << 16 | 65535 * this.x2 & 65535, this.uvsUint32[3] = (65535 * this.y3 & 65535) << 16 | 65535 * this.x3 & 65535
}, {
"../math/GroupD8": 98
146: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t, e) {
if (!t) throw new Error("No video source element specified.");
(t.readyState === t.HAVE_ENOUGH_DATA || t.readyState === t.HAVE_FUTURE_DATA) && t.width && t.height && (t.complete = !0),, t, e), this.autoUpdate = !1, this._onUpdate = this._onUpdate.bind(this), this._onCanPlay = this._onCanPlay.bind(this), t.complete || (t.addEventListener("canplay", this._onCanPlay), t.addEventListener("canplaythrough", this._onCanPlay), t.addEventListener("play", this._onPlayStart.bind(this)), t.addEventListener("pause", this._onPlayStop.bind(this))), this.__loaded = !1
function n(t, e) {
e || (e = "video/" + t.substr(t.lastIndexOf(".") + 1));
var r = document.createElement("source");
return r.src = t, r.type = e, r
var s = t("./BaseTexture"),
o = t("../utils");
i.prototype = Object.create(s.prototype), i.prototype.constructor = i, e.exports = i, i.prototype._onUpdate = function() {
this.autoUpdate && (window.requestAnimationFrame(this._onUpdate), this.update())
}, i.prototype._onPlayStart = function() {
this.autoUpdate || (window.requestAnimationFrame(this._onUpdate), this.autoUpdate = !0)
}, i.prototype._onPlayStop = function() {
this.autoUpdate = !1
}, i.prototype._onCanPlay = function() {
this.hasLoaded = !0, this.source && (this.source.removeEventListener("canplay", this._onCanPlay), this.source.removeEventListener("canplaythrough", this._onCanPlay), this.width = this.source.videoWidth, this.height = this.source.videoHeight,, this.__loaded || (this.__loaded = !0, this.emit("loaded", this)))
}, i.prototype.destroy = function() {
this.source && this.source._pixiId && (delete o.BaseTextureCache[this.source._pixiId], delete this.source._pixiId),
}, i.fromVideo = function(t, e) {
t._pixiId || (t._pixiId = "video_" + o.uid());
var r = o.BaseTextureCache[t._pixiId];
return r || (r = new i(t, e), o.BaseTextureCache[t._pixiId] = r), r
}, i.fromUrl = function(t, e) {
var r = document.createElement("video");
if (Array.isArray(t))
for (var s = 0; s < t.length; ++s) r.appendChild(n(t[s].src || t[s], t[s].mime));
else r.appendChild(n(t.src || t, t.mime));
return r.load(),, i.fromVideo(r, e)
}, i.fromUrls = i.fromUrl
}, {
"../utils": 151,
"./BaseTexture": 142
147: [function(t, e, r) {
function i() {
var t = this;
this._tick = function(e) {
t._requestId = null, t.started && (t.update(e), t.started && null === t._requestId && t._emitter.listeners(o, !0) && (t._requestId = requestAnimationFrame(t._tick)))
}, this._emitter = new s, this._requestId = null, this._maxElapsedMS = 100, this.autoStart = !1, this.deltaTime = 1, this.elapsedMS = 1 / n.TARGET_FPMS, this.lastTime = 0, this.speed = 1, this.started = !1
var n = t("../const"),
s = t("eventemitter3"),
o = "tick";
Object.defineProperties(i.prototype, {
FPS: {
get: function() {
return 1e3 / this.elapsedMS
minFPS: {
get: function() {
return 1e3 / this._maxElapsedMS
set: function(t) {
var e = Math.min(Math.max(0, t) / 1e3, n.TARGET_FPMS);
this._maxElapsedMS = 1 / e
}), i.prototype._requestIfNeeded = function() {
null === this._requestId && this._emitter.listeners(o, !0) && (this.lastTime =, this._requestId = requestAnimationFrame(this._tick))
}, i.prototype._cancelIfNeeded = function() {
null !== this._requestId && (cancelAnimationFrame(this._requestId), this._requestId = null)
}, i.prototype._startIfPossible = function() {
this.started ? this._requestIfNeeded() : this.autoStart && this.start()
}, i.prototype.add = function(t, e) {
return this._emitter.on(o, t, e), this._startIfPossible(), this
}, i.prototype.addOnce = function(t, e) {
return this._emitter.once(o, t, e), this._startIfPossible(), this
}, i.prototype.remove = function(t, e) {
return, t, e), this._emitter.listeners(o, !0) || this._cancelIfNeeded(), this
}, i.prototype.start = function() {
this.started || (this.started = !0, this._requestIfNeeded())
}, i.prototype.stop = function() {
this.started && (this.started = !1, this._cancelIfNeeded())
}, i.prototype.update = function(t) {
var e;
t = t ||, t > this.lastTime ? (e = this.elapsedMS = t - this.lastTime, e > this._maxElapsedMS && (e = this._maxElapsedMS), this.deltaTime = e * n.TARGET_FPMS * this.speed, this._emitter.emit(o, this.deltaTime)) : this.deltaTime = this.elapsedMS = 0, this.lastTime = t
}, e.exports = i
}, {
"../const": 78,
eventemitter3: 3
148: [function(t, e, r) {
var i = t("./Ticker"),
n = new i;
n.autoStart = !0, e.exports = {
shared: n,
Ticker: i
}, {
"./Ticker": 147
149: [function(t, e, r) {
var i = function(t) {
for (var e = 6 * t, r = new Uint16Array(e), i = 0, n = 0; e > i; i += 6, n += 4) r[i + 0] = n + 0, r[i + 1] = n + 1, r[i + 2] = n + 2, r[i + 3] = n + 0, r[i + 4] = n + 2, r[i + 5] = n + 3;
return r
e.exports = i
}, {}],
150: [function(t, e, r) {
var i, n = t("url"),
s = function(t, e) {
if (0 === t.indexOf("data:")) return "";
e = e || window.location, i || (i = document.createElement("a")), i.href = t, t = n.parse(i.href);
var r = !t.port && "" === e.port || t.port === e.port;
return t.hostname === e.hostname && r && t.protocol === e.protocol ? "" : "anonymous"
e.exports = s
}, {
url: 28
151: [function(t, e, r) {
var i = t("../const"),
n = e.exports = {
_uid: 0,
_saidHello: !1,
EventEmitter: t("eventemitter3"),
pluginTarget: t("./pluginTarget"),
uid: function() {
return ++n._uid
hex2rgb: function(t, e) {
return e = e || [], e[0] = (t >> 16 & 255) / 255, e[1] = (t >> 8 & 255) / 255, e[2] = (255 & t) / 255, e
hex2string: function(t) {
return t = t.toString(16), t = "000000".substr(0, 6 - t.length) + t, "#" + t
rgb2hex: function(t) {
return (255 * t[0] << 16) + (255 * t[1] << 8) + 255 * t[2]
getResolutionOfUrl: function(t) {
var e = i.RETINA_PREFIX.exec(t);
return e ? parseFloat(e[1]) : 1
sayHello: function(t) {
if (!n._saidHello) {
if (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("chrome") > -1) {
var e = ["\n %c %c %c Pixi.js " + i.VERSION + " - ✰ " + t + " ✰ %c %c %c %c ♥%c♥%c♥ \n\n", "background: #ff66a5; padding:5px 0;", "background: #ff66a5; padding:5px 0;", "color: #ff66a5; background: #030307; padding:5px 0;", "background: #ff66a5; padding:5px 0;", "background: #ffc3dc; padding:5px 0;", "background: #ff66a5; padding:5px 0;", "color: #ff2424; background: #fff; padding:5px 0;", "color: #ff2424; background: #fff; padding:5px 0;", "color: #ff2424; background: #fff; padding:5px 0;"];
window.console.log.apply(console, e)
} else window.console && window.console.log("Pixi.js " + i.VERSION + " - " + t + " -");
n._saidHello = !0
isWebGLSupported: function() {
var t = {
stencil: !0,
failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat: !0
try {
if (!window.WebGLRenderingContext) return !1;
var e = document.createElement("canvas"),
r = e.getContext("webgl", t) || e.getContext("experimental-webgl", t),
i = !(!r || !r.getContextAttributes().stencil);
if (r) {
var n = r.getExtension("WEBGL_lose_context");
n && n.loseContext()
return r = null, i
} catch (s) {
return !1
sign: function(t) {
return t ? 0 > t ? -1 : 1 : 0
removeItems: function(t, e, r) {
var i = t.length;
if (!(e >= i || 0 === r)) {
r = e + r > i ? i - e : r;
for (var n = e, s = i - r; s > n; ++n) t[n] = t[n + r];
t.length = s
TextureCache: {},
BaseTextureCache: {}
}, {
"../const": 78,
"./pluginTarget": 153,
eventemitter3: 3
152: [function(t, e, r) {
var i = t("ismobilejs"),
n = function(t) {
return i.tablet || ? 2 : t
e.exports = n
}, {
ismobilejs: 4
153: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t) {
t.__plugins = {}, t.registerPlugin = function(e, r) {
t.__plugins[e] = r
}, t.prototype.initPlugins = function() {
this.plugins = this.plugins || {};
for (var e in t.__plugins) this.plugins[e] = new t.__plugins[e](this)
}, t.prototype.destroyPlugins = function() {
for (var t in this.plugins) this.plugins[t].destroy(), this.plugins[t] = null;
this.plugins = null
e.exports = {
mixin: function(t) {
}, {}],
154: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t) {
var e = (new Error).stack;
"undefined" == typeof e ? console.warn("Deprecation Warning: ", t) : (e = e.split("\n").splice(3).join("\n"), console.groupCollapsed ? (console.groupCollapsed("%cDeprecation Warning: %c%s", "color:#614108;background:#fffbe6", "font-weight:normal;color:#614108;background:#fffbe6", t), console.warn(e), console.groupEnd()) : (console.warn("Deprecation Warning: ", t), console.warn(e)))
var n = t("./core"),
s = t("./mesh"),
o = t("./particles"),
a = t("./extras"),
h = t("./filters");
n.SpriteBatch = function() {
throw new ReferenceError("SpriteBatch does not exist any more, please use the new ParticleContainer instead.")
}, n.AssetLoader = function() {
throw new ReferenceError("The loader system was overhauled in pixi v3, please see the new PIXI.loaders.Loader class.")
}, Object.defineProperties(n, {
Stage: {
get: function() {
return i("You do not need to use a PIXI Stage any more, you can simply render any container."), n.Container
DisplayObjectContainer: {
get: function() {
return i("DisplayObjectContainer has been shortened to Container, please use Container from now on."), n.Container
Strip: {
get: function() {
return i("The Strip class has been renamed to Mesh and moved to mesh.Mesh, please use mesh.Mesh from now on."), s.Mesh
Rope: {
get: function() {
return i("The Rope class has been moved to mesh.Rope, please use mesh.Rope from now on."), s.Rope
ParticleContainer: {
get: function() {
return i("The ParticleContainer class has been moved to particles.ParticleContainer, please use particles.ParticleContainer from now on."), o.ParticleContainer
MovieClip: {
get: function() {
return i("The MovieClip class has been moved to extras.MovieClip, please use extras.MovieClip from now on."), a.MovieClip
TilingSprite: {
get: function() {
return i("The TilingSprite class has been moved to extras.TilingSprite, please use extras.TilingSprite from now on."), a.TilingSprite
BitmapText: {
get: function() {
return i("The BitmapText class has been moved to extras.BitmapText, please use extras.BitmapText from now on."), a.BitmapText
blendModes: {
get: function() {
return i("The blendModes has been moved to BLEND_MODES, please use BLEND_MODES from now on."), n.BLEND_MODES
scaleModes: {
get: function() {
return i("The scaleModes has been moved to SCALE_MODES, please use SCALE_MODES from now on."), n.SCALE_MODES
BaseTextureCache: {
get: function() {
return i("The BaseTextureCache class has been moved to utils.BaseTextureCache, please use utils.BaseTextureCache from now on."), n.utils.BaseTextureCache
TextureCache: {
get: function() {
return i("The TextureCache class has been moved to utils.TextureCache, please use utils.TextureCache from now on."), n.utils.TextureCache
math: {
get: function() {
return i("The math namespace is deprecated, please access members already accessible on PIXI."), n
AbstractFilter: {
get: function() {
return i("AstractFilter has been renamed to Filter, please use PIXI.Filter"), n.Filter
TransformManual: {
get: function() {
return i("TransformManual has been renamed to TransformBase, please update your pixi-spine"), n.TransformBase
}), n.DisplayObject.prototype.generateTexture = function(t, e, r) {
return i("generateTexture has moved to the renderer, please use renderer.generateTexture(displayObject)"), t.generateTexture(this, e, r)
}, n.Graphics.prototype.generateTexture = function(t, e) {
return i("graphics generate texture has moved to the renderer. Or to render a graphics to a texture using canvas please use generateCanvasTexture"), this.generateCanvasTexture(t, e)
}, n.RenderTexture.prototype.render = function(t, e, r, n) {
this.legacyRenderer.render(t, this, r, e, !n), i("RenderTexture.render is now deprecated, please use renderer.render(displayObject, renderTexture)")
}, n.RenderTexture.prototype.getImage = function(t) {
return i("RenderTexture.getImage is now deprecated, please use renderer.extract.image(target)"), this.legacyRenderer.extract.image(t)
}, n.RenderTexture.prototype.getBase64 = function(t) {
return i("RenderTexture.getBase64 is now deprecated, please use renderer.extract.base64(target)"), this.legacyRenderer.extract.base64(t)
}, n.RenderTexture.prototype.getCanvas = function(t) {
return i("RenderTexture.getCanvas is now deprecated, please use renderer.extract.canvas(target)"), this.legacyRenderer.extract.canvas(t)
}, n.RenderTexture.prototype.getPixels = function(t) {
return i("RenderTexture.getPixels is now deprecated, please use renderer.extract.pixels(target)"), this.legacyRenderer.pixels(t)
}, n.Sprite.prototype.setTexture = function(t) {
this.texture = t, i("setTexture is now deprecated, please use the texture property, e.g : sprite.texture = texture;")
}, a.BitmapText.prototype.setText = function(t) {
this.text = t, i("setText is now deprecated, please use the text property, e.g : myBitmapText.text = 'my text';")
}, n.Text.prototype.setText = function(t) {
this.text = t, i("setText is now deprecated, please use the text property, e.g : myText.text = 'my text';")
}, n.Text.prototype.setStyle = function(t) { = t, i("setStyle is now deprecated, please use the style property, e.g : = style;")
}, Object.defineProperties(n.TextStyle.prototype, {
font: {
get: function() {
i("text style property 'font' is now deprecated, please use the 'fontFamily','fontSize',fontStyle','fontVariant' and 'fontWeight' properties from now on");
var t = "number" == typeof this._fontSize ? this._fontSize + "px" : this._fontSize;
return this._fontStyle + " " + this._fontVariant + " " + this._fontWeight + " " + t + " " + this._fontFamily
set: function(t) {
i("text style property 'font' is now deprecated, please use the 'fontFamily','fontSize',fontStyle','fontVariant' and 'fontWeight' properties from now on"), t.indexOf("italic") > 1 ? this._fontStyle = "italic" : t.indexOf("oblique") > -1 ? this._fontStyle = "oblique" : this._fontStyle = "normal", t.indexOf("small-caps") > -1 ? this._fontVariant = "small-caps" : this._fontVariant = "normal";
var e, r = t.split(" "),
n = -1;
for (this._fontSize = 26, e = 0; e < r.length; ++e)
if (r[e].match(/(px|pt|em|%)/)) {
n = e, this._fontSize = r[e];
for (this._fontWeight = "normal", e = 0; n > e; ++e)
if (r[e].match(/(bold|bolder|lighter|100|200|300|400|500|600|700|800|900)/)) {
this._fontWeight = r[e];
if (n > -1 && n < r.length - 1) {
for (this._fontFamily = "", e = n + 1; e < r.length; ++e) this._fontFamily += r[e] + " ";
this._fontFamily = this._fontFamily.slice(0, -1)
} else this._fontFamily = "Arial";
}), n.Texture.prototype.setFrame = function(t) {
this.frame = t, i("setFrame is now deprecated, please use the frame property, e.g : myTexture.frame = frame;")
}, Object.defineProperties(h, {
AbstractFilter: {
get: function() {
return i("AstractFilter has been renamed to Filter, please use PIXI.Filter"), n.AbstractFilter
SpriteMaskFilter: {
get: function() {
return i("filters.SpriteMaskFilter is an undocumented alias, please use SpriteMaskFilter from now on."), n.SpriteMaskFilter
}), n.utils.uuid = function() {
return i("utils.uuid() is deprecated, please use utils.uid() from now on."), n.utils.uid()
}, n.utils.canUseNewCanvasBlendModes = function() {
return i("utils.canUseNewCanvasBlendModes() is deprecated, please use CanvasTinter.canUseMultiply from now on"), n.CanvasTinter.canUseMultiply
}, {
"./core": 97,
"./extras": 164,
"./filters": 175,
"./mesh": 191,
"./particles": 194
155: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t) {
this.renderer = t, t.extract = this
var n = t("../../core"),
s = new n.Rectangle;
i.prototype.constructor = i, e.exports = i, i.prototype.image = function(t) {
var e = new Image;
return e.src = this.base64(t), e
}, i.prototype.base64 = function(t) {
return this.canvas(t).toDataURL()
}, i.prototype.canvas = function(t) {
var e, r, i, o, a = this.renderer;
t && (o = t instanceof n.RenderTexture ? t : a.generateTexture(t)), o ? (e = o.baseTexture._canvasRenderTarget.context, r = o.baseTexture._canvasRenderTarget.resolution, i = o.frame) : (e = a.rootContext, r = a.rootResolution, i = s, i.width = this.renderer.width, i.height = this.renderer.height);
var h = i.width * r,
u = i.height * r,
l = new n.CanvasRenderTarget(h, u),
c = e.getImageData(i.x * r, i.y * r, h, u);
return l.context.putImageData(c, 0, 0), l.canvas
}, i.prototype.pixels = function(t) {
var e, r, i, o, a = this.renderer;
return t && (o = t instanceof n.RenderTexture ? t : a.generateTexture(t)), o ? (e = o.baseTexture._canvasRenderTarget.context, r = o.baseTexture._canvasRenderTarget.resolution, i = o.frame) : (e = a.rootContext, r = a.rootResolution, i = s, i.width = a.width, i.height = a.height), e.getImageData(0, 0, i.width * r, i.height * r).data
}, i.prototype.destroy = function() {
this.renderer.extract = null, this.renderer = null
}, n.CanvasRenderer.registerPlugin("extract", i)
}, {
"../../core": 97
156: [function(t, e, r) {
e.exports = {
webGL: t("./webgl/WebGLExtract"),
canvas: t("./canvas/CanvasExtract")
}, {
"./canvas/CanvasExtract": 155,
"./webgl/WebGLExtract": 157
157: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t) {
this.renderer = t, t.extract = this
var n = t("../../core"),
s = new n.Rectangle;
i.prototype.constructor = i, e.exports = i, i.prototype.image = function(t) {
var e = new Image;
return e.src = this.base64(t), e
}, i.prototype.base64 = function(t) {
return this.canvas(t).toDataURL()
}, i.prototype.canvas = function(t) {
var e, r, i, o, a = this.renderer,
h = !1;
t && (o = t instanceof n.RenderTexture ? t : this.renderer.generateTexture(t)), o ? (e = o.baseTexture._glRenderTargets[this.renderer.CONTEXT_UID], r = e.resolution, i = o.frame, h = !1) : (e = this.renderer.rootRenderTarget, r = e.resolution, h = !0, i = s, i.width = e.size.width, i.height = e.size.height);
var u = i.width * r,
l = i.height * r,
c = new n.CanvasRenderTarget(u, l);
if (e) {
var d = new Uint8Array(4 * u * l),
p =;
p.readPixels(i.x * r, i.y * r, u, l, p.RGBA, p.UNSIGNED_BYTE, d);
var f = c.context.getImageData(0, 0, u, l);, c.context.putImageData(f, 0, 0), h && (c.context.scale(1, -1), c.context.drawImage(c.canvas, 0, -l))
return c.canvas
}, i.prototype.pixels = function(t) {
var e, r, i, o, a = this.renderer;
t && (o = t instanceof n.RenderTexture ? t : this.renderer.generateTexture(t)), o ? (e = o.baseTexture._glRenderTargets[this.renderer.CONTEXT_UID], r = e.resolution, i = o.frame) : (e = this.renderer.rootRenderTarget, r = e.resolution, i = s, i.width = e.size.width, i.height = e.size.height);
var h = i.width * r,
u = i.height * r,
l = new Uint8Array(4 * h * u);
if (e) {
var c =;
c.readPixels(i.x * r, i.y * r, h, u, c.RGBA, c.UNSIGNED_BYTE, l)
return l
}, i.prototype.destroy = function() {
this.renderer.extract = null, this.renderer = null
}, n.WebGLRenderer.registerPlugin("extract", i)
}, {
"../../core": 97
158: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t, e) {, e = e || {}, this.textWidth = 0, this.textHeight = 0, this._glyphs = [], this._font = {
tint: void 0 !== e.tint ? e.tint : 16777215,
align: e.align || "left",
name: null,
size: 0
}, this.font = e.font, this._text = t, this.maxWidth = 0, this.maxLineHeight = 0, this._anchor = new s(this.makeDirty, this, 0, 0), this.dirty = !1, this.updateText()
var n = t("../core"),
s = t("../core/math/ObservablePoint");
i.prototype = Object.create(n.Container.prototype), i.prototype.constructor = i, e.exports = i, Object.defineProperties(i.prototype, {
tint: {
get: function() {
return this._font.tint
set: function(t) {
this._font.tint = "number" == typeof t && t >= 0 ? t : 16777215, this.dirty = !0
align: {
get: function() {
return this._font.align
set: function(t) {
this._font.align = t || "left", this.dirty = !0
anchor: {
get: function() {
return this._anchor
set: function(t) {
"number" == typeof t ? this._anchor.set(t) : this._anchor.copy(t)
font: {
get: function() {
return this._font
set: function(t) {
t && ("string" == typeof t ? (t = t.split(" "), = 1 === t.length ? t[0] : t.slice(1).join(" "),
this._font.size = t.length >= 2 ? parseInt(t[0], 10) : i.fonts[].size) : ( =, this._font.size = "number" == typeof t.size ? t.size : parseInt(t.size, 10)), this.dirty = !0)
text: {
get: function() {
return this._text
set: function(t) {
t = t.toString() || " ", this._text !== t && (this._text = t, this.dirty = !0)
}), i.prototype.updateText = function() {
for (var t = i.fonts[], e = new n.Point, r = null, s = [], o = 0, a = 0, h = [], u = 0, l = this._font.size / t.size, c = -1, d = 0, p = 0, f = 0; f < this.text.length; f++) {
var v = this.text.charCodeAt(f);
if (/(\s)/.test(this.text.charAt(f)) && (c = f, d = o), /(?:\r\n|\r|\n)/.test(this.text.charAt(f))) h.push(o), a = Math.max(a, o), u++, e.x = 0, e.y += t.lineHeight, r = null;
else if (-1 !== c && this.maxWidth > 0 && e.x * l > this.maxWidth) n.utils.removeItems(s, c, f - c), f = c, c = -1, h.push(d), a = Math.max(a, d), u++, e.x = 0, e.y += t.lineHeight, r = null;
else {
var g = t.chars[v];
g && (r && g.kerning[r] && (e.x += g.kerning[r]), s.push({
texture: g.texture,
line: u,
charCode: v,
position: new n.Point(e.x + g.xOffset, e.y + g.yOffset)
}), o = e.x + (g.texture.width + g.xOffset), e.x += g.xAdvance, p = Math.max(p, g.yOffset + g.texture.height), r = v)
h.push(o), a = Math.max(a, o);
var y = [];
for (f = 0; u >= f; f++) {
var x = 0;
"right" === this._font.align ? x = a - h[f] : "center" === this._font.align && (x = (a - h[f]) / 2), y.push(x)
var m = s.length,
_ = this.tint;
for (f = 0; m > f; f++) {
var b = this._glyphs[f];
b ? b.texture = s[f].texture : (b = new n.Sprite(s[f].texture), this._glyphs.push(b)), b.position.x = (s[f].position.x + y[s[f].line]) * l, b.position.y = s[f].position.y * l, b.scale.x = b.scale.y = l, b.tint = _, b.parent || this.addChild(b)
for (f = m; f < this._glyphs.length; ++f) this.removeChild(this._glyphs[f]);
if (this.textWidth = a * l, this.textHeight = (e.y + t.lineHeight) * l, 0 !== this.anchor.x || 0 !== this.anchor.y)
for (f = 0; m > f; f++) this._glyphs[f].x -= this.textWidth * this.anchor.x, this._glyphs[f].y -= this.textHeight * this.anchor.y;
this.maxLineHeight = p * l
}, i.prototype.updateTransform = function() {
this.validate(), this.containerUpdateTransform()
}, i.prototype.getLocalBounds = function() {
return this.validate(),
}, i.prototype.validate = function() {
this.dirty && (this.updateText(), this.dirty = !1)
}, i.prototype.makeDirty = function() {
this.dirty = !0
}, i.fonts = {}
}, {
"../core": 97,
"../core/math/ObservablePoint": 100
159: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t) {, t[0] instanceof n.Texture ? t[0] : t[0].texture), this._textures = null, this._durations = null, this.textures = t, this.animationSpeed = 1, this.loop = !0, this.onComplete = null, this._currentTime = 0, this.playing = !1
var n = t("../core");
i.prototype = Object.create(n.Sprite.prototype), i.prototype.constructor = i, e.exports = i, Object.defineProperties(i.prototype, {
totalFrames: {
get: function() {
return this._textures.length
textures: {
get: function() {
return this._textures
set: function(t) {
if (t[0] instanceof n.Texture) this._textures = t, this._durations = null;
else {
this._textures = [], this._durations = [];
for (var e = 0; e < t.length; e++) this._textures.push(t[e].texture), this._durations.push(t[e].time)
currentFrame: {
get: function() {
var t = Math.floor(this._currentTime) % this._textures.length;
return 0 > t && (t += this._textures.length), t
}), i.prototype.stop = function() {
this.playing && (this.playing = !1, n.ticker.shared.remove(this.update, this))
}, = function() {
this.playing || (this.playing = !0, n.ticker.shared.add(this.update, this))
}, i.prototype.gotoAndStop = function(t) {
this.stop(), this._currentTime = t, this._texture = this._textures[this.currentFrame], this._textureID = -1
}, i.prototype.gotoAndPlay = function(t) {
this._currentTime = t,
}, i.prototype.update = function(t) {
var e = this.animationSpeed * t;
if (null !== this._durations) {
var r = this._currentTime % 1 * this._durations[this.currentFrame];
for (r += e / 60 * 1e3; 0 > r;) this._currentTime--, r += this._durations[this.currentFrame];
var i = Math.sign(this.animationSpeed * t);
for (this._currentTime = Math.floor(this._currentTime); r >= this._durations[this.currentFrame];) r -= this._durations[this.currentFrame] * i, this._currentTime += i;
this._currentTime += r / this._durations[this.currentFrame]
} else this._currentTime += e;
this._currentTime < 0 && !this.loop ? (this.gotoAndStop(0), this.onComplete && this.onComplete()) : this._currentTime >= this._textures.length && !this.loop ? (this.gotoAndStop(this._textures.length - 1), this.onComplete && this.onComplete()) : (this._texture = this._textures[this.currentFrame], this._textureID = -1)
}, i.prototype.destroy = function() {
}, i.fromFrames = function(t) {
for (var e = [], r = 0; r < t.length; ++r) e.push(n.Texture.fromFrame(t[r]));
return new i(e)
}, i.fromImages = function(t) {
for (var e = [], r = 0; r < t.length; ++r) e.push(n.Texture.fromImage(t[r]));
return new i(e)
}, {
"../core": 97
160: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t, e, r) {, t), this.tileScale = new n.Point(1, 1), this.tilePosition = new n.Point(0, 0), this._width = e || 100, this._height = r || 100, this._uvs = new n.TextureUvs, this._canvasPattern = null, this._glDatas = []
var n = t("../core"),
s = new n.Point,
o = t("../core/textures/Texture"),
a = t("../core/sprites/canvas/CanvasTinter"),
h = t("./webgl/TilingShader"),
u = new Float32Array(4);
i.prototype = Object.create(n.Sprite.prototype), i.prototype.constructor = i, e.exports = i, Object.defineProperties(i.prototype, {
width: {
get: function() {
return this._width
set: function(t) {
this._width = t
height: {
get: function() {
return this._height
set: function(t) {
this._height = t
}), i.prototype._onTextureUpdate = function() {}, i.prototype._renderWebGL = function(t) {
var e = this._texture;
if (e && e._uvs) {
var r =,
i = this._glDatas[t.CONTEXT_UID];
i || (i = {
shader: new h(r),
quad: new n.Quad(r)
}, this._glDatas[t.CONTEXT_UID] = i, i.quad.initVao(i.shader));
var s = i.quad.vertices;
s[0] = s[6] = this._width * -this.anchor.x, s[1] = s[3] = this._height * -this.anchor.y, s[2] = s[4] = this._width * (1 - this.anchor.x), s[5] = s[7] = this._height * (1 - this.anchor.y), i.quad.upload(), t.bindShader(i.shader);
var o = e._uvs,
a = e._frame.width,
l = e._frame.height,
c = e.baseTexture.width,
d = e.baseTexture.height,
p = i.shader.uniforms.uPixelSize;
p[0] = 1 / c, p[1] = 1 / d, i.shader.uniforms.uPixelSize = p;
var f = i.shader.uniforms.uFrame;
f[0] = o.x0, f[1] = o.y0, f[2] = o.x1 - o.x0, f[3] = o.y2 - o.y0, i.shader.uniforms.uFrame = f;
var v = i.shader.uniforms.uTransform;
v[0] = this.tilePosition.x % (a * this.tileScale.x) / this._width, v[1] = this.tilePosition.y % (l * this.tileScale.y) / this._height, v[2] = c / this._width * this.tileScale.x, v[3] = d / this._height * this.tileScale.y, i.shader.uniforms.uTransform = v, i.shader.uniforms.translationMatrix = this.worldTransform.toArray(!0);
var g = u;
n.utils.hex2rgb(this.tint, g), g[3] = this.worldAlpha, i.shader.uniforms.uColor = g, t.bindTexture(this._texture, 0), t.state.setBlendMode(this.blendMode), i.quad.draw()
}, i.prototype._renderCanvas = function(t) {
var e = this._texture;
if (e.baseTexture.hasLoaded) {
var r = t.context,
i = this.worldTransform,
s = t.resolution,
o = e.baseTexture,
h = this.tilePosition.x / this.tileScale.x % e._frame.width,
u = this.tilePosition.y / this.tileScale.y % e._frame.height;
if (!this._canvasPattern) {
var l = new n.CanvasRenderTarget(e._frame.width, e._frame.height);
16777215 !== this.tint ? (this.cachedTint !== this.tint && (this.cachedTint = this.tint, this.tintedTexture = a.getTintedTexture(this, this.tint)), l.context.drawImage(this.tintedTexture, 0, 0)) : l.context.drawImage(o.source, -e._frame.x, -e._frame.y), this._canvasPattern = l.context.createPattern(l.canvas, "repeat")
r.globalAlpha = this.worldAlpha, r.setTransform(i.a * s, i.b * s, i.c * s, i.d * s, i.tx * s, i.ty * s), r.scale(this.tileScale.x, this.tileScale.y), r.translate(h + this.anchor.x * -this._width, u + this.anchor.y * -this._height);
var c = t.blendModes[this.blendMode];
c !== t.context.globalCompositeOperation && (r.globalCompositeOperation = c), r.fillStyle = this._canvasPattern, r.fillRect(-h, -u, this._width / this.tileScale.x, this._height / this.tileScale.y)
}, i.prototype.getBounds = function() {
var t, e, r, i, n = this._width,
s = this._height,
o = n * (1 - this.anchor.x),
a = n * -this.anchor.x,
h = s * (1 - this.anchor.y),
u = s * -this.anchor.y,
l = this.worldTransform,
c = l.a,
d = l.b,
p = l.c,
f = l.d,
v = l.tx,
g = l.ty,
y = c * a + p * u + v,
x = f * u + d * a + g,
m = c * o + p * u + v,
_ = f * u + d * o + g,
b = c * o + p * h + v,
T = f * h + d * o + g,
E = c * a + p * h + v,
w = f * h + d * a + g;
t = y, t = t > m ? m : t, t = t > b ? b : t, t = t > E ? E : t, r = x, r = r > _ ? _ : r, r = r > T ? T : r, r = r > w ? w : r, e = y, e = m > e ? m : e, e = b > e ? b : e, e = E > e ? E : e, i = x, i = _ > i ? _ : i, i = T > i ? T : i, i = w > i ? w : i;
var S = this._bounds;
return S.x = t, S.width = e - t, S.y = r, S.height = i - r, this._currentBounds = S, S
}, i.prototype.containsPoint = function(t) {
this.worldTransform.applyInverse(t, s);
var e, r = this._width,
i = this._height,
n = -r * this.anchor.x;
return s.x > n && s.x < n + r && (e = -i * this.anchor.y, s.y > e && s.y < e + i)
}, i.prototype.destroy = function() {, this.tileScale = null, this._tileScaleOffset = null, this.tilePosition = null, this._uvs = null
}, i.from = function(t, e, r) {
return new i(o.from(t), e, r)
}, i.fromFrame = function(t, e, r) {
var s = n.utils.TextureCache[t];
if (!s) throw new Error('The frameId "' + t + '" does not exist in the texture cache ' + this);
return new i(s, e, r)
}, i.fromImage = function(t, e, r, s, o) {
return new i(n.Texture.fromImage(t, s, o), e, r)
}, {
"../core": 97,
"../core/sprites/canvas/CanvasTinter": 135,
"../core/textures/Texture": 144,
"./webgl/TilingShader": 165
161: [function(t, e, r) {
var i = t("../core"),
n = i.DisplayObject,
s = new i.Matrix;
n.prototype._cacheAsBitmap = !1, n.prototype._cacheData = !1;
var o = function() {
this.originalRenderWebGL = null, this.originalRenderCanvas = null, this.originalUpdateTransform = null, this.originalHitTest = null, this.originalDestroy = null, this.originalMask = null, this.originalFilterArea = null, this.sprite = null
Object.defineProperties(n.prototype, {
cacheAsBitmap: {
get: function() {
return this._cacheAsBitmap
set: function(t) {
if (this._cacheAsBitmap !== t) {
this._cacheAsBitmap = t;
var e;
t ? (this._cacheData || (this._cacheData = new o), e = this._cacheData, e.originalRenderWebGL = this.renderWebGL, e.originalRenderCanvas = this.renderCanvas, e.originalUpdateTransform = this.updateTransform, e.originalGetBounds = this.getBounds, e.originalDestroy = this.destroy, e.originalContainsPoint = this.containsPoint, e.originalMask = this._mask, e.originalFilterArea = this.filterArea, this.renderWebGL = this._renderCachedWebGL, this.renderCanvas = this._renderCachedCanvas, this.destroy = this._cacheAsBitmapDestroy) : (e = this._cacheData, e.sprite && this._destroyCachedDisplayObject(), this.renderWebGL = e.originalRenderWebGL, this.renderCanvas = e.originalRenderCanvas, this.getBounds = e.originalGetBounds, this.destroy = e.originalDestroy, this.updateTransform = e.originalUpdateTransform, this.containsPoint = e.originalContainsPoint, this._mask = e.originalMask, this.filterArea = e.originalFilterArea)
}), n.prototype._renderCachedWebGL = function(t) {
!this.visible || this.worldAlpha <= 0 || !this.renderable || (this._initCachedDisplayObject(t), this._cacheData.sprite._transformID = -1, this._cacheData.sprite.worldAlpha = this.worldAlpha, this._cacheData.sprite._renderWebGL(t))
}, n.prototype._initCachedDisplayObject = function(t) {
if (!this._cacheData || !this._cacheData.sprite) {
var e = this.getLocalBounds().clone();
if (this._filters) {
var r = this._filters[0].padding;
e.x -= r, e.y -= r, e.width += 2 * r, e.height += 2 * r
var n = t._activeRenderTarget,
o = t.filterManager.filterStack,
a = i.RenderTexture.create(0 | e.width, 0 | e.height),
h = s;
h.tx = -e.x, h.ty = -e.y, this.transform.worldTransform.identity(), this.renderWebGL = this._cacheData.originalRenderWebGL, t.render(this, a, !0, h, !0), t.bindRenderTarget(n), t.filterManager.filterStack = o, this.renderWebGL = this._renderCachedWebGL, this.updateTransform = this.displayObjectUpdateTransform, this.getBounds = this._getCachedBounds, this._mask = null, this.filterArea = null;
var u = new i.Sprite(a);
u.transform.worldTransform = this.transform.worldTransform, u.anchor.x = -(e.x / e.width), u.anchor.y = -(e.y / e.height), this._cacheData.sprite = u, this.transform._parentID = -1, this.updateTransform(), this.containsPoint = u.containsPoint.bind(u)
}, n.prototype._renderCachedCanvas = function(t) {
!this.visible || this.worldAlpha <= 0 || !this.renderable || (this._initCachedDisplayObjectCanvas(t), this._cacheData.sprite.worldAlpha = this.worldAlpha, this._cacheData.sprite.renderCanvas(t))
}, n.prototype._initCachedDisplayObjectCanvas = function(t) {
if (!this._cacheData || !this._cacheData.sprite) {
var e = this.getLocalBounds(),
r = t.context,
n = new i.RenderTexture.create(0 | e.width, 0 | e.height),
o = s;
this.transform.worldTransform.copy(o), o.invert(), o.tx -= e.x, o.ty -= e.y, this.renderCanvas = this._cacheData.originalRenderCanvas, t.render(this, n, !0, o, !1), t.context = r, this.renderCanvas = this._renderCachedCanvas, this.updateTransform = this.displayObjectUpdateTransform, this.getBounds = this._getCachedBounds, this._mask = null, this.filterArea = null;
var a = new i.Sprite(n);
a.transform.worldTransform = this.transform.worldTransform, a.anchor.x = -(e.x / e.width), a.anchor.y = -(e.y / e.height), this.updateTransform(), this._cacheData.sprite = a, this.containsPoint = a.containsPoint.bind(a)
}, n.prototype._getCachedBounds = function() {
return this._cacheData.sprite._currentBounds = null, this._cacheData.sprite.getBounds()
}, n.prototype._destroyCachedDisplayObject = function() {
this._cacheData.sprite._texture.destroy(!0), this._cacheData.sprite = null
}, n.prototype._cacheAsBitmapDestroy = function() {
this.cacheAsBitmap = !1, this.destroy()
}, {
"../core": 97
162: [function(t, e, r) {
var i = t("../core"); = null, i.Container.prototype.getChildByName = function(t) {
for (var e = 0; e < this.children.length; e++)
if (this.children[e].name === t) return this.children[e];
return null
}, {
"../core": 97
163: [function(t, e, r) {
var i = t("../core");
i.DisplayObject.prototype.getGlobalPosition = function(t) {
return t = t || new i.Point, this.parent ? (this.displayObjectUpdateTransform(), t.x = this.worldTransform.tx, t.y = this.worldTransform.ty) : (t.x = this.position.x, t.y = this.position.y), t
}, {
"../core": 97
164: [function(t, e, r) {
t("./cacheAsBitmap"), t("./getChildByName"), t("./getGlobalPosition"), e.exports = {
MovieClip: t("./MovieClip"),
TilingSprite: t("./TilingSprite"),
BitmapText: t("./BitmapText")
}, {
"./BitmapText": 158,
"./MovieClip": 159,
"./TilingSprite": 160,
"./cacheAsBitmap": 161,
"./getChildByName": 162,
"./getGlobalPosition": 163
165: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t) {, t, "#define GLSLIFY 1\nattribute vec2 aVertexPosition;\nattribute vec2 aTextureCoord;\n\nuniform mat3 projectionMatrix;\nuniform mat3 translationMatrix;\n\nuniform vec4 uFrame;\nuniform vec4 uTransform;\n\nvarying vec2 vTextureCoord;\n\nvoid main(void)\n{\n gl_Position = vec4((projectionMatrix * translationMatrix * vec3(aVertexPosition, 1.0)).xy, 0.0, 1.0);\n\n vec2 coord = aTextureCoord;\n coord -= uTransform.xy;\n coord /=;\n vTextureCoord = coord;\n}\n", "#define GLSLIFY 1\nvarying vec2 vTextureCoord;\n\nuniform sampler2D uSampler;\nuniform vec4 uColor;\nuniform vec4 uFrame;\nuniform vec2 uPixelSize;\n\nvoid main(void)\n{\n\n vec2 coord = mod(vTextureCoord,;\n coord = clamp(coord, uPixelSize, - uPixelSize);\n coord += uFrame.xy;\n\n vec4 sample = texture2D(uSampler, coord);\n vec4 color = vec4(uColor.rgb * uColor.a, uColor.a);\n\n gl_FragColor = sample * color ;\n}\n")
var n = t("../../core/Shader");
i.prototype = Object.create(n.prototype), i.prototype.constructor = i, e.exports = i
}, {
"../../core/Shader": 77
166: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t, e, r) {, this.blurXFilter = new s, this.blurYFilter = new o, this.resolution = 1, this.padding = 0, this.resolution = r || 1, this.quality = e || 4, this.blur = t || 8
var n = t("../../core"),
s = t("./BlurXFilter"),
o = t("./BlurYFilter");
i.prototype = Object.create(n.Filter.prototype), i.prototype.constructor = i, e.exports = i, i.prototype.apply = function(t, e, r) {
var i = t.getRenderTarget(!0);
this.blurXFilter.apply(t, e, i, !0), this.blurYFilter.apply(t, i, r, !1), t.returnRenderTarget(i)
}, Object.defineProperties(i.prototype, {
blur: {
get: function() {
return this.blurXFilter.blur
set: function(t) {
this.blurXFilter.blur = this.blurYFilter.blur = t, this.padding = 2 * Math.max(Math.abs(this.blurYFilter.strength), Math.abs(this.blurYFilter.strength))
quality: {
get: function() {
return this.blurXFilter.quality
set: function(t) {
this.blurXFilter.quality = this.blurYFilter.quality = t
blurX: {
get: function() {
return this.blurXFilter.blur
set: function(t) {
this.blurXFilter.blur = t, this.padding = 2 * Math.max(Math.abs(this.blurYFilter.strength), Math.abs(this.blurYFilter.strength))
blurY: {
get: function() {
return this.blurYFilter.blur
set: function(t) {
this.blurYFilter.blur = t, this.padding = 2 * Math.max(Math.abs(this.blurYFilter.strength), Math.abs(this.blurYFilter.strength))
}, {
"../../core": 97,
"./BlurXFilter": 167,
"./BlurYFilter": 168
167: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t, e, r) {
var i = s(5, !0),
a = o(5);, i, a), this.resolution = r || 1, this._quality = 0, this.quality = e || 4, this.strength = t || 8, this.firstRun = !0
var n = t("../../core"),
s = t("./generateBlurVertSource"),
o = t("./generateBlurFragSource"),
a = t("./getMaxBlurKernelSize");
i.prototype = Object.create(n.Filter.prototype), i.prototype.constructor = i, e.exports = i, i.prototype.apply = function(t, e, r, i) {
if (this.firstRun) {
var n =,
h = a(n);
this.vertexSrc = s(h, !0), this.fragmentSrc = o(h), this.firstRun = !1
if (this.uniforms.strength = 1 / r.size.width * (r.size.width / e.size.width), this.uniforms.strength *= this.strength, this.uniforms.strength /= this.passes, 1 === this.passes) t.applyFilter(this, e, r, i);
else {
for (var u = t.getRenderTarget(!0), l = e, c = u, d = 0; d < this.passes - 1; d++) {
t.applyFilter(this, l, c, !0);
var p = c;
c = l, l = p
t.applyFilter(this, l, r, i), t.returnRenderTarget(u)
}, Object.defineProperties(i.prototype, {
blur: {
get: function() {
return this.strength
set: function(t) {
this.padding = 2 * Math.abs(t), this.strength = t
quality: {
get: function() {
return this._quality
set: function(t) {
this._quality = t, this.passes = t
}, {
"../../core": 97,
"./generateBlurFragSource": 169,
"./generateBlurVertSource": 170,
"./getMaxBlurKernelSize": 171
168: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t, e, r) {
var i = s(5, !1),
a = o(5);, i, a), this.resolution = r || 1, this._quality = 0, this.quality = e || 4, this.strength = t || 8, this.firstRun = !0
var n = t("../../core"),
s = t("./generateBlurVertSource"),
o = t("./generateBlurFragSource"),
a = t("./getMaxBlurKernelSize");
i.prototype = Object.create(n.Filter.prototype), i.prototype.constructor = i, e.exports = i, i.prototype.apply = function(t, e, r, i) {
if (this.firstRun) {
var n =,
h = a(n);
this.vertexSrc = s(h, !1), this.fragmentSrc = o(h), this.firstRun = !1
if (this.uniforms.strength = 1 / r.size.height * (r.size.height / e.size.height), this.uniforms.strength *= this.strength, this.uniforms.strength /= this.passes, 1 === this.passes) t.applyFilter(this, e, r, i);
else {
for (var u = t.getRenderTarget(!0), l = e, c = u, d = 0; d < this.passes - 1; d++) {
t.applyFilter(this, l, c, !0);
var p = c;
c = l, l = p
t.applyFilter(this, l, r, i), t.returnRenderTarget(u)
}, Object.defineProperties(i.prototype, {
blur: {
get: function() {
return this.strength
set: function(t) {
this.padding = 2 * Math.abs(t), this.strength = t
quality: {
get: function() {
return this._quality
set: function(t) {
this._quality = t, this.passes = t
}, {
"../../core": 97,
"./generateBlurFragSource": 169,
"./generateBlurVertSource": 170,
"./getMaxBlurKernelSize": 171
169: [function(t, e, r) {
var i = {
5: [.153388, .221461, .250301],
7: [.071303, .131514, .189879, .214607],
9: [.028532, .067234, .124009, .179044, .20236],
11: [.0093, .028002, .065984, .121703, .175713, .198596],
13: [.002406, .009255, .027867, .065666, .121117, .174868, .197641],
15: [489e-6, .002403, .009246, .02784, .065602, .120999, .174697, .197448]
n = ["varying vec2 vBlurTexCoords[%size%];", "uniform sampler2D uSampler;", "void main(void)", "{", " gl_FragColor = vec4(0.0);", " %blur%", "}"].join("\n"),
s = function(t) {
for (var e, r = i[t], s = r.length, o = n, a = "", h = "gl_FragColor += texture2D(uSampler, vBlurTexCoords[%index%]) * %value%;", u = 0; t > u; u++) {
var l = h.replace("%index%", u);
e = u, u >= s && (e = t - u - 1), l = l.replace("%value%", r[e]), a += l, a += "\n"
return o = o.replace("%blur%", a), o = o.replace("%size%", t)
e.exports = s
}, {}],
170: [function(t, e, r) {
var i = ["attribute vec2 aVertexPosition;", "attribute vec2 aTextureCoord;", "uniform float strength;", "uniform mat3 projectionMatrix;", "varying vec2 vBlurTexCoords[%size%];", "void main(void)", "{", "gl_Position = vec4((projectionMatrix * vec3((aVertexPosition), 1.0)).xy, 0.0, 1.0);", "%blur%", "}"].join("\n"),
n = function(t, e) {
var r, n, s = Math.ceil(t / 2),
o = i,
a = "";
r = e ? "vBlurTexCoords[%index%] = aTextureCoord + vec2(%sampleIndex% * strength, 0.0);" : "vBlurTexCoords[%index%] = aTextureCoord + vec2(0.0, %sampleIndex% * strength);";
for (var h = 0; t > h; h++) {
var u = r.replace("%index%", h);
n = h, h >= s && (n = t - h - 1), u = u.replace("%sampleIndex%", h - (s - 1) + ".0"), a += u, a += "\n"
return o = o.replace("%blur%", a), o = o.replace("%size%", t)
e.exports = n
}, {}],
171: [function(t, e, r) {
var i = function(t) {
for (var e = t.getParameter(t.MAX_VARYING_VECTORS), r = 15; r > e;) r -= 2;
return r
e.exports = i
}, {}],
172: [function(t, e, r) {
function i() {, "#define GLSLIFY 1\nattribute vec2 aVertexPosition;\nattribute vec2 aTextureCoord;\n\nuniform mat3 projectionMatrix;\n\nvarying vec2 vTextureCoord;\n\nvoid main(void)\n{\n gl_Position = vec4((projectionMatrix * vec3(aVertexPosition, 1.0)).xy, 0.0, 1.0);\n vTextureCoord = aTextureCoord;\n}", "#define GLSLIFY 1\nvarying vec2 vTextureCoord;\nuniform sampler2D uSampler;\nuniform float m[20];\n\nvoid main(void)\n{\n\n vec4 c = texture2D(uSampler, vTextureCoord);\n\n gl_FragColor.r = (m[0] * c.r);\n gl_FragColor.r += (m[1] * c.g);\n gl_FragColor.r += (m[2] * c.b);\n gl_FragColor.r += (m[3] * c.a);\n gl_FragColor.r += m[4] * c.a;\n\n gl_FragColor.g = (m[5] * c.r);\n gl_FragColor.g += (m[6] * c.g);\n gl_FragColor.g += (m[7] * c.b);\n gl_FragColor.g += (m[8] * c.a);\n gl_FragColor.g += m[9] * c.a;\n\n gl_FragColor.b = (m[10] * c.r);\n gl_FragColor.b += (m[11] * c.g);\n gl_FragColor.b += (m[12] * c.b);\n gl_FragColor.b += (m[13] * c.a);\n gl_FragColor.b += m[14] * c.a;\n\n gl_FragColor.a = (m[15] * c.r);\n gl_FragColor.a += (m[16] * c.g);\n gl_FragColor.a += (m[17] * c.b);\n gl_FragColor.a += (m[18] * c.a);\n gl_FragColor.a += m[19] * c.a;\n\n// gl_FragColor = vec4(m[0]);\n}\n"), this.uniforms.m = [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]
var n = t("../../core");
i.prototype = Object.create(n.Filter.prototype), i.prototype.constructor = i, e.exports = i, i.prototype._loadMatrix = function(t, e) {
e = !!e;
var r = t;
e && (this._multiply(r, this.uniforms.m, t), r = this._colorMatrix(r)), this.uniforms.m = r
}, i.prototype._multiply = function(t, e, r) {
return t[0] = e[0] * r[0] + e[1] * r[5] + e[2] * r[10] + e[3] * r[15], t[1] = e[0] * r[1] + e[1] * r[6] + e[2] * r[11] + e[3] * r[16], t[2] = e[0] * r[2] + e[1] * r[7] + e[2] * r[12] + e[3] * r[17], t[3] = e[0] * r[3] + e[1] * r[8] + e[2] * r[13] + e[3] * r[18], t[4] = e[0] * r[4] + e[1] * r[9] + e[2] * r[14] + e[3] * r[19], t[5] = e[5] * r[0] + e[6] * r[5] + e[7] * r[10] + e[8] * r[15], t[6] = e[5] * r[1] + e[6] * r[6] + e[7] * r[11] + e[8] * r[16], t[7] = e[5] * r[2] + e[6] * r[7] + e[7] * r[12] + e[8] * r[17], t[8] = e[5] * r[3] + e[6] * r[8] + e[7] * r[13] + e[8] * r[18], t[9] = e[5] * r[4] + e[6] * r[9] + e[7] * r[14] + e[8] * r[19], t[10] = e[10] * r[0] + e[11] * r[5] + e[12] * r[10] + e[13] * r[15], t[11] = e[10] * r[1] + e[11] * r[6] + e[12] * r[11] + e[13] * r[16], t[12] = e[10] * r[2] + e[11] * r[7] + e[12] * r[12] + e[13] * r[17], t[13] = e[10] * r[3] + e[11] * r[8] + e[12] * r[13] + e[13] * r[18], t[14] = e[10] * r[4] + e[11] * r[9] + e[12] * r[14] + e[13] * r[19], t[15] = e[15] * r[0] + e[16] * r[5] + e[17] * r[10] + e[18] * r[15], t[16] = e[15] * r[1] + e[16] * r[6] + e[17] * r[11] + e[18] * r[16], t[17] = e[15] * r[2] + e[16] * r[7] + e[17] * r[12] + e[18] * r[17], t[18] = e[15] * r[3] + e[16] * r[8] + e[17] * r[13] + e[18] * r[18], t[19] = e[15] * r[4] + e[16] * r[9] + e[17] * r[14] + e[18] * r[19], t
}, i.prototype._colorMatrix = function(t) {
var e = new Float32Array(t);
return e[4] /= 255, e[9] /= 255, e[14] /= 255, e[19] /= 255, e
}, i.prototype.brightness = function(t, e) {
var r = [t, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, t, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, t, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0];
this._loadMatrix(r, e)
}, i.prototype.greyscale = function(t, e) {
var r = [t, t, t, 0, 0, t, t, t, 0, 0, t, t, t, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0];
this._loadMatrix(r, e)
}, i.prototype.grayscale = i.prototype.greyscale, i.prototype.blackAndWhite = function(t) {
var e = [.3, .6, .1, 0, 0, .3, .6, .1, 0, 0, .3, .6, .1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0];
this._loadMatrix(e, t)
}, i.prototype.hue = function(t, e) {
t = (t || 0) / 180 * Math.PI;
var r = Math.cos(t),
i = Math.sin(t),
n = Math.sqrt,
s = 1 / 3,
o = n(s),
a = r + (1 - r) * s,
h = s * (1 - r) - o * i,
u = s * (1 - r) + o * i,
l = s * (1 - r) + o * i,
c = r + s * (1 - r),
d = s * (1 - r) - o * i,
p = s * (1 - r) - o * i,
f = s * (1 - r) + o * i,
v = r + s * (1 - r),
g = [a, h, u, 0, 0, l, c, d, 0, 0, p, f, v, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0];
this._loadMatrix(g, e)
}, i.prototype.contrast = function(t, e) {
var r = (t || 0) + 1,
i = -128 * (r - 1),
n = [r, 0, 0, 0, i, 0, r, 0, 0, i, 0, 0, r, 0, i, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0];
this._loadMatrix(n, e)
}, i.prototype.saturate = function(t, e) {
var r = 2 * (t || 0) / 3 + 1,
i = (r - 1) * -.5,
n = [r, i, i, 0, 0, i, r, i, 0, 0, i, i, r, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0];
this._loadMatrix(n, e)
}, i.prototype.desaturate = function() {
}, i.prototype.negative = function(t) {
var e = [0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0];
this._loadMatrix(e, t)
}, i.prototype.sepia = function(t) {
var e = [.393, .7689999, .18899999, 0, 0, .349, .6859999, .16799999, 0, 0, .272, .5339999, .13099999, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0];
this._loadMatrix(e, t)
}, i.prototype.technicolor = function(t) {
var e = [1.9125277891456083, -.8545344976951645, -.09155508482755585, 0, 11.793603434377337, -.3087833385928097, 1.7658908555458428, -.10601743074722245, 0, -70.35205161461398, -.231103377548616, -.7501899197440212, 1.847597816108189, 0, 30.950940869491138, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0];
this._loadMatrix(e, t)
}, i.prototype.polaroid = function(t) {
var e = [1.438, -.062, -.062, 0, 0, -.122, 1.378, -.122, 0, 0, -.016, -.016, 1.483, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0];
this._loadMatrix(e, t)
}, i.prototype.toBGR = function(t) {
var e = [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0];
this._loadMatrix(e, t)
}, i.prototype.kodachrome = function(t) {
var e = [1.1285582396593525, -.3967382283601348, -.03992559172921793, 0, 63.72958762196502, -.16404339962244616, 1.0835251566291304, -.05498805115633132, 0, 24.732407896706203, -.16786010706155763, -.5603416277695248, 1.6014850761964943, 0, 35.62982807460946, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0];
this._loadMatrix(e, t)
}, i.prototype.browni = function(t) {
var e = [.5997023498159715, .34553243048391263, -.2708298674538042, 0, 47.43192855600873, -.037703249837783157, .8609577587992641, .15059552388459913, 0, -36.96841498319127, .24113635128153335, -.07441037908422492, .44972182064877153, 0, -7.562075277591283, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0];
this._loadMatrix(e, t)
}, i.prototype.vintage = function(t) {
var e = [.6279345635605994, .3202183420819367, -.03965408211312453, 0, 9.651285835294123, .02578397704808868, .6441188644374771, .03259127616149294, 0, 7.462829176470591, .0466055556782719, -.0851232987247891, .5241648018700465, 0, 5.159190588235296, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0];
this._loadMatrix(e, t)
}, i.prototype.colorTone = function(t, e, r, i, n) {
t = t || .2, e = e || .15, r = r || 16770432, i = i || 3375104;
var s = (r >> 16 & 255) / 255,
o = (r >> 8 & 255) / 255,
a = (255 & r) / 255,
h = (i >> 16 & 255) / 255,
u = (i >> 8 & 255) / 255,
l = (255 & i) / 255,
c = [.3, .59, .11, 0, 0, s, o, a, t, 0, h, u, l, e, 0, s - h, o - u, a - l, 0, 0];
this._loadMatrix(c, n)
}, i.prototype.night = function(t, e) {
t = t || .1;
var r = [-2 * t, -t, 0, 0, 0, -t, 0, t, 0, 0, 0, t, 2 * t, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0];
this._loadMatrix(r, e)
}, i.prototype.predator = function(t, e) {
var r = [11.224130630493164 * t, -4.794486999511719 * t, -2.8746118545532227 * t, 0 * t, .40342438220977783 * t, -3.6330697536468506 * t, 9.193157196044922 * t, -2.951810836791992 * t, 0 * t, -1.316135048866272 * t, -3.2184197902679443 * t, -4.2375030517578125 * t, 7.476448059082031 * t, 0 * t, .8044459223747253 * t, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0];
this._loadMatrix(r, e)
}, i.prototype.lsd = function(t) {
var e = [2, -.4, .5, 0, 0, -.5, 2, -.4, 0, 0, -.4, -.5, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0];
this._loadMatrix(e, t)
}, i.prototype.reset = function() {
var t = [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0];
this._loadMatrix(t, !1)
}, Object.defineProperties(i.prototype, {
matrix: {
get: function() {
return this.uniforms.m
set: function(t) {
this.uniforms.m = t
}, {
"../../core": 97
173: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t, e) {
var r = new n.Matrix;
t.renderable = !1,, "#define GLSLIFY 1\nattribute vec2 aVertexPosition;\nattribute vec2 aTextureCoord;\n\nuniform mat3 projectionMatrix;\nuniform mat3 filterMatrix;\n\nvarying vec2 vTextureCoord;\nvarying vec2 vFilterCoord;\n\nvoid main(void)\n{\n gl_Position = vec4((projectionMatrix * vec3(aVertexPosition, 1.0)).xy, 0.0, 1.0);\n vFilterCoord = ( filterMatrix * vec3( aTextureCoord, 1.0) ).xy;\n vTextureCoord = aTextureCoord;\n}", "#define GLSLIFY 1\nvarying vec2 vFilterCoord;\nvarying vec2 vTextureCoord;\n\nuniform vec2 scale;\n\nuniform sampler2D uSampler;\nuniform sampler2D mapSampler;\n\nuniform vec4 filterClamp;\n\nvoid main(void)\n{\n vec4 map = texture2D(mapSampler, vFilterCoord);\n\n map -= 0.5;\n map.xy *= scale;\n\n gl_FragColor = texture2D(uSampler, clamp(vec2(vTextureCoord.x + map.x, vTextureCoord.y + map.y), filterClamp.xy,;\n}\n"), this.maskSprite = t, this.maskMatrix = r, this.uniforms.mapSampler = t.texture, this.uniforms.filterMatrix = r.toArray(!0), this.uniforms.scale = {
x: 1,
y: 1
}, null !== e && void 0 !== e || (e = 20), this.scale = new n.Point(e, e)
var n = t("../../core");
i.prototype = Object.create(n.Filter.prototype), i.prototype.constructor = i, e.exports = i, i.prototype.apply = function(t, e, r) {
var i = 1 / r.destinationFrame.width * (r.size.width / e.size.width);
this.uniforms.filterMatrix = t.calculateSpriteMatrix(this.maskMatrix, this.maskSprite), this.uniforms.scale.x = this.scale.x * i, this.uniforms.scale.y = this.scale.y * i, t.applyFilter(this, e, r)
}, Object.defineProperties(i.prototype, {
map: {
get: function() {
return this.uniforms.mapSampler
set: function(t) {
this.uniforms.mapSampler = t
}, {
"../../core": 97
174: [function(t, e, r) {
function i() {, "#define GLSLIFY 1\nattribute vec2 aVertexPosition;\nattribute vec2 aTextureCoord;\n\nuniform mat3 projectionMatrix;\n\nvarying vec2 v_rgbNW;\nvarying vec2 v_rgbNE;\nvarying vec2 v_rgbSW;\nvarying vec2 v_rgbSE;\nvarying vec2 v_rgbM;\n\nuniform vec4 filterArea;\n\nvarying vec2 vTextureCoord;\n\nvec2 mapCoord( vec2 coord )\n{\n coord *= filterArea.xy;\n coord +=;\n\n return coord;\n}\n\nvec2 unmapCoord( vec2 coord )\n{\n coord -=;\n coord /= filterArea.xy;\n\n return coord;\n}\n\nvoid texcoords(vec2 fragCoord, vec2 resolution,\n out vec2 v_rgbNW, out vec2 v_rgbNE,\n out vec2 v_rgbSW, out vec2 v_rgbSE,\n out vec2 v_rgbM) {\n vec2 inverseVP = 1.0 / resolution.xy;\n v_rgbNW = (fragCoord + vec2(-1.0, -1.0)) * inverseVP;\n v_rgbNE = (fragCoord + vec2(1.0, -1.0)) * inverseVP;\n v_rgbSW = (fragCoord + vec2(-1.0, 1.0)) * inverseVP;\n v_rgbSE = (fragCoord + vec2(1.0, 1.0)) * inverseVP;\n v_rgbM = vec2(fragCoord * inverseVP);\n}\n\nvoid main(void) {\n\n gl_Position = vec4((projectionMatrix * vec3(aVertexPosition, 1.0)).xy, 0.0, 1.0);\n\n vTextureCoord = aTextureCoord;\n\n vec2 fragCoord = vTextureCoord * filterArea.xy;\n\n texcoords(fragCoord, filterArea.xy, v_rgbNW, v_rgbNE, v_rgbSW, v_rgbSE, v_rgbM);\n}", '#define GLSLIFY 1\nvarying vec2 v_rgbNW;\nvarying vec2 v_rgbNE;\nvarying vec2 v_rgbSW;\nvarying vec2 v_rgbSE;\nvarying vec2 v_rgbM;\n\nvarying vec2 vTextureCoord;\nuniform sampler2D uSampler;\nuniform vec4 filterArea;\n\n/**\n Basic FXAA implementation based on the code on with the\n modification that the texture2DLod stuff was removed since it\'s\n unsupported by WebGL.\n \n --\n \n From:\n\n \n Copyright (c) 2011 by Armin Ronacher.\n \n Some rights reserved.\n \n Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without\n modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are\n met:\n \n * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright\n notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.\n \n * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above\n copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following\n disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided\n with the distribution.\n \n * The names of the contributors may not be used to endorse or\n promote products derived from this software without specific\n prior written permission.\n \n THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS\n "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT\n LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR\n A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT\n OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL,\n SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT\n LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE,\n DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY\n THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT\n (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE\n OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.\n */\n\n#ifndef FXAA_REDUCE_MIN\n#define FXAA_REDUCE_MIN (1.0/ 128.0)\n#endif\n#ifndef FXAA_REDUCE_MUL\n#define FXAA_REDUCE_MUL (1.0 / 8.0)\n#endif\n#ifndef FXAA_SPAN_MAX\n#define FXAA_SPAN_MAX 8.0\n#endif\n\n//optimized version for mobile, where dependent\n//texture reads can be a bottleneck\nvec4 fxaa(sampler2D tex, vec2 fragCoord, vec2 resolution,\n vec2 v_rgbNW, vec2 v_rgbNE,\n vec2 v_rgbSW, vec2 v_rgbSE,\n vec2 v_rgbM) {\n vec4 color;\n mediump vec2 inverseVP = vec2(1.0 / resolution.x, 1.0 / resolution.y);\n vec3 rgbNW = texture2D(tex, v_rgbNW).xyz;\n vec3 rgbNE = texture2D(tex, v_rgbNE).xyz;\n vec3 rgbSW = texture2D(tex, v_rgbSW).xyz;\n vec3 rgbSE = texture2D(tex, v_rgbSE).xyz;\n vec4 texColor = texture2D(tex, v_rgbM);\n vec3 rgbM =;\n vec3 luma = vec3(0.299, 0.587, 0.114);\n float lumaNW = dot(rgbNW, luma);\n float lumaNE = dot(rgbNE, luma);\n float lumaSW = dot(rgbSW, luma);\n float lumaSE = dot(rgbSE, luma);\n float lumaM = dot(rgbM, luma);\n float lumaMin = min(lumaM, min(min(lumaNW, lumaNE), min(lumaSW, lumaSE)));\n float lumaMax = max(lumaM, max(max(lumaNW, lumaNE), max(lumaSW, lumaSE)));\n \n mediump vec2 dir;\n dir.x = -((lumaNW + lumaNE) - (lumaSW + lumaSE));\n dir.y = ((lumaNW + lumaSW) - (lumaNE + lumaSE));\n \n float dirReduce = max((lumaNW + lumaNE + lumaSW + lumaSE) *\n (0.25 * FXAA_REDUCE_MUL), FXAA_REDUCE_MIN);\n \n float rcpDirMin = 1.0 / (min(abs(dir.x), abs(dir.y)) + dirReduce);\n dir = min(vec2(FXAA_SPAN_MAX, FXAA_SPAN_MAX),\n max(vec2(-FXAA_SPAN_MAX, -FXAA_SPAN_MAX),\n dir * rcpDirMin)) * inverseVP;\n \n vec3 rgbA = 0.5 * (\n texture2D(tex, fragCoord * inverseVP + dir * (1.0 / 3.0 - 0.5)).xyz +\n texture2D(tex, fragCoord * inverseVP + dir * (2.0 / 3.0 - 0.5)).xyz);\n vec3 rgbB = rgbA * 0.5 + 0.25 * (\n texture2D(tex, fragCoord * inverseVP + dir * -0.5).xyz +\n texture2D(tex, fragCoord * inverseVP + dir * 0.5).xyz);\n \n float lumaB = dot(rgbB, luma);\n if ((lumaB < lumaMin) || (lumaB > lumaMax))\n color = vec4(rgbA, texColor.a);\n else\n color = vec4(rgbB, texColor.a);\n return color;\n}\n\nvoid main() {\n\n vec2 fragCoord = vTextureCoord * filterArea.xy;\n\n vec4 color;\n\n color = fxaa(uSampler, fragCoord, filterArea.xy, v_rgbNW, v_rgbNE, v_rgbSW, v_rgbSE, v_rgbM);\n\n gl_FragColor = color;\n}\n');
var n = t("../../core");
i.prototype = Object.create(n.Filter.prototype), i.prototype.constructor = i, e.exports = i
}, {
"../../core": 97
175: [function(t, e, r) {
e.exports = {
FXAAFilter: t("./fxaa/FXAAFilter"),
NoiseFilter: t("./noise/NoiseFilter"),
DisplacementFilter: t("./displacement/DisplacementFilter"),
BlurFilter: t("./blur/BlurFilter"),
BlurXFilter: t("./blur/BlurXFilter"),
BlurYFilter: t("./blur/BlurYFilter"),
ColorMatrixFilter: t("./colormatrix/ColorMatrixFilter"),
VoidFilter: t("./void/VoidFilter")
}, {
"./blur/BlurFilter": 166,
"./blur/BlurXFilter": 167,
"./blur/BlurYFilter": 168,
"./colormatrix/ColorMatrixFilter": 172,
"./displacement/DisplacementFilter": 173,
"./fxaa/FXAAFilter": 174,
"./noise/NoiseFilter": 176,
"./void/VoidFilter": 177
176: [function(t, e, r) {
function i() {, "#define GLSLIFY 1\nattribute vec2 aVertexPosition;\nattribute vec2 aTextureCoord;\n\nuniform mat3 projectionMatrix;\n\nvarying vec2 vTextureCoord;\n\nvoid main(void)\n{\n gl_Position = vec4((projectionMatrix * vec3(aVertexPosition, 1.0)).xy, 0.0, 1.0);\n vTextureCoord = aTextureCoord;\n}", "precision highp float;\n#define GLSLIFY 1\n\nvarying vec2 vTextureCoord;\nvarying vec4 vColor;\n\nuniform float noise;\nuniform sampler2D uSampler;\n\nfloat rand(vec2 co)\n{\n return fract(sin(dot(co.xy, vec2(12.9898, 78.233))) * 43758.5453);\n}\n\nvoid main()\n{\n vec4 color = texture2D(uSampler, vTextureCoord);\n\n float diff = (rand(gl_FragCoord.xy) - 0.5) * noise;\n\n color.r += diff;\n color.g += diff;\n color.b += diff;\n\n gl_FragColor = color;\n}\n"), this.noise = .5
var n = t("../../core");
i.prototype = Object.create(n.Filter.prototype), i.prototype.constructor = i, e.exports = i, Object.defineProperties(i.prototype, {
noise: {
get: function() {
return this.uniforms.noise
set: function(t) {
this.uniforms.noise = t
}, {
"../../core": 97
177: [function(t, e, r) {
function i() {, "#define GLSLIFY 1\nattribute vec2 aVertexPosition;\nattribute vec2 aTextureCoord;\n\nuniform mat3 projectionMatrix;\n\nvarying vec2 vTextureCoord;\n\nvoid main(void)\n{\n gl_Position = vec4((projectionMatrix * vec3(aVertexPosition, 1.0)).xy, 0.0, 1.0);\n vTextureCoord = aTextureCoord;\n}", "#define GLSLIFY 1\nvarying vec2 vTextureCoord;\n\nuniform sampler2D uSampler;\n\nvoid main(void)\n{\n gl_FragColor = texture2D(uSampler, vTextureCoord);\n}\n"), this.glShaderKey = "void"
var n = t("../../core");
i.prototype = Object.create(n.Filter.prototype), i.prototype.constructor = i, e.exports = i
}, {
"../../core": 97
178: [function(t, e, r) {
function i() { = new n.Point, = null, this.originalEvent = null
var n = t("../core");
i.prototype.constructor = i, e.exports = i, i.prototype.getLocalPosition = function(t, e, r) {
return t.worldTransform.applyInverse(r ||, e)
}, {
"../core": 97
179: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t, e) {, e = e || {}, this.renderer = t, this.autoPreventDefault = void 0 !== e.autoPreventDefault ? e.autoPreventDefault : !0, this.interactionFrequency = e.interactionFrequency || 10, this.mouse = new s,, this.eventData = {
stopped: !1,
target: null,
type: null,
data: this.mouse,
stopPropagation: function() {
this.stopped = !0
}, this.interactiveDataPool = [], this.interactionDOMElement = null, this.moveWhenInside = !1, this.eventsAdded = !1, this.onMouseUp = this.onMouseUp.bind(this), this.processMouseUp = this.processMouseUp.bind(this), this.onMouseDown = this.onMouseDown.bind(this), this.processMouseDown = this.processMouseDown.bind(this), this.onMouseMove = this.onMouseMove.bind(this), this.processMouseMove = this.processMouseMove.bind(this), this.onMouseOut = this.onMouseOut.bind(this), this.processMouseOverOut = this.processMouseOverOut.bind(this), this.onMouseOver = this.onMouseOver.bind(this), this.onTouchStart = this.onTouchStart.bind(this), this.processTouchStart = this.processTouchStart.bind(this), this.onTouchEnd = this.onTouchEnd.bind(this), this.processTouchEnd = this.processTouchEnd.bind(this), this.onTouchMove = this.onTouchMove.bind(this), this.processTouchMove = this.processTouchMove.bind(this), this.defaultCursorStyle = "inherit", this.currentCursorStyle = "inherit", this._tempPoint = new n.Point, this.resolution = 1, this.setTargetElement(this.renderer.view, this.renderer.resolution)
var n = t("../core"),
s = t("./InteractionData"),
o = t("eventemitter3");
Object.assign(n.DisplayObject.prototype, t("./interactiveTarget")), i.prototype = Object.create(o.prototype), i.prototype.constructor = i, e.exports = i, i.prototype.setTargetElement = function(t, e) {
this.removeEvents(), this.interactionDOMElement = t, this.resolution = e || 1, this.addEvents()
}, i.prototype.addEvents = function() {
this.interactionDOMElement && (n.ticker.shared.add(this.update, this), window.navigator.msPointerEnabled && (["-ms-content-zooming"] = "none",["-ms-touch-action"] = "none"), window.document.addEventListener("mousemove", this.onMouseMove, !0), this.interactionDOMElement.addEventListener("mousedown", this.onMouseDown, !0), this.interactionDOMElement.addEventListener("mouseout", this.onMouseOut, !0), this.interactionDOMElement.addEventListener("mouseover", this.onMouseOver, !0), this.interactionDOMElement.addEventListener("touchstart", this.onTouchStart, !0), this.interactionDOMElement.addEventListener("touchend", this.onTouchEnd, !0), this.interactionDOMElement.addEventListener("touchmove", this.onTouchMove, !0), window.addEventListener("mouseup", this.onMouseUp, !0), this.eventsAdded = !0)
}, i.prototype.removeEvents = function() {
this.interactionDOMElement && (n.ticker.shared.remove(this.update), window.navigator.msPointerEnabled && (["-ms-content-zooming"] = "",["-ms-touch-action"] = ""), window.document.removeEventListener("mousemove", this.onMouseMove, !0), this.interactionDOMElement.removeEventListener("mousedown", this.onMouseDown, !0), this.interactionDOMElement.removeEventListener("mouseout", this.onMouseOut, !0), this.interactionDOMElement.removeEventListener("mouseover", this.onMouseOver, !0), this.interactionDOMElement.removeEventListener("touchstart", this.onTouchStart, !0), this.interactionDOMElement.removeEventListener("touchend", this.onTouchEnd, !0), this.interactionDOMElement.removeEventListener("touchmove", this.onTouchMove, !0), this.interactionDOMElement = null, window.removeEventListener("mouseup", this.onMouseUp, !0), this.eventsAdded = !1)
}, i.prototype.update = function(t) {
if (this._deltaTime += t, !(this._deltaTime < this.interactionFrequency) && (this._deltaTime = 0, this.interactionDOMElement)) {
if (this.didMove) return void(this.didMove = !1);
this.cursor = this.defaultCursorStyle, this.processInteractive(, this.renderer._lastObjectRendered, this.processMouseOverOut, !0), this.currentCursorStyle !== this.cursor && (this.currentCursorStyle = this.cursor, = this.cursor)
}, i.prototype.dispatchEvent = function(t, e, r) {
r.stopped || ( = t, r.type = e, t.emit(e, r), t[e] && t[e](r))
}, i.prototype.mapPositionToPoint = function(t, e, r) {
var i;
i = this.interactionDOMElement.parentElement ? this.interactionDOMElement.getBoundingClientRect() : {
x: 0,
y: 0,
width: 0,
height: 0
}, t.x = (e - i.left) * (this.interactionDOMElement.width / i.width) / this.resolution, t.y = (r - * (this.interactionDOMElement.height / i.height) / this.resolution
}, i.prototype.processInteractive = function(t, e, r, i, n) {
if (!e || !e.visible) return !1;
var s = !1,
o = n = e.interactive || n;
if (e.hitArea && (o = !1), i && e._mask && (e._mask.containsPoint(t) || (i = !1)), i && e.filterArea && (e.filterArea.contains(t.x, t.y) || (i = !1)), e.interactiveChildren)
for (var a = e.children, h = a.length - 1; h >= 0; h--) {
var u = a[h];
if (this.processInteractive(t, u, r, i, o)) {
if (!u.parent) continue;
s = !0, o = !1, i = !1
return n && (i && !s && (e.hitArea ? (e.worldTransform.applyInverse(t, this._tempPoint), s = e.hitArea.contains(this._tempPoint.x, this._tempPoint.y)) : e.containsPoint && (s = e.containsPoint(t))), e.interactive && r(e, s)), s
}, i.prototype.onMouseDown = function(t) {
this.mouse.originalEvent = t, = this.mouse, this.eventData.stopped = !1, this.mapPositionToPoint(, t.clientX, t.clientY), this.autoPreventDefault && this.mouse.originalEvent.preventDefault(), this.processInteractive(, this.renderer._lastObjectRendered, this.processMouseDown, !0);
var e = 2 === t.button || 3 === t.which;
this.emit(e ? "rightdown" : "mousedown", this.eventData)
}, i.prototype.processMouseDown = function(t, e) {
var r = this.mouse.originalEvent,
i = 2 === r.button || 3 === r.which;
e && (t[i ? "_isRightDown" : "_isLeftDown"] = !0, this.dispatchEvent(t, i ? "rightdown" : "mousedown", this.eventData))
}, i.prototype.onMouseUp = function(t) {
this.mouse.originalEvent = t, = this.mouse, this.eventData.stopped = !1, this.mapPositionToPoint(, t.clientX, t.clientY), this.processInteractive(, this.renderer._lastObjectRendered, this.processMouseUp, !0);
var e = 2 === t.button || 3 === t.which;
this.emit(e ? "rightup" : "mouseup", this.eventData)
}, i.prototype.processMouseUp = function(t, e) {
var r = this.mouse.originalEvent,
i = 2 === r.button || 3 === r.which,
n = i ? "_isRightDown" : "_isLeftDown";
e ? (this.dispatchEvent(t, i ? "rightup" : "mouseup", this.eventData), t[n] && (t[n] = !1, this.dispatchEvent(t, i ? "rightclick" : "click", this.eventData))) : t[n] && (t[n] = !1, this.dispatchEvent(t, i ? "rightupoutside" : "mouseupoutside", this.eventData))
}, i.prototype.onMouseMove = function(t) {
this.mouse.originalEvent = t, = this.mouse, this.eventData.stopped = !1, this.mapPositionToPoint(, t.clientX, t.clientY), this.didMove = !0, this.cursor = this.defaultCursorStyle, this.processInteractive(, this.renderer._lastObjectRendered, this.processMouseMove, !0), this.emit("mousemove", this.eventData), this.currentCursorStyle !== this.cursor && (this.currentCursorStyle = this.cursor, = this.cursor)
}, i.prototype.processMouseMove = function(t, e) {
this.processMouseOverOut(t, e), this.moveWhenInside && !e || this.dispatchEvent(t, "mousemove", this.eventData)
}, i.prototype.onMouseOut = function(t) {
this.mouse.originalEvent = t, = this.mouse, this.eventData.stopped = !1, this.mapPositionToPoint(, t.clientX, t.clientY), = this.defaultCursorStyle, this.mapPositionToPoint(, t.clientX, t.clientY), this.processInteractive(, this.renderer._lastObjectRendered, this.processMouseOverOut, !1), this.emit("mouseout", this.eventData)
}, i.prototype.processMouseOverOut = function(t, e) {
e ? (t._over || (t._over = !0, this.dispatchEvent(t, "mouseover", this.eventData)), t.buttonMode && (this.cursor = t.defaultCursor)) : t._over && (t._over = !1, this.dispatchEvent(t, "mouseout", this.eventData))
}, i.prototype.onMouseOver = function(t) {
this.mouse.originalEvent = t, = this.mouse, this.eventData.stopped = !1, this.emit("mouseover", this.eventData)
}, i.prototype.onTouchStart = function(t) {
this.autoPreventDefault && t.preventDefault();
for (var e = t.changedTouches, r = e.length, i = 0; r > i; i++) {
var n = e[i],
s = this.getTouchData(n);
s.originalEvent = t, = s, this.eventData.stopped = !1, this.processInteractive(, this.renderer._lastObjectRendered, this.processTouchStart, !0), this.emit("touchstart", this.eventData), this.returnTouchData(s)
}, i.prototype.processTouchStart = function(t, e) {
e && (t._touchDown = !0, this.dispatchEvent(t, "touchstart", this.eventData))
}, i.prototype.onTouchEnd = function(t) {
this.autoPreventDefault && t.preventDefault();
for (var e = t.changedTouches, r = e.length, i = 0; r > i; i++) {
var n = e[i],
s = this.getTouchData(n);
s.originalEvent = t, = s, this.eventData.stopped = !1, this.processInteractive(, this.renderer._lastObjectRendered, this.processTouchEnd, !0), this.emit("touchend", this.eventData), this.returnTouchData(s)
}, i.prototype.processTouchEnd = function(t, e) {
e ? (this.dispatchEvent(t, "touchend", this.eventData), t._touchDown && (t._touchDown = !1, this.dispatchEvent(t, "tap", this.eventData))) : t._touchDown && (t._touchDown = !1, this.dispatchEvent(t, "touchendoutside", this.eventData))
}, i.prototype.onTouchMove = function(t) {
this.autoPreventDefault && t.preventDefault();
for (var e = t.changedTouches, r = e.length, i = 0; r > i; i++) {
var n = e[i],
s = this.getTouchData(n);
s.originalEvent = t, = s, this.eventData.stopped = !1, this.processInteractive(, this.renderer._lastObjectRendered, this.processTouchMove, this.moveWhenInside), this.emit("touchmove", this.eventData), this.returnTouchData(s)
}, i.prototype.processTouchMove = function(t, e) {
this.moveWhenInside && !e || this.dispatchEvent(t, "touchmove", this.eventData)
}, i.prototype.getTouchData = function(t) {
var e = this.interactiveDataPool.pop();
return e || (e = new s), e.identifier = t.identifier, this.mapPositionToPoint(, t.clientX, t.clientY), navigator.isCocoonJS && ( = / this.resolution, = / this.resolution), t.globalX =, t.globalY =, e
}, i.prototype.returnTouchData = function(t) {
}, i.prototype.destroy = function() {
this.removeEvents(), this.removeAllListeners(), this.renderer = null, this.mouse = null, this.eventData = null, this.interactiveDataPool = null, this.interactionDOMElement = null, this.onMouseUp = null, this.processMouseUp = null, this.onMouseDown = null, this.processMouseDown = null, this.onMouseMove = null, this.processMouseMove = null, this.onMouseOut = null, this.processMouseOverOut = null, this.onMouseOver = null, this.onTouchStart = null, this.processTouchStart = null, this.onTouchEnd = null, this.processTouchEnd = null, this.onTouchMove = null, this.processTouchMove = null, this._tempPoint = null
}, n.WebGLRenderer.registerPlugin("interaction", i), n.CanvasRenderer.registerPlugin("interaction", i)
}, {
"../core": 97,
"./InteractionData": 178,
"./interactiveTarget": 181,
eventemitter3: 3
180: [function(t, e, r) {
e.exports = {
InteractionData: t("./InteractionData"),
InteractionManager: t("./InteractionManager"),
interactiveTarget: t("./interactiveTarget")
}, {
"./InteractionData": 178,
"./InteractionManager": 179,
"./interactiveTarget": 181
181: [function(t, e, r) {
var i = {
interactive: !1,
interactiveChildren: !0,
hitArea: null,
buttonMode: !1,
defaultCursor: "pointer",
_over: !1,
_isLeftDown: !1,
_isRightDown: !1,
_touchDown: !1
e.exports = i
}, {}],
182: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t, e) {
var r = {},
i ="info")[0],
n ="common")[0];
r.font = i.getAttribute("face"), r.size = parseInt(i.getAttribute("size"), 10), r.lineHeight = parseInt(n.getAttribute("lineHeight"), 10), r.chars = {};
for (var a ="char"), h = 0; h < a.length; h++) {
var u = parseInt(a[h].getAttribute("id"), 10),
l = new s.Rectangle(parseInt(a[h].getAttribute("x"), 10) + e.frame.x, parseInt(a[h].getAttribute("y"), 10) + e.frame.y, parseInt(a[h].getAttribute("width"), 10), parseInt(a[h].getAttribute("height"), 10));
r.chars[u] = {
xOffset: parseInt(a[h].getAttribute("xoffset"), 10),
yOffset: parseInt(a[h].getAttribute("yoffset"), 10),
xAdvance: parseInt(a[h].getAttribute("xadvance"), 10),
kerning: {},
texture: new s.Texture(e.baseTexture, l)
var c ="kerning");
for (h = 0; h < c.length; h++) {
var d = parseInt(c[h].getAttribute("first"), 10),
p = parseInt(c[h].getAttribute("second"), 10),
f = parseInt(c[h].getAttribute("amount"), 10);
r.chars[p] && (r.chars[p].kerning[d] = f)
t.bitmapFont = r, o.BitmapText.fonts[r.font] = r
var n = t("resource-loader").Resource,
s = t("../core"),
o = t("../extras"),
a = t("path");
e.exports = function() {
return function(t, e) {
if (! || !t.isXml) return e();
if (0 ==="page").length || 0 ==="info").length || null ==="info")[0].getAttribute("face")) return e();
var r = t.isDataUrl ? "" : a.dirname(t.url);
t.isDataUrl && ("." === r && (r = ""), this.baseUrl && r && ("/" === this.baseUrl.charAt(this.baseUrl.length - 1) && (r += "/"), r = r.replace(this.baseUrl, ""))), r && "/" !== r.charAt(r.length - 1) && (r += "/");
var o = r +"page")[0].getAttribute("file");
if (s.utils.TextureCache[o]) i(t, s.utils.TextureCache[o]), e();
else {
var h = {
crossOrigin: t.crossOrigin,
loadType: n.LOAD_TYPE.IMAGE,
metadata: t.metadata.imageMetadata
this.add( + "_image", o, h, function(r) {
i(t, r.texture), e()
}, {
"../core": 97,
"../extras": 164,
path: 22,
"resource-loader": 71
183: [function(t, e, r) {
e.exports = {
Loader: t("./loader"),
bitmapFontParser: t("./bitmapFontParser"),
spritesheetParser: t("./spritesheetParser"),
textureParser: t("./textureParser"),
Resource: t("resource-loader").Resource
}, {
"./bitmapFontParser": 182,
"./loader": 184,
"./spritesheetParser": 185,
"./textureParser": 186,
"resource-loader": 71
184: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t, e) {, t, e);
for (var r = 0; r < i._pixiMiddleware.length; ++r) this.use(i._pixiMiddleware[r]())
var n = t("resource-loader"),
s = t("./textureParser"),
o = t("./spritesheetParser"),
a = t("./bitmapFontParser");
i.prototype = Object.create(n.prototype), i.prototype.constructor = i, e.exports = i, i._pixiMiddleware = [n.middleware.parsing.blob, s, o, a], i.addPixiMiddleware = function(t) {
var h = n.Resource;
h.setExtensionXhrType("fnt", h.XHR_RESPONSE_TYPE.DOCUMENT)
}, {
"./bitmapFontParser": 182,
"./spritesheetParser": 185,
"./textureParser": 186,
"resource-loader": 71
185: [function(t, e, r) {
var i = t("resource-loader").Resource,
n = t("path"),
s = t("../core"),
o = 1e3;
e.exports = function() {
return function(t, e) {
var r, a = + "_image";
if (! || !t.isJson || ! || this.resources[a]) return e();
var h = {
crossOrigin: t.crossOrigin,
loadType: i.LOAD_TYPE.IMAGE,
metadata: t.metadata.imageMetadata
r = t.isDataUrl ? : n.dirname(t.url.replace(this.baseUrl, "")) + "/" +, this.add(a, r, h, function(r) {
function i(e, i) {
for (var n = e; i > n - e && n < l.length;) {
var o = l[n],
a = u[o].frame;
if (a) {
var h = null,
d = null,
p = new s.Rectangle(0, 0, u[o].sourceSize.w / c, u[o].sourceSize.h / c);
h = u[o].rotated ? new s.Rectangle(a.x / c, a.y / c, a.h / c, a.w / c) : new s.Rectangle(a.x / c, a.y / c, a.w / c, a.h / c), u[o].trimmed && (d = new s.Rectangle(u[o].spriteSourceSize.x / c, u[o].spriteSourceSize.y / c, u[o].spriteSourceSize.w / c, u[o].spriteSourceSize.h / c)), t.textures[o] = new s.Texture(r.texture.baseTexture, h, p, d, u[o].rotated ? 2 : 0), s.utils.TextureCache[o] = t.textures[o]
function n() {
return d * o < l.length
function a(t) {
i(d * o, o), d++, setTimeout(t, 0)
function h() {
a(function() {
n() ? h() : e()
t.textures = {};
var u =,
l = Object.keys(u),
c = s.utils.getResolutionOfUrl(t.url),
d = 0;
l.length <= o ? (i(0, o), e()) : h()
}, {
"../core": 97,
path: 22,
"resource-loader": 71
186: [function(t, e, r) {
var i = t("../core");
e.exports = function() {
return function(t, e) {
if ( && t.isImage) {
var r = new i.BaseTexture(, null, i.utils.getResolutionOfUrl(t.url));
r.imageUrl = t.url, t.texture = new i.Texture(r), i.utils.BaseTextureCache[t.url] = r, i.utils.TextureCache[t.url] = t.texture
}, {
"../core": 97
187: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t, e, r, s, o) {, this._texture = null, this.uvs = r || new Float32Array([0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1]), this.vertices = e || new Float32Array([0, 0, 100, 0, 100, 100, 0, 100]), this.indices = s || new Uint16Array([0, 1, 3, 2]), this.dirty = 0, this.indexDirty = 0, this.blendMode = n.BLEND_MODES.NORMAL, this.canvasPadding = 0, this.drawMode = o || i.DRAW_MODES.TRIANGLE_MESH, this.texture = t, this.shader = null, this.tintRgb = new Float32Array([1, 1, 1]), this._glDatas = []
var n = t("../core"),
s = t("pixi-gl-core"),
o = t("./webgl/MeshShader"),
a = new n.Point,
h = new n.Polygon;
i.prototype = Object.create(n.Container.prototype), i.prototype.constructor = i, e.exports = i, Object.defineProperties(i.prototype, {
texture: {
get: function() {
return this._texture
set: function(t) {
this._texture !== t && (this._texture = t, t && (t.baseTexture.hasLoaded ? this._onTextureUpdate() : t.once("update", this._onTextureUpdate, this)))
tint: {
get: function() {
return n.utils.rgb2hex(this.tintRgb)
set: function(t) {
this.tintRgb = n.utils.hex2rgb(t, this.tintRgb)
}), i.prototype._renderWebGL = function(t) {
var e =,
r = this._glDatas[t.CONTEXT_UID];
r || (r = {
shader: new o(e),
vertexBuffer: s.GLBuffer.createVertexBuffer(e, this.vertices, e.STREAM_DRAW),
uvBuffer: s.GLBuffer.createVertexBuffer(e, this.uvs, e.STREAM_DRAW),
indexBuffer: s.GLBuffer.createIndexBuffer(e, this.indices, e.STATIC_DRAW),
vao: new s.VertexArrayObject(e),
dirty: this.dirty,
indexDirty: this.indexDirty
}, r.vao = new s.VertexArrayObject(e).addIndex(r.indexBuffer).addAttribute(r.vertexBuffer, r.shader.attributes.aVertexPosition, e.FLOAT, !1, 8, 0).addAttribute(r.uvBuffer, r.shader.attributes.aTextureCoord, e.FLOAT, !1, 8, 0), this._glDatas[t.CONTEXT_UID] = r), this.dirty !== r.dirty && (r.dirty = this.dirty, r.uvBuffer.upload()), this.indexDirty !== r.indexDirty && (r.indexDirty = this.indexDirty, r.indexBuffer.upload()), r.vertexBuffer.upload(), t.bindShader(r.shader), t.bindTexture(this._texture, 0), t.state.setBlendMode(this.blendMode), r.shader.uniforms.translationMatrix = this.worldTransform.toArray(!0), r.shader.uniforms.alpha = this.worldAlpha, r.shader.uniforms.tint = this.tintRgb;
r.vao.bind().draw(n, this.indices.length).unbind()
}, i.prototype._renderCanvas = function(t) {
var e = t.context,
r = this.worldTransform,
n = t.resolution;
t.roundPixels ? e.setTransform(r.a * n, r.b * n, r.c * n, r.d * n, r.tx * n | 0, r.ty * n | 0) : e.setTransform(r.a * n, r.b * n, r.c * n, r.d * n, r.tx * n, r.ty * n), this.drawMode === i.DRAW_MODES.TRIANGLE_MESH ? this._renderCanvasTriangleMesh(e) : this._renderCanvasTriangles(e)
}, i.prototype._renderCanvasTriangleMesh = function(t) {
for (var e = this.vertices, r = this.uvs, i = e.length / 2, n = 0; i - 2 > n; n++) {
var s = 2 * n;
this._renderCanvasDrawTriangle(t, e, r, s, s + 2, s + 4)
}, i.prototype._renderCanvasTriangles = function(t) {
for (var e = this.vertices, r = this.uvs, i = this.indices, n = i.length, s = 0; n > s; s += 3) {
var o = 2 * i[s],
a = 2 * i[s + 1],
h = 2 * i[s + 2];
this._renderCanvasDrawTriangle(t, e, r, o, a, h)
}, i.prototype._renderCanvasDrawTriangle = function(t, e, r, i, n, s) {
var o = this._texture.baseTexture,
a = o.source,
h = o.width,
u = o.height,
l = e[i],
c = e[n],
d = e[s],
p = e[i + 1],
f = e[n + 1],
v = e[s + 1],
g = r[i] * o.width,
y = r[n] * o.width,
x = r[s] * o.width,
m = r[i + 1] * o.height,
_ = r[n + 1] * o.height,
b = r[s + 1] * o.height;
if (this.canvasPadding > 0) {
var T = this.canvasPadding / this.worldTransform.a,
E = this.canvasPadding / this.worldTransform.d,
w = (l + c + d) / 3,
S = (p + f + v) / 3,
M = l - w,
C = p - S,
A = Math.sqrt(M * M + C * C);
l = w + M / A * (A + T), p = S + C / A * (A + E), M = c - w, C = f - S, A = Math.sqrt(M * M + C * C), c = w + M / A * (A + T), f = S + C / A * (A + E), M = d - w, C = v - S, A = Math.sqrt(M * M + C * C), d = w + M / A * (A + T), v = S + C / A * (A + E)
}, t.beginPath(), t.moveTo(l, p), t.lineTo(c, f), t.lineTo(d, v), t.closePath(), t.clip();
var R = g * _ + m * x + y * b - _ * x - m * y - g * b,
O = l * _ + m * d + c * b - _ * d - m * c - l * b,
D = g * c + l * x + y * d - c * x - l * y - g * d,
P = g * _ * d + m * c * x + l * y * b - l * _ * x - m * y * d - g * c * b,
I = p * _ + m * v + f * b - _ * v - m * f - p * b,
L = g * f + p * x + y * v - f * x - p * y - g * v,
F = g * _ * v + m * f * x + p * y * b - p * _ * x - m * y * v - g * f * b;
t.transform(O / R, I / R, D / R, L / R, P / R, F / R), t.drawImage(a, 0, 0, h * o.resolution, u * o.resolution, 0, 0, h, u), t.restore()
}, i.prototype.renderMeshFlat = function(t) {
var e = this.context,
r = t.vertices,
i = r.length / 2;
for (var n = 1; i - 2 > n; n++) {
var s = 2 * n,
o = r[s],
a = r[s + 2],
h = r[s + 4],
u = r[s + 1],
l = r[s + 3],
c = r[s + 5];
e.moveTo(o, u), e.lineTo(a, l), e.lineTo(h, c)
e.fillStyle = "#FF0000", e.fill(), e.closePath()
}, i.prototype._onTextureUpdate = function() {}, i.prototype._calculateBounds = function() {
this._bounds.addVertices(this.transform, this.vertices, 0, this.vertices.length)
}, i.prototype.containsPoint = function(t) {
if (!this.getBounds().contains(t.x, t.y)) return !1;
this.worldTransform.applyInverse(t, a);
for (var e = this.vertices, r = h.points, n = this.indices, s = this.indices.length, o = this.drawMode === i.DRAW_MODES.TRIANGLES ? 3 : 1, u = 0; s > u + 2; u += o) {
var l = 2 * n[u],
c = 2 * n[u + 1],
d = 2 * n[u + 2];
if (r[0] = e[l], r[1] = e[l + 1], r[2] = e[c], r[3] = e[c + 1], r[4] = e[d], r[5] = e[d + 1], h.contains(a.x, a.y)) return !0
return !1
}, i.DRAW_MODES = {
}, {
"../core": 97,
"./webgl/MeshShader": 192,
"pixi-gl-core": 12
188: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t, e, r, i, o) {, t, 4, 4);
var a = this.uvs;
a[6] = a[14] = a[22] = a[30] = 1, a[25] = a[27] = a[29] = a[31] = 1, this._origWidth = t.width, this._origHeight = t.height, this._uvw = 1 / this._origWidth, this._uvh = 1 / this._origHeight, this.width = t.width, this.height = t.height, a[2] = a[10] = a[18] = a[26] = this._uvw * e, a[4] = a[12] = a[20] = a[28] = 1 - this._uvw * i, a[9] = a[11] = a[13] = a[15] = this._uvh * r, a[17] = a[19] = a[21] = a[23] = 1 - this._uvh * o, this.leftWidth = "undefined" != typeof e ? e : n, this.rightWidth = "undefined" != typeof i ? i : n, this.topHeight = "undefined" != typeof r ? r : n, this.bottomHeight = "undefined" != typeof o ? o : n
var n = 10,
s = t("./Plane");
i.prototype = Object.create(s.prototype), i.prototype.constructor = i, e.exports = i, Object.defineProperties(i.prototype, {
width: {
get: function() {
return this._width
set: function(t) {
this._width = t, this.updateVerticalVertices()
height: {
get: function() {
return this._height
set: function(t) {
this._height = t, this.updateHorizontalVertices()
leftWidth: {
get: function() {
return this._leftWidth
set: function(t) {
this._leftWidth = t;
var e = this.uvs,
r = this.vertices;
e[2] = e[10] = e[18] = e[26] = this._uvw * t, r[2] = r[10] = r[18] = r[26] = t, this.dirty = !0
rightWidth: {
get: function() {
return this._rightWidth
set: function(t) {
this._rightWidth = t;
var e = this.uvs,
r = this.vertices;
e[4] = e[12] = e[20] = e[28] = 1 - this._uvw * t, r[4] = r[12] = r[20] = r[28] = this._width - t, this.dirty = !0
topHeight: {
get: function() {
return this._topHeight
set: function(t) {
this._topHeight = t;
var e = this.uvs,
r = this.vertices;
e[9] = e[11] = e[13] = e[15] = this._uvh * t, r[9] = r[11] = r[13] = r[15] = t, this.dirty = !0
bottomHeight: {
get: function() {
return this._bottomHeight
set: function(t) {
this._bottomHeight = t;
var e = this.uvs,
r = this.vertices;
e[17] = e[19] = e[21] = e[23] = 1 - this._uvh * t, r[17] = r[19] = r[21] = r[23] = this._height - t, this.dirty = !0
}), i.prototype.updateHorizontalVertices = function() {
var t = this.vertices;
t[9] = t[11] = t[13] = t[15] = this._topHeight, t[17] = t[19] = t[21] = t[23] = this._height - this._bottomHeight, t[25] = t[27] = t[29] = t[31] = this._height
}, i.prototype.updateVerticalVertices = function() {
var t = this.vertices;
t[2] = t[10] = t[18] = t[26] = this._leftWidth, t[4] = t[12] = t[20] = t[28] = this._width - this._rightWidth, t[6] = t[14] = t[22] = t[30] = this._width
}, i.prototype._renderCanvas = function(t) {
var e = t.context;
e.globalAlpha = this.worldAlpha;
var r = this.worldTransform,
i = t.resolution;
t.roundPixels ? e.setTransform(r.a * i, r.b * i, r.c * i, r.d * i, r.tx * i | 0, r.ty * i | 0) : e.setTransform(r.a * i, r.b * i, r.c * i, r.d * i, r.tx * i, r.ty * i);
var n = this._texture.baseTexture,
s = n.source,
o = n.width,
a = n.height;
this.drawSegment(e, s, o, a, 0, 1, 10, 11), this.drawSegment(e, s, o, a, 2, 3, 12, 13), this.drawSegment(e, s, o, a, 4, 5, 14, 15), this.drawSegment(e, s, o, a, 8, 9, 18, 19), this.drawSegment(e, s, o, a, 10, 11, 20, 21), this.drawSegment(e, s, o, a, 12, 13, 22, 23), this.drawSegment(e, s, o, a, 16, 17, 26, 27), this.drawSegment(e, s, o, a, 18, 19, 28, 29), this.drawSegment(e, s, o, a, 20, 21, 30, 31)
}, i.prototype.drawSegment = function(t, e, r, i, n, s, o, a) {
var h = this.uvs,
u = this.vertices,
l = (h[o] - h[n]) * r,
c = (h[a] - h[s]) * i,
d = u[o] - u[n],
p = u[a] - u[s];
1 > l && (l = 1), 1 > c && (c = 1), 1 > d && (d = 1), 1 > p && (p = 1), t.drawImage(e, h[n] * r, h[s] * i, l, c, u[n], u[s], d, p)
}, {
"./Plane": 189
189: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t, e, r) {, t), this._ready = !0, this.verticesX = e || 10, this.verticesY = r || 10, this.drawMode = n.DRAW_MODES.TRIANGLES, this.refresh()
var n = t("./Mesh");
i.prototype = Object.create(n.prototype), i.prototype.constructor = i, e.exports = i, i.prototype.refresh = function() {
var t = this.verticesX * this.verticesY,
e = [],
r = [],
i = [],
n = [],
s = this.texture,
o = this.verticesX - 1,
a = this.verticesY - 1,
h = 0,
u = s.width / o,
l = s.height / a;
for (h = 0; t > h; h++) {
var c = h % this.verticesX,
d = h / this.verticesX | 0;
e.push(c * u, d * l), i.push(s._uvs.x0 + (s._uvs.x1 - s._uvs.x0) * (c / (this.verticesX - 1)), s._uvs.y0 + (s._uvs.y3 - s._uvs.y0) * (d / (this.verticesY - 1)))
var p = o * a;
for (h = 0; p > h; h++) {
var f = h % o,
v = h / o | 0,
g = v * this.verticesX + f,
y = v * this.verticesX + f + 1,
x = (v + 1) * this.verticesX + f,
m = (v + 1) * this.verticesX + f + 1;
n.push(g, y, x), n.push(y, m, x)
this.vertices = new Float32Array(e), this.uvs = new Float32Array(i), this.colors = new Float32Array(r), this.indices = new Uint16Array(n), this.indexDirty = !0
}, i.prototype._onTextureUpdate = function() {, this._ready && this.refresh()
}, {
"./Mesh": 187
190: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t, e) {, t), this.points = e, this.vertices = new Float32Array(4 * e.length), this.uvs = new Float32Array(4 * e.length), this.colors = new Float32Array(2 * e.length), this.indices = new Uint16Array(2 * e.length), this._ready = !0, this.refresh()
var n = t("./Mesh"),
s = t("../core");
i.prototype = Object.create(n.prototype), i.prototype.constructor = i, e.exports = i, i.prototype.refresh = function() {
var t = this.points;
if (!(t.length < 1) && this._texture._uvs) {
var e = this.uvs,
r = this.indices,
i = this.colors,
n = this._texture._uvs,
o = new s.Point(n.x0, n.y0),
a = new s.Point(n.x2 - n.x0, n.y2 - n.y0);
e[0] = 0 + o.x, e[1] = 0 + o.y, e[2] = 0 + o.x, e[3] = 1 * a.y + o.y, i[0] = 1, i[1] = 1, r[0] = 0, r[1] = 1;
for (var h, u, l, c = t.length, d = 1; c > d; d++) h = t[d], u = 4 * d, l = d / (c - 1), e[u] = l * a.x + o.x, e[u + 1] = 0 + o.y, e[u + 2] = l * a.x + o.x, e[u + 3] = 1 * a.y + o.y, u = 2 * d, i[u] = 1, i[u + 1] = 1, u = 2 * d, r[u] = u, r[u + 1] = u + 1;
this.dirty = !0, this.indexDirty = !0
}, i.prototype._onTextureUpdate = function() {, this._ready && this.refresh()
}, i.prototype.updateTransform = function() {
var t = this.points;
if (!(t.length < 1)) {
for (var e, r, i, n, s, o, a = t[0], h = 0, u = 0, l = this.vertices, c = t.length, d = 0; c > d; d++) r = t[d], i = 4 * d, e = d < t.length - 1 ? t[d + 1] : r, u = -(e.x - a.x), h = e.y - a.y, n = 10 * (1 - d / (c - 1)), n > 1 && (n = 1), s = Math.sqrt(h * h + u * u), o = this._texture.height / 2, h /= s, u /= s, h *= o, u *= o, l[i] = r.x + h, l[i + 1] = r.y + u, l[i + 2] = r.x - h, l[i + 3] = r.y - u, a = r;
}, {
"../core": 97,
"./Mesh": 187
191: [function(t, e, r) {
e.exports = {
Mesh: t("./Mesh"),
Plane: t("./Plane"),
NineSlicePlane: t("./NineSlicePlane"),
Rope: t("./Rope"),
MeshShader: t("./webgl/MeshShader")
}, {
"./Mesh": 187,
"./NineSlicePlane": 188,
"./Plane": 189,
"./Rope": 190,
"./webgl/MeshShader": 192
192: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t) {, t, ["attribute vec2 aVertexPosition;", "attribute vec2 aTextureCoord;", "uniform mat3 translationMatrix;", "uniform mat3 projectionMatrix;", "varying vec2 vTextureCoord;", "void main(void){", " gl_Position = vec4((projectionMatrix * translationMatrix * vec3(aVertexPosition, 1.0)).xy, 0.0, 1.0);", " vTextureCoord = aTextureCoord;", "}"].join("\n"), ["varying vec2 vTextureCoord;", "uniform float alpha;", "uniform vec3 tint;", "uniform sampler2D uSampler;", "void main(void){", " gl_FragColor = texture2D(uSampler, vTextureCoord) * vec4(tint * alpha, alpha);", "}"].join("\n"))
var n = t("../../core/Shader");
i.prototype = Object.create(n.prototype), i.prototype.constructor = i, e.exports = i
}, {
"../../core/Shader": 77
193: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t, e, r) {, r = r || 15e3, t = t || 15e3;
var i = 16384;
r > i && (r = i), r > t && (r = t), this._properties = [!1, !0, !1, !1, !1], this._maxSize = t, this._batchSize = r, this._glBuffers = [], this._bufferToUpdate = 0, this.interactiveChildren = !1, this.blendMode = n.BLEND_MODES.NORMAL, this.roundPixels = !0, this.baseTexture = null, this.setProperties(e)
var n = t("../core");
i.prototype = Object.create(n.Container.prototype), i.prototype.constructor = i, e.exports = i, i.prototype.setProperties = function(t) {
t && (this._properties[0] = "scale" in t ? !!t.scale : this._properties[0], this._properties[1] = "position" in t ? !!t.position : this._properties[1], this._properties[2] = "rotation" in t ? !!t.rotation : this._properties[2], this._properties[3] = "uvs" in t ? !!t.uvs : this._properties[3], this._properties[4] = "alpha" in t ? !!t.alpha : this._properties[4])
}, i.prototype.updateTransform = function() {
}, i.prototype.renderWebGL = function(t) {
this.visible && !(this.worldAlpha <= 0) && this.children.length && this.renderable && (this.baseTexture || (this.baseTexture = this.children[0]._texture.baseTexture, this.baseTexture.hasLoaded || this.baseTexture.once("update", function() {
}, this)), t.setObjectRenderer(t.plugins.particle), t.plugins.particle.render(this))
}, i.prototype.onChildrenChange = function(t) {
var e = Math.floor(t / this._batchSize);
e < this._bufferToUpdate && (this._bufferToUpdate = e)
}, i.prototype.renderCanvas = function(t) {
if (this.visible && !(this.worldAlpha <= 0) && this.children.length && this.renderable) {
var e = t.context,
r = this.worldTransform,
i = !0,
n = 0,
s = 0,
o = 0,
a = 0,
h = t.blendModes[this.blendMode];
h !== e.globalCompositeOperation && (e.globalCompositeOperation = h), e.globalAlpha = this.worldAlpha, this.displayObjectUpdateTransform();
for (var u = 0; u < this.children.length; ++u) {
var l = this.children[u];
if (l.visible) {
var c = l.texture.frame;
if (e.globalAlpha = this.worldAlpha * l.alpha, l.rotation % (2 * Math.PI) === 0) i && (e.setTransform(r.a, r.b, r.c, r.d, r.tx * t.resolution, r.ty * t.resolution), i = !1), n = l.anchor.x * (-c.width * l.scale.x) + l.position.x + .5, s = l.anchor.y * (-c.height * l.scale.y) + l.position.y + .5, o = c.width * l.scale.x, a = c.height * l.scale.y;
else {
i || (i = !0), l.displayObjectUpdateTransform();
var d = l.worldTransform;
t.roundPixels ? e.setTransform(d.a, d.b, d.c, d.d, d.tx * t.resolution | 0, d.ty * t.resolution | 0) : e.setTransform(d.a, d.b, d.c, d.d, d.tx * t.resolution, d.ty * t.resolution), n = l.anchor.x * -c.width + .5, s = l.anchor.y * -c.height + .5, o = c.width,
a = c.height
var p = l.texture.baseTexture.resolution;
e.drawImage(l.texture.baseTexture.source, c.x * p, c.y * p, c.width * p, c.height * p, n * p, s * p, o * p, a * p)
}, i.prototype.destroy = function() {
if (n.Container.prototype.destroy.apply(this, arguments), this._buffers)
for (var t = 0; t < this._buffers.length; ++t) this._buffers[t].destroy();
this._properties = null, this._buffers = null
}, {
"../core": 97
194: [function(t, e, r) {
e.exports = {
ParticleContainer: t("./ParticleContainer"),
ParticleRenderer: t("./webgl/ParticleRenderer")
}, {
"./ParticleContainer": 193,
"./webgl/ParticleRenderer": 196
195: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t, e, r, i) { = t, this.vertSize = 2, this.vertByteSize = 4 * this.vertSize, this.size = i, this.dynamicProperties = [], this.staticProperties = [];
for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) {
var s = e[n];
s = {
attribute: s.attribute,
size: s.size,
uploadFunction: s.uploadFunction,
offset: s.offset
}, r[n] ? this.dynamicProperties.push(s) : this.staticProperties.push(s)
this.staticStride = 0, this.staticBuffer = null, this.staticData = null, this.dynamicStride = 0, this.dynamicBuffer = null, this.dynamicData = null, this.initBuffers()
var n = t("pixi-gl-core"),
s = t("../../core/utils/createIndicesForQuads");
i.prototype.constructor = i, e.exports = i, i.prototype.initBuffers = function() {
var t, e, r =,
i = 0;
for (this.indices = s(this.size), this.indexBuffer = n.GLBuffer.createIndexBuffer(r, this.indices, r.STATIC_DRAW), this.dynamicStride = 0, t = 0; t < this.dynamicProperties.length; t++) e = this.dynamicProperties[t], e.offset = i, i += e.size, this.dynamicStride += e.size;
this.dynamicData = new Float32Array(this.size * this.dynamicStride * 4), this.dynamicBuffer = n.GLBuffer.createVertexBuffer(r, this.dynamicData, r.STREAM_DRAW);
var o = 0;
for (this.staticStride = 0, t = 0; t < this.staticProperties.length; t++) e = this.staticProperties[t], e.offset = o, o += e.size, this.staticStride += e.size;
for (this.staticData = new Float32Array(this.size * this.staticStride * 4), this.staticBuffer = n.GLBuffer.createVertexBuffer(r, this.staticData, r.STATIC_DRAW), this.vao = new n.VertexArrayObject(r).addIndex(this.indexBuffer), t = 0; t < this.dynamicProperties.length; t++) e = this.dynamicProperties[t], this.vao.addAttribute(this.dynamicBuffer, e.attribute, r.FLOAT, !1, 4 * this.dynamicStride, 4 * e.offset);
for (t = 0; t < this.staticProperties.length; t++) e = this.staticProperties[t], this.vao.addAttribute(this.staticBuffer, e.attribute, r.FLOAT, !1, 4 * this.staticStride, 4 * e.offset)
}, i.prototype.uploadDynamic = function(t, e, r) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.dynamicProperties.length; i++) {
var n = this.dynamicProperties[i];
n.uploadFunction(t, e, r, this.dynamicData, this.dynamicStride, n.offset)
}, i.prototype.uploadStatic = function(t, e, r) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.staticProperties.length; i++) {
var n = this.staticProperties[i];
n.uploadFunction(t, e, r, this.staticData, this.staticStride, n.offset)
}, i.prototype.bind = function() {
}, i.prototype.destroy = function() {
this.dynamicProperties = null, this.dynamicData = null, this.dynamicBuffer.destroy(), this.staticProperties = null, this.staticData = null, this.staticBuffer.destroy()
}, {
"../../core/utils/createIndicesForQuads": 149,
"pixi-gl-core": 12
196: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t) {, t), this.shader = null, this.indexBuffer = null, = null, this.tempMatrix = new n.Matrix, this.CONTEXT_UID = 0
var n = t("../../core"),
s = t("./ParticleShader"),
o = t("./ParticleBuffer");
i.prototype = Object.create(n.ObjectRenderer.prototype), i.prototype.constructor = i, e.exports = i, n.WebGLRenderer.registerPlugin("particle", i), i.prototype.onContextChange = function() {
var t =;
this.CONTEXT_UID = this.renderer.CONTEXT_UID, this.shader = new s(t), = [{
attribute: this.shader.attributes.aVertexPosition,
size: 2,
uploadFunction: this.uploadVertices,
offset: 0
}, {
attribute: this.shader.attributes.aPositionCoord,
size: 2,
uploadFunction: this.uploadPosition,
offset: 0
}, {
attribute: this.shader.attributes.aRotation,
size: 1,
uploadFunction: this.uploadRotation,
offset: 0
}, {
attribute: this.shader.attributes.aTextureCoord,
size: 2,
uploadFunction: this.uploadUvs,
offset: 0
}, {
attribute: this.shader.attributes.aColor,
size: 1,
uploadFunction: this.uploadAlpha,
offset: 0
}, i.prototype.start = function() {
}, i.prototype.render = function(t) {
var e = t.children,
r = e.length,
i = t._maxSize,
n = t._batchSize;
if (0 !== r) {
r > i && (r = i);
var s = t._glBuffers[this.renderer.CONTEXT_UID];
s || (s = t._glBuffers[this.renderer.CONTEXT_UID] = this.generateBuffers(t)), this.renderer.setBlendMode(t.blendMode);
var o =,
a = t.worldTransform.copy(this.tempMatrix);
a.prepend(this.renderer._activeRenderTarget.projectionMatrix), this.shader.uniforms.projectionMatrix = a.toArray(!0), this.shader.uniforms.uAlpha = t.worldAlpha;
var h = e[0]._texture.baseTexture;
for (var u = 0, l = 0; r > u; u += n, l += 1) {
var c = r - u;
c > n && (c = n);
var d = s[l];
d.uploadDynamic(e, u, c), t._bufferToUpdate === l && (d.uploadStatic(e, u, c), t._bufferToUpdate = l + 1), d.vao.bind().draw(o.TRIANGLES, 6 * c).unbind()
}, i.prototype.generateBuffers = function(t) {
var e, r =,
i = [],
n = t._maxSize,
s = t._batchSize,
a = t._properties;
for (e = 0; n > e; e += s) i.push(new o(r,, a, s));
return i
}, i.prototype.uploadVertices = function(t, e, r, i, n, s) {
for (var o, a, h, u, l, c, d, p, f, v, g = 0; r > g; g++) o = t[e + g], a = o._texture, l = o.scale.x, c = o.scale.y, h = a.trim, u = a.orig, h ? (p = h.x - o.anchor.x * u.width, d = p + h.width, v = h.y - o.anchor.y * u.height, f = v + h.height) : (d = u.width * (1 - o.anchor.x), p = u.width * -o.anchor.x, f = u.height * (1 - o.anchor.y), v = u.height * -o.anchor.y), i[s] = p * l, i[s + 1] = v * c, i[s + n] = d * l, i[s + n + 1] = v * c, i[s + 2 * n] = d * l, i[s + 2 * n + 1] = f * c, i[s + 3 * n] = p * l, i[s + 3 * n + 1] = f * c, s += 4 * n
}, i.prototype.uploadPosition = function(t, e, r, i, n, s) {
for (var o = 0; r > o; o++) {
var a = t[e + o].position;
i[s] = a.x, i[s + 1] = a.y, i[s + n] = a.x, i[s + n + 1] = a.y, i[s + 2 * n] = a.x, i[s + 2 * n + 1] = a.y, i[s + 3 * n] = a.x, i[s + 3 * n + 1] = a.y, s += 4 * n
}, i.prototype.uploadRotation = function(t, e, r, i, n, s) {
for (var o = 0; r > o; o++) {
var a = t[e + o].rotation;
i[s] = a, i[s + n] = a, i[s + 2 * n] = a, i[s + 3 * n] = a, s += 4 * n
}, i.prototype.uploadUvs = function(t, e, r, i, n, s) {
for (var o = 0; r > o; o++) {
var a = t[e + o]._texture._uvs;
a ? (i[s] = a.x0, i[s + 1] = a.y0, i[s + n] = a.x1, i[s + n + 1] = a.y1, i[s + 2 * n] = a.x2, i[s + 2 * n + 1] = a.y2, i[s + 3 * n] = a.x3, i[s + 3 * n + 1] = a.y3, s += 4 * n) : (i[s] = 0, i[s + 1] = 0, i[s + n] = 0, i[s + n + 1] = 0, i[s + 2 * n] = 0, i[s + 2 * n + 1] = 0, i[s + 3 * n] = 0, i[s + 3 * n + 1] = 0, s += 4 * n)
}, i.prototype.uploadAlpha = function(t, e, r, i, n, s) {
for (var o = 0; r > o; o++) {
var a = t[e + o].alpha;
i[s] = a, i[s + n] = a, i[s + 2 * n] = a, i[s + 3 * n] = a, s += 4 * n
}, i.prototype.destroy = function() { &&, n.ObjectRenderer.prototype.destroy.apply(this, arguments), this.shader.destroy(), this.indices = null, this.tempMatrix = null
}, {
"../../core": 97,
"./ParticleBuffer": 195,
"./ParticleShader": 197
197: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t) {, t, ["attribute vec2 aVertexPosition;", "attribute vec2 aTextureCoord;", "attribute float aColor;", "attribute vec2 aPositionCoord;", "attribute vec2 aScale;", "attribute float aRotation;", "uniform mat3 projectionMatrix;", "varying vec2 vTextureCoord;", "varying float vColor;", "void main(void){", " vec2 v = aVertexPosition;", " v.x = (aVertexPosition.x) * cos(aRotation) - (aVertexPosition.y) * sin(aRotation);", " v.y = (aVertexPosition.x) * sin(aRotation) + (aVertexPosition.y) * cos(aRotation);", " v = v + aPositionCoord;", " gl_Position = vec4((projectionMatrix * vec3(v, 1.0)).xy, 0.0, 1.0);", " vTextureCoord = aTextureCoord;", " vColor = aColor;", "}"].join("\n"), ["varying vec2 vTextureCoord;", "varying float vColor;", "uniform sampler2D uSampler;", "uniform float uAlpha;", "void main(void){", " vec4 color = texture2D(uSampler, vTextureCoord) * vColor * uAlpha;", " if (color.a == 0.0) discard;", " gl_FragColor = color;", "}"].join("\n"))
var n = t("../../core/Shader");
i.prototype = Object.create(n.prototype), i.prototype.constructor = i, e.exports = i
}, {
"../../core/Shader": 77
198: [function(t, e, r) {
Math.sign || (Math.sign = function(t) {
return t = +t, 0 === t || isNaN(t) ? t : t > 0 ? 1 : -1
}, {}],
199: [function(t, e, r) {
Object.assign || (Object.assign = t("object-assign"))
}, {
"object-assign": 5
200: [function(t, e, r) {
t("./Object.assign"), t("./requestAnimationFrame"), t("./Math.sign"), window.ArrayBuffer || (window.ArrayBuffer = Array), window.Float32Array || (window.Float32Array = Array), window.Uint32Array || (window.Uint32Array = Array), window.Uint16Array || (window.Uint16Array = Array)
}, {
"./Math.sign": 198,
"./Object.assign": 199,
"./requestAnimationFrame": 201
201: [function(t, e, r) {
(function(t) {
if ( && Date.prototype.getTime || ( = function() {
return (new Date).getTime()
}), !t.performance || ! {
var e =;
t.performance || (t.performance = {}), = function() {
return - e
for (var r =, i = ["ms", "moz", "webkit", "o"], n = 0; n < i.length && !t.requestAnimationFrame; ++n) t.requestAnimationFrame = t[i[n] + "RequestAnimationFrame"], t.cancelAnimationFrame = t[i[n] + "CancelAnimationFrame"] || t[i[n] + "CancelRequestAnimationFrame"];
t.requestAnimationFrame || (t.requestAnimationFrame = function(t) {
if ("function" != typeof t) throw new TypeError(t + "is not a function");
var e =,
i = 16 + r - e;
return 0 > i && (i = 0), r = e, setTimeout(function() {
r =, t(
}, i)
}), t.cancelAnimationFrame || (t.cancelAnimationFrame = function(t) {
}).call(this, "undefined" != typeof global ? global : "undefined" != typeof self ? self : "undefined" != typeof window ? window : {})
}, {}],
202: [function(t, e, r) {
function i() {}
var n = t("../../core");
i.prototype.constructor = i, e.exports = i, i.prototype.upload = function(t, e) {
"function" == typeof t && (e = t, t = null), e()
}, i.prototype.register = function() {
return this
}, i.prototype.add = function() {
return this
}, i.prototype.destroy = function() {}, n.CanvasRenderer.registerPlugin("prepare", i)
}, {
"../../core": 97
203: [function(t, e, r) {
e.exports = {
webGL: t("./webgl/WebGLPrepare"),
canvas: t("./canvas/CanvasPrepare")
}, {
"./canvas/CanvasPrepare": 202,
"./webgl/WebGLPrepare": 204
204: [function(t, e, r) {
function i(t) {
this.renderer = t, this.queue = [], this.addHooks = [], this.uploadHooks = [], this.completes = [], this.ticking = !1, this.register(o, n).register(a, s)
function n(t, e) {
return e instanceof h.BaseTexture ? (t.textureManager.updateTexture(e), !0) : !1
function s(t, e) {
return e instanceof h.Graphics ? (, !0) : !1
function o(t, e) {
if (t instanceof h.BaseTexture) return -1 === e.indexOf(t) && e.push(t), !0;
if (t._texture && t._texture instanceof h.Texture) {
var r = t._texture.baseTexture;
return -1 === e.indexOf(r) && e.push(r), !0
return !1
function a(t, e) {
return t instanceof h.Graphics ? (e.push(t), !0) : !1
var h = t("../../core"),
u = h.ticker.shared;
i.UPLOADS_PER_FRAME = 4, i.prototype.constructor = i, e.exports = i, i.prototype.upload = function(t, e) {
"function" == typeof t && (e = t, t = null), t && this.add(t), this.queue.length ? (this.numLeft = i.UPLOADS_PER_FRAME, this.completes.push(e), this.ticking || (this.ticking = !0, u.add(this.tick, this))) : e()
}, i.prototype.tick = function() {
for (var t, e; this.queue.length && this.numLeft > 0;) {
var r = this.queue[0],
n = !1;
for (t = 0, e = this.uploadHooks.length; e > t; t++)
if (this.uploadHooks[t](this.renderer, r)) {
this.numLeft--, this.queue.shift(), n = !0;
n || this.queue.shift()
if (this.queue.length) this.numLeft = i.UPLOADS_PER_FRAME;
else {
this.ticking = !1, u.remove(this.tick, this);
var s = this.completes.slice(0);
for (this.completes.length = 0, t = 0, e = s.length; e > t; t++) s[t]()
}, i.prototype.register = function(t, e) {
return t && this.addHooks.push(t), e && this.uploadHooks.push(e), this
}, i.prototype.add = function(t) {
var e, r;
for (e = 0, r = this.addHooks.length; r > e && !this.addHooks[e](t, this.queue); e++);
if (t instanceof h.Container)
for (e = t.children.length - 1; e >= 0; e--) this.add(t.children[e]);
return this
}, i.prototype.destroy = function() {
this.ticking && u.remove(this.tick, this), this.ticking = !1, this.addHooks = null, this.uploadHooks = null, this.renderer = null, this.completes = null, this.queue = null
}, h.WebGLRenderer.registerPlugin("prepare", i)
}, {
"../../core": 97
205: [function(t, e, r) {
(function(r) {
var i = e.exports = t("./core");
i.extras = t("./extras"), i.filters = t("./filters"), i.interaction = t("./interaction"), i.loaders = t("./loaders"), i.mesh = t("./mesh"), i.particles = t("./particles"), i.accessibility = t("./accessibility"), i.extract = t("./extract"), i.prepare = t("./prepare"), i.loader = new i.loaders.Loader, Object.assign(i, t("./deprecation")), r.PIXI = i
}).call(this, "undefined" != typeof global ? global : "undefined" != typeof self ? self : "undefined" != typeof window ? window : {})
}, {
"./accessibility": 76,
"./core": 97,
"./deprecation": 154,
"./extract": 156,
"./extras": 164,
"./filters": 175,
"./interaction": 180,
"./loaders": 183,
"./mesh": 191,
"./particles": 194,
"./polyfill": 200,
"./prepare": 203
}, {}, [205])(205)
/* Charm */
var _createClass = function() {
function l(b, c) {
for (var a = 0; a < c.length; a++) {
var f = c[a];
f.enumerable = f.enumerable || !1;
f.configurable = !0;
"value" in f && (f.writable = !0);
Object.defineProperty(b, f.key, f)
return function(b, c, a) {
c && l(b.prototype, c);
a && l(b, a);
return b
function _toConsumableArray(l) {
if (Array.isArray(l)) {
for (var b = 0, c = Array(l.length); b < l.length; b++) c[b] = l[b];
return c
return Array.from(l)
function _classCallCheck(l, b) {
if (!(l instanceof b)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
var Charm = function() {
function l() {
var b = this,
c = 0 >= arguments.length || void 0 === arguments[0] ? PIXI : arguments[0];
_classCallCheck(this, l);
if (void 0 === c) throw Error("Please assign a rendering engine in the constructor before using charm.js");
this.renderer = "";
c.ParticleContainer && c.Sprite && (this.renderer = "pixi");
this.globalTweens = [];
this.easingFormulas = {
linear: function(a) {
return a
smoothstep: function(a) {
return a * a * (3 - 2 * a)
smoothstepSquared: function(a) {
return Math.pow(a * a * (3 - 2 * a), 2)
smoothstepCubed: function(a) {
return Math.pow(a *
a * (3 - 2 * a), 3)
acceleration: function(a) {
return a * a
accelerationCubed: function(a) {
return Math.pow(a * a, 3)
deceleration: function(a) {
return 1 - Math.pow(1 - a, 2)
decelerationCubed: function(a) {
return 1 - Math.pow(1 - a, 3)
sine: function(a) {
return Math.sin(a * Math.PI / 2)
sineSquared: function(a) {
return Math.pow(Math.sin(a * Math.PI / 2), 2)
sineCubed: function(a) {
return Math.pow(Math.sin(a * Math.PI / 2), 2)
inverseSine: function(a) {
return 1 - Math.sin((1 - a) * Math.PI / 2)
inverseSineSquared: function(a) {
return 1 - Math.pow(Math.sin((1 -
a) * Math.PI / 2), 2)
inverseSineCubed: function(a) {
return 1 - Math.pow(Math.sin((1 - a) * Math.PI / 2), 3)
spline: function(a, b, c, g, k) {
return .5 * (2 * c + (-b + g) * a + (2 * b - 5 * c + 4 * g - k) * a * a + (-b + 3 * c - 3 * g + k) * a * a * a)
cubicBezier: function(a, b, c, g, k) {
var d = a * a;
return b + (3 * -b + a * (3 * b - b * a)) * a + (3 * c + a * (-6 * c + 3 * c * a)) * a + (3 * g - 3 * g * a) * d + k * d * a
this._addScaleProperties = function(a) {
"pixi" === b.renderer && (!a.scaleX && a.scale.x && Object.defineProperty(a, "scaleX", {
get: function() {
return a.scale.x
set: function(b) {
a.scale.x = b
}), !a.scaleY && a.scale.y &&
Object.defineProperty(a, "scaleY", {
get: function() {
return a.scale.y
set: function(b) {
a.scale.y = b
_createClass(l, [{
key: "tweenProperty",
value: function(b, c, a, f, h) {
var g = 5 >= arguments.length || void 0 === arguments[5] ? "smoothstep" : arguments[5],
k = this,
d = 6 >= arguments.length || void 0 === arguments[6] ? !1 : arguments[6],
m = 7 >= arguments.length || void 0 === arguments[7] ? 0 : arguments[7],
e = {},
p = g.split(" ");
"bounce" === p[0] && (e.startMagnitude = parseInt(p[1]), e.endMagnitude = parseInt(p[2]));
e.start = function(a, b) {
e.startValue =
e.endValue = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(b));
e.playing = !0;
e.totalFrames = h;
e.frameCounter = 0;
e.start(a, f);
e.update = function() {
var a;
e.playing && (e.frameCounter < e.totalFrames ? (a = e.frameCounter / e.totalFrames, a = "bounce" !== p[0] ? k.easingFormulas[g](a) : k.easingFormulas.spline(a, e.startMagnitude, 0, 1, e.endMagnitude), b[c] = e.endValue * a + e.startValue * (1 - a), e.frameCounter += 1) : (b[c] = e.endValue, e.end()))
e.end = function() {
e.playing = !1;
if (e.onComplete) e.onComplete();
k.globalTweens.splice(k.globalTweens.indexOf(e), 1);
d && k.wait(m).then(function() {
e.start(e.endValue, e.startValue)
}; = function() {
return e.playing = !0
e.pause = function() {
return e.playing = !1
return e
}, {
key: "makeTween",
value: function(b) {
var c = this,
a = {
tweens: []
b.forEach(function(b) {
b = c.tweenProperty.apply(c, _toConsumableArray(b));
var f = 0;
a.completed = function() {
f += 1;
if (f === a.tweens.length) {
if (a.onComplete) a.onComplete();
f = 0
a.tweens.forEach(function(b) {
b.onComplete = function() {
return a.completed()
a.pause = function() {
a.tweens.forEach(function(a) {
a.playing = !1
}; = function() {
a.tweens.forEach(function(a) {
a.playing = !0
return a
}, {
key: "fadeOut",
value: function(b) {
return this.tweenProperty(b, "alpha", b.alpha, 0, 1 >= arguments.length || void 0 === arguments[1] ? 60 : arguments[1], "sine")
}, {
key: "fadeIn",
value: function(b) {
return this.tweenProperty(b, "alpha", b.alpha, 1, 1 >= arguments.length || void 0 === arguments[1] ? 60 : arguments[1], "sine")
}, {
key: "pulse",
value: function(b) {
return this.tweenProperty(b, "alpha", b.alpha,
2 >= arguments.length || void 0 === arguments[2] ? 0 : arguments[2], 1 >= arguments.length || void 0 === arguments[1] ? 60 : arguments[1], "smoothstep", !0)
}, {
key: "slide",
value: function(b, c, a) {
var f = 3 >= arguments.length || void 0 === arguments[3] ? 60 : arguments[3],
h = 4 >= arguments.length || void 0 === arguments[4] ? "smoothstep" : arguments[4],
g = 5 >= arguments.length || void 0 === arguments[5] ? !1 : arguments[5],
k = 6 >= arguments.length || void 0 === arguments[6] ? 0 : arguments[6];
return this.makeTween([
[b, "x", b.x, c, f, h, g, k],
[b, "y", b.y, a, f, h, g, k]
}, {
key: "rotate",
value: function(b, c) {
return this.tweenProperty(b, "rotation", b.rotation, c, 2 >= arguments.length || void 0 === arguments[2] ? 60 : arguments[2], 3 >= arguments.length || void 0 === arguments[3] ? "smoothstep" : arguments[3], 4 >= arguments.length || void 0 === arguments[4] ? !1 : arguments[4], 5 >= arguments.length || void 0 === arguments[5] ? 0 : arguments[5])
}, {
key: "breathe",
value: function(b) {
var c = 1 >= arguments.length || void 0 === arguments[1] ? .8 : arguments[1],
a = 2 >= arguments.length || void 0 === arguments[2] ? .8 : arguments[2],
f = 3 >= arguments.length ||
void 0 === arguments[3] ? 60 : arguments[3],
h = 4 >= arguments.length || void 0 === arguments[4] ? !0 : arguments[4],
g = 5 >= arguments.length || void 0 === arguments[5] ? 0 : arguments[5];
return this.makeTween([
[b, "scaleX", b.scaleX, c, f, "smoothstepSquared", h, g],
[b, "scaleY", b.scaleY, a, f, "smoothstepSquared", h, g]
}, {
key: "scale",
value: function(b) {
var c = 1 >= arguments.length || void 0 === arguments[1] ? .5 : arguments[1],
a = 2 >= arguments.length || void 0 === arguments[2] ? .5 : arguments[2],
f = 3 >= arguments.length || void 0 ===
arguments[3] ? 60 : arguments[3];
return this.makeTween([
[b, "scaleX", b.scaleX, c, f, "smoothstep", !1],
[b, "scaleY", b.scaleY, a, f, "smoothstep", !1]
}, {
key: "strobe",
value: function(b) {
var c = 1 >= arguments.length || void 0 === arguments[1] ? 1.3 : arguments[1],
a = 4 >= arguments.length || void 0 === arguments[4] ? 10 : arguments[4],
f = 5 >= arguments.length || void 0 === arguments[5] ? !0 : arguments[5],
h = 6 >= arguments.length || void 0 === arguments[6] ? 0 : arguments[6],
g = "bounce " + (2 >= arguments.length || void 0 === arguments[2] ?
10 : arguments[2]) + " " + (3 >= arguments.length || void 0 === arguments[3] ? 20 : arguments[3]);
return this.makeTween([
[b, "scaleX", b.scaleX, c, a, g, f, h],
[b, "scaleY", b.scaleY, c, a, g, f, h]
}, {
key: "wobble",
value: function(b) {
var c = 1 >= arguments.length || void 0 === arguments[1] ? 1.2 : arguments[1],
a = 2 >= arguments.length || void 0 === arguments[2] ? 1.2 : arguments[2],
f = 3 >= arguments.length || void 0 === arguments[3] ? 10 : arguments[3],
h = 8 >= arguments.length || void 0 === arguments[8] ? .98 : arguments[8],
g = this,
k = 9 >= arguments.length ||
void 0 === arguments[9] ? !0 : arguments[9],
d = 10 >= arguments.length || void 0 === arguments[10] ? 0 : arguments[10],
m = "bounce " + (4 >= arguments.length || void 0 === arguments[4] ? 10 : arguments[4]) + " " + (5 >= arguments.length || void 0 === arguments[5] ? 10 : arguments[5]),
e = "bounce " + (6 >= arguments.length || void 0 === arguments[6] ? -10 : arguments[6]) + " " + (7 >= arguments.length || void 0 === arguments[7] ? -10 : arguments[7]);
c = this.makeTween([
[b, "scaleX", b.scaleX, c, f, m, k, d],
[b, "scaleY", b.scaleY, a, f, e, k, d]
c.tweens.forEach(function(a) {
a.onComplete =
function() {
1 < a.endValue && (a.endValue *= h, 1 >= a.endValue && (a.endValue = 1, g.removeTween(a)))
return c
}, {
key: "followCurve",
value: function(b, c, a) {
var f = 3 >= arguments.length || void 0 === arguments[3] ? "smoothstep" : arguments[3],
h = this,
g = 4 >= arguments.length || void 0 === arguments[4] ? !1 : arguments[4],
k = 5 >= arguments.length || void 0 === arguments[5] ? 0 : arguments[5],
d = {},
m = f.split(" ");
"bounce" === m[0] && (d.startMagnitude = parseInt(m[1]), d.endMagnitude = parseInt(m[2]));
d.start = function(b) {
d.playing = !0;
d.totalFrames = a;
d.frameCounter =
d.pointsArray = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(b));
d.update = function() {
var a, c = d.pointsArray;
d.playing && (d.frameCounter < d.totalFrames ? (a = d.frameCounter / d.totalFrames, a = "bounce" !== m[0] ? h.easingFormulas[f](a) : h.easingFormulas.spline(a, d.startMagnitude, 0, 1, d.endMagnitude), b.x = h.easingFormulas.cubicBezier(a, c[0][0], c[1][0], c[2][0], c[3][0]), b.y = h.easingFormulas.cubicBezier(a, c[0][1], c[1][1], c[2][1], c[3][1]), d.frameCounter += 1) : d.end())
d.end = function() {
d.playing = !1;
if (d.onComplete) d.onComplete();
h.globalTweens.splice(h.globalTweens.indexOf(d), 1);
g && h.wait(k).then(function() {
d.pointsArray = d.pointsArray.reverse();
d.pause = function() {
d.playing = !1
}; = function() {
d.playing = !0
return d
}, {
key: "walkPath",
value: function(b, c) {
var a = 2 >= arguments.length || void 0 === arguments[2] ? 300 : arguments[2],
f = 3 >= arguments.length || void 0 === arguments[3] ? "smoothstep" : arguments[3],
h = 4 >= arguments.length || void 0 === arguments[4] ? !1 : arguments[4],
g = this,
k = 5 >= arguments.length || void 0 === arguments[5] ?
!1 : arguments[5],
d = 6 >= arguments.length || void 0 === arguments[6] ? 0 : arguments[6],
m = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(c)),
e = a / m.length;
return function n(a) {
var c = g.makeTween([
[b, "x", m[a][0], m[a + 1][0], e, f],
[b, "y", m[a][1], m[a + 1][1], e, f]
c.onComplete = function() {
a += 1;
a < m.length - 1 ? g.wait(d).then(function() {
c = n(a)
}) : h && (k && m.reverse(), g.wait(d).then(function() {
a = 0;
b.x = m[0][0];
b.y = m[0][1];
c = n(a)
return c
}, {
key: "walkCurve",
value: function(b, c) {
var a = 3 >= arguments.length || void 0 === arguments[3] ? "smoothstep" : arguments[3],
f = 4 >= arguments.length || void 0 === arguments[4] ? !1 : arguments[4],
h = this,
g = 5 >= arguments.length || void 0 === arguments[5] ? !1 : arguments[5],
k = 6 >= arguments.length || void 0 === arguments[6] ? 0 : arguments[6],
d = (2 >= arguments.length || void 0 === arguments[2] ? 300 : arguments[2]) / c.length;
return function e(l) {
var n = h.followCurve(b, c[l], d, a);
n.onComplete = function() {
l += 1;
l < c.length ? h.wait(k).then(function() {
n = e(l)
}) : f && (g && (c.reverse(), c.forEach(function(a) {
return a.reverse()
})), h.wait(k).then(function() {
l = 0;
b.x = c[0][0];
b.y = c[0][1];
n = e(l)
return n
}, {
key: "wait",
value: function() {
var b = 0 >= arguments.length || void 0 === arguments[0] ? 0 : arguments[0];
return new Promise(function(c, a) {
setTimeout(c, b)
}, {
key: "removeTween",
value: function(b) {
var c = this;
b.tweens ? (b.pause(), b.tweens.forEach(function(a) {
c.globalTweens.splice(c.globalTweens.indexOf(a), 1)
})) : (b.pause(), this.globalTweens.splice(this.globalTweens.indexOf(b), 1))
}, {
key: "update",
value: function() {
if (0 < this.globalTweens.length)
for (var b = this.globalTweens.length - 1; 0 <= b; b--) {
var c =
c && c.update()
return l
// Ion.Sound | version 3.0.7 |
(function(l, e, n, r) {
l.ion = l.ion || {};
if (!ion.sound) {
var m = function(a) {
a || (a = "undefined");
if (l.console) {
console.warn && "function" === typeof console.warn ? console.warn(a) : console.log && "function" === typeof console.log && console.log(a);
var g = n && n("#debug");
if (g && g.length) {
var b = g.html();
g.html(b + a + "<br/>")
f = function(a, b) {
var c;
b = b || {};
for (c in a) a.hasOwnProperty(c) && (b[c] = a[c]);
return b
if ("function" !== typeof Audio && "object" !== typeof Audio) e = function() {
m("HTML5 Audio is not supported in this browser")
ion.sound = e, = e, ion.sound.stop = e, ion.sound.pause = e, ion.sound.preload = e, ion.sound.destroy = e, e();
else {
e = /iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(e.appVersion);
var q = 0,
c = {},
d = {},
!c.supported && e ? c.supported = ["mp3", "mp4", "aac"] : c.supported || (c.supported = ["mp3", "ogg", "mp4", "aac", "wav"]);
ion.sound = function(a) {
f(a, c);
c.path = c.path || "";
c.volume = c.volume || 1;
c.preload = c.preload || !1;
c.multiplay = c.multiplay || !1;
c.loop = c.loop || !1;
c.sprite = c.sprite || null;
c.scope = c.scope || null;
c.ready_callback = c.ready_callback || null;
c.ended_callback = c.ended_callback || null;
if (q = c.sounds.length)
for (b = 0; b < q; b++) {
a = c.sounds[b];
var g = a.alias ||;
d[g] || (d[g] = new p(a), d[g].init())
} else m("No sound-files provided!")
ion.sound.VERSION = "3.0.7";
ion.sound._method = function(a, c, e) {
if (c) d[c] && d[c][a](e);
for (b in d)
if (d.hasOwnProperty(b) && d[b]) d[b][a](e)
ion.sound.preload = function(a, b) {
b = b || {};
preload: !0
}, b);
ion.sound._method("init", a, b)
ion.sound.destroy = function(a) {
ion.sound._method("destroy", a);
if (a) d[a] = null;
for (b in d) d.hasOwnProperty(b) &&
d[b] && (d[b] = null)
}; = function(a, b) {
ion.sound._method("play", a, b)
ion.sound.stop = function(a, b) {
ion.sound._method("stop", a, b)
ion.sound.pause = function(a, b) {
ion.sound._method("pause", a, b)
ion.sound.volume = function(a, b) {
ion.sound._method("volume", a, b)
n && (n.ionSound = ion.sound);
e = l.AudioContext || l.webkitAudioContext;
var h;
e && (h = new e);
var p = function(a) {
this.options = f(c);
delete this.options.sounds;
f(a, this.options);
this.request = null;
this.streams = {};
this.result = {};
this.ext = 0;
this.url = "";
this.autoplay = this.no_file = this.decoded = this.loaded = !1
p.prototype = {
init: function(a) {
a && f(a, this.options);
this.options.preload && this.load()
destroy: function() {
var a;
for (b in this.streams)(a = this.streams[b]) && a.destroy();
this.streams = {};
this.result = null;
this.options = this.options.buffer = null;
this.request && (this.request.removeEventListener("load", this.ready.bind(this), !1), this.request.removeEventListener("error", this.error.bind(this), !1), this.request.abort(), this.request = null)
createUrl: function() {
var a =
(new Date).valueOf();
this.url = this.options.path + encodeURIComponent( + "." + this.options.supported[this.ext] + "?" + a
load: function() {
this.no_file ? m('No sources for "' + + '" sound :(') : this.request || (this.createUrl(), this.request = new XMLHttpRequest,"GET", this.url, !0), this.request.responseType = "arraybuffer", this.request.addEventListener("load", this.ready.bind(this), !1), this.request.addEventListener("error", this.error.bind(this), !1), this.request.send())
reload: function() {
this.options.supported[this.ext] ? this.load() : (this.no_file = !0, m('No sources for "' + + '" sound :('))
ready: function(a) {
this.result =;
4 !== this.result.readyState ? this.reload() : 200 !== this.result.status && 0 !== this.result.status ? (m(this.url + " was not found on server!"), this.reload()) : (this.request.removeEventListener("load", this.ready.bind(this), !1), this.request.removeEventListener("error", this.error.bind(this), !1), this.request = null, this.loaded = !0, this.decode())
decode: function() {
h && h.decodeAudioData(this.result.response, this.setBuffer.bind(this), this.error.bind(this))
setBuffer: function(a) {
this.options.buffer = a;
this.decoded = !0;
a = {
alias: this.options.alias,
ext: this.options.supported[this.ext],
duration: this.options.buffer.duration
this.options.ready_callback && "function" === typeof this.options.ready_callback &&, a);
if (this.options.sprite)
for (b in this.options.sprite) this.options.start =
this.options.sprite[b][0], this.options.end = this.options.sprite[b][1], this.streams[b] = new k(this.options, b);
else this.streams[0] = new k(this.options);
this.autoplay && (this.autoplay = !1,
error: function() {
play: function(a) {
delete this.options.part;
a && f(a, this.options);
if (!this.loaded) this.autoplay = !0, this.load();
else if (!this.no_file && this.decoded)
if (this.options.sprite)
if (this.options.part) this.streams[this.options.part].play(this.options);
for (b in this.options.sprite) this.streams[b].play(this.options);
else this.streams[0].play(this.options)
stop: function(a) {
if (this.options.sprite)
if (a) this.streams[a.part].stop();
for (b in this.options.sprite) this.streams[b].stop();
else this.streams[0].stop()
pause: function(a) {
if (this.options.sprite)
if (a) this.streams[a.part].pause();
for (b in this.options.sprite) this.streams[b].pause();
else this.streams[0].pause()
volume: function(a) {
if (a)
if (f(a, this.options), this.options.sprite)
if (this.options.part)(a = this.streams[this.options.part]) && a.setVolume(this.options);
for (b in this.options.sprite)(a = this.streams[b]) && a.setVolume(this.options);
else(a = this.streams[0]) && a.setVolume(this.options)
var k = function(a, b) {
this.alias = a.alias; =;
this.sprite_part = b;
this.buffer = a.buffer;
this.start = a.start || 0;
this.end = a.end || this.buffer.duration;
this.multiplay = a.multiplay || !1;
this.volume = a.volume || 1;
this.scope = a.scope;
this.ended_callback = a.ended_callback;
this.gain = this.source = null;
this.paused = this.playing = !1;
this.time_offset = this.time_played =
this.time_ended = this.time_started = 0
k.prototype = {
destroy: function() {
this.source = this.buffer = null;
this.gain && this.gain.disconnect();
this.source && this.source.disconnect();
this.source = this.gain = null
setLoop: function(a) {
this.loop = !0 === a.loop ? 9999999 : "number" === typeof a.loop ? +a.loop - 1 : !1
update: function(a) {
"volume" in a && (this.volume = a.volume)
play: function(a) {
a && this.update(a);
if (this.multiplay || !this.playing) this.gain = h.createGain(), this.source = h.createBufferSource(), this.source.buffer =
this.buffer, this.source.connect(this.gain), this.gain.connect(h.destination), this.gain.gain.value = this.volume, this.source.onended = this.ended.bind(this), this._play()
_play: function() {
var a, b;
this.paused ? (a = this.start + this.time_offset, b = this.end - this.time_offset) : (a = this.start, b = this.end);
0 >= b ? this.clear() : ("function" === typeof this.source.start ? this.source.start(0, a, b) : this.source.noteOn(0, a, b), this.playing = !0, this.paused = !1, this.time_started = (new Date).valueOf())
stop: function() {
this.playing && this.source &&
("function" === typeof this.source.stop ? this.source.stop(0) : this.source.noteOff(0));
pause: function() {
this.paused ? : this.playing && (this.source && this.source.stop(0), this.paused = !0)
ended: function() {
this.playing = !1;
this.time_ended = (new Date).valueOf();
this.time_played = (this.time_ended - this.time_started) / 1E3;
this.time_offset += this.time_played;
if (this.time_offset >= this.end || .015 > this.end - this.time_offset) this._ended(), this.clear(), this.loop && (this.loop--,
_ended: function() {
var a = {
alias: this.alias,
part: this.sprite_part,
start: this.start,
duration: this.end
this.ended_callback && "function" === typeof this.ended_callback &&, a)
clear: function() {
this.time_offset = this.time_played = 0;
this.playing = this.paused = !1
setVolume: function(a) {
this.volume = a.volume;
this.gain && (this.gain.gain.value = this.volume)
h || (function() {
var a = new Audio,
b = a.canPlayType("audio/mpeg"),
e = a.canPlayType("audio/ogg"),
a = a.canPlayType('audio/mp4; codecs="mp4a.40.2"'),
d, f;
for (f = 0; f < c.supported.length; f++) d = c.supported[f], b || "mp3" !== d || c.supported.splice(f, 1), e || "ogg" !== d || c.supported.splice(f, 1), a || "aac" !== d || c.supported.splice(f, 1), a || "mp4" !== d || c.supported.splice(f, 1)
}(), p.prototype = {
init: function(a) {
a && f(a, this.options);
this.inited = !0;
this.options.preload && this.load()
destroy: function() {
var a;
for (b in this.streams)(a = this.streams[b]) && a.destroy();
this.streams = {};
this.inited = this.loaded = !1
load: function() {
var a;
this.options.preload = !0;
this.options._ready = this.ready;
this.options._scope = this;
if (this.options.sprite)
for (b in this.options.sprite) a = this.options.sprite[b], this.options.start = a[0], this.options.end = a[1], this.streams[b] = new k(this.options, b);
else this.streams[0] = new k(this.options)
ready: function(a) {
this.loaded || (this.loaded = !0, a = {
alias: this.options.alias,
ext: this.options.supported[this.ext],
duration: a
}, this.options.ready_callback && "function" === typeof this.options.ready_callback &&,
a), this.autoplay && (this.autoplay = !1,
play: function(a) {
if (this.inited)
if (delete this.options.part, a && f(a, this.options), console.log(1), this.loaded)
if (this.options.sprite)
if (this.options.part) this.streams[this.options.part].play(this.options);
for (b in this.options.sprite) this.streams[b].play(this.options);
else this.streams[0].play(this.options);
else this.options.preload ? this.autoplay = !0 : (this.autoplay = !0, this.load())
stop: function(a) {
if (this.inited)
if (this.options.sprite)
if (a) this.streams[a.part].stop();
for (b in this.options.sprite) this.streams[b].stop();
else this.streams[0].stop()
pause: function(a) {
if (this.inited)
if (this.options.sprite)
if (a) this.streams[a.part].pause();
for (b in this.options.sprite) this.streams[b].pause();
else this.streams[0].pause()
volume: function(a) {
if (a)
if (f(a, this.options), this.options.sprite)
if (this.options.part)(a = this.streams[this.options.part]) && a.setVolume(this.options);
for (b in this.options.sprite)(a = this.streams[b]) && a.setVolume(this.options);
else(a =
this.streams[0]) && a.setVolume(this.options)
}, k = function(a, b) { =;
this.alias = a.alias;
this.sprite_part = b;
this.multiplay = a.multiplay;
this.volume = a.volume;
this.preload = a.preload;
this.path = c.path;
this.start = a.start || 0;
this.end = a.end || 0;
this.scope = a.scope;
this.ended_callback = a.ended_callback;
this._scope = a._scope;
this._ready = a._ready;
this.url = this.sound = null;
this.loaded = !1;
this.played_time = this.paused_time = this.start_time = 0;
}, k.prototype = {
init: function() {
this.sound =
new Audio;
this.sound.volume = this.volume;
this.sound.addEventListener("ended", this.ended.bind(this), !1);
this.sound.addEventListener("canplaythrough", this.can_play_through.bind(this), !1);
this.sound.addEventListener("timeupdate", this._update.bind(this), !1);
destroy: function() {
this.sound.removeEventListener("ended", this.ended.bind(this), !1);
this.sound.removeEventListener("canplaythrough", this.can_play_through.bind(this), !1);
this._update.bind(this), !1);
this.sound = null;
this.loaded = !1
createUrl: function() {
var a = (new Date).valueOf();
this.url = this.path + encodeURIComponent( + "." + c.supported[0] + "?" + a
can_play_through: function() {
this.preload && this.ready()
load: function() {
this.sound.src = this.url;
this.sound.preload = this.preload ? "auto" : "none";
this.preload && this.sound.load()
setLoop: function(a) {
this.loop = !0 === a.loop ? 9999999 : "number" === typeof a.loop ? +a.loop - 1 : !1
update: function(a) {
"volume" in a && (this.volume =
ready: function() {
!this.loaded && this.sound && (this.loaded = !0,, this.sound.duration), this.end || (this.end = this.sound.duration))
play: function(a) {
a && this.update(a);
!this.multiplay && this.playing || this._play()
_play: function() {
if (this.paused) this.paused = !1;
else try {
this.sound.currentTime = this.start
} catch (a) {}
this.playing = !0;
this.start_time = (new Date).valueOf();
this.sound.volume = this.volume;
stop: function() {
if (this.playing) {
this.paused = this.playing = !1;
try {
this.sound.currentTime = this.start
} catch (a) {}
pause: function() {
this.paused ? this._play() : (this.playing = !1, this.paused = !0, this.sound.pause(), this.paused_time = (new Date).valueOf(), this.played_time += this.paused_time - this.start_time)
_update: function() {
this.start_time && (this.played_time + ((new Date).valueOf() - this.start_time)) / 1E3 >= this.end && this.playing && (this.stop(), this._ended())
ended: function() {
this.playing && (this.stop(), this._ended())
_ended: function() {
this.playing = !1;
var a = {
alias: this.alias,
part: this.sprite_part,
start: this.start,
duration: this.end
this.ended_callback && "function" === typeof this.ended_callback &&, a);
this.loop && setTimeout(this.looper.bind(this), 15)
looper: function() {
clear: function() {
this.paused_time = this.played_time = this.start_time = 0
setVolume: function(a) {
this.volume = a.volume;
this.sound && (this.sound.volume = this.volume)
})(window, navigator, window.jQuery || window.$);
/* */
(function() {
function g(a) {
try {
return decodeURIComponent(a)
} catch (b) {
return a
function n(a, b, c) {
b || (b = function() {});
void 0 === c && (c = "");
if (void 0 !== window.TelegramWebviewProxy) TelegramWebviewProxy.postEvent(a, c), b();
else if (window.external && "notify" in window.external) window.external.notify(JSON.stringify({
eventType: a,
eventData: c
})), b();
else if (k) try {
var d = "",
d = "*";
eventType: a,
eventData: c
}), d)
} catch (e) {
} else b({
notAvailable: !0
function l(a, b) {
var c = f[a];
if (void 0 !== c && c.length)
for (var d = 0; d < c.length; d++) try {
c[d](a, b)
} catch (e) {}
var f = {},
m = "";
try {
m = location.hash.toString()
} catch (a) {}
var h = function(a) {
a = a.replace(/^#/, "");
var b = {};
if (!a.length) return b;
if (0 > a.indexOf("=") && 0 > a.indexOf("?")) return b._path = g(a), b;
var c = a.indexOf("?");
if (0 <= c) {
var d = a.substr(0, c);
b._path = g(d);
a = a.substr(c + 1)
a = a.split("&");
for (var e, c = 0; c < a.length; c++) e = a[c].split("="), d = g(e[0]), e = null == e[1] ? null : g(e[1]), b[d] = e;
return b
k = !1;
try {
k = null !=
window.parent && window != window.parent
} catch (a) {}
window.TelegramGameProxy_receiveEvent = l;
window.TelegramGameProxy = {
initParams: h,
receiveEvent: l,
onEvent: function(a, b) {
void 0 === f[a] && (f[a] = []); - 1 === f[a].indexOf(b) && f[a].push(b)
shareScore: function() {
n("share_score", function(a) {
if (a && (a = h.tgShareScoreUrl || h.shareScoreUrl)) {
var b = !1;
try {
b =, "_blank")
} catch (c) {
b = !1
b || (location.href = a)
/* LumberJack */
(function(ua, M, Da, b, kb) {
function q(a) {
return "string" == typeof a ? M.getElementById(a) : a
function Na(a) {
return (a || "").replace(/^[\s\uFEFF]+|[\s\uFEFF]+$/g, "")
function ka(a, c) {
return (a = q(a)) && (new RegExp("(\\s|^)" + c + "(\\s|$)")).test(a.className)
function fa(a, c) {
(a = q(a)) && !ka(a, c) && (a.className = Na(a.className + " " + c))
function la(a, c) {
(a = q(a)) && ka(a, c) && (a.className = Na(a.className.replace(new RegExp("(\\s+|^)" + c + "(\\s+|$)"), " ")))
function ma(a, c, b) {
("undefined" == typeof b ? ka(a, c) : !b) ? la(a, c): fa(a, c)
function N(a,
c, b) {
if (a = q(a), b = b || rf, a && 3 != a.nodeType && 8 != a.nodeType) {
a.setInterval && a != ua && (a = ua);
c = c.split(" ");
for (var e = 0, d = c.length; d > e; e++) {
var f = c[e];
a.addEventListener ? a.addEventListener(f, b, !1) : a.attachEvent && a.attachEvent("on" + f, b)
function Oa() {
va = !0;
d = T.offsetWidth || 375;
f = T.offsetHeight;
480 >= f && 480 <= d ? va = !1 : f = 480 >= f ? f - 128 : 570 >= f ? f - 188 : f - 228;
d = Math.min(d, va ? 600 : 800);
U.resize(d, f);
ga.width = d * J;
ga.height = f * J; = d + "px"; = f + "px";
V.resize(d, 170);
ha.width = d * J;
ha.height = 170 * J; =
d + "px"; = "170px"
function Pa() {
O.width = d;
O.height = f;
O.tilePosition.y = f - 52;
P.width = d;
P.height = 90;
P.y = f - 130;
E.width = d;
E.height = 128;
t.width = Math.max(0, d - 139 - 194);
t.height = 95;
t.x = 139;
t.y = f - 95;
na.y = t.y;
ia.x = d - 195;
ia.y = t.y;
u.x = d / 2;
u.y = f - 55 + W;
K.x = d / 2;
K.y = f - 105;
v.x = (d - v.width) / 2;
v.height = f - 45;
z.x = (d - z.width) / 2;
z.y = f - 45 - z.height;
L.x = (d - L.width) / 2;
L.y = f - 34 - L.height;
y.x = d / 2 + (m ? -35 : 35);
y.y = f - 55;
w.x = d / 2 + (m ? -32 : 32);
w.y = f - 55;
A.x = d / 2 - 44;
A.y = 15;
Q.x = d / 2;
Q.y = 30;
n.x = d / 2;
n.y = 56;
F.width = t.width;
F.height =
F.x = t.x;
F.y = 75;
oa.y = F.y;
ja.x = d - 195;
ja.y = F.y;
X.x = z.x;
X.y = 125 - X.height;
Y.x = L.x;
Y.y = 136 - Y.height;
B.x = d / 2 + (m ? -35 : 35);
B.y = 115;
x.x = d / 2 + (m ? -32 : 32);
x.y = 115;
Z || wa(!va);
function Qa() {
Ra && Sa && (xa = !0, fa(T, "ready"), ya())
function Ta() {
aa && za && (0 < ba - +new Date ? Ua() : Va());
E.tilePosition.x -= .25;
function Wa(a) {
return "data:" == a.src.substr(0, 5) ? a.src = "images/" + a.filename + ".svg" : "svg" == a.src.substr(-3, 3) ? a.src = "images/" + a.filename + ".png" : !1
function Xa(a,
c) {
var b = {},
e = 0,
d = 0,
for (f in a) e += 1;
for (f in a) {
var g = new Image;
g.src = a[f];
g.filename = f;
g.onload = function() {
if (!this.width || !this.height) return Wa(this);
d += 1;
d == e && c(b)
g.onerror = function(a) {
b[f] = g
function Ea(a) {, {
volume: 1
function g(a) {
a = new b.BaseTexture(a);
return new b.Texture(a)
function D(a, c) {
!c === 0 > a.scale.x && (a.scale.x = -a.scale.x)
function Ya(a) {
Za !== a && ((Za = a) ? p.fadeIn(G, 6) : p.fadeOut(G, 6))
function Fa() {
var a = +ca || "0";
xa && (Q.text = a);
lb.innerHTML = a
function $a(a,
c) {
if (da.length % 2) {
var d = 500 >= Math.floor(1E3 * Math.random() + 1);
da.push(d ? -1 : 1, d ? -2 : 2);
pa += 100;
var e = new b.Sprite(Aa);
e.x = d ? -10 : 10;
e.y = -pa;
e.width = 125;
e.height = 80;
e.anchor.set(0, 1);
D(e, d);
d = da.shift();
c || (2 == Math.abs(d) ? (u.removeChildAt(0), e = new b.Sprite(Aa), e.x = a ? 10 : -10, e.width = 125, e.height = 80, e.anchor.set(0, 1), D(e, !a), p.slide(e, e.x + (a ? 100 : -100), -30, 24)) : (e = new b.Sprite(ab), e.x = a ? 25 : -25, e.width = 50, e.height = 50, e.anchor.set(a ? 1 : 0, 1), p.slide(e, e.x + (a ? 100 : -100), -10, 24)), p.fadeOut(e, 24), p.rotate(e, (a ? 60 : -60) * Math.PI / 180, 24), p.scale(e, 1.2 * e.scale.x, 1.2 * e.scale.y, 24).onComplete = function() {
}, K.addChild(e));
W += 50;
p.slide(u, u.x, f - 55 + W, 9);
p.slide(v.tilePosition, v.tilePosition.x, 25 + W, 9)
function wa(a, c, b) {
m = a;
y.x = d / 2 + (m ? -35 : 35);
w.x = d / 2 + (m ? -32 : 32);
D(y, a);
D(w, a);
B.x = d / 2 + (m ? -35 : 35);
x.x = d / 2 + (m ? -32 : 32);
D(B, a);
D(x, a);
Z && (aa ? (w.visible = !1, y.visible = !0, x.visible = !1, B.visible = !0) : (w.visible = !0, y.visible = !1, x.visible = !0, B.visible = !1), c && mb(b))
function mb(a) {
H.visible = !0;
I.visible = !1;
setTimeout(function() {
H.visible = !1;
I.visible = !0
}, 50);
a ? Ea("hit2") : Ea("hit1")
function nb() {
qa *= .95;
Ga *= .95;
n.text = "Level " + Ha;
p.fadeIn(n, 9);
p.scale(n, 1, 1, 9);
setTimeout(function() {
p.fadeOut(n, 9);
p.scale(n, .8, .8, 9)
}, 2E3)
function Ua() {
var a = (ba - +new Date) / qa;
0 > a && (a = 0);
1 < a && (a = 1);
Ya(.25 > a);
ea.x = -88 * (1 - a);
G.x = -88 * (1 - a)
function bb() {
if (l && l.length)
for (var a = 0; a < l.length; a++) {
var c = l[a];
if (c.current) {
cb = c.score;
function ya() {
if (!1 !== l && h && xa) {
for (var a = "", c = 0; c < l.length; c++) var b = l[c],
a = a + ('<li class="row' + (b.current ? " you" :
"") + '"><span class="place">' + b.pos + '.</span><span class="score">' + b.score + '</span><div class="name">' + + "</div></li>");
ob.innerHTML = a;
0 < l.length ? fa(db, "opened") : la(db, "opened")
function Ia() { = h ? "block" : "none";
ma(T, "in_greet", !Z);
ma(T, "in_game", !h);
ma(T, "in_result", h);
xa && (K.visible = !h, u.visible = !h, v.visible = !h, z.visible = !!h, A.visible = !h, Q.visible = !h, n.visible = !h)
function pb() {
aa = Z = !0;
h = !1;
da = [0, 0];
pa = 100;
W = 0;
u.y = f - 55 + W;
v.tilePosition.y = 25 + W;
for (K.removeChildren(); 11 >
da.length;) {
var a = 500 >= Math.floor(1E3 * Math.random() + 1);
da.push(a ? -1 : 1, a ? -2 : 2);
pa += 100;
var c = new b.Sprite(Aa);
c.x = a ? -10 : 10;
c.y = -pa;
c.width = 125;
c.height = 80;
c.anchor.set(0, 1);
D(c, a);
ba = +new Date + 4250;
qa = 8500;
Ga = 250;
ca = 0;
Ha = 1;
ra = za = !1;
ma(Ja, "shown", ra)
function fb() { = "none";
setTimeout(pb, 50)
function gb(a, c, b) {
var e = new XMLHttpRequest,
d = [],
for (f in c) d.push(encodeURIComponent(f) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(c[f]));
e.onreadystatechange = function() {
4 == e.readyState &&
200 == e.status && b(JSON.parse(e.responseText))
};"POST", a, !0);
function qb() {
R && gb("/api/setScore", {
data: R,
score: ca || 0
}, function(a) {
l = a.scores;
a["new"] && h && (ra = !0, ma(Ja, "shown", ra))
function hb() {
R && gb("/api/getHighScores", {
data: R
}, function(a) {
l = a.scores;
function Va() {
aa = !1;
setTimeout(rb, 400)
function rb() {
if (!h) {
h = !0;
a: {
var a = ca;
if (Ba && a) {
l || (l = []);
for (var c = 0, b = 0; b < l.length; b++) {
var e = l[b];
if (e.current) {
if (e.score >= a) break a;
c = e.pos;
c || (c = e ? e.pos + 1 : 1, l.push({
pos: c,
score: 0,
name: Ba,
current: !0
for (var d = !1, b = 0; b < l.length; b++)
if (e = l[b], d)
if (e.pos <= c) d.pos++, l[b] = d, d = e;
else break;
else a > e.score && (l[b] = {
pos: e.pos,
score: a,
name: Ba,
current: !0
}, d = e)
ca > cb ? qb() : hb();
function Ca(a) {
if (aa) {
za || (za = !0, ba = +new Date + 4250);
var b = da[0];
b && a === 0 > b ? (1 == Math.abs(b) && $a(a, !0), Va()) : (ba += Ga, ba - +new Date > qa && (ba = +new Date + qa), ca++, ca % 20 || (Ha++, nb()), Fa(), $a(a));
wa(a, !0, 2 == Math.abs(b))
function Ka(a) {
fa(a, "hover");
setTimeout(function() {
}, 100)
var ba, Z = !1,
aa = !1,
h = !0,
za = !1,
da, pa, W = 0,
qa, l = !1,
Ga = 250,
ca = 0,
Ha = 1,
R = (location.hash || "").substr(1),
R = R.replace(/[\?&].*/g, ""),
cb = 0,
Ba = !1;
if (R) try {
var ib = decodeURIComponent(escape(atob(R))),
Ba = JSON.parse(ib.substr(0, ib.length - 32)).n
} catch (a) {}
var lb = q("score_value"),
Ja = q("score_share"),
ob = q("table"),
db = q("table_wrap"),
eb = q("table_content"),
T = q("page_wrap"),
sb = q("canvas_wrap"),
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timeline: 'data:image/svg+xml,<svg width="200px" height="42px" viewBox="0 0 200 42" version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink=""><defs><rect id="p1" x="0" y="0" width="200" height="42" rx="21"></rect><mask id="m1" maskContentUnits="userSpaceOnUse" maskUnits="objectBoundingBox" x="0" y="0" width="200" height="42" fill="white"><use xlink:href="#p1"></use></mask><rect id="p2" x="0" y="0" width="200" height="42" rx="21"></rect><mask id="m2" maskContentUnits="userSpaceOnUse" maskUnits="objectBoundingBox" x="0" y="0" width="200" height="42" fill="white"><use xlink:href="#p2"></use></mask></defs><g id="Symbols" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id="Rectangle-10"><use stroke="#FFFFFF" mask="url(#m1)" stroke-width="24" xlink:href="#p1"></use><use stroke="#886332" mask="url(#m2)" stroke-width="12" xlink:href="#p2"></use></g></g></svg>',
timeline_bar: 'data:image/svg+xml,<svg width="176px" height="18px" viewBox="0 0 176 18" version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink=""><g stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="#7EAD4F" fill-rule="evenodd"><rect x="0" y="0" width="176" height="18" rx="9"></rect></g></svg>',
timeline_warn: 'data:image/svg+xml,<svg width="176px" height="18px" viewBox="0 0 176 18" version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink=""><g stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="#CE453A" fill-rule="evenodd"><rect x="0" y="0" width="176" height="18" rx="9"></rect></g></svg>'
function(a) {
Sa = !0;
O = new b.extras.TilingSprite(g(a.bg_trees), d, f);
O.tileScale.x = .5;
O.tileScale.y = .5;
O.tilePosition.x = -13;
P = new b.extras.TilingSprite(g(a.bg_bottom), d, 90);
P.tileScale.x = .5;
P.tileScale.y = .5;
P.tilePosition.x = -13;
E = new b.extras.TilingSprite(g(a.bg_clouds), d, 128);
E.y = 15;
E.tileScale.x = .5;
E.tileScale.y = .5;
E.tilePosition.x = 15;
t = new b.extras.TilingSprite(g(a.ground_bg), d - 140 - 195, 95);
t.tileScale.x = .5;
t.tileScale.y = .5;
na = new b.Sprite(g(a.ground_left));
na.width = 140;
na.height = 95;
ia = new b.Sprite(g(a.ground_right));
ia.width = 195;
ia.height = 95;
ab = new b.Texture(new b.BaseTexture(a.log));
Aa = new b.Texture(new b.BaseTexture(a.branch));
u = new b.Container;
u.visible = !h;
K = new b.Container;
K.visible = !h;
v = new b.extras.TilingSprite(g(a.trunk), 50, 375);
v.visible = !h;
v.tileScale.x = .5;
v.tileScale.y = .5;
v.tilePosition.y = 25;
z = new b.Sprite(g(a.stumb));
z.width = 50;
z.height = 60;
z.visible = !!h;
L = new b.Sprite(g(a.stones));
L.width = 75;
L.height = 36;
y = new b.Container;
D(y, m);
sa = new b.Sprite(g(a.lumber_body));
sa.width = 50;
sa.height = 107;
sa.anchor.set(0, 1);
I = new b.Sprite(g(a.hand_up));
I.x = 21;
I.y = -57;
I.width = 47;
I.height = 52;
I.anchor.set(0, 1);
I.visible = !0;
H = new b.Sprite(g(a.hand_down));
H.x = 29;
H.y = -58;
H.width = 59;
H.height = 9;
H.anchor.set(1, 1);
H.visible = !1;
w = new b.Sprite(g(a.lumber_died));
w.width = 73;
w.height = 85;
w.anchor.set(0, 1);
w.visible = !1;
D(w, m);
A = new b.Container;
A.visible = !h;
var c = new b.Graphics;
c.drawRect(-3, -3, 94, 15);
c = new b.Graphics;
c.drawRect(-3, -3, 94, 15);
ea = new b.Sprite(g(a.timeline_bar));
ea.mask = c;
ea.x = -88;
ea.width = 88;
ea.height = 9;
G = new b.Sprite(g(a.timeline_warn));
G.mask = c;
G.x = -88;
G.width = 88;
G.height = 9;
G.alpha = 0;
c = new b.Sprite(g(a.timeline));
c.x = -6;
c.y = -6;
c.width = 100;
c.height = 21;
Q = new b.Text("", {
fontFamily: "Charter",
fontSize: 20,
fontWeight: "bold",
fill: 16777215,
dropShadow: !0,
dropShadowAngle: 90 * Math.PI / 180,
dropShadowColor: 8938290,
dropShadowDistance: 1.5
Q.anchor.set(.5, 0);
Q.visible = !h;
n = new b.Text("", {
fontFamily: "Charter",
fontSize: 24,
fontWeight: "bold",
fill: 16777215,
dropShadow: !0,
dropShadowAngle: 90 * Math.PI / 180,
dropShadowColor: 8938290,
dropShadowDistance: 1.5
n.anchor.set(.5, 0);
n.visible = !h;
n.alpha = 0;
n.scale.x = .8;
n.scale.y = .8;
F = new b.extras.TilingSprite(g(a.ground_bg), d - 140 - 195, 95);
F.tileScale.x = .5;
F.tileScale.y = .5;
oa = new b.Sprite(g(a.ground_left));
oa.width = 140;
oa.height = 95;
ja = new b.Sprite(g(a.ground_right));
ja.width = 195;
ja.height = 95;
X = new b.Sprite(g(a.stumb));
X.width = 50;
X.height = 60;
Y = new b.Sprite(g(a.stones));
Y.width = 75;
Y.height = 36;
B = new b.Container;
D(B, m);
ta = new b.Sprite(g(a.lumber_body));
ta.width = 50;
ta.height = 107;
ta.anchor.set(0, 1);
S = new b.Sprite(g(a.hand_up));
S.x = 21;
S.y = -57;
S.width = 47;
S.height = 52;
S.anchor.set(0, 1);
S.visible = !0;
x = new b.Sprite(g(a.lumber_died));
x.width = 73;
x.height = 85;
x.anchor.set(0, 1);
x.visible = !1;
D(x, m);
sounds: [{
name: "hit1"
}, {
name: "hit2"
}, {
name: "hit3"
path: "sounds/",
preload: !0,
multiplay: !0
var Ma = "ontouchstart" in M ? "touchstart" : "click";
N(La, Ma, function() {
Z ||"hit1", {
volume: 0
!Z || h ? fb() : Ca(!0)
function() {
aa && Ca(!1)
N(Ja, Ma, function() {
ra && TelegramGameProxy && TelegramGameProxy.shareScore()
N(M, "keydown", function(a) {
a = a.which || a.keyCode;
aa ? (37 == a && (Ka(La), Ca(!0)), 39 == a && (Ka(jb), Ca(!1))) : Z && !h || 32 != a || (Ka(La), fb())
var r = {
obj: null,
start: function(a) {
a.touches && 1 == a.touches.length && (r.end(a), r.obj = this || null, r.obj && fa(r.obj, "hover"))
cancel: function(a) {
r.obj && r.end(a)
end: function(a) {
r.obj && (la(r.obj, "hover"), r.obj = null, r.highlight = !1)
check: function(a) {
if (!a) return !1;
if (ka(a, "button") || ka(a, "score_share")) return a;
while (a = a.parentNode);
return !1
N(M, "touchmove touchcancel", r.cancel);
N(M, "touchend", function(a) {
N(M, "touchstart", function(a) {
var b = r.check(;
b &&, a)
N(ua, "resize orientationchange", function() {
"ontouchstart" in M || fa(M.body, "_hover")
})(window, document, ion, PIXI, Charm);
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