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Created April 6, 2019 16:11
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3D data augmentation from Deep Learning with PyTorch (untested)
def getCtAugmentedNodule(augmentation_dict, series_uid, center_xyz, width_mm, voxels_int, maxWidth_mm=32.0, use_cache=True):
assert width_mm <= maxWidth_mm
if use_cache:
cubic_chunk, center_irc = getCtCubicChunk(series_uid, center_xyz, maxWidth_mm)
ct = getCt(series_uid)
ct_chunk, center_irc = ct.getCubicInputChunk(center_xyz, maxWidth_mm)
slice_list = []
for axis in range(3):
crop_size = cubic_chunk.shape[axis] * width_mm / maxWidth_mm
crop_size = int(math.ceil(crop_size))
start_ndx = (cubic_chunk.shape[axis] - crop_size) // 2
end_ndx = start_ndx + crop_size
slice_list.append(slice(start_ndx, end_ndx))
cropped_chunk = cubic_chunk[slice_list]
# # inflate cropped_chunk back to float32
# cropped_chunk = np.array(cropped_chunk, dtype=np.float32)
# cropped_chunk *= clamp_value/255
cropped_tensor = torch.tensor(cropped_chunk).unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0)
transform_tensor = torch.eye(4).to(torch.float64)
# Scale and Mirror
for i in range(3):
if 'scale' in augmentation_dict:
scale_float = augmentation_dict['scale']
transform_tensor[i,i] *= 1.0 - scale_float/2.0 + (random.random() * scale_float)
if 'mirror' in augmentation_dict:
if random.random() > 0.5:
transform_tensor[i,i] *= -1
# Rotate
if 'rotate' in augmentation_dict:
angle_rad = random.random() * math.pi * 2
s = math.sin(angle_rad)
c = math.cos(angle_rad)
c1 = 1 - c
axis_tensor = torch.rand([3], dtype=torch.float64)
axis_tensor /= axis_tensor.pow(2).sum().pow(0.5)
z, y, x = axis_tensor
rotation_tensor = torch.tensor([
[x*x*c1 + c, y*x*c1 - z*s, z*x*c1 + y*s, 0],
[x*y*c1 + z*s, y*y*c1 + c, z*y*c1 - x*s, 0],
[x*z*c1 - y*s, y*z*c1 + x*s, z*z*c1 + c, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 1],
], dtype=torch.float64)
transform_tensor @= rotation_tensor
# Transform into final desired shape
affine_tensor = affine_grid_generator(
torch.Size([1, 1, voxels_int, voxels_int, voxels_int])
zoomed_chunk = torch.nn.functional.grid_sample(
# Noise
if 'noise' in augmentation_dict:
noise_tensor = torch.randn(
noise_tensor *= augmentation_dict['noise']
zoomed_chunk += noise_tensor
return zoomed_chunk[0,0], center_irc
# end::cache[]
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