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Last active December 19, 2015 15:29
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ValidateAngularAntiForgeryTokenAttribute - A FilterAttribute which does xsrf validation for calls from angular. EnsureXsrfCookie - A method which ensures that a cookie is available for angular to read which supplies the form half of the xsrf information which ASP.NET uses to validate the request. IIRC, this requires ASP.NET 4.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<title>Example using AngularAntiForgeryToken in _Layout.cshtml</title>
using System.Web.Helpers;
namespace System.Web.Mvc
public static class HtmlExtensions
public static IHtmlString AngularAntiForgeryToken(this HtmlHelper html)
const string xsrfTokenCookieName = "XSRF-TOKEN";
var request = HttpContext.Current.Request;
var response = HttpContext.Current.Response;
var xsrfCookie = request.Cookies.Get(xsrfTokenCookieName);
var xsrfCookieExists = xsrfCookie != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(xsrfCookie.Value);
var requestVerificationCookie = request.Cookies.Get(AntiForgeryConfig.CookieName);
var requestVerificationCookieExists = requestVerificationCookie != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(requestVerificationCookie.Value);
string oldCookieToken = null;
if (requestVerificationCookieExists)
oldCookieToken = requestVerificationCookie.Value;
string newCookieToken, formToken;
AntiForgery.GetTokens(oldCookieToken, out newCookieToken, out formToken);
var oldCookieTokenIsValid = newCookieToken == null;
var cookieToken = oldCookieTokenIsValid ? oldCookieToken : newCookieToken;
if (!requestVerificationCookieExists || !oldCookieTokenIsValid)
response.SetCookie(new HttpCookie(AntiForgeryConfig.CookieName, cookieToken) { HttpOnly = true, Secure = AntiForgeryConfig.RequireSsl });
if (!xsrfCookieExists || !oldCookieTokenIsValid)
response.SetCookie(new HttpCookie(xsrfTokenCookieName, formToken) { HttpOnly = false });
return null;
using System.Web.Helpers;
namespace System.Web.Mvc
/// <summary>
/// Represents an attribute that is used to prevent forgery of a request when using .
/// </summary>
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Method, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = true)]
public class ValidateAngularAntiForgeryTokenAttribute : FilterAttribute, IAuthorizationFilter
internal Action<string, string> ValidateAction { get; private set; }
private const string XsrfHeaderName = "X-XSRF-TOKEN";
public ValidateAngularAntiForgeryTokenAttribute()
: this(AntiForgery.Validate)
internal ValidateAngularAntiForgeryTokenAttribute(Action<string, string> validateAction)
ValidateAction = validateAction;
public void OnAuthorization(AuthorizationContext filterContext)
if (filterContext == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("filterContext");
var cookieToken = GetCookieValue(filterContext.HttpContext.Request, AntiForgeryConfig.CookieName);
var formToken = filterContext.HttpContext.Request.Headers.Get(XsrfHeaderName);
ValidateAction(cookieToken, formToken);
private static string GetCookieValue(HttpRequestBase request, string cookieName)
var cookie = request.Cookies.Get(cookieName);
if (cookie == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(cookie.Value))
return null;
return cookie.Value;
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