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Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
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Emacs lisp for distinguishing mode between matlab, objective-c, c, c++. Forked from:
;; Emacs lisp for distinguishing mode between matlab, objective-c, c, c++.
;; Usage: put the following into emacs init file
;; (require 'choose-mode)
;; (when (featurep 'choose-mode)
;; (push '("\\.h\\'" . choose-mode-for-dot-h) auto-mode-alist)
;; (push '("\\.m\\'" . choose-mode-for-dot-m) auto-mode-alist))
(provide 'choose-mode)
;;; utility functions
(defun filename-with-new-extension (file ext)
(unless (char-equal (aref ext 0) ?.)
(setq ext (concat "." ext)))
(concat (file-name-sans-extension file) ext))
(defun buffer-contains-regexp (regexp)
(goto-char (point-min))
(search-forward-regexp regexp nil t)))
(defun visit-file-for-fn (file func &rest args)
(if (not (file-exists-p file))
(let ((buf (create-file-buffer file))
(set-buffer buf)
(insert-file-contents file nil nil nil t)
(setq result (apply func args))
(kill-buffer buf)
(defun num-files-in-dir-with-ext (dir ext)
(let ((count 0))
(dolist (fnm (directory-files dir) count)
(when (equal (file-name-extension fnm) ext)
(setq count (+ 1 count))))))
(defun other-files-in-buffer-dir-with-ext-p (ext)
(let ((bufdir (file-name-directory (buffer-file-name))))
(> (num-files-in-dir-with-ext bufdir ext) 0)))
(defun choose-mode (mode)
;(message "choosing %s" (prin1-to-string mode))
(apply mode ())
;;; .h: distinguish between c, c++, and objective-c header files
(defun choose-mode-for-dot-h ()
(when (string-match "\\(.*\\)\.h$" (buffer-file-name))
(let ((base_str (match-string 1 (buffer-file-name))))
;; first see if there's a corresponding implemetation file
(cond ((file-exists-p (concat base_str ".c")) (c-mode) t)
((file-exists-p (concat base_str ".cc")) (c++-mode) t)
((file-exists-p (concat base_str ".cpp")) (c++-mode) t)
((file-exists-p (concat base_str ".cxx")) (c++-mode) t)
((file-exists-p (concat base_str ".m")) (objc-mode) t)
((file-exists-p (concat base_str ".mm")) (objc-mode) t))
;; if not, search the buffer for hints
(message "no implementation file; searching for hints")
(cond ((buffer-contains-regexp "@interface") (objc-mode))
((buffer-contains-regexp "^[ \t]*class") (c++-mode))
(t (c-mode)))))))
(push '("\\.h\\'" . choose-mode-for-dot-h) auto-mode-alist)
;;; .m: distinguish between objective-c and matlab files
(defun matlab-ish-mbuffer-p ()
;(message "checking for matlab-ish .m buffer")
(or (buffer-contains-regexp "^[ \t]*function[ \t]")
(buffer-contains-regexp "^[ \t]*%")))
(defun objc-implementation-ish-mbuffer-p ()
(or (buffer-contains-regexp "@implementation")
(buffer-contains-regexp "@import")
(buffer-contains-regexp "@NSString")))
(defun matlab-mode-if-available ()
(if (functionp 'matlab-mode)
(choose-mode 'matlab-mode)
;(message "matlab-mode is unavailable")
(defun matlab-ish-mbuffer-check ()
;(message "checking for matlab-ish .m file")
(if (not (matlab-ish-mbuffer-p)) nil
(message "matlab-ish buffer detected");
(defun objc-implementation-ish-mbuffer-check ()
;(message "checking for objc-ish .m file")
(if (not (objc-implementation-ish-mbuffer-p)) nil
(message "objc-ish buffer detected")
(choose-mode 'objc-mode)))
(defun objc-corresponding-hfile-check ()
;(message "checking for objc-ish corresponding .h file")
(if (not (file-exists-p (filename-with-new-extension (buffer-file-name) ".h")))
(message "corresponding .h file detected")
(choose-mode 'objc-mode)))
(defun apply-objc-matlab-last-mode ()
(if 'objc-matlab-last-mode
(message "applying last mode (%s)"
(prin1-to-string objc-matlab-last-mode))
(apply objc-matlab-last-mode ()))
(message "choose-mode-for-dot-m: no objc-matlab-last-mode to apply")))
(defun choose-mode-for-dot-m ()
; check for mode-specific keywords
; if the corresponding header file is empty, assume objc
; run the most recently used mode
(defun choose-mode-matlab-mode-hook ()
;(message "objc-matlab-last-mode = matlab-mode")
(setq objc-matlab-last-mode 'matlab-mode))
(add-hook 'matlab-mode-hook 'choose-mode-matlab-mode-hook)
(defun choose-mode-objc-mode-hook ()
;(message "objc-matlab-last-mode = objc-mode")
(setq objc-matlab-last-mode 'objc-mode))
(add-hook 'objc-mode-hook 'choose-mode-objc-mode-hook);
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