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Created February 28, 2020 07:11
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Kotlin Heroes: Episode 3 - Solution for Problem I. Falling Blocks
import java.util.*
private class Block(val l: Int, val r: Int) : Comparable<Block> {
fun cover(c: Block) = l <= c.l && r >= c.r
override fun compareTo(other: Block): Int = l.compareTo(other.l)
fun main() {
val (n, d) = readLine()!!.split(" ").map { it.toInt() }
val bh = arrayOfNulls<TreeSet<Block>>(n + 1) // blocks by height
// Segment tree
val tt = BooleanArray(4 * d) // terminal(leaf) node in segment tree
val th = IntArray(4 * d) // max height in this segment
tt[0] = true
// Segment tree functions
fun findMax(b: Block, i: Int, tl: Int, tr: Int): Int {
if (tt[i] || b.l <= tl && b.r >= tr) return th[i]
val tm = (tl + tr) / 2
return maxOf(
if (b.l <= tm) findMax(b, 2 * i + 1, tl, tm) else 0,
if (b.r > tm) findMax(b, 2 * i + 2, tm + 1, tr) else 0
fun setLeaf(i: Int, h: Int) {
tt[i] = true
th[i] = h
fun place(b: Block, h: Int, i: Int, tl: Int, tr: Int) {
if (b.l <= tl && b.r >= tr) return setLeaf(i, h)
val tm = (tl + tr) / 2
val j1 = 2 * i + 1
val j2 = 2 * i + 2
if (tt[i]) { // split node
tt[i] = false
setLeaf(j1, th[i])
setLeaf(j2, th[i])
if (b.l <= tm) place(b, h, j1, tl, tm)
if (b.r > tm) place(b, h, j2, tm + 1, tr)
th[i] = maxOf(th[j1], th[j2])
// Simulate each incoming block & print answer
var bc = 0
repeat(n) {
val b = readLine()!!.split(" ").map { it.toInt() }.let{ (l, r) -> Block(l, r) }
var maxH = findMax(b, 0, 1, d)
while (true) {
val bs = bh[maxH] ?: break
var floor = bs.floor(b)
if (floor != null && floor.r < b.l) floor = bs.higher(floor)
if (floor == null) floor = bs.first()
check(floor.l <= b.r)
val list = bs.tailSet(floor).takeWhile { it.l <= b.r }
if (!b.cover(list.first()) || !b.cover(list.last())) break
for (c in list) bs -= c // don't use bs.removeAll(list)
bc -= list.size
val h = maxH + 1
place(b, h, 0, 1, d)
val bs = bh[h] ?: run { TreeSet<Block>().also { bh[h] = it } }
bs += b
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