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Created May 3, 2017 09:01
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Showcase for Kotlin multishot continuations
import kotlin.coroutines.experimental.*
import kotlin.coroutines.experimental.intrinsics.*
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
enumerate {
if (flip("A")) {
if (flip("B")) 1 else 2
} else {
if (flip("C")) 3 else if (flip("D")) 4 else 5
suspend fun Distribution.flip(name: String): Boolean = variable(name) {
it.yield(0.5, true)
it.yield(0.5, false)
interface Variable<in T> {
fun yield(probability: Double, value: T)
class Distribution {
var prob = 1.0
var vars: Vars = EmptyVars
suspend fun <T> variable(name: String, block: (Variable<T>) -> Unit): T = suspendCoroutineOrReturn { cont ->
block(object : Variable<T> {
override fun yield(probability: Double, value: T) {
val curProb = prob
val curVars = vars
prob *= probability
vars = Var(name, value, vars)
prob = curProb
vars = curVars
override fun toString(): String = "probability=$prob for variables={$vars}"
sealed class Vars
object EmptyVars : Vars() { override fun toString(): String = "" }
class Var(val name: String, val value: Any?, val prev: Vars) : Vars() {
override fun toString(): String {
val s = prev.toString()
return "$s${if (s.isEmpty()) "" else ", "}$name=$value"
fun <R> enumerate(block: suspend Distribution.() -> R) {
val dist = Distribution()
block.startCoroutine(receiver = dist, completion = object : Continuation<R> {
override val context: CoroutineContext get() = EmptyCoroutineContext
override fun resume(value: R) { println("value = $value with $dist") }
override fun resumeWithException(exception: Throwable) { println("exception = $exception with $dist") }
val UNSAFE = Class.forName("sun.misc.Unsafe")
.apply { isAccessible = true }
.get(null) as sun.misc.Unsafe
fun <T: Any> clone(obj: T): T {
val clazz =
val copy = UNSAFE.allocateInstance(clazz) as T
copyDeclaredFields(obj, copy, clazz)
return copy
tailrec fun <T> copyDeclaredFields(obj: T, copy: T, clazz: Class<out T>) {
for (field in clazz.declaredFields) {
field.isAccessible = true
val v = field.get(obj)
field.set(copy, if (v === obj) copy else v)
val superclass = clazz.superclass
if (superclass != null) copyDeclaredFields(obj, copy, superclass)
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