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Last active June 20, 2024 09:42
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Since this site is made with Obsidian, we use this publish.js file to customize the site.
const site = "";
// Customize navigation order
let navOrderAsc = []; // These go on top
let navOrderDsc = []; // These go at the bottom
// Items not mentioned go in between in alphabetical order
var siteLeft = document.querySelector('.site-body-left-column');
var siteNav = siteLeft.querySelector('.nav-view-outer');
var navContainer = siteNav.querySelector('.tree-item').querySelector('.tree-item-children');
for (const item of navOrderAsc.reverse()) {
navItem = navContainer.querySelector(`[data-path="${item}.md"]`);
if (navItem == null) continue;
moveItem = navItem.parentElement;
for (const item of navOrderDsc.reverse()) {
navItem = navContainer.querySelector(`[data-path="${item}.md"]`);
if (navItem == null) continue;
moveItem = navItem.parentElement;
/* == Add Buy Me a Coffee to Left Side Menu == */
var buymeacoffee = document.createElement("bmac");
buymeacoffee.innerHTML = '<div style="text-align: center; display:block; bottom:0; right:10px; position: absolute; margin-bottom:30px; margin-left: "><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Buy Me A Coffee" height="60" width="60" style="opacity:0.3;filter:alpha(opacity=30);"></a></div>';
/* == Publish Frontmatter code from tadashi-aikawa */
let id;
function insertMetaDates() {
const frontmatter =[app.currentFilepath].frontmatter;
if (!frontmatter) {
const lastupdate = frontmatter["lastupdate"]?.replaceAll("-", "/");
const fullname = frontmatter["fullname"]?.replaceAll("-", "/");
const birth = frontmatter["birth"]?.replaceAll("-", "/");
const death = frontmatter["death"]?.replaceAll("-", "/");
const type = frontmatter["type"]?.replaceAll("-", "/");
const jurisdiction = frontmatter["jurisdiction"]?.replaceAll("-", "/");
const url = frontmatter["url"];
const tags = frontmatter["tags"]
const frontmatterEl = document.querySelector(".frontmatter");
if (!frontmatterEl) {
const tagElms = tags
(tag) => `
<a href="#${tag}" class="tag" target="_blank" rel="noopener">#${tag}</a>
<div class="propertyitemtable">
<div id="updatedateproperty" class="propertyitem">Last Update on ${lastupdate}</div>
<div id="fullnameproperty" class="propertyitem">full name: ${fullname}</div>
<div id="birthproperty" class="propertyitem">birth: ${birth}</div>
<div id="deathproperty" class="propertyitem">death: ${death}</div>
<div id="jurisdictionproperty" class="propertyitem">jurisdiction: ${jurisdiction}</div>
<div id="typeproperty" class="propertyitem">type: ${type}</div>
<div id="urlproperty" class="propertyitem"><a href="${url}"> URL </a></div>
<div class="propertyitemtags">
if (!lastupdate) {
document.getElementById('updatedateproperty').style.display = "none"
} else {
document.getElementById('updatedateproperty').style.display = ""
if (!fullname) {
document.getElementById('fullnameproperty').style.display = "none"
} else {
document.getElementById('fullnameproperty').style.display = ""
if (!birth) {
document.getElementById('birthproperty').style.display = "none"
} else {
document.getElementById('birthproperty').style.display = ""
if (!death) {
document.getElementById('deathproperty').style.display = "none"
} else {
document.getElementById('deathproperty').style.display = ""
if (!jurisdiction) {
document.getElementById('jurisdictionproperty').style.display = "none"
} else {
document.getElementById('jurisdictionproperty').style.display = ""
if (!url) {
document.getElementById('urlproperty').style.display = "none"
} else {
document.getElementById('urlproperty').style.display = ""
if (!type) {
document.getElementById('typeproperty').style.display = "none"
} else {
document.getElementById('typeproperty').style.display = ""
const onChangeDOM = (mutationsList, observer) => {
for (let mutation of mutationsList) {
if (
mutation.type === "childList" &&
mutation.addedNodes[0]?.className === "page-header"
) {
id = setInterval(insertMetaDates, 50);
const targetNode = document.querySelector(
const observer = new MutationObserver(onChangeDOM);
observer.observe(targetNode, { childList: true, subtree: true });
id = setInterval(insertMetaDates, 50);
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