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Created June 25, 2015 14:18
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Sensible Git Config
name = your_git_name
email =
helper = osxkeychain
editor = vim
protocol = https
branch = auto
diff = auto
interactive = auto
status = auto
st = "status -sb"
co = "checkout"
lg = "!git log -20 --graph --color=always --abbrev-commit --date=relative --pretty=format:'%x00%h%x00%s%x00%cd%x00%an%x00%d' | gawk -F '\\0' '{ printf \"%s\\033[31m%s\\033[0m %-50s \\033[32m%14s\\033[0m \\033[37;1m%s\\033[0m\\033[33m%s\\n\", $1, $2, gensub(/(.{49}).{2,}/, \"\\\\1…\",\"g\",$3), $4, $5, $6 }' | cat"
lglong = "!git log -50 --graph --color=always --abbrev-commit --date=relative --pretty=format:'%x00%h%x00%s%x00%cd%x00%an%x00%d' | gawk -F '\\0' '{ printf \"%s\\033[31m%s\\033[0m %-50s \\033[32m%14s\\033[0m \\033[37;1m%s\\033[0m\\033[33m%s\\n\", $1, $2, gensub(/(.{49}).{2,}/, \"\\\\1…\",\"g\",$3), $4, $5, $6 }' | cat"
wip = ! git add -A && git commit -m "wip"
lgdiff = "!f() { git log --left-right --graph --cherry-pick --oneline $1; }; f"
default = current
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